How to queue something in a Cypress test - chai

I have the following test for a custom Cypress command of mine:
it('can navigate to a url', () => {
const history = createHistory();
cy.window().then(win => ((win as any).__chh__history__ = history));
cy.spy(history, 'push');
history.listen((location, action) => {
cy.navigate(PATH, 'foobar');
cy.wait(0).then(() => {
The command works fine, but if I remove the cy.wait(0), only doing the expect, then the test fails.
I assume it's because the cy.navigate command (added via Cypress.Commands.add) is queued, like other Cypress commands, meaning the expect actually runs before any of the Cypress commands have even started?
If so, that's fine and as expected of course, but is there a way in Cypress tests to queue things, without using cy.wait(0)?
For example when I'm checking elements, I can use cy.get(something).should($el => expect(...)), but in this case, there's nothing to "should on"... I could of course cy.get('body') or whatever, but I don't really want to get anything in this case. 🤔

The docs show use of a naked expect() after the spy has been established,
cy.spy(util, 'addListeners')
but I think this is misleading, since expect() runs immediately but intervening Cypress commands may have inherent delays or reties, and can't be guaranteed to complete before the expect is executed.
Two other ways to test this are:
Ensure the expect is only run after your custom command
cy.navigate(PATH, 'foobar').then(() => {
Put the expectation into the Cypress command queue
cy.navigate(PATH, 'foobar');


Cypress - before() hook in supportFile runs before every spec

According to documentation, this hook should only execute once per suite run (once every cypress run call), but this seems to be executed before every single spec. Is this a bug? Or am I doing something wrong?
preserve: ['cookie']
before(() => {
cy.log("Should only run once")
The before() hook runs once per spec file, not once per cypress run.
It looks like you want the Before Run API
on('before:run', (details) => {
/* ... */

Cypress - Unable to get the Response Headers - API Automation

I have an API automation test suite using Cypress and one of the issue I am facing in one of the test is to validate the response headers.
For some reason, I am not able to read the response headers using Cypress.
The code is below
followRedirect: false,
'Accept': "/*"
}).then((response) => {
const rbody = (response.body);
cy.wrap(response.headers['X-Frame-Options']).then(() => {
return response.headers['X-Frame-Options'];
return response.headers['X-Frame-Options']
return response.headers
None of the above options gives me the header information. Infact I am confused with the order of execution too.
This is my output.
for the following code.
const rbody = (response.body);
return response.headers['X-Frame-Options']
Also, not very sure what Object{9} indicates. Can anyone please explain what is happening here.
I am aware of Cypress flow of execution and the code is written in then block as a call back function.
Option 3 is very scary as it gives an error
cy.then() failed because you are mixing up async and sync code.
In your callback function you invoked 1 or more cy commands but then returned a synchronous value.
Cypress commands are asynchronous and it doesn't make sense to queue cy commands and yet return a synchronous value.
You likely forgot to properly chain the cy commands using another cy.then().
The value you synchronously returned was: Object{9}
Can anyone please help me here as in what is the correct way of doing it. I know Cypress is very quick and easy to use but to move away from Selenium, we need to make coding easier for developers with meaningful error message. Object{9} is not very helpful.
Also, Do I need to use Cy.log ? As the sequence of prints is not what I have written in the code. Thanks very much for your time on this.
Please use like this:
The "mixing async and sync code" message is basically saying you should keep the .then() callback simple.
But you can chain more than one .then() to run the async and sync code separately.
Use an alias to "return" the value. Since cy.request() is asynchronous, you will need to wait for the value and the alias pattern is the most straight-forward way to do this reliably.
WRT Object{9}, it's the result of the way Cypress logs complex objects.
Don't use cy.log() to debug things, use console.log().
cy.request( ... )
.then(response => {
expect(response.status).to.equal(200) // assert some properties
.then(response => response.headers) // convert response to response.headers
.then(headers => {
Since this was originally posted a year ago and Cypress has had many versions since then, the behavior may have changed, however this works in Cypress 11.
You can access the response.headers array as you would normally expect, however the casing of the header name was not as expected, Postman reported the header as X-Frame-Options, but Cypress would only allow me to access it if I used a lower-cased version of the header name (x-frame-options).
url: '<Url>',
method: 'GET',
failOnStatusCode: false
.then((response) => {
.then((response) => {
// Add your response testing here

Cypress - log response data from an request after a click()

Although I know this may not be considered as a best practice, but what I want to achieve is to silently delete a record from a database after the same was created throughout UI. In htat way I want to keep our test environment clear as much as possible and reduce the noise of test data.
After my tests create a new record by clicking over the UI, I wait for POST request to finish and then I would like to extract the id from the response (so I can reuse it to silently delete that record by calling the cy.request('DELETE', '/id')).
Here's a sample test I have put on as a showcase. I'm wondering why nothing is logged in this example.
it('GET cypress and log', () => {
.then((response) => {
As far as I can see from here this should be fine.
your code contains two problems.
The click triggers a new page to be loaded but cypress does not wait until the PageLoad event is raised (because you do not use visit). On my PC the Request takes about 5 seconds until it is triggered after the click. So you should use wait(..., { timeout: 10000 }).
wait() yields the XHR object, not the response. So your code within then is not correct. Also the body is passed as object. So you should use JSON.stringify() to see the result in the command log.
This code works:
describe("asda", () => {
it('GET cypress and log', () => {
.wait('#getSiteInfo', { timeout: 20000 })
.then((xhr) => {
Instead of route and server method, try intercept directly

Invalid first argument. It must be a callback function

I am new to jest with selenium automation test. I am trying to add a beforeAll() and afterAll() functions to open and close the browsers once and run all the tests across multiple files, instead of calling it individually in all the files and opening multiple browsers and loading the website everytime.
Here is my test:
enter image description here
This is beforeAll() and afterAll() methods sitting in a separate file
Actual Test
beforeAll is different from it or describe. The first argument can only be empty or with done if you using callback:
// works
beforeEach((done) => {
// works
beforeEach(() => {
return asyncSomething()
// Doesn't work.
beforeEach(("Don't add string here") => {..});

mocha programmatically set vue error handler

I find myself writing this at the start of pretty much all of my unit tests in mocha:
it('should do something', (done) => {
Vue.config.errorHandler = done;
// do something aynchronous
By default, Vue catches all errors itself and logs them to the console, so mocha can't see them. This code makes sure that thrown errors fail the tests.
Is there a way with mocha to do this without having to start every single async test with this line of code? If I have to write / use a plugin, that's fine.
Vue.config.errorHandler = function (err, vm, info) {
throw err
in your test entry.