how to pass multiple type of data to API from server side as formdata? - circuit-sdk

I want to create circuit (messenger like skype) conversation from my server side code (C#) by calling circuit api.
Function :
I have to pass two type of parameters :
1) Participants - string array
2) topic - string
According to function definition (in swagger), I have to pass them as formdata. But, when I am trying to encode the parameters
var content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(values);
It is not accepting the array string for participants list. It is expecting "key/value" pair as "string/string".
I have even tried to create the JSON serialization also
But the API definition is not accepting this converted values as it is expecting formdata in string/string as key/value.
I had even tried to concatenate the participants list with ";" as delimiter. But in that case, I am getting 400 error.
I tried to convert my parameters like this also
var formData = new List>();
formData.Add(new KeyValuePair("participants", JsonConvert.SerializeObject( participants)));
formData.Add(new KeyValuePair("topic", "Testing1"));
But again, I a getting 400 error.
Here is my API call
var response = client.PostAsync("", content);
Can someone provide me some code snippet to pass that this data to API?
Let me emphasis, I am trying from server side code (C#) and not jquery code.

as we checked together earlier today, make the participants value a comma separated string of emails and it should work


ORDS: Removing escaping char from json in ORDS OUT param

I am using the OUT parameter in the ORDS parameters to send a response which is already in JSON and this stored as CLOB in the DB. When I send this out in the response from the ORDS, ORDS is actually adding lot of back spaces to the response.
Can someone help me to understand how I can remove the escaping chars here(all the backslashes). I had tried a different approach explained by Jeff in another thread to try to use an alias for the JSON key, but it did not work for me.
Over here I have mentioned the response as OUT parameter in my code.
eg payload:
"response": "{\n\"Order\":{\n\"OriginalShipmentID\":1\n,\"orderNumber\":1\n,\"orgID\":1\n,\"orderShipmentNumber\":1\n,\"oracleShipSet\":\"1\"\n,\"OeHeaderId\":1\n,\"GsHeaderId\":1\n,\"CustomerPoNumber\":\"1\"\n,\"PaymentTerms\":1\n,\"FreightTerms\":\"PAID\"\n,\"CurrencyCode\":\"USD\"\n,\"BillToSiteUseID\":1\n,\"ShipToSiteUseID\":1\n,\"SalesChannel\":\"DIRECT\"\n,\"HeaderKeyCode\":\"1 1\"\n,\"OrigSysDocumentRef\":\"1\"\n,\"OrderTypeCode\":\"XYZ yXYZ\"\n,\"OrderTypeID\":1\n,\"SalesRepID\":-3\n,\"IsAtgOrder\":\"N\"\n,\"OrderSource\":\"MCP\"\n,\"OdiDocSet\":\"PO\"\n,\"CsServiceSymbol\":\"XYZ\"\n,\"CsServiceFriendlyName\":\"XYZ\"\n,\"CsShipper\":\"NDC_MX\"\n,\"GsShipToAddressID\":1\n,\"GsBillFrtAddressID\":-1\n,\"BillingMethod\":\"DoNotBillFreight\"\n,\"ReasonForNoInvoice\":\"NA\"\n,\"ShippedBy\":\"NA\"\n,\"ManifestID\":1771748\n,\"IsVoided\":\"N\"\n,\"CustomerNumber\":\"1\"\n,\"OrderLines\":[\n]\n,\"HeaderShortNotes\":{\n}\n}\n}\n"
Some more details:
SELECT get_json ( :ordernumber,
:customerid) "{}Order"
INTO l_response_clob
This function returns a CLOB with a JSON format data and l_response_clob is defined as STRING output parameter on the ORDS.
Essentially, I want to stop ORDS from again converting JSON to JSON.
Been banging head over this from some time but can't seem to make it work.
Thanks for the help I can get here.

Can Karate generate multiple query parameters with the same name?

I need to pass multiple query parameters with the same name in a URL, but I am having problems getting it to work with Karate. In my case, the URL should look like this:,DESC
Notice 2 query parameters named "sort". I attempted to create these query string parameters with Karate, but only the last "sort" parameter gets created in the query string. Here are the ways I tried to do this:
Given path 'v1/orders'
And param sort = 'order.orderNumber'
And param sort = ',DESC'
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
Given path 'v1/orders'
And params sort = { sort: 'order.orderNumber', sort: ',DESC' }
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
Given path 'v1/order?sort=order.orderNumber&,DESC'
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
The first two ways provide the same query string result: ?
The last example does not work because the ? get encoded, which was expected and explained in this post - Karate API Tests - Escaping '?' in the url in a feature file
It's clear that the second "sort" param is overriding the first and only one parameter is being added to the URL. I have gone through the Karate documentation, which is very good, but I have not found a way to add multiple parameters with the same name.
So, is there a way in Karate to set multiple URL query parameters with the same name?
Yes you can generate multiple query parameters with the same name in karate
All values of similar key should be provided in an array.
Given path 'v1/orders'
And params {"sort":["order.orderNumber",",DESC"]}
And header Authorization = authInfo.token
And method get
Then status 200
And for setting single parameter using param it will be like
And param sort = ["order.orderNumber",",DESC"]

Xquery transformation on text data in response

I want to get a xquery transformation drafted for below data.. here as part of service response fault, I am getting below payload and need to capture the data in ErrorCode element.
challenge that I am having here is, this is not part of a XML structure, its coming as part of CDATA tags.
Could you please suggest how I can get this value in a variable same.
Say I am getting this structure as part of $Fault and now need to assign ErrorCode in a new variable $FaultCode
$FaultCode = $Fault/con:details/con1:ErrorResponseDetail/con1:detail/ ********
I am not sure how I can capture this further detail element
<con:fault xmlns:con="">
<con:reason>eceived an error response</con:reason>
<con1:ErrorResponseDetail xmlns:con1="">
<![CDATA[<Error xmlns="">
<ErrorDescription>{"description":"No Cdata for )"}</ErrorDescription>
<con:stage>Test Stage</con:stage>
Assuming XQuery 3.1 with the parse-xml function ( you can use
declare namespace con="";
declare namespace con1="";
declare namespace V1 = "";
to get the string value DATA_AVAILABILITY, see for demo.
With XQuery 1 there is not XML parsing which is needed to solve this properly but you can of course try to use string functions to extract the data e.g.
/con:fault/con:details/con1:ErrorResponseDetail/con1:detail/substring-before(substring-after(., '<ErrorCode>'), '</ErrorCode>')

What are response objects sent through Kaizala API? string or JSON

Following is the response being sent
1. 10ce550c-4ee2-44a5-99d3-92552c9e8cfa:
Above values look like an array, but in JS, usually arrays do not have the beginning and ending " (quotes). So, is there something else that I am missing here
This is a json string. To retrieve the array you can do var array = JSON.parse().
In your example, following should work
var array = __responses.userIdToResponsesMap["10cde550c-4ee2-44a5-99d3-92552c9e8cfa"][0]

Dimensions of query webmasters tools api

specially Alex :)
I want to know if any body have a PHP code to get the details of a query from webmasters tools api.
I have already the query dimensions but I dont't know how exactely to make it with PHP code.
$webmastersService = new Google_Service_Webmasters($client);
$searchanalytics = $webmastersService->searchanalytics;
$request = new Google_Service_Webmasters_SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest;
Supposing, that you have all credentials and tokens. If you don't have them, you'll get (401) Login Required error.
Making request you can set startDate, endDate, searchType, rowLimit via setter methods like this:
But some methods require array like setDimensions:
To more complicate the things setDimensionFilterGroups method requires array of Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilterGroup . And every Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilterGroup instance requires filters to be set via setFilters method with an array of Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilter.
And for Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilter you can set dimension, operator and expression via setDimension, setOperator, setExpression methods.
For additional info on these types, classes and methods please refer to
Consider, you want pages (dimensions=page) the given day (startdate, enddate) and filter results for a given search query. To create a filter you need to set dimension to query, operator to equals and expression to your keyword.
This request in API Explorer looks like:
So the code to get all pages of site that were displayed 2015-11-10 in reply to "weird things" search query is below:
$query = new Google_Service_Webmasters_SearchAnalyticsQueryRequest();
$filter = new Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilter();
$filter->setExpression('weird things');
$filtergroup = new Google_Service_Webmasters_ApiDimensionFilterGroup();
$response = $service->searchanalytics->query('', $query);
That is simplified demo code. May be it has some mistakes.
And I want to note, that Python API is much easier and clearer.