Vue - set v-model dynamically (with a variable containing a string) - vue.js

I haven't been able to set v-model dynamically.
It works if I type explicitly:
<div class="form-group mr-3 mb-2">
<input type="text"
But I want to loop through an object wherein I have string , like: 'form[filters][firstlastname]'
The parent has the form with properties:
data() {
return {
form: new Form({
filters: {
gender: [],
firstlastname: 'My firstlastname'
So, from the parent I pass down the form and filters into the child component, here is filters:
let formFilters = { filters: [
type: 'text',
property: 'form[filters][firstlastname]', // <-- string
placeholder: 'Name',
type: 'number',
property: 'paginate',
placeholder: 'Max rows'
Child component: (here I loop through the object and generate the input fields)
<div v-for="(filter,index) in formFilters.filters"
v-if="filter.type === 'text' || filter.type === 'number'"
v-model="" //<--- set the property
This doesn't work. The v-model just interprets it as a string and not a reference to a form property.
I tested other ways, like: v-model="``${[]}``" (single, not double ```` but it wont show in stackoverflow otherwise) and other crazy things but it isn't valid.
So how do I set v-model with a variable containing a string (so that it can be set dynamically)?

This is a very tricky problem....
You can access any property present in the data inside html template using 2 ways,
Referring to the property directly
Using $data
data() {
return {
firstlastname: 'Mr First last name'
so, in html template you can use either
For your scenario $data can be used for primitive data types like string or number,
v-if="filter.type === 'text' || filter.type === 'number'"
But this will not work for your second scenario where you are trying to access nested property of an object form.filters.firstlastname
You can access this property using the following notation $data[form][filters][firstlastname]
In your case, the for loop will result as $data[form.filters.firstlastname] or $data[[form][filters][firstlastname]] which will throw an exception
As suggested in the comments, try different approach or flatten the object. You can refer to this link to see how to flatten the object


Computed property not disabling input

I am trying to set the disabled property on a text field via checkbox. I'm referencing this item, but none of the solutions are working for me.
My text field and checkbox are as follows:
:class="hasError('maxCount') ? 'is-invalid' : ''"
placeholder="Enter the Maximum Count"
:disabled = "isDisabled"
My computed property is:
isDisabled: function() {
this.useSystemSetting = this.useSystemSetting == true?false:true
return this.useSystemSetting;
I'm also setting useSystemSettings in the data section to true because if I don't it doesn't get populated. When I add a breakpoint to the computed property, it's only getting hit on the page load, but not after.
It's not allowed to mutate other properties inside the computed property, you should only do some process and return a value:
isDisabled: function() {
return this.useSystemSetting ? false : true;
You shouldn't mutate data inside a computed property.
A computed property is used whenever you need to use logic for getting a value which includes reactive data, as you'd find here.
You could try something like:
isDisabled: function() {
return !this.formData.useSystemSetting;
Presuming that the formData object will not be null at this point.
To prevent that, you could also use something like:
return ((this.formData || {}).useSystemSetting || true) ? false : true;

Vuejs 3 alternative select binding

I'm trying to get a select element bound to a value for a custom object. The crux here is that the object property in question has a custom getter. The value is set as a number, but when accessed returns an associated value as a string. Why I do this is a long story.
So I have an object of key-value pairs making some options:
<select v-model="myObject.myProperty">
<option v-for="v, k in myOptions" :key="k" :value="k">{{v}}</option>
{{myObject.myProperty}} //this line prints out the correct value
But the options are not showing as selected. The value is updated for myObject.myProperty and it returns what I expect. I suspect that behind the scenes, it's correctly assigning k to my custom object, but that because it returns a different string value, Vue can't inherently figure out which option to mark 'selected'.
Manually adding :selected does not help:
<option v-for="v, k in myOptions" :key="k" :value="k" :selected="v === myObject.myProperty">{{v}}</option>
I also tried to manually bind the select instead of using the v-model attribute, also no:
<select :value="myObject.myProperty" #input="myObject.myProperty = $"
Is there an alternative way to wire up a select/option situation? If not, building a custom component with faux-select functionality is my next step.
For clarity, myOptions is a key-value like this
0 : 'Option 1',
1 : 'Option 2',
But myObject has special setters that take and remember the key, then also a special getter than returns the value from myOptions.
So then:
myObject.myProperty = 0;
console.log(myObject.myProperty) //logs 'Option 1'
When when I set the value to the key (k) I get back the corresponding value when the option is selected and the value of 'myObject.myProperty' is what I expect. Example: I pick 'Option 1' from the drop-down, which has a value of 0 derived from the key k.
However, although myObject.myProperty has the value I want, I can't get Vue to display the the actual html option as selected, probably because the value returned by myObject.myProperty is 'Option 1' and not 0
Alright, the actual answer:
<select #input="myObject.myProperty = $">
<option v-for="v, k in myOptions" :selected="myObject.myProperty === v" :key="k" :value="k">{{v}}</option>
v-model won't work here because it simply doesn't care that you've manually applied selected: it will always try to match the option value to the the v-model property value. As this object takes one value with a setter and returns another with a getter, these will never align.
Instead, manually assign the value to the object with #input and match the value from the getter to the value in the options for selected.
Not sure I understand your question properly or not. Hence, adding my input on your requirement below.
As myObject.myProperty returning the value you passed in the select and as per your code you are passing the index as value.
Hence, while comparing in :selected both LHS and RHS should contain index of the item you passed.
Working Demo :
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
myOptions: [{
id: 1,
name: 'alpha'
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'beta'
}, {
id: 3,
name: 'gama'
myObject: {
myProperty: ''
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<select v-model="myObject.myProperty">
<option v-for="(item, index) in myOptions" :selected="myObject.myProperty ===" :key="" :value="">{{}}</option>
UPDATE Based on the newly provided information.
In Template:
<select v-model="selectedOption">
<option v-for="(v, k) in options" :key="k" :value="k">
{{ v }}
data() {
return {
selectedOption: null,
options: {
0: 'Option 1',
1: 'Option 2',
By setting selectedOption with the key of options will correctly display the selected option.
Here is a link to a working example using your data structure. It contains two selects both using the same object for its data source. One with a default selection. the other without.
Based on the logic in your further examples I think the problem is within conflating your k & v variables in your loop. Although it is hard to tell because there isn't any sample data or a complete isolated component outlying the behavior.
However in your later examples you have:
<option v-for="v, k in myOptions" :key="k" :value="k" :selected="v === myObject.myProperty">{{v}}</option>
I am inferring that you believe that myObject.myProperty is holding the value from variable v, when in fact you are setting the value as variable k as witnessed in :value="k"
By correcting this I believe your issue will be resolved, you also noted a int to string conversion. depending on how/where this is happening this could also contribute to your headaches because this will never equate to true. '1231' === 1231

Can I pass metadata through Vue Formulate's schema API without affecting input attributes?

The goal:
generate form fields from JSON/CMS
have a param in the JSON that allows two fields to sit next to each other on a single line
The solution so far:
I’m using Vue Formulate's schema API to generate fields. In Vue Formulate's options, I can conditionally add a class to the outer container based on a parameter in the context.
classes: {
outer(context, classes) {
if (context.attrs.colspan === 1) {
return classes.concat('col-span-1')
return classes.concat('col-span-2')
I’m using Tailwind, which requires no classname concatenation and actually want the default to be col-span-2, so if you’re inclined to copy this, your logic may vary.
With a few classes applied to the FormulateForm, this works really well. No additional wrapper rows required thanks to CSS grid:
class="sm:grid sm:grid-cols-2 sm:gap-2"
The schema now looks something like this:
type: 'text',
name: 'first_name',
label: 'First name',
validation: 'required',
required: true,
colspan: 1,
The problem/question
Vue Formulate’s schema API passes all attributes defined (other than some reserved names) down to the input element. In my case, that results in:
class="formulate-input col-span-1"
<div class="formulate-input-wrapper">
class="formulate-input-label formulate-input-label--before"
First name
class="formulate-input-element formulate-input-element--text"
colspan="1" <--------------- hmm…
I recognize that I can name my attribute data-colspan so that I’m not placing a td attribute on an input, but I think of colspan as metadata that I don’t want applied to the template. Is there a way to prevent this from being applied to the input—perhaps a reserved word in the schema API that allows an object of metadata to be accessed via context without getting applied to v-bind="$attrs"?
The vue-formulate team helped me out on this one. Very grateful. Much love.
There is a way to prevent it from landing on the input, and that's to use the reserved outer-class property in the schema:
type: 'text',
name: 'first_name',
label: 'First name',
validation: 'required',
required: true,
'outer-class': ['col-span-1'],
This means that I don't need to do this at all:
classes: {
outer(context, classes) {
if (context.attrs.colspan === 1) {
return classes.concat('col-span-1')
return classes.concat('col-span-2')
vue-formulate supports replacing or concatenating classes via props. I managed to overlook it because I didn't recognize that everything you pass into the schema API is ultimately the same as applying a prop of that name.
Classes can be applied to several other parts of the component as well—not just the outer/container. More information here:

How to prevent reactivity in form placeholder

I have an input field set up as
<input #input="e => machineCIDR =" type="text" name="machine" class="form-control form-control-lg" :placeholder="machineCIDR">
The problem is, whenever someone fills out the form and then deletes it all, the placeholder is left with the last character that was filled out.
How can I setup :placeholder="machineCIDR" so that it shows the initial value, and then never gets updated again??
Assuming machineCIDR is set up already (as a prop or in data), you could create an object for storing all of your initial values:
data() {
return {
initial: {}
And set up the values in created:
created() {
this.initial['machineCIDR'] = this.machineCIDR;
Then bind to that instead in the placeholder:

Vuejs2 - How to update the whole object from the server not losing reactivity?

I have a list of objects that can be updated from the database.
So, when I load the list, objects have only id and name.
When I click on an object I load other fields that can be of any length - that's why I don't load them with the objects in the list.
I found that when I update an object it can be difficult to keep reactivity so I need to find some workaround.
this code works almost okay:
if (response){
But the problem is the fields that have not been presented from the beginning is not 100% reactive anymore. What is going on is a new field has been updated reactively only when I change another, previous one. So, if I show 2 text field with old and new properties, if I change the second property, the field will not be updated until I change the first one.
I got item object from the component:
data () {
return {
items: [],
<div v-for="item in items" #click="selectItem(item)" >
Then item's been passed to the function selectItem.
What is the proper pattern to load new fields and keep them reactive? (NB: it's not the case when I can assign field by field - I want to reuse the same code no matter which object it is, so I need so the solution for updating an object at a time without listing all new fields.)
Note. This code works inside the component.
Completely revised post: Ok, the example you give uses an array, which has its own caveats, in particular that you can't directly set values like vm.items[indexOfItem] = newValue and have it react.
So you have to use Vue.set with the array as the first argument and the index as the second. Here's an example that adds a name property to object items and then uses Vue.set to set the item to a new object created by Object.assign.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
items: [{
id: 1,
other: 'data'
}, {
id: 2,
other: 'thingy'
methods: {
selectItem(parent, key) {
const newObj = Object.assign({}, parent[key], {
name: 'some new name'
Vue.set(parent, key, newObj);
setTimeout(() => {parent[key].name = 'Look, reactive!';}, 1500);
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<div v-for="item, index in items" #click="selectItem(items, index)">
<span>{{ || 'empty'}}</span>
{{JSON.stringify(items, null, 2)}}
Have a look at Change-Detection-Caveats Vue cannot detect property addition or deletion if you use "normal assign" methods.
You must use Vue.set(object, key, value)
Try something like the following:
if (response){
let item = {}
Vue.set(item, 'data',
Than would than be reactiv.
Can simply use Vue.set to update this.item reactively
if (response){
this.$set(this, "item",;