how to convert mysql TIMESTAMPDIFF to oraclesql query [duplicate] - sql

This question already has answers here:
Calculating difference between two timestamps in Oracle in milliseconds
(11 answers)
Calculate difference between 2 date / times in Oracle SQL
(21 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
TIMESTAMPDIFF(HOUR, pk.consprtydate, rs.consprtydate)
wanted the difference of hours from two dates and extract the hours in oracle sql

In oracle, you can easily achieve it by substracting two date fields as following:
Date2 - Date1 -- returns number of days between dates
(Date2 - Date1)/24 -- returns number of days between dates
MONTHS_BETWEEN(Date1, Date2) -- returns number of months between dates

It depends on the datatype. IF they are of Oracle type TIMESTAMP, then follow the methods already answered here
If they are of type date, then - as said by Tejash- simple subtraction gives the difference in days that you would then need to round to hours. (integer portion will be days = 24 hours, and the decimal portion will be in fractions of a day)
e.g.) to round down to the integer number of hours without a fractional part:
(days * 24 hours, plus the fraction of a day * 86400 seconds in a day / 3600 seconds in an hour)
SELECT trunc(date1 - date2) * 24 + trunc((mod (date1-date2,1) * 86400) / 3600)


How to pass a value from the Sqlite DB to julianday() [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Difference in seconds between timestamps in Sqlite3
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I need to calculate the difference between two dates represented as TEXT. julianday() can do this, but it accepts a literal:
select(julianday('2015-01-01 12:00:00') - julianday('2015-01-01 13:00:00'))
But if I have a table:
CREATE TABLE "time_u" (
"time_in" TEXT,
"time_out" TEXT
INSERT INTO time_u (time_in, time_out)
VALUES ('2007-01-01 10:00:50', '2007-01-01 11:00:00')
how can I do something like? :
in other words take values directly from the database and subtract them as a date
You can turn each date to Julian days, then substract:
julianday(time_out) -julianday(time_in) day_diff
from time_u t
If you want something more accurate, you can turn the datetimes to epoch timestamp. Say you want the difference in minutes, then:
(strftime('%s', time_out) - strftime('%s', time_in)) / 60.0 day_diff
from time_u t

Convert Oracle DATE to Unix-style time (seconds since 1906?) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Convert from date to epoch-Oracle
(3 answers)
PL/SQL sysdate to Unix epoch time in ms
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
I need to convert an Oracle DATE value to a Unix style seconds-since-epoch-start value.
I've tried various combinations of Oracle's conversions such as:
select to_number(to_date('10/05/2019','mm/dd/yyyy')) from dual;
select to_number(to_timestamp(to_date('10/05/2019','mm/dd/yyyy'))) from dual;
select to_number(to_char(to_date('10/05/2019','mm/dd/yyyy'))) from dual;
Nothing seems to work. Does anyone have an answer to this?
If that's number of seconds since Jan 01 1906, then:
SQL> select sysdate - date '1906-01-01' days,
2 (sysdate - date '1906-01-01') * 24 * 60 * 60 unix_style
3 from dual;
---------- ----------
41555,811 3590422068
Why? Because - when you subtract two dates in Oracle, result is number of days. Then you have to multiply it by 24 (as there are 24 hours in a day), by 60 (as there are 60 minutes in an hour) and once again by 60 (as there are 60 seconds in a minute).
Of course, you could have multiplied it by 86400 (which is 24 * 60 * 60), but - former is difficult to understand while latter shows what's going on and why.
If - as Wernfried commented - date differs from the one you said, you'd just replace date '1906-01-01' with date '1970-01-01'.

How to subtract hours and minutes from each other in PostgreSQL

I have two fields dateTS and closingTime.
dateTS is a normal timestamp field (e.g. 2019-07-13 22:31:10.000000)
closingTime is a HH:MM format of when a store closes (e.g. 23:00)
I need a PostgreSQL query to subtract the two field and get the number of minutes difference between them.
Using the examples given above the difference between the two fields would be 28 minutes
So far I've tried different variations of the datediff function, but it won't work.
My guess is I either have to
a. generate a fake timestamp for closingTime which is the same day as the dateTs field and subtract the 2 timestamps.
b. convert the hour/minutes of both field to a float and subtract the two values to get the hours difference and convert that to minutes
You can just subtract them by converting the timestamp to a time:
select closingtime - datets::time
from your_table;
That will give you an interval as the result.
To convert that to minutes you can get the number of seconds and divide it by 60:
select (extract epoch from closingtime - datets::time) / 60
from your_table;
Cast your closing time to an interval and the timestamp to time and then subtract the two. By casting the timestamp to time you are effectively discarding the date part. You can the subtract one from the other to generate the difference as an interval.
select closingTime::interval - dateTS::time...
# select '23:00'::interval - now()::time;
(1 row)
If needed you can then convert the interval to minutes:
# select extract(epoch from ('23:00'::interval - now()::time)) / 60;
(1 row)

How to subtract days to a Timestamp in CrateDB SQL query?

How can i subtract days to a timestamp in CrateDB SQL query?
Exist something similar to this?
Don't think there is a built in function but you could do something like this
in this example (1000 * 60 * 60) * 24 * 14 (24 is to get days and 14 is your number of days)
NB. You can also cast dates into timestamp and perform similar functionality
SELECT ABS(cast('2019-01-1' AS TIMESTAMP) - CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) / (1000*60*60*24) LIMIT 100
this will get you a number of days between now and 1st of January
So far that's all what they have in their docs
You can subtract INTERVAL from TIMESTAMP, but before any matematichal operation you need to CAST the datatype, you can do it in this way:
SELECT now() - CAST('14 day' AS INTERVAL)
Or the same function of above, but in a contracted way
SELECT now() - '14 day'::INTERVAL;
As a string to be CAST to an INTERVAL you can use a number followed by any of this:

Average Timestamp oracle with milliseconds

Hello everyOne I need to get the AVERAGE of difference of two dates (timestamp)
I tried this
select AVG((sva.endTime - sva.startTime)) as seconds from SVATable sva;
but I got an error
ORA-00932: Inconsistent data types; expected: NUMBER; got: INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND
You may use EXTRACT to get AVG seconds.
SELECT AVG (EXTRACT (SECOND FROM (sva.endTime - sva.startTime)))
AS avg_seconds
FROM SVATable sva;
This is an insidious problem in Oracle. Your calculation would work with the date data type, but it does not work with timestamps.
One solution is to extract the days, hours, minutes, and seconds from the interval. Another is to use date arithmetic. You can get fractions of a day by using:
select (date '2000-01-01' + (sva.endTime - sva.startTime)) - date '2000-01-01'
You can use the average and convert to seconds:
select avg( (date '2000-01-01' + (sva.endTime - sva.startTime)) - date '2000-01-01') * (60*60*24)