Vuetify data table mobile breakpoint - vue.js

I have this vuetify data-table and I Want keep the same behavior on mobile resizing.
So I just want all in data on the same line.
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data () {
return {
headers: [
text: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
align: 'left',
sortable: false,
value: 'name',
{ text: 'Calories', value: 'calories' },
{ text: 'Fat (g)', value: 'fat' },
{ text: 'Carbs (g)', value: 'carbs' },
desserts: [
name: 'Frozen Yogurt',
calories: 159,
fat: 6.0,
carbs: 24
name: 'Ice cream sandwich',
calories: 237,
fat: 9.0,
carbs: 37

You can use the mobile-breakpoint prop to configure this. Value of 0 seems to disable different mobile rendering.


V-data-table selection checkboxes initially on, using custom row template

I'm using a custom template for each row in a v-data-table and I am trying to have checkboxes working for each row. For some reason if i use :value="item" all checkboxes are initially checked. I am not sure how it should be done. I want them not-to-be checked initially... When selecting, complete item should be added to selected. Also, on v-data-table I have show-select and this (de)select all checkbox must work. This is the case but initially I now have to use it before the checkboxes for the rows actually work.
<template #item="{ item }">
<v-checkbox v-model="selected" :value="item"></v-checkbox>
<td v-for="field in fields" v-bind:key="">{{ item[field.value] }}
You can simply achieve that without creating a separate template for the checkboxes.
Live Demo :
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data () {
return {
singleSelect: false,
selected: [],
headers: [
text: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
align: 'start',
sortable: false,
value: 'name',
{ text: 'Calories', value: 'calories' },
{ text: 'Fat (g)', value: 'fat' },
{ text: 'Carbs (g)', value: 'carbs' },
{ text: 'Protein (g)', value: 'protein' },
{ text: 'Iron (%)', value: 'iron' },
desserts: [
name: 'Frozen Yogurt',
calories: 159,
fat: 6.0,
carbs: 24,
protein: 4.0,
iron: '1%',
name: 'Ice cream sandwich',
calories: 237,
fat: 9.0,
carbs: 37,
protein: 4.3,
iron: '1%',
name: 'Eclair',
calories: 262,
fat: 16.0,
carbs: 23,
protein: 6.0,
iron: '7%',
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=",300,400,500,700,900"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<h5>Selected: {{selected}}</h5>
Updated : Below is the demo based on the custom template as per the author demand.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data () {
return {
singleSelect: false,
selected: [],
headers: [
text: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
align: 'start',
sortable: false,
value: 'name',
{ text: 'Calories', value: 'calories' },
{ text: 'Fat (g)', value: 'fat' },
{ text: 'Carbs (g)', value: 'carbs' },
{ text: 'Protein (g)', value: 'protein' },
{ text: 'Iron (%)', value: 'iron' },
desserts: [
name: 'Frozen Yogurt',
calories: 159,
fat: 6.0,
carbs: 24,
protein: 4.0,
iron: '1%',
name: 'Ice cream sandwich',
calories: 237,
fat: 9.0,
carbs: 37,
protein: 4.3,
iron: '1%',
name: 'Eclair',
calories: 262,
fat: 16.0,
carbs: 23,
protein: 6.0,
iron: '7%',
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=",300,400,500,700,900"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""/>
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<h5>Selected: {{selected}}</h5>
<template v-slot:items="item">
<v-checkbox v-model="selected" :value="item"></v-checkbox>
<td v-for="field in Object.keys(item)" v-bind:key="item[field]">{{ item[field] }}

How to change `Items per page` text in vuetify?

I am trying to translate the text of items per page in a v-data-table. I have translated successfully rows per page text but I am not able to change items per page text. I have tried this:
:footer-props="{'items-per-page-text': this.$i18n.t('rowsPerPage'), 'page-text': this.$i18n.t('itemsPerPage')}"
itemsPerPage: 10,
But any of them worked.
You can use external pagination to change text.
#page-count="pageCount = $event"
<div class="text-center pt-2">
<div class='d-flex align-center'>
<!-- you can write your text here according to your requirements -->
<span>Items per page </span>
export default {
data () {
return {
page: 1,
pageCount: 0,
itemsPerPage: 5,
perPageValues:[5, 10, 15, 20],
headers: [
text: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
align: 'start',
sortable: false,
value: 'name',
{ text: 'Calories', value: 'calories' },
{ text: 'Fat (g)', value: 'fat' },
{ text: 'Carbs (g)', value: 'carbs' },
{ text: 'Protein (g)', value: 'protein' },
{ text: 'Iron (%)', value: 'iron' },
desserts: [
name: 'Frozen Yogurt',
calories: 159,
fat: 6.0,
carbs: 24,
protein: 4.0,
iron: '1%',
name: 'Ice cream sandwich',
calories: 237,
fat: 9.0,
carbs: 37,
protein: 4.3,
iron: '1%',
You can use localeText object inside gridOptions object to translate ag-grid related in-built texts.
Official documentation : vue-data-grid localization
gridOptions: {
localeText: {
rowsPerPage: I18n.t('rowsPerPage').toString()

Vuetify rendering v-datatable automatically

I have a problem v-datatable rendering each time I change a v-select.
I´d like it render only when I click in a button, I created to do fetch data from server.
Here is the codepen:
For now, it´s rendering all times I change the v-select.
grupos: [
{ id: 1, nome: 'Diário', ffi: 'YYYY-MM-DD', fff: 'DD-MM-YYYY' },
{ id: 2, nome: 'Mensal', ffi: 'YYYY-MM', fff: 'MM-YYYY' },
{ id: 3, nome: 'Anual', ffi: 'YYYY', fff: 'YYYY' },
headers: [
{ text: 'Data', value: 'label', sortable: false },
{ text: 'Total(R$) ', value: 'total', sortable: false },
// data-table
label="Grupado por"
class="mt-1 mr-3"
'items-per-page-options': [3, 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50],
v-for="(header, i) in headers"
#[`item.${header.value}`]="{ item }"
<template v-if="header.value !== 'actions'">
<span :key="i">
{{ formatColumn(item, header) }}
methods: {
formatColumn(item, col) {
if (!item[col.value]) return ''
if (['total'].includes(col.value)) {
const formatado = Number(item[col.value]).toLocaleString('pt-BR', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'BRL',
return formatado
if (['label'].includes(col.value)) {
const ffi = this.grupos.find((m) => == this.grupo).ffi
const fff = this.grupos.find((m) => == this.grupo).fff
return this.$moment(item[col.value], ffi).format(fff)
} else return item[col.value]
// fetch api data
Any data value you access in formatCalories will be added the list of watched values. When the value changes, it will re-render the view and call formatCalories. To solve that issue, I just created a selectValue property that is only set when the button is clicked.
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data () {
return {
group: 1,
selectValue: 1,
groups: [
{ id: 1, name: 'day'},
{ id: 2, name: 'month' },
{ id: 3, name: 'year' },
headers: [
text: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
align: 'start',
sortable: false,
value: 'name',
{ text: 'Calories', value: 'calories' },
{ text: 'Fat (g)', value: 'fat' },
{ text: 'Carbs (g)', value: 'carbs' },
{ text: 'Protein (g)', value: 'protein' },
{ text: 'Iron (%)', value: 'iron' },
desserts: [
name: 'Frozen Yogurt',
calories: 159,
fat: 6.0,
carbs: 24,
protein: 4.0,
iron: '1%',
name: 'Ice cream sandwich',
calories: 237,
fat: 9.0,
carbs: 37,
protein: 4.3,
iron: '1%',
name: 'Eclair',
calories: 262,
fat: 16.0,
carbs: 23,
protein: 6.0,
iron: '7%',
name: 'Cupcake',
calories: 305,
fat: 3.7,
carbs: 67,
protein: 4.3,
iron: '8%',
name: 'Gingerbread',
calories: 356,
fat: 16.0,
carbs: 49,
protein: 3.9,
iron: '16%',
name: 'Jelly bean',
calories: 375,
fat: 0.0,
carbs: 94,
protein: 0.0,
iron: '0%',
name: 'Lollipop',
calories: 392,
fat: 0.2,
carbs: 98,
protein: 0,
iron: '2%',
name: 'Honeycomb',
calories: 408,
fat: 3.2,
carbs: 87,
protein: 6.5,
iron: '45%',
name: 'Donut',
calories: 452,
fat: 25.0,
carbs: 51,
protein: 4.9,
iron: '22%',
name: 'KitKat',
calories: 518,
fat: 26.0,
carbs: 65,
protein: 7,
iron: '6%',
methods: {
onSubmit() {
this.selectValue = this.$;
formatCalories(calories) {
const suffix = {
1: '-red',
2: '-orange',
3: '-green'
return calories + suffix[this.selectValue];
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-col cols='3'>
<v-btn elevation="2" #click="onSubmit"> Submit </v-btn>
label="Grouped by"
<template v-slot:item.calories="{ item }">
{{ formatCalories(item.calories) }}

How do I integrate checkboxes with v-data-table - Vuetify

I have a simple V-data-table. I am trying to add checkboxes for each row in the table.
My table looks like this.
<v-data-table :headers="headers" :items="rows"item-key="name" :search="search">
<template v-slot:item="props">
<tr >
<td v-for="(prop, key) in props.item" :key="key" #click="onClickItem(key, props.item[key])">
<!-- Some icons for editing rows -->
<template v-slot:top>
<!-- A dialog box for editing rows -->
I tried to use the official guide for doing this, however all my rows get shifted to the right by 1 position & I only see only one checkbox even though I have multiple rows, that too, on the header!
How should I proceed?
Here is the working codepen similar to official doc
another way
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<h5>Selected: {{selected}}</h5>
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data () {
return {
singleSelect: false,
selected: [],
headers: [
text: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
align: 'start',
sortable: false,
value: 'name',
{ text: 'Calories', value: 'calories' },
{ text: 'Fat (g)', value: 'fat' },
{ text: 'Carbs (g)', value: 'carbs' },
{ text: 'Protein (g)', value: 'protein' },
{ text: 'Iron (%)', value: 'iron' },
desserts: [
name: 'Frozen Yogurt',
calories: 159,
fat: 6.0,
carbs: 24,
protein: 4.0,
iron: '1%',
name: 'Ice cream sandwich',
calories: 237,
fat: 9.0,
carbs: 37,
protein: 4.3,
iron: '1%',
name: 'Eclair',
calories: 262,
fat: 16.0,
carbs: 23,
protein: 6.0,
iron: '7%',

How do I get the v-data-table to render icon for - and + in vuetify?

I'm working on my vue.js project and I'm using Vuetify.
Now, I've made a datatable like in this example from the docs:
I'd like to have the same table with the - and + buttons (as you see in the code pen, around the category name).
When I inspect the code in my browser, there seems to be some kind of buttons, but they don't show the buttons in the codepen example template.
Does anyone know how to implement that?
here is the code from the codpen:
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data () {
return {
headers: [
text: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
align: 'left',
value: 'name',
{ text: 'Category', value: 'category' },
desserts: [
name: 'Frozen Yogurt',
category: 'Ice cream',
name: 'Ice cream sandwich',
category: 'Ice cream',
name: 'Eclair',
category: 'Cookie',
name: 'Cupcake',
category: 'Pastry',
name: 'Gingerbread',
category: 'Cookie',
name: 'Jelly bean',
category: 'Candy',
name: 'Lollipop',
category: 'Candy',
name: 'Honeycomb',
category: 'Toffee',
name: 'Donut',
category: 'Pastry',
name: 'KitKat',
category: 'Candy',
My code looks like the example, except for the - and + buttons that has a wierd text instead of the icons as the example shows.
You have to add the fonts - for codepen cdn is ok i guess:
Further readings
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data () {
return {
headers: [
text: 'Dessert (100g serving)',
align: 'left',
value: 'name',
{ text: 'Category', value: 'category' },
desserts: [
name: 'Frozen Yogurt',
category: 'Ice cream',
name: 'Ice cream sandwich',
category: 'Ice cream',
name: 'Eclair',
category: 'Cookie',
name: 'Cupcake',
category: 'Pastry',
name: 'Gingerbread',
category: 'Cookie',
name: 'Jelly bean',
category: 'Candy',
name: 'Lollipop',
category: 'Candy',
name: 'Honeycomb',
category: 'Toffee',
name: 'Donut',
category: 'Pastry',
name: 'KitKat',
category: 'Candy',
<link href=",300,400,500,700,900" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">