Determine if an index is reversed in OracleDB - sql

I am trying to determine if there is a way in Oracle 11g to find out if an index is reversed. I looked through the documentation for ALL_INDEXES* however I didn't see anything in that table that would indicate that the index is reversed or not.
The reasoning behind this is that we reversed an index to fix an issue with IO Wait in our production environment. We use flyway for schema migrations to sync our environments and all scripts must be idempotent. However, I'm not able to find a way to determine if the index in question is reversed on not in order to conditionally rebuild it as reversed.
Is there a way to determine if an index in Oracle DB is reversed using built-in meta tables/views?
* Additional info:
I won't actually have access to the ALL_INDEXES table when this would be run, only USER_INDEXES since this will not be executed with DBA permissions.
The index in question is the primary key of a table if that makes a difference in querying the schema metadata

The column ALL_INDEXES.INDEX_TYPE will contain the type of the index. For a reverse index this will be NORMAL/REV or FUNCTION-BASED NORMAL/REV.
This will be the same for USER_INDEXES
ALL_INDEXES in the Oracle 11 manual
ALL_INDEXES in the Oracle 12 manual


Create index in huge MariaDB production database without table locking

I have a table with 202M records where I need to add a few indexes and I can't find it anywhere (or maybe I don't understand the lingo) if that is possible to do, without locking, in MariaDB 10.3.
I found this post where I can see that that is possible in MySQL 5.6+, but my google foo didn't get my any info on MariaDB.
I tried using pt-online-schema-change but since I don't have any index (not even primary) that is not an option.
This is possible with the use of ALTER ONLINE TABLE.
ALTER ONLINE TABLE is equivalent to LOCK=NONE. Therefore, the ALTER
ONLINE TABLE statement can be used to ensure that your ALTER TABLE
operation allows all concurrent DML.
Further reading tells that adding primary keys is a "copy" operation as DB engine needs to copy the whole table to new file, but adding other indexes in an inplace operation.
InnoDB supports adding a primary key to a table with ALGORITHM set to
INPLACE. The table is rebuilt, which means that all of the data is
reorganized substantially, and the indexes are rebuilt. As a result,
the operation is quite expensive. This operation supports the
non-locking strategy. This strategy can be explicitly chosen by
setting the LOCK clause to NONE. When this strategy is used, all
concurrent DML is permitted.
InnoDB supports adding a plain index to a table with ALGORITHM set to
INPLACE. The table is not rebuilt. This operation supports the
non-locking strategy. This strategy can be explicitly chosen by
setting the LOCK clause to NONE. When this strategy is used, all
concurrent DML is permitted.
More info in MariaDB documentation.

Run DB2 Runstats without activity but still get SQLSTATE=01650

After reading many of articles from the internet, I am still not sure what is the actual purpose of DB2 Runstats.
As my understanding, DB2 Runstats will "register" the table index to the DB2 catalog, so that next time when the related query run, it will use the index to increase the performance. (Please correct me if I am wrong)
Meaning, if for a long period of time the DB2 Runstats is not run, the index will be removed from the DB2 catalog?
I am creating a new index for a table. Originally that table already contained another index.
After creating the new index, I ran DB2 Runstats on the table for the old index, but I hit the following error:
SQL2314W Some statistics are in an inconsistent state. The newly collected
"INDEX" statistics are inconsistent with the existing "TABLE" statistics. SQLSTATE=01650
At first I was thinking it's cause by the activity to create the new index, and the table was still in the "processing" stage. I ran the DB2 Runstats command again the next day but still got the same error.
Your understanding about db2 runstats is not correct. This command collects statistics on the given table and its indexes and placed it to views in the SYSSTAT schema like SYSSTAT.TABLES, SYSSTAT.INDEXES, etc. This information is used by the DB2 optimizer to produce better access plans of your queries. It doesn't "register" indexes itself. Indexes are not removed automatically if you don't collect statistics on them.
As for the warning message SQL2314W.
It's just a warning that table and index statistics is not logically compatible (for example, number of index keys is more than number of rows in the table). Sometimes it happens when you collect statistics on actively updated table at the same time even you run such a collection on a table and its indexes using a single RUNSTATS command. You can either ignore this message or make the RUNSTATS utility lock the table during the statistics collection on table and its indexes using a single command (ALLOW READ ACCESS clause).

What is the most efficient way of creating a copy of a table with data and no constraints in Oracle?

What is the most efficient way of creating a copy of a table with data and no constraints (Primary key and foreign) in Oracle? some thing similar to the below query.
CREATE TABLE new_table
SELECT * FROM old_table;
It's fine if we need to drop the constraints manually after copying but the creation of copy should be quick.
Please advise.
Using a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement the way you have it now is probably the most efficient way to do it. If not, it's pretty close.
It doesn't create constraints (apart from not null constraints) or indexes, so you have to create them manually after the operation completes.
You can specify that the operation should be parallelized by using the parallel keyword, though I believe that the feature is only available in the Enterprise Edition. Example:
create table new_table
select * from old_table;
It's even possible to specify the number of threads to use by adding an integer parameter right after the parallel keyword. But, by default, it parallelizes according to the available CPUs on the server.
It is also possible to make the operation even faster by avoiding redo log generation. This is done by specifying the nologging keyword:
create table new_table
select * from old_table;
However, because no redo log is generated, the operation is unrecoverable. So, if you're going to use that, you should consider backing up the database immediately after the operation completes. I would personally not use this option unless that extra performance is critical for some reason.
For more information on how to use the additional options with the create table as select statement, see the documentation: CREATE TABLE.

DDL changes not showing in Oracle sql developer

I have sql Upgrade script which has many sql statements(DDL,DML). When i ran this upgrade script in SQL developer, it runs successufully.I also provide in my script at the bottom commit. I can see all the changes in the database after running this upgrade script except the unique index constraints. When i insert few duplicate records it says unique constraint violated. It means the table has unique constraints. But i dont know why i cant view this constraints in oracle sql developer. The other DDL changes made i can view.I dont know is there any settings to view it in oracle sql developer.
As A Hocevar noted, if you create an index
create unique index test_ux on test(id);
you see it in the Indexes tab of the table properties (not in the Constraints tab).
Please note that COMMIT is not required here, it is done implicitely in each DDL statement. More usual source of problems are stale metadata in SQL Developer, i.e. missing REFRESH (ctrl R on user or table node).
If you want to define the constraint, add following statement, that will reuse the index defined previously
alter table test add constraint test_unique unique(id) using index test_ux;
See further discussion about the option in Documentation
I am assuming you are trying to look for index on a table in the correct tab in sql developer. If you are not able to see the index there, one reason could be that your user (the one with which you are logged in) doesn't have proper rights to see the Index.
If you not obtain any error, the solution is very simple and tedious. SQL Developer doesn't refresh his fetched structures. Kindly push Refresh blue icon (or use Ctrl-R) in Connections view or disconnect and connect again (or restart SQL Developer) to see your changes in structures.

SQL Server Table Synonyms with Indexes

I have multiple databases on a single instance of SQL Server 2005. I've created a synonym on one database to access a table on another database and when writing my queries, I'd like to utilize a specific index, however, when evaluating the execution plan, it doesn't appear to use it. If I write the query to access the database explicitly, it works, but I can't seem to get it to work using a synonym. For example:
select *
from testdb..testtable with (index(testindex))
|--Nested Loops(Inner Join, OUTER REFERENCES:([testdb].[dbo].[testtable].[id]))
|--Index Scan(OBJECT:([testdb].[dbo].[testtable].[testindex]))
|--Clustered Index Seek(OBJECT:([testdb].[dbo].[testtable].[PK_testtable]), SEEK:([testdb].[dbo].[testtable].[id]=[testdb].[dbo].[testtable].[id]) LOOKUP ORDERED FORWARD)
does not yield the same execution plan as
select *
from testdb_synonym with (index(testindex))
|--Clustered Index Scan(OBJECT:([testdb].[dbo].[testtable].[PK_testtable]))
Is this a limitation with Synonyms or is there something specific I need to do to get this to work?
This is a bug that Microsoft have fixed: see MS KB 963684
In Microsoft SQL Server 2005, you
create a synonym for a table. You run
a query against the synonym. The query
uses the INDEX optimizer hint to force
an index. If you examine the execution
plan that is generated for the query,
you may find the execution plan does
not use the forced index.
I tested the same thing and it seems that the query optimizer ignores that hint when done via a synonym. The details are I did a select * against an arbitrary table with an index hint to use a non-clustered index. Without the synonym, it does a bookmark lookup/nested loop join. With it, it does a table scan. Since there are no options on the create synonym syntax, I can only assume that the index hint is ignored. No details in BOL as to why. I would chalk it up as a "feature".
WITH INDEX hints seems to be ignored for synonyms.
CREATE SYNONYM syn_master FOR master
FROM syn_master WITH (INDEX (wow_i_can_write_everything_here))
compiles and runs allright despite the fact I don't have an index named wow_i_can_write_everything_here in my schema.
Do you need the hint in your case? MS recommendations is to avoid index hints if it is possible due to the fact that may invalidate a more optimized plan. Even if it is optimized today it may be inefficiens tomorrow due to data load etc.
I tried to use a synonym without the hint in SQL server 2008 and got the same execution plan with the synonym as with the fully qualified name (database.schema.table).
I even tried to use the synonym with an index hint and successfully forced a non clustered index seek (and a key lookup to get the rest of the data), and i get the same execution plan with fully qualified name.
Are your statisitics updated? Do you have a selective index or does SQL server think it is more efficient to use a table scan.