Check if the first or second condition exists - sql

I have a little problem selecting queries, namely when I want to check the first condition with the code below
select * from VL_Faktura_Queue where FAK_KundenNr=127849 AND (FAK_BoMatNr LIKE '%verk%' AND FAK_VerrechnetBis ='0001-01-01')
, it shows me one position, but when I add a condition where I want to check if there is a FAK_KundenNr with FAK_BomatNr LIKE '% Verk%' OR FAK_BoMatNr Like 'Zus%' also throws me different values that do not fall under FAK_KundenNr = 127849, as I can easily check that it returns my values for this KundenNr, where there is 1 OR 2 condition.
this is my query:
select * from VL_Faktura_Queue where FAK_KundenNr=127849
AND (FAK_BoMatNr LIKE '%verk%' AND FAK_VerrechnetBis ='0001-01-01') --this would be the first condition
or FAK_BoMatNr like 'Zus%' --and this the second condition
This is the individual selection I should get but in one query at the end
so my question is how can i get in one query select from these two query from the picture, thanks everyone for the help

Your parentheses are not sufficient. AND has precedence over OR, so you have FAK_KundenNr = 127849 AND (<first condition)> OR FAK_BoMatNr like 'Zus%'.
FROM VL_Faktura_Queue
WHERE FAK_KundenNr = 127849
(FAK_BoMatNr LIKE '%verk%' AND FAK_VerrechnetBis = '0001-01-01')
FAK_BoMatNr LIKE 'Zus%'

In your requirement, you need to combine the "AND" operator with other logical "OR" operator.
FROM VL_Faktura_Queue
( FAK_BoMatNr LIKE '%verk%'
AND FAK_VerrechnetBis = '0001-01-01'
) -- 1st Condition
(FAK_BoMatNr LIKE 'Zus%') -- 2nd Condition
AND FAK_KundenNr = 127849;
Please check if this solution is working for you.


Read multiple columns from single table based on our input string

I want to select multiple columns from single table based on my given input string in sql select statement.
Example :
If input="table_medical" i want to select the columns like medi_col1,medi_col2,medi_col2
If input="table_pharmacy" i want to select the columns like medi_phar1,medi_phar2,medi_phar1
case when $input="table_medical" then medi_col1) //like this
please help me to complete this.
If you want this in a single query, then the same number of columns is needed -- and have compatible types.
One method uses union all:
select medi_col1, medi_col2, medi_col2
from t
where #input = 'table_medical'
union all
select medi_phar1, medi_phar2, medi_phar1
from t
where #input = 'table_pharmacy';
SET #input="table_medical";
CASE WHEN #input="table_medical" THEN medi_col1 ELSE medi_phar1 END as medi_col1,
CASE WHEN #input="table_medical" THEN medi_col2 ELSE medi_phar2 END as medi_col2
CASE WHEN #input="table_medical" THEN medi_col3 ELSE medi_phar3 END as col3
FROM MyTable
Data types for medi_col1 and medi_phar1 needs to be same (and for the rest of columns too)

How to display the whole number only if it starts with two characters otherwise leave it blank. SQL query

I need to display the whole number in a field if it starts with "AB" otherwise do not show/display the number.
Your question is missing code of how you display this (since you wrote you need to display it to the field) so i can't answer you with actual code but here is solution.
If you want to select only rows which column1 starts with AB then use LIKE function. So condition at selecting command is Select * from yourtable where column1 LIKE 'AB%'
If you already selected and displayed data, let's say in datagridview, and you want to fill textbox with string that contains AB then you would go through all rows at specific column and look for it with string.Contains("AB");
So basically you put this command in foreach loop and you have it.
I was wrong. You can use a LIKE, just not in the WHERE clause.
;WITH testdata AS (
SELECT 'aw12354' AS val UNION ALL
SELECT 'ab22222'
, CASE WHEN val LIKE 'AB%' THEN SUBSTRING(val,3,len(val)) ELSE NULL END AS valNums
FROM testdata
You can also use CLR to build a regex solution, but that is a LOT more involved.

SQL special group by on list of strings ending with *

I would like to perform a "special group by" on strings with SQL language, some ending with "*". I use postgresql.
I can not clearly formulate this problem, even if I have partially solved it, with select, union and nested queries which are not elegant.
For exemple :
1) INPUT : I have a list of strings :
2) OUTPUT : That I would like my "special group by" return :
Because 2000-0001 and 2000-0002 are include in 2000*,
and because 3000-00*, 3000-0001 and 3000-0002 are includes in 3000*
3) SQL query I do :
SELECT every strings ending with *
SELECT every string where the begining NOT IN (SELECT every string ending with *) <-- with multiple inelegant left functions and NOT IN subqueries
4) That what I'm doing return :
3000-00* <-- the problem
The problem is : 3000-00* staying in my result.
So my question is :
How can I generalize my problem? to remove all string who have a same begining string in the list (ending with *) ?
I think of regular expressions, but how to pass a list from a select in a regex ?
Thanks for help.
Select only strings for which no master string exists in the table:
select str
from mytable
where not exists
select *
from mytable master
where master.str like '%*'
and master.str <> mytable.str
and rtrim(mytable.str, '*') like rtrim(master.str, '*') || '%'
Assuming that only one general pattern can match any given string, the following should do what you want:
select coalesce(tpat.thestring, t.thestring) as thestring
from t left join
t tpat
on t.thestring like replace(tpat.thestring, '*', '%') and
t.thestring <> tpat.thestring
group by coalesce(tpat.thestring, t.thestring);
However, that is not your case. However, you can adjust this with distinct on:
select distinct on (t.thestring) coalesce(tpat.thestring, t.thestring)
from t left join
t tpat
on t.thestring like replace(tpat.thestring, '*', '%') and
t.thestring <> tpat.thestring
order by t.thestring, length(tpat.thestring)

SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE 1

I've been curious. What are the differences between these respective queries:
SELECT * FROM `tablename`
SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE 1
SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE 1=1
2 and 3 are the same in MySQL, functionally 1 is also the same.
where 1 is not standard so, as others have pointed out, will not work in other dialects.
People add where 1 or where 1 = 1 so where conditions can be easily added or removed to/from a query by adding in/commenting out some "and ..." components.
SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE 1=1
--AND Column1 = 'Value1'
AND Column2 = 'Value2'
As you know, all three produce the same results. (In a boolean context, MySQL treats the integer "1" as true -- in fact, any number that is not "0" is treated as true).
The MySQL optimizer is explicitly documented to remove constant conditions in the WHERE clause:
Constant condition removal . . .:
(B>=5 AND B=5) OR (B=6 AND 5=5) OR (B=7 AND 5=6)
-> B=5 OR B=6
Hence, all three will be compiled into exactly the same code.
They are all functionally equivalent and should have the same performance characteristics.
That said, the first and third are standard SQL. The second will cause some sort of boolean expression error in many databases. So, I would advise you to avoid that (I'm not sure whether it works or not in MySQL's strict SQL mode).
Often the third is used when constructing dynamic WHERE clauses. It makes it easy to add additional conditions as AND <condition> without worrying about lingering ANDs.
If you are asking about the differences in performances and results, there isn't any , 2 and 3 are the same WHERE TRUE , and they will result the same as the first one.
1 - SELECT * FROM table_name
Results in all the data from table_name (no filter)
2 - SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE 1
1 will be evaluated as TRUE , therefore - no filter - every record will be returned .
3 - SELECT * FROM table_name where 1=1
Same as the last one, 1=1 is a TRUE expression , therefore - no filter - every record will be selected.
All are the same but 2 and 3 are used to easily handle AND/OR conditions
SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE 1=1 AND (columnname1 = 'Value' OR columnname2 = 'Value')
In 1, MySQL does not need to evaluate any WHERE conditions.
In 2 and 3, the where condition is static and not based on the rows' values. It will be evaluated with boolean logic and always be true.
Functionally, there is no difference. You should choose 1 for code clarity.
All are the same but 2 and 3 are used to create Dynamic queries for AND/OR conditions
sqlquery =" SELECT * FROM `tablename` where 1 =1 "
we use 2 and 3 format to make dynamic query so we already know "where" keyword is added and we keep adding more filters .
sqlquery = sqlquery + "and columna =a"
"AND columna =a " then
after few lines if we have new filters we add "AND coulmnb =b " and so on
You don't have to check the sql query for where keyword as its placed in first or initial query
SELECT * FROM `tablename` WHERE 1=1 AND (columnname1 = 'Value' OR columnname2 = 'Value')
Otherwise we can write sqlquery = "SELECT * FROM tablename"
if there is no 'where' clause in sqlquery then
sqlquery = sqlquery + "where columna =a"
sqlquery = sqlquery + "and columna =a"
They all output the same answer. However the way 2 and 3 are written is mostly is in order to have control of the "Where" statement so it would make it easier to add it or remove it later.
I think that the first and third way are the proper way of writing it. If you need a where statement you do like in number 3 otherwise number 1 would be good enough.
In MS SQL 1 and 3 are same , however, option 2 will not work , option 2 is an invalid statement as in MS SQL, WHERE is used to compare some values. For Example:
Select * from 'myTable where ID = 3 (valid)
Select * from 'myTable where 1 = 1 is same as Select * from 'myTable where 2= 2 is same as Select * from 'myTable where 3= 3 you get the idea (valid) is same as Select * From 'myTable'
SELECT * FROM table_name : it will give you all the records of the
table with running any where statement.
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE 1 : this where condition is always
true, its mostly used by hacker to get into any system. If you heard
about sql injections than 2 & 3 are scenarios which are forced to
build by hacker to get all the records of table.
SELECT * FROM table_name where 1=1 : This will give you all the
records of the table but it will compare the where statement and
then move forward, it's basically added to add or removed more
statements after that.
Result - Gives all the records in the table specified instead of tablename for all three queries
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE 1 - Check this answer
SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE 1=1 - Check this answer
For more Info about WHERE clause optimizations check these : MYSQL, SQLite, SQL

sql with <> and substring function

The output of query has to return records where company is not equal to 'CABS' OR substring of company until empty space (eg CABS NUTS).The company name can the CABS, COBS, CABST , CABS NUTS , CAB
FROM records
WHERE UPPER(SUBSTR(company, 0, (INSTR(company,' ')-1))) <> 'CABS'
But the above query is returing CABS NUTS along with COBS , CAB.
I tried using "LIKE CABS" it looks fine but if the company name is "CAB" it will not return "CABS" and CABS NUTS because of like. So LIKE is completely ruled out.
Can anyone please suggest me.
So you want all records where the first 4 characters of the Company field are not "CABS". Okay.
WHERE left(company, 4) != 'CABS'
LEFT(Company, 4) <> 'CABS'
AND Company <> 'CABS'
Note: Basic TSQL String Comparison is case-insensitive
Can quite work out which ones you do want returns, but have you considered LIKE 'CABS %'
select * from records where company NOT IN (SELECT company
FROM records
WHERE UPPER(SUBSTR(company, 0, (INSTR(company,' ')-1))) = 'CABS'
I think this will fetch the desired records from the records table
First, I think you should use AND instead of OR in your compound condition.
Second, you could simplify the condition this way:
WHERE UPPER(SUBSTR(company, 0, (INSTR(company || ' ',' ') - 1))) <> 'CABS'
That is, the company <> 'CABS' part is not needed in this case.
The problem you are getting comes about because the result of the SUBSTR is null if there is not a space. And thanks to three value logic, the result of some_var <> NULL is NULL, rather than TRUE as you might expect.
And example of this is shown by the query below:
with mytab as (
select 1 as myval from dual union all
select 2 as myval from dual union all
select null as myval from dual
select *
from mytab
where myval = 1
union all
select *
from mytab
where myval <> 1
This example will only return two rows rather than three rows that you might expect.
There are several ways to rewrite the condition to make it ignore the null result from the substr function. These are listed below. However, as mentioned by one of the other respondents, the two conditions need to be joined using the AND operator rather than OR.
Firstly, you could explicitly check that the column has a space in it using the set of conditions below:
(INSTR(company,' ') = 0 or
UPPER(SUBSTR(company, 0, (INSTR(company,' ')-1))) <> 'CABS') and
Another option would be to use the LNNVL function. This is a function that I only recently found out about. It return TRUE from a condition when the result of the condition provided as the input is FALSE or NULL.
lnnvl(UPPER(SUBSTR(company, 0, (INSTR(company,' ')-1))) = 'CABS') and
And another option (which would probably be my preferred option) is to use the REGEXP_LIKE function. This is simple, to the point and easy to read.
WHERE not regexp_like(company, '^CABS( |$)')