UPSERT in parquet Pyspark - amazon-s3

I have parquet files in s3 with the following partitions:
year / month / date / some_id
Using Spark (PySpark), each day I would like to kind of UPSERT the last 14 days - I would like to replace the existing data in s3 (one parquet file for each partition), but not to delete the days that are before 14 days..
I tried two save modes:
append - wasn't good because it just adds another file.
overwrite - is deleting the past data and data for other partitions.
Is there any way or best practice to overcome that? should I read all the data from s3 in each run, and write it back again? maybe renaming the files so that append will replace the current file in s3?
Thanks a lot!

I usually do something similar. In my case I do an ETL and append one day of data to a parquet file:
The key is to work with the data you want to write (in my case the actual date), make sure to partition by the date column and overwrite all data for the current date.
This will preserve all old data. As an example:
.option("replaceWhere", "2020-01-27")
Also you could take a look at which is an extension of the parquet format that gives some interesting features like ACID transactions.

To my knowledge, S3 doesn't have an update operation. Once an object is added to s3 cannot be modified. (either you have to replace another object or append a file)
Anyway to your concern that you've to read all data, you can specify the timeline you want to read, partition pruning helps in reading only the partitions within the timeline.

Thanks all for the useful solutions.
I ended up using some configuration that served my use case - using overwrite mode when I write parquet, along with this configuration:
I added this config:
spark.conf.set("spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode", "dynamic")
with this configuration spark will only overwrite the partitions for which it has data to be written to. All the other (past) partitions remain intact - see here:


Which file format I have to use which supports appending?

Currently We use orc file format to store the incoming traffic in s3 for fraud detection analysis
We did choose orc file format for following reasons
and ability to query the data using athena
Problem :
As the orc files are read only as soon and we want to update the file contents constantly every 20 minutes
which implies we
need to download the orc files from s3,
read the file
write to the end of file
and finally upload it back to s3
This was not a problem but as the data grows significantly every day ~2GB every day. It is highly costly process to download 10Gb files read it and write and upload it
Question :
Is there any way to use another file format which also offers appends/inserts and can be used by athena to query?
From this article it says avro is file format, but not sure
If athena can be used for querying ?
any other issues ?
Note: My skill on big data technologies is on beginner level
If your table is not partitioned, can simply copy (aws s3 cp) your new orc files to the target s3 path for the table and they will be available instantly for querying via Athena.
If your table is partitioned, you can copy new files to the paths corresponding to your specific partitions. At the end of copying new files to the partition, you need to add or update that partition into Athena's metastore.
For example, if your table is partitioned by date, then you need to run this query to ensure your partition gets added/updated:
alter table dataset.tablename add if not exists
partition (date = YYYYMMDD)
location 's3://your-bucket/path_to_table/date=YYYYMMDD/'

DataBricks - save changes back to DataLake (ADLS Gen2)

I have legacy data stored as CSV in an Azure DataLake Gen2 storage account. I'm able to connect to this and interrogate it using DataBricks. I have a requirement to remove certain records once their retention period expires, or if a GDPR "right to be forgotten" needs applying to the data.
Using Delta I can load a CSV into a Delta table and use SQL to locate and delete the required rows, but what is the best way to save these changes? Ideally back to the original file, so that the data is removed from the original. I've used the LOCATION option when creating the Delta table to persist the generated Parquet format files to the DataLake but it would be nice to keep it in the original CSV format.
Any advice appreciated.
I'd be careful here. Right to be forgotten means you need to delete the data. Delta doesn't actually delete it from the original file (initially at least) - this will only happen once the data is vacuumed.
The safest way to delete data is to read all the data into a dataframe, filter off the records you do not want and then write it back using overwrite. This will ensure the data is remove and the same structure is re-written.
Convert Parquet to CSV in ADF
The versioned parquet files created in the ADLS Gen2 location can be converted to CSV using the Copy Data task in an Azure Data Factory pipeline.
So, you could read the CSV data into a Delta table(with location pointing to a Data lake folder), perform the required changes using SQL and then convert the parquet files to CSV format using ADF.
I have tried this and it works. The only hurdle might be detecting the column headers while reading the CSV file to Delta. You could read it to a dataframe and create a Delta table from it.
If you are running the delete operations periodically then it is costly to save file in csv, As every time you are reading the file and transforming the dataframe to Delta and then query on it and finally after filtering the records you are again saving it to csv and deleting the Delta table.
So my suggestion here would be, transform the csv to Delta once, perform delete periodically and generate csv only when it's needed.
The advantage here is - Delta internally stores data in parquet format which stores data in binary format and allow better compression and encoding/decoding of data.

Spark HDFS Direct Read vs Hive External table read

We have couple HDFS directories in which data stored in delimited format. These directories created as one directory per ingestion date. These directories added as a partitions to a Hive external table.
Directory structure:
/data/table1/INGEST_DATE=20180103 etc.
Now we want to process this data in spark job. From the program I can directly read these HDFS directories by giving exact directory path(Option 1) or I can read from Hive into a data frame and process(Option 2).
I would like to know if there is any significant difference in following Option1 or Option2. Please let me know if need any other details.
Thanks in Advance
If you want to select a subset of the columns, then that it is only possible via spark.sql. In your use case I don't think there will be a significant difference.
With Spark SQL you can get Partition pruning automatically.

How to avoid reading old files from S3 when appending new data?

Once in 2 hours, spark job is running to convert some tgz files to parquet.
The job appends the new data into an existing parquet in s3:
In spark-submit output I can see significant time is being spent on reading old parquet files, for example:
16/11/27 14:06:15 INFO S3NativeFileSystem: Opening 's3://myBucket/foo.parquet/id=123/day=2016-11-26/part-r-00003-b20752e9-5d70-43f5-b8b4-50b5b4d0c7da.snappy.parquet' for reading
16/11/27 14:06:15 INFO S3NativeFileSystem: Stream for key
seeking to position '149195444'
It looks like this operation takes less than 1 second per file, but the amount of files increases with time (each append adds new files), which makes me think that my code will not be able to scale.
Any ideas how to avoid reading old parquet files from s3 if I just need to append new data?
I use EMR 4.8.2 and DirectParquetOutputCommitter:
sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration().set('spark.sql.parquet.output.committer.class', 'org.apache.spark.sql.parquet.DirectParquetOutputCommitter')
I resolved this issue by writing the dataframe to EMR HDFS and then using s3-dist-cp uploading the parquets to S3
Switch this over to using Dynamic Partition Overwrite Mode using:
.config("spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode", "dynamic")
Also, avoid the DirectParquetOutputCommitter, and instead don't modify this - you will achieve better results in terms of speed using the EMRFS File Committer.

Incrementally add data to Parquet tables in S3

I would like to keep a copy of my log data in in Parquet on S3 for ad hoc analytics. I mainly work with Parquet through Spark and that only seems to offer operations to read and write whole tables via SQLContext.parquetFile() and SQLContext.saveAsParquetFile().
Is there any way to add data to and existing Parquet table
without writing a whole new copy of it
particularly when it is stored in S3?
I know I can create separate tables for the updates and in Spark I can form the union of the corresponig DataFrames in Spark at query time but I have my doubts about the scalability of that.
I can use something other than Spark if needed.
The way to append to a parquet file is using SaveMode.Append
You don't need to union DataFrames after creating them separately, just supply all the paths related to your query to the parquetFile(paths) and get one DataFrame. Just as the signature of reading parquet file: sqlContext.parquetFile(paths: String*) suggests.
Under the hood, in newParquetRelation2, all the .parquet files from all the folders you supply, as well as all the _common_medata and _metadata would be filled into a single list and regard equally.