How to use pivot component in clover dx - clover

Unable to use pivot component , please let me know with example how to use pivot and concatenation components in clover etl

I always describe Concatenate as boarding queues at the airport. You have multiple queues (edges), in all of them people are standing (same records, ie. metadata), all of them get boarded by 1) queue (army first, first class then, economy...), and 2)order in the queue (who is standing first in the queue goes first, second, third...)
I wasn't using Pivot component too much, but I think its kind of a denormalize component. You have bunch of simple records (think key, value pairs from json or NoSQL database) and want to merge them into one wide record, where fields are keys of incoming tuples, values are values from incoming records. Its a grouping component, used when you have multiple records for same group key (customer_id for example) and want to produce one wide record with all available properties.
I prefer Denormalize component as it gives me more control, but it requires a bit more of CTL, for easier things you might be fine with Pivot.
Concatenate component serves totally different use case (collecting same looking records from multiple input sources - similar components SimpleGather, Merge) then Pivot (transforming simple records into denormalized, wide one - similar components Denormalizer).


Key-Value Store (Redis) for Phi Coefficient Use-Case

I want to build an application in which the user can assign multiple tags (strings) to a date (YYYY-MM-DD string). The main use-case is to calculate the Phi coefficient for a combination of two tags (A and B), which requires to put every date in one of the following categories:
neither Tag is assigned
Tag A is assigned, but not Tag B
Tag B is assigned but not Tag A
Tag A and Tag B are assigned
The crucial information is how many dates belong to each category, not what dates.
The question is, how to persist that data so that it can be looked up quickly for the categorization described above.
Using a key-value store, such as Redis, storing sets with the tags as keys and the dates for each Tag as values would be an option that makes it easy to fill the store with new information. For the lookup, the intersection (SINTER) of A and B would form the fourth category, the differences (SDIFF) between A and B, and B and A, respectively, would form the second and third category.
The question remains, how to calculate the first category: The number of dates, where neither Tag A nor B applies to. The only option that comes to my mind is to read out the dates by iterating over all the keys, and subtract the numbers of the categories 2, 3, and 4 from the total number of dates. Is there a more elegant and more efficient way to achieve this goal? Or do I better use an SQL data base for that use-case?
EDIT: Another idea would be to not only store the dates by tag, but also the tags by date in a redundant manner, so that the retrieval of all dates is easier.
There are two basic approaches here: store the data in a single canonical form and use that to compute derived data as you need it; or store the information in multiple ways up front to optimize lookup speed.
Up to now you've taken the first approach. That's good, since storing information in a single place makes many things simpler, and eliminates the risk of having inconsistent data. The downside is that computing derived values can be slow. In your case you're talking about O(n) operations in the best case, with iterating over all keys in the worst case. Although it's always worth doing performance testing before making things more complex, my intuition is that you're right to be worried.
Storing the derived data separately from the canonical data allows you to optimize your lookup performance. Your last paragraph suggests storing the same information in multiple ways, but as long as you're doing that you might as well store the actual desired derived values rather than keeping the existing dates-by-tag data structure.
Specifically, my suggestion is to store the tags by date while separately storing the counts for categories 1-4. Each time you record a new (or changed, or deleted) input value you both update your canonical data structure and update your counts. You could probably do so atomically with a fairly simple Lua script. You can then access the desired counts in O(1) time and be confident that they accurately reflect the underlying data.

Best Practice - Should I make one table or two for two similar sets of data?

I need a table to store types of tests. I've been provided with two excel spreadsheets, one for microbial tests, one for pathogens. Microbial has 5 columns and Pathogens has 10. The 5 columns are in both tables. So one has 5 extra columns.
Just to give you an idea, the table columns would be something like this:
Test Method IncubationStage1
Test Method IncubationStage1 IncubationStage2 Enrichment
So Is it better to have one table for Microbial and one for Pathogens, or better to have one table for Tests and have both within it? Is it bad to have a Microbial in a table where I know for certain only half the columns will be utilized? Or is it better to keep related items in the same table, and separate them by a column "Type"?
Obviously both will work fine but I'm wondering which is better.
The answer to these sorts of questions is always "it depends."
For my opinion, if you think you'll ever want to aggregate the data by test or by method across pathogenic or microbial types, then certainly you should put the data in the same table with an additional column that differentiates them.
You also could potentially better "normalize" your tables like this:
Table1: ExperimentID_PK ExperimentTypeID_FK Test Method
Table2: MeasurementRecordID_PK ExperimentID_FK Timestamp Other metadata about the record
Table3 MeasurementID_PK MeasurementTypeID_FK MeasurementValue MeasurementRecordID_FK
Table4: MeasurmentTypeId_PK Metadata About Measurement Types
Table5: ExperimentTypeId_PK Metadata About Experiment Types
... where all the leaf data elements point back to their parent data elements through foreign keys, and then you'd join data together in SQL statements, with indexes applied for optimal performance based on the types of queries you wanted to make. Obviously one of your rows in the question would end up appearing as multiple rows across multiple tables in this schema, and only at query time could they conceivably be reunited into individual rows (e.g. bound by MeasurementRecordID).
But there are other patterns too, in No-SQL land normalization can be the enemy. Slicing and dicing data sets turns out to be easier in some domains if it is stored in a more bloated format to make query structures more obvious. So it kind of comes down to thinking through your use cases.

Having all contact information in one table vs. using key-value tables

(NB. The question is not a duplicate for this, since I am dealing with an ORM system)
I have a table in my database to store all Contacts information. Some of the columns for each contact is fixed (e.g. Id, InsertDate and UpdateDate). In my program I would like to give user the option to add or remove properties for each contact.
Now there are of course two alternatives here:
First is to save it all in one table and add and remove entire columns when user needs to;
Create a key-value table to save each property alongside its type and connect the record to user's id.
These alternatives are both doable. But I am wondering which one is better in terms of speed? In the program it will be a very common thing for the user to view the entire Contact list to check for updates. Plus, I am using an ORM framework (Microsoft's Entity Framework) to deal with database queries. So if the user is to add and remove columns from a table all the time, it will be a difficult task to map them to my program. But again, if alternative (1) is a significantly better option than (2), then I can reconsider the key-value option.
I have actually done both of these.
Example #1
Large, wide table with columns of data holding names, phone, address and lots of small integer values of information that tracked details of the clients.
Example #2
Many different tables separating out all of the Character Varying data fields, the small integer values etc.
Example #1 was a lot faster to code for but in terms of performance, it got pretty slow once the table filled with records. 5000 wasn't a problem. When it reached 50,000 there was a noticeable performance degradation.
Example #2 was built later in my coding experience and was built to resolve the issues found in Example #1. While it took more to get the records I was after (LEFT JOIN this and UNION that) it was MUCH faster as you could ultimately pick and choose EXACTLY what the client was after without having to search a massive wide table full of data that was not all being requested.
I would recommend Example #2 to fit your #2 in the question.
And your USER specified columns for their data set could be stored in a table just to their own (depending on how many you have I suppose) which would allow you to draw on the table specific to that USER, which would also give you unlimited ability to remove and add columns to suit that particular setup.
You could then also have another table which kept track of the custom columns in the custom column table, which would give you the ability to "recover" columns later, as in "Do you want to add this to your current column choices or to one of these columns you have deleted in the past".

Building a MySQL database that can take an infinite number of fields

I am building a MySQL-driven website that will analyze customer surveys distributed by a variety of clients. Generally, these surveys are structured fairly consistently, and most of our clients' data can be reduced to the same normalized database structure.
However, every client inevitably ends up including highly specific demographic questions for their customers that are irrelevant to every other one of our clients. For instance, although all of our clients will ask about customer satisfaction, only our auto clients will ask whether the customers know how to drive manual transmissions.
Up to now, I have been adding columns to a respondents table for all general demographic information, with a lot of default null's mixed in. However, as we add more clients, it's clear that this will end up with a massive number of columns which are almost always null.
Is there a way to do this consistently? I would rather keep as much of the standardized data as possible in the respondents table since our import script is already written for that table. One thought of mine is to build a respondent_supplemental_demographic_info table that has the columns response_id, demographic_field, demographic_value (so the manual transmissions example might become: 'ID999', 'can_drive_manual_indicator', true). This could hold an infinite number of demographic_fields, but would be incredible painful to work with from both a processing and programming perspective. Any ideas?
Your solution to this problem is called entity-attribute-value (EAV). This "unpivots" columns so they are rows in a table and then you tie them together into a single view.
EAV structures are a bit tricky to learn how to deal with. They require many more joins or aggregations to get a single view out. Also, the types of the values becomes challenging. Generally there is one value column, so everything is stored as a string. You can, of course, have a type column with different types.
They also take up more space, because the entity id is repeated on each row (I think that is the response_id in your case).
Although not idea in all situations, they are appropriate in a situation such as you describe. You are adding attributes indefinitely. You will quickly run over the maximum number of columns allowed in a single table (typically between 1,000 and 4,000 depending on the database). You can also keep track of each value in each column separately -- if they are added at different times, for instance, you can keep a time stamp on when they go in.
Another alternative is to maintain a separate table for each client, and then use some other process to combine the data into a common data structure.
Do not fall for a table with key-value pairs (field id, field value) as that is inefficient.
In your case I would create a table per customer. And metadata tables (in a separate DB) describing these tables. With these metadata you can generate SQL etcetera. That is definitely superior too having many null columns. Or copied, adapted scripts. It requires a bit of programming, where an application uses the metadata to generate SQL, collect the data (without customer specific semantic knowledge) and generate reports.

When are computed columns appropriate?

I'm considering designing a table with a computed column in Microsoft SQL Server 2008. It would be a simple calculation like (ISNULL(colA,(0)) + ISNULL(colB,(0))) - like a total. Our application uses Entity Framework 4.
I'm not completely familiar with computed columns so I'm curious what others have to say about when they are appropriate to be used as opposed to other mechanisms which achieve the same result, such as views, or a computed Entity column.
Are there any reasons why I wouldn't want to use a computed column in a table?
If I do use a computed column, should it be persisted or not? I've read about different performance results using persisted, not persisted, with indexed and non indexed computed columns here. Given that my computation seems simple, I'm inclined to say that it shouldn't be persisted.
In my experience, they're most useful/appropriate when they can be used in other places like an index or a check constraint, which sometimes requires that the column be persisted (physically stored in the table). For further details, see Computed Columns and Creating Indexes on Computed Columns.
If your computed column is not persisted, it will be calculated every time you access it in e.g. a SELECT. If the data it's based on changes frequently, that might be okay.
If the data doesn't change frequently, e.g. if you have a computed column to turn your numeric OrderID INT into a human-readable ORD-0001234 or something like that, then definitely make your computed column persisted - in that case, the value will be computed and physically stored on disk, and any subsequent access to it is like reading any other column on your table - no re-computation over and over again.
We've also come to use (and highly appreciate!) computed columns to extract certain pieces of information from XML columns and surfacing them on the table as separate (persisted) columns. That makes querying against those items just much more efficient than constantly having to poke into the XML with XQuery to retrieve the information. For this use case, I think persisted computed columns are a great way to speed up your queries!
Let's say you have a computed column called ProspectRanking that is the result of the evaluation of the values in several columns: ReadingLevel, AnnualIncome, Gender, OwnsBoat, HasPurchasedPremiumGasolineRecently.
Let's also say that many decentralized departments in your large mega-corporation use this data, and they all have their own programmers on staff, but you want the ProspectRanking algorithms to be managed centrally by IT at corporate headquarters, who maintain close communication with the VP of Marketing. Let's also say that the algorithm is frequently tweaked to reflect some changing conditions, like the interest rate or the rate of inflation.
You'd want the computation to be part of the back-end database engine and not in the client consumers of the data, if managing the front-end clients would be like herding cats.
If you can avoid herding cats, do so.
Make Sure You Are Querying Only Columns You Need
I have found using computed columns to be very useful, even if not persisted, especially in an MVVM model where you are only getting the columns you need for that specific view. So long as you are not putting logic that is less performant in the computed-column-code you should be fine. The bottom line is for those computed (not persisted columns) are going to have to be looked for anyways if you are using that data.
When it Comes to Performance
For performance you narrow your query to the rows and the computed columns. If you were putting an index on the computed column (if that is allowed Checked and it is not allowed) I would be cautious because the execution engine might decide to use that index and hurt performance by computing those columns. Most of the time you are just getting a name or description from a join table so I think this is fine.
Don't Brute Force It
The only time it wouldn't make sense to use a lot of computed columns is if you are using a single view-model class that captures all the data in all columns including those computed. In this case, your performance is going to degrade based on the number of computed columns and number of rows in your database that you are selecting from.
Computed Columns for ORM Works Great.
An object relational mapper such as EntityFramework allow you to query a subset of the columns in your query. This works especially well using LINQ to EntityFramework. By using the computed columns you don't have to clutter your ORM class with mapped views for each of the model types.
var data = from e in db.Employees
select new NarrowEmployeeView { Id, Name };
Only the Id and Name are queried.
var data = from e in db.Employees
select new WiderEmployeeView { Id, Name, DepartmentName };
Assuming the DepartmentName is a computed column you then get your computed executed for the latter query.
Peformance Profiler
If you use a peformance profiler and filter against sql queries you can see that in fact the computed columns are ignored when not in the select statement.
Computed columns can be appropriate if you plan to query by that information.
For instance, if you have a dataset that you are going to present in the UI. Having a computed column will allow you to page the view while still allowing sorting and filtering on the computed column. if that computed column is in code only, then it will be much more difficult to reasonably sort or filter the dataset for display based on that value.
Computed column is a business rule and it's more appropriate to implement it on the client and not in the storage. Database is for storing/retrieving data, not for business rule processing. The fact that it can do something doesn't mean you should do it that way. You too you are free to jump from tour Eiffel but it will be a bad decision :)