How to solve the error "No Protocol specified" for ClusterSSH - ssh

I'm trying to setup ClusterSSH on my OpenSuse 15.1 - yet I'm getting an error and I've looked around and cannot find a solution.
mschumacher#Desktop:~/.clusterssh> cssh -l mschumacher
Connection to server failed -- (version 11.0)
No protocol specified
at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.26.1/App/ line 1983.
In the file /home/mschumacher/.clusterssh/config I have..
#terminal_allow_send_events=-xrm '*.VT100.allowSendEvents:true'
I'll keep digging around to see if I can figure out what the issue(s) are, but hopefully, it will be something simple to do.

My solution:
Log in as root. Type in the command "xhost +", which should come back with "access control disabled, clients can connect from any host". Exit out of root and able to use cssh.


I am begginer with mysql connection with netbeans

When I click on start on Database, it shows error like ZeroDataTimeBehaviour. I tried everything but I did not get the solution since I am new to mysql and its connectivity. Mysql works properly in command line but I don't know how to connect with netbeans properly ?
Error on click on start on netbeans
First of all I would try with this setting:
If that doesn't help to You try to lower version of mySql to 5.5
You might find this link helpful: NetBeans, MySQL
What should happen when the driver encounters DATETIME values that are
composed entirely of zeros (used by MySQL to represent invalid dates)?
Valid values are "exception", "round" and "convertToNull".
Default: exception
Since version: 3.1.4

powershell_ise stopped working on Server 2008 R2

I have the same issue as this person:
Powershell ISE crash when loading
Logging in as a different user does not help. When I try to run powershell_ise - with or without -MTA -NoProfile - it comes up with a window saying "powershell_ise has stopped working." Clicking on the "Check online for a solution and close the program" just closes the program. Problem details gives:
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: PowerShell
NameOfExe: powershell_ise.exe
FileVersionOfSystemManagementAutomation: 10.0.14409.1012
InnermostExceptionType: System.IO.FileFormatException
OutermostExceptionType: System.Reflection.TargetInvocation
DeepestPowerShellFrame: indows.PowerShell.GuiExe.Internal.GPowerShell.Main
DeepestFrame: System.RuntimeMethodHandle.InvokeMethod
ThreadName: unknown
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 5129
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I have tried for days to find something on line and can find nothing. I have deleted the powershell_ise.exe.config file - same deal.
It's a server (2008 R2) and does a lot of stuff. Recreating it would be a real pain! Any ideas, anyone?

failed to connect to a database in B1if

sometimes i have this error when i try to connect to my database in B1if :
vBIU.errhdlg='' exceptionmsg=' XCE001 Nested exception: BPE001 Nested exception: XCE001 Nested exception: XCE001 Nested exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Connect to
Business One failed. (-119) Database server type not supported -b1Server=SRV-B1-HYPPROD,
company=SBO_HYPFR_PROD, licenseServer=HYP-B1-LIC:30000, dbType=7, dbUser=sa, userName=B1i-' msglogexcl='false'
handover2CentralSrv='' MessageLog='true' msglogdbop='insert'>
the question is how to fix that ?
The Error happens when B1i don't get a connection to the DB. That should not be a problem because B1i repeats the process after a minuten and then the connection should be there.
We fixed this by Installing the 64 Bit version of B1DIAPI.x64. Not sure why that worked.
Note you need to update the SLD links for your database and SBO-COMMON - the jcoPath will likely be different - replace the "Program Files (x86)" with just "Program Files".

wx Widgets multiple errors in Windows 10

I have downloaded wxWidgets-3.0.2 and am trying to create a simple FRAME from the main program.
Unfortunately I am receiving multiple errors that are all to do with wxWidgets, NOT my code. This is odd as I am lead to believe wxWidgets should work.
Here are some of the errors I am getting:
*\msw\chkconf.h(19): Error! E080: col(10) "wxUSE_ACTIVEX must be defined."
\msw\chkconf.h(394): Error! E080: col(13) "wxUSE_DATAOBJ requires wxUSE_OLE"
\msw\chkconf.h(414): Error! E080: col(13) "wxMediaCtl requires wxActiveXContainer"
\chkconf.h(1630): Error! E080: col(13) "wxRearrangeCtrl requires wxCheckListBox"
\vector.h(197): Error! E148: col(71) access to private member 'reverse_iterator::m_ptr' is not allowed
\vector.h(187): Note! N392: col(21) definition: 'wxToolTip * * wxVector<wxToolTip *>::reverse_iterator::m_ptr'*
Why am I receiving these messages when wxWidgets is supposed to be ready to go?
Have you configured properly? If not try this link to configure on Windows. Also, you can try to use Linux. It is much easier to set up WxWidgets.
High level steps to installing wxWidgets:
Download ( you appear to have done this )
Build library ( I cannot tell if you have done this )
Download binary built libraries if available for your compiler ( what compiler are you using - you haven't told us! )
Build one or two of the sample programs ( It really does not look like you have done this )
NOT UNTIL you have completed all these steps are you "ready to go"

QuickFix Trouble - Repeating Groups

My fix engine keeps rejecting messages and I was hoping someone could help me figure out why... I'm receiving the following sample message:
8=FIXT.1.1 9=518 35=AE 34=4 1128=8 49=XXXXXXX 56=YYYYYYY 52=20130322-17:58:37 552=1 54=1 37=Z00097H4ON 11=NOREF 826=0 78=1 79=NOT SPECIFIED 80=100000.000000 5967=129776.520000 453=5 448=BCART6 452=3 447=D 448=BARX 452=1 447=D 448=BARX 452=16 447=D 448=bcart6 452=11 447=D 448=ABCDEFGHI 452=12 447=D 571=6611540 150=F 17=Z00097H4ON 32=100000.000000 38=100000.000000 15=EUR 1056=129776.520000 31=1.2977652 194=1.298120 195=-3.5480 64=20130409 63=W2 60=20130322-17:26:50 75=20130322 1057=Y 460=4 167=FOR 65=OR 55=EUR/USD 10=121
8=FIXT.1.1 9=124 35=3 34=4 49=XXXXXXX 52=20130322-17:58:37.917 56=YYYYYYY 45=4 58=Tag appears more than once 371=448 372=AE 373=13 10=216
But as you can see it's being rejected by the quickfix engine. I am using the 5.0sp1 data dictionary and have configured it in my config file:
BeginString = FIXT.1.1
SenderCompID = XXXXX
TargetCompID= YYYYY
DefaultApplVerId = FIX.5.0
SocketConnectHost= A.B.C.D
SocketConnectPort= 123
Does anyone have any idea why the Engine would be rejecting this message? I know that quickfix is normally able to handle messages with repeating groups, is it a config thing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Your message seems to be in order. Try putting this in your config file.
Quickfix by default puts that as Y and the underlying structure storing the tab and field values is unable to see the count before. 453 > 448.
As a sidenote always check these fields. They should point you to the source of the problem.
58=Tag appears more than once
Maybe it's a shot in the dark, but I had a similar a problem when using a 5.0sp2 dictionary.
I resolved using an updated version of the quickfix library compiled from the library SVN repository. If I remember correctly this was the bug.
It seems that the quickfix library has not been updated since a long time, and for newer version of fix I suggest you to use the "trunk" of the repo.
I had the same problem and i resolved it by tweaking my DataDictionary like the following in message AE TradeCaptureReport