How to print all differences when comparing two xml files using XMLUnit2 - xmlunit-2

Using XMLUnit2 to compare two xml files using groovy in soapui, it's comparing two files successfully.Would like to print all differences what it finds, but it just printing only first difference. XMLUnit1 supposes to print all differences, but would like to use XMLUnit2.
If any one have any idea, how to print please help me, It would be appreciated.
Code Using:
diff =
.withTest( resxml2)
.withNodeMatcher(new DefaultNodeMatcher(new ByNameAndTextRecSelector(), ElementSelectors.byName))
print diff

The Diff object you get as a result of the comparison contains all differences and you can access them with diff.getDifferences(). The toString method of Diff that you invoke when you print it only prints the first difference.
So if you want to print all differences you'd do something like
for (Difference d : diff.getDifferences()) {
For more control over the output take a look at ComparisonFomatter and Difference's one-arg toString method.


Referencing nested arrays in awk

I'm creating a bunch of mappings that can be indexed into using 3 keys such as below:
split( "10,13,19,49", mappings["foo"]["bar"]["blah"] )
I can then index into the nested array using for example
But this is a bit long-winded when I need to refer to the same nested array several times, so in other languages I'd create a reference to the inner array:
However, I can't seem to get this to work in awk (gawk 4.1.3).
I can only find one link over google, that suggests this is impossible in previous versions of awk, and a loop setting the keys and values one-by-one is the only solution. Is this still the case or does anyone have a suggestions for a better solution?
In response to comments a bit more background on what I'm trying to do. If there is a better approach, I'm all for using it!
I have set of CSV files that I'm feeding into AWK. The idea is to calculate a checksum based on specific columns after applying filtering to the rows.
The columns to checksum on, and the filtering to apply, are derivived from runtime parameters sent into the script.
The runtime parameters are a triple of (product,format,version), hence my use of a 3-nested assoicative array.
Another approach would be to use triple as a single key, rather than nesting, but gawk doesn't seem to natively support this, so I'd end-up concatenating the values as string. This felt a bit less structured to me, but if I'm wrong, happy to change my mind on this apporach.
Anyway, it is these parameters that are used to index into the array to structure to retrieve the column numbers, etc.
You can then build-up a tree-like structure, for example, the below shows 2 formats for product foo on version blah, and so on...:
split( "10,13,19,49", mappings["product-foo"]["format-bar"]["version-blah"] )
split( "55,23,14,6", mappings["product-foo"]["format-moo"]["version-blah"] )
The magic happens like this, you can see how long-winded the mappings indexing becomes without referencing:
(FNR>1 && (format!="some-format" ||
(version=="some-version" && $1=="some-filter") ||
(version=="some-other-version" && $8=="some-other-filter"))) {
# Loop over each supplied field summing an absolute tally for each
for (i=1; i <= length(mappings[product][format][version]); i++) {
sumarr[i] += ( $mappings[product][format][version][i] < 0 ? -$mappings[product][format][version][i]:$mappings[product][format][version][i] )
The comment from #ed-morton simplifies this as originally requested, but interested if their is a simpler approach.
The right answer is from #ed-morton above (thanks!).
Ed - if you write it out as an answer I'll accept it, otherwise I'll accept this quote in a few days for good housekeeping.
Right, there is no array copy functionality in awk and there are no pointers/references so you can't create a pointer to an array. You can of course create function map(i) { return mappings[product][format][version][i]}

defining a variable to set length of an array is failing but assert and print works

def count = * print response.teams[0].teamMembers.length throws below error
com.jayway.jsonpath.PathNotFoundException: Expected to find an object
with property ['length'] in path $['teams'][0]['teamMembers'] but
found 'net.minidev.json.JSONArray'.
This is not a json object
according to the JsonProvider:
print response.teams[0].teamMembers.length and
assert response.teams[0].teamMembers.length == 9
are working just fine.
Any help here is much appreciated.
Yes, Karate assumes the right-hand-side as Json-Path (which is fine for 90% of the cases). Use parentheses to force JavaScript evaluation when needed.
Try this:
def count = (response.teams[0].teamMembers.length)
For a detailed explanation, please refer to this section in the documentation: Karate Expressions

Parsing a SQL spatial column in Python

I am struggling a bit as I am new to programming. I am currently writing a python script and I am a bit stuck. The goal is to parse some spatial information the gets pulled from SQL to a format that is usable for my py script down the line.
I was able to CAST through a SQL query and fetchall using the obdc module. However once I fetch the data that is where it gets trick for me. Here is an example of a print from the fetchall:
[(u'POLYGON ((7014.186279296875 6602.99658203125 1612.5, 7015.984375 6600.416015625 1612.5))',), (u'POLYGON ((6730.962646484375 6715.2490234375 1522.5, 6730.0869140625 6714.13916015625 1522.5))',)]
I am not exactly sure what I am getting here it is like a list of tuples. which I have tried converting to a list of list, but there must be something I am missing.
Here is the usable format I am looking for:
[[7014.186279296875, 6602.99658203125, 1612.5], [7015.984375, 6600.416015625, 1612.5]]
[[6730.962646484375, 6715.2490234375, 1522.5], [6730.0869140625, 6714.13916015625, 1522.5]]
Any ideas of how I can accomplish this? Maybe there is a better way to CAST in SQL or a module in python that would be easier to use instead of just doing a cursor.fetchall() and parsing? Or any any parsing help would be useful. Thanks.
If you want to do parsing, that should be straight forward. For example you've provided next code would do the thing:
result = []
for element in data:
single_elements = element[0][10:-2].split(', ')
for se in single_elements:
row = str(se).split(' ')
result.append([float(a) for a in row])
Result will contain what you need. If parsing is not an option, then paste some of your code so I can see how you're fetching data.

Use xls, csv or other type of file to make a float array in Objective-C

Hi all, I'm *very* new at the whole programming thing, but I really like it. Sorry if I do not have enough details
So pretty much, I have excel files that have columns with numbers ( I can't post a picture because I don't have 10 reputations yet.
I've been searching for a couple days and I haven't really found an answer to this. I was wondering if there is a way that I could either create multiple arrays from the file - I know we can't make matrices like matlab - that have the numbers in each column, i.e.
float numbers[] = {1.3, 1.2, 4.2};
Or create the excel file with numbers (the iWork version of excel), and import the numbers file into the xcode project and from there create the arrays
The issue I have is that there's around a thousand numbers so copying it one by one is extremely time consuming
sorry if this is confusing, please let me know if there's anything else I should add as information
There's two easy ways to do this, even if you are a beginner.
Open MS Excel, input your values, save excel document as .CSV file.
Then grab an objective-c CSV converter like this one here in github and you are done.
The second way, you could declare an array of numbers (in example, 'float matrix[5][5];') and use it however you see fit.
I've done both of my suggestions in seperate projects and both work very well. I used the first method for a 15 page excel document that I needed to use in my app, the second method I used in another app that I needed to constantly change the contents of the 2d array.
Once you declare the 'float matrix[5][5]' this is a 5x5 matrix (a.k.a. table) you can use it however you want. You could have the first array be the column and the second array be the row.
You mean generate objective-C source from a .csv file? One way to do this would be to use a scripting language like Perl:
use warnings;
use strict;
my #numbers = ();
while (<>) {
push #numbers, $_;
my $numbers = join(', ', #numbers);
print qq(float numbers[] = {$numbers};\n);
This assumes that your .csv file (say foo.csv) has numbers in the first column and nothing else. If the file contains:
And you pipe it to the script ( in this example):
cat foo.csv | perl
It will output this:
float numbers[] = {1.5, 2.5, 18842984, -4};
Is that what you're trying to do?

Dynamically set input and output paths in pig using UDFs

I would like to create a no-arg pig script that dynamically creates input and output paths.
The script itself should determine a input file glob based on current date and similarly determine an output file path based on current date. While I know that one can easily pass in parameters I was hoping to have a no-arg script and use a couple of simple jython UDFs to compute these paths.
How do I do that? I can't seem to set variables by calling a UDF. For instance,
%default OUTPUTPATH myfn();
path = myfn();
don't seem to work.
Any ideas?
(Why no-args? Because I would like to have a single static amazon data pipeline config that runs the same script each day but under the hood would run the last day's or last week's worth of log files each time.)
Sadly, to my knowledge, there is no way to do this in pure pig. However, you can define these changing variables in a python wrapper. In your case, you'll just define the dict of args like:
d = {
'OUTPATH': myfn(),
And then pass that dict like:
P = Pig.compile(path_to_my_script)
Q = P.bind(d)
results =
Of course there is a little more to add to the wrapper, but it should be pretty clear from the docs.