How to use suggestquestion in QnA Maker? - qnamaker

I started leaned QnA Maker. I have a question:
How to use suggestquestion in QnA Maker?
Can any one give me example ?

I assume you are talking about the capability to suggest several answers where the match confidence is similar. There are many samples on the Botbuilder-Samples Github repo (nodejs page linked), including one for a Qna Maker Active Learning Bot, which should give you what you need. Specifically, the file in the Helpers folder shows how to make the call, filter the results, and if there is more than one "good" answer, build an array of suggestedQuestions and push those to the user.


Evernote API in Unity3D

Since I haven't got any response on the Unity3d or Evernote forums, I'll try it here.
The last year I have worked a lot with Unity3D, mostly because the good integration with the Vuforia Augmented Reality library and the fact that publishing for multiple platforms is a piece of cake.
Now I want to show notes in an AR setting and am looking at the Evernote API for this. I couldn't find anything about using this with Unity, I can see why this is not the most common combination.
My question is: do you think I can access the Evernote API through Unity? If so, how should I do this? Or is it for this purpose perhaps wiser to make (parts of) the application with Eclipse/xCode?
Hope to hear from you!
Link to Evernote API:
The Evernote API has a C# SDK which you should be able to call through Unity. In terms of how to do it, you will probably need to download the SDK and follow the instructions yourself. Their github seems like a good starting point.
One thing to note is that Unity's .Net library for mobile clients are quite limited and with webplayer you will need to deal with sandbox security issues. But start with the standalone build first and see how you go

Shipment Tracking in iOS

iOS 4 automatically detects tracking numbers found in emails, notes, and messages and turns them into clickable links.
And it redirects to this URL,
How can we use this API or library into our iOS apps so it will automatically detect or force detect shipping numbers?
Unfortunately, the publicly-released data detector types don't include common carrier tracking numbers. I wrote a small project showing how to detect UPS, USPS, and FedEx package numbers and got pretty good results:
You'll have to do the work of assembling the tracking URLs yourself, but this sample code may help you get started. Download here.
The class being used to do this is called NSDataDetector.
It is a subclass of NSRegularExpression where you can specify some built in patterns to look for.
The list of built in type values in the NSTextCheckingType enum can be seen here.
I don't see one specifically for tracking information, but the closest thing appears to be NSTextCheckingTypeTransitInformation. That is most likely the one you're going to be using.
Good luck!

Where to get sample Code for titanium code?

I am just a beginner in Titanium and searching for few sample source code to learn from and run. Downloading and working with kitchen sink or with the API is a big pain, to understand as well as to work with.
Although everything is there in both and they have given sample but that seems like not an implementation. I just want to have some source code to learn how, when and where to use the elements? How things work, how are they integrated etc.
Usually at the Q&A section there are samples of code. Just search what you are looking for:
The Wiki provides examples:
Even this website provides code samples, check out the Titanium Tag:
And last, but not least, there seem to be more and more code samples in the API Docs:
Good luck!
As an option, you can find good application samples on CodeCanyon. They're not free but you can learn a lot by examining how to start from scratch to build an application like;
Simple Foursquare like apps
Photo gallery apps
TODO apps etc.
I found this Forging Titanium series on to be one of the best. Just watch out this complete series. Beside providing you with basics and advanced limelight on elements and functionality, also provide link to many github public repository we can follow and get numerous sample codes.

Speech Recognition API

I need to automatically transcribe some short MP3s as part of a proof of concept I am working on. I am currently looking into cloud solutions or web API services to send the MP3 as a simple HTTP request and receive a transcription back.
The only free/open source solution I have found here, but the demos don't seem to work (at least not on the files I need to transcribe). I have found some enterprise solutions for call centers, but so far nothing I can simply integrate into a project.
Are there any web based speech recognition services available? One that is able to filter out small noise would be a plus.
Here is an unofficial method to access Google ASR capability. I just tested on Yesterday and it still works - you can get JSON style ASR output with words and associated confidence score from an FLC audio sampled in 16KHz.
Also you can try speech recognition engine of Windows 7 to produce subtitles. Here is the tool for that.
This may be a good match. Also, their techcrunch profile (See this) lists competitors as: SimulScribe, SpinVox, Vlingo, Nuance, Microsoft, Google
Some of these links may be helpful.
Vlingo, Bing and Google have recognizers in the cloud, but I don't think they make them publicly programmable. I believe they are accessible only from their authorized clients.
For a proof of concept (and low volume), have you considered just using the desktop speech engines that come in Windows 7? What is the difference between System.Speech.Recognition and Microsoft.Speech.Recognition? may be helpful. The MS desktop recognizers ship with a dictation grammar and it sounds like that is what you will need.

Getting started with a Picasa Plugin

Does anyone here know any resources on how to get started writing a plugin for Google's Picasa? I love it for photo management, but I have some ideas for how it could be better.
Riya-esque facial search: given a large enough corpus of faces and pictures (people tend to be repeated often in individuals' albums (family, friends), I would think some semi-workable version of this could be done. And with 13+ gigs/7 years of photos, it would be very nice for search.
Upload to Facebook EDIT: Someone already made a very nice version
Upload to any non-Google property, actually.
I know there are certain APIs and a Picasa2Flickr plugin out there, and I was wondering if anyone had seen any resources on this topic or had any experience
there is a an Opensource Project which created a "Upload To FlickR" Plugin. Maybe you could use it as an startingpoint...
I thought about facial recognition many years ago but my search only found a web API - no plugin api. My idea was to use an external facial recognition program to slowly index my entire catalogue of pictures and reliably tag them according to who was in them. It wouldn't need to be 100% accurate, but anything over 85% would be acceptable.
I would start with the Picasa API:
Picasa API