every time I approve any pull request on our company's BitBucket server it automatically subscribes me to notification to that pull request and then send me e-mails about what was done. It is completely annoying. Is there a way to turn it off?
In e-mail you should press this link on bottom: "unsubscribe commit emails from this repository"
If you check this post you can see that there is no way to disable it. It is a bad experience for me too.
We have set up HealthChecks in Cloudflare that use Slack's webhooks for informing our teams in a Slack workspaces about changes of some server's health conditions.
Initially, this went fine, but then, time after time, the different Cloudflare notifications started to create double output in our respective workspaces.
Cloudflare's dev were able to proof that they only call the webhook api once per message, but nevertheless, they appear immediately twice, as if the same message would be duplicated and then sent to the channel.
And so the fact that deleting the notification on the Cloudflare- side and creating a new one did not change the phenomenon came to no surprise.
Deleting the webhook for the Slack workspace and creating a new one and assinging it to the notifications in Cloudflare helps, though. But only for a limited undetermined time.
Does anyone have experience with this phenomenon and can tell me why this is and/or how I can prevent the Cloudflare notifications from appearing twice each in our Slack workspaces?
I'm trying to generate alerts based on notifications from Taiga project management software (when a user creates a project for example). These alerts will arrive to a specific Rocket.chat channel.
For this I am using the incoming Rocketchat webhooks: https://docs.rocket.chat/administrator-guides/integrations/
So I created the incoming webhook and entered the data into Taiga:
Configuring the webhook in Taiga
Once all this is done I check that the message arrives at the destination correctly:
Example of a notification message
Indeed, the message is received but it doesn't show any information. When a user history, an issue or any modification that leads to an alert is created, it is received in rocketchat but it doesn't show any information (empty message).
Payload sended by Taiga to Rocketchat
Does anyone know why he won't show me any information?
Thank you very much in advance
Do you really want to post notifications to a Rocket Chat channel, when a taiga user created a project in taiga? I would not know, how you can do that. But, as far as I can see, your screenshot shows the configuration of a generic webhook in a project after that project has been created. Therefore, I hope it is sufficient to post notifications from that project to your Rocket Chat channel. Here is my answer for this case:
I observed a similar behavior. Using the generic webhook, I could only trigger empty posts in my Rocket Chat channel by clicking on "test" for that webhook.
However, the Rocket Chat API seems to be compatible with the Slack API, cf. https://github.com/RocketChat/Rocket.Chat/issues/1728#issuecomment-166669379.
In contrast to the generic webhook, the Slack plugin for taiga (https://github.com/taigaio/taiga-contrib-slack) worked out of the box (https://tree.taiga.io/support/contrib-plugins/slack-integration/).
Only my browser gave me some hassle, because it cached the taiga webpage and after installing the Slack plugin a simple page reload was not enough to display the "Plugins" entry in the "Admin" menu of the project. "Shift+reload" did the job. But apart from that standard issue, everything worked.
A web service that contains all the methods for processing data is stored by Azure. In this case, only my telegram can process this data. Other applications are not allowed. But there is a possibility of expanding the service.
How do I know that the service is used by my telegram bot?
How to authenticate the application.
Well, I tried to use OAuth2.0, but i think it is not correct, because user is already authentificated with telegram, when he use telegram bot. My idea was to send a link to google auththentification in the beginning of bot job. By th way, ok, we know user`s data. May be I can check: Id, login etc. But some hacker can substitute this id
How can I make sure that Webhook requests are coming from Telegram? If
you‘d like to make sure that the Webhook request comes from Telegram,
we recommend using a secret path in the URL you give us, e.g.
www.example.com/your_token. Since nobody else knows your bot’s token,
you can be pretty sure it's us.
Telegram Bot FAQ
I wrote a telegram bot, but it go frizes sometimes, and don't answer to the messages.
How to check the state of bot automaticaly (for exmaple from another server).
I think, that I need something like heartbeat check:
Send a message from non-webhook server.
Catch telegram response
If response not comes in reasonable time, bot is die.
But, I need telegram client on linux server to do it.
Do you have any ideas, how to check telegram bot state?
You need to find out why the bot freezes, the health check is not the answer to your problem. However If you really want to implement some kind of automated health check, you need to use Telegram CLI to send requests to your own bot in fixed intervals and check for incoming messages from that CLI user.
If you are experiencing problem with Telegram's webhook, try long pulling the updates using the getUpdates method. I know a few high traffic bots that use that method, Webhooks have a max amount of concurrent requests so if you just delay them for a few milliseconds, it will start accumulating delay.
I need online notifications from an enterprise information system.
Exists a way to send messages via WhatsApp instead SMS?
(I work with linux)
I have digging stackoverflow for an answer unsuccessfully.
to send server status to you. pushover alternative: node-xmpp-client with facebook sample and register fake facebook account
They are not official API neither a tool to send messages programmatically.