remove results from query if group is null - sql

I have the below table:
Do not show results for grpid if there is a null custuserid for all grpid
grpid 145 should be seen as there is a custuserid on the second row.
Custid grpid custuserid date
101 145 12/30/19
101 145 dellf 1/1/20
101 255 dellf 1/1/20
201 456 1/1/20
201 555 smithr 1/1/20
Custid grpid custuserid date
101 145 12/30/19
101 145 dellf 1/1/20
101 255 dellf 1/1/20
201 555 smithr 1/1/20
Best way to filter out these results?
I was thinking first_value could be used but is there a better way?

I would simpy use exists:
select t.*
from mytable t
where exists (
select 1 from mytable t1 where t1.grpid = t.grpid and t1.custuserid is not null
The correlated subquery ensures that at least one record with the same grpid has a non-null custuserid. For performance, you want an index on (grpid, custuserid).
You could also use window functions:
select *
from (
select t.*, max(custuserid) over(partition by grpid) max_custuserid
from mytable t
) t
where max_custuserid is not null
Or, you can join an aggregate query:
select t.*
from mytable t
inner join (
from mytable
group by grpid
having max(custuserid) is not null
) x on x.grpid = t.grpid
Which option performs best would depend on your dataset (size, cardinality, ...).

Try below query
select * from temp1 where grpid not in (select grpid from temp1 group by grpid having count(custorid)=0)


How to use this in sql -- > max(sum (paid * quantity )) to solve a query

How to get the max value order of each customer ?
select num, max(sum(paid*quantity))
from orders join
using (order#)
group by customer#;
num orderN price
-------- --- -------
1 109 30
1 118 25
3 101 30
3 115 27
4 107 23
5 100 17
5 129 16
output req-
num Pnum price
-------- --- -------
1 109 30
3 101 30
4 107 23
5 100 17
You want to select the record having the highest price in each group of nums.
If your RDBMS supports window functions, that's straight forward with ROW_NUMBER() :
SELECT num, pnum, price
FROM mytable t
) x
WHERE rn = 1
Else, you can take the following approach, that uses a NOT EXISTS condition with a correlated subquery to ensure that the record being joined in the one with the highest price for the current num :
SELECT num, pnum, price
FROM mytable t
SELECT 1 FROM mytable t1 WHERE t1.num = t.num AND t1.price > t.price

Need SQL to get top row

I'm using a SQL Server database and have this data:
Loc dept deptdesc
1 201 ccccc
1 201 fffff
1 201 uuu
2 202 lllll
3 203 ooo
3 203 yyy
3 203 mmm
3 203 bbbb
I need help with the SQL query to get data:
Loc dept deptdesc
1 201 ccccc
2 202 lllll
3 203 ooo
You stated in your comments that it can be any of the descriptions, assuming this is true a simple group by will work.
SELECT Loc, dept, MIN(deptdesc)
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY Loc, dept
You can do this using Row_Number() and only taking the first of each group.
;With Cte As
Select *, Row_Number() Over (Partition By Dept Order By (Select Null)) As RN
From YourTable
Select Loc, Dept, DeptDesc
From Cte
Where RN = 1
Use the below query.. You can use CTE.
WITH cte_1
( Select Loc,Dept,DeptDesc
,Row_number()over(partition by Loc,Dept Order by (select 1)) as RNO
From YourTable)
Select Loc,Dept,DeptDesc
From cte_1
Where RNO =1
Have assumed there is a surrogate id
WITH firstVal AS(
DISTINCT first_value(column4) OVER(PARTITION BY column1 ORDER BY column2 ) AS id
) vals
INNER JOIN firstVal ON = vals.column4

How to Filter records with some column with similar value and some not

I have the following table A
Table A
ID Date Price
123 4/1/2015 300
123 4/1/2015 500
456 4/1/2015 200
456 5/1/2015 200
789 6/1/2015 300
368 NULL 700
Scenario: I want to pull all those records where date is same but price is not same:
for example:
ID Date Price
123 4/1/2015 300
123 4/1/2015 500
select t1.*
from your_table t1
select id
from your_table
group by id, date
having count(distinct price) > 1
) t2 on =
One method uses analytic functinos:
select t.*
from (select t.*, min(price) over (partition by id, date) as minprice,
max(price) over (partition by id, date) as maxprice
from t
) t
where minprice <> maxprice;
Another uses a simple exists:
select t.*
from t t
where exists (select 1 from t t2 where = and =;
Both of these methods assume that date has no time component. If it does, then use trunc(date) or similar logic.

sql group by and max and other values

i have a table that contains:
itemid inventdimid datephysical transrefid
10001 123 2015-01-02 300002
10002 123 2015-01-03 3566
10001 123 2015-02-05 55555
10002 124 2015-02-01 4545
The result i want
itemid inventdimid datephysical transrefid
10001 123 2015-02-05 555
10002 123 2015-01-03 3566
10002 124 2015-02-01 4545
MY query:
SELECT a.itemid,a.inventdimid,max(a.datephysical),a.transrefid
FROM a where dataareaid = 'ermi'
group by a.itemid,a.inventdimid
it is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Use the ANSI standard row_number() function:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by itemid, inventdimid
order by datephysical desc) as seqnum
from table t
) t
where seqnum = 1;
Find max(a.datephysical) for each itemid, inventdimid combination, select all rows from that date.
SELECT itemid, inventdimid, datephysical, transrefid
FROM a a1
where dataareaid = 'ermi'
and datephysical = (select max(datephysical)
from a a2
where a1.itemid = a2.itemid
and a1.inventdimid = a2.inventdimid
and a2.dataareaid = 'ermi')
You have to create a temporary table with your GROUP BY and then join the original table with it.
Try this:
SELECT T1.*,T2.datephysical,T2.transrefid FROM
(SELECT itemid,inventdimid
FROM TableName
GROUP BY itemid,inventdimid) T1 JOIN
(SELECT itemid,inventdimid,datephysical,transrefid
FROM TableName) T2 ON T1.itemid=T2.itemid AND T1.inventdimid=T2.inventdimid
I'm assuming you want the transrefid corresponding with the a.datephysical shown? This would be done by turning the column into a subquery:
SELECT a.itemid,a.inventdimid,max(a.datephysical),
(SELECT b.transrefid FROM MY_TABLE b where
b.datareaid = 'ermi' and b.itemid = a.itemid and b.inventdimid = a.itemid
and b.datephysical = max(a.datephysical)) as transrefid
FROM MY_TABLE a where dataareaid = 'ermi'
group by a.itemid, a.inventdimid
Some databases may not support this syntax though and it will fail if there are more than one records with the same date.

T-SQL How to select rows without duplicate values from one column?

I have a table with 2 columns ID, ID_PROJ_CSR
The content of that table is:
747 222 <
785 102
786 222 <
787 223
788 224
I want to select the ID, but if any value from ID_PROJ_CSR is a duplicate, I need to select any ID of the rows that contains that duplicate value (in that example, select ID 747 OR 786
I try:
SELECT * FROM my_table tab
WHERE tab.id_proj_csr = (SELECT TOP 1 id_proj_csr
FROM my_table mt
WHERE mt.id_proj_csr = tab.id_proj_csr)
You need to GROUP BY:
FROM my_table
Here's the case of omitting anything that has a duplicate value, so you'll only get rows that don't have duplicates:
FROM my_table
HAVING count(ID_PROJ_CSR) = 1;