Searchable video library with indexed XMP Dublin Core metadata - indexing

my company is producing a large amount of video files which are being tagged using Adobe Premiere during the editing. The tags are stored in the Dublin Core fields of the XMP section of the metadata window (ie : keywords, title, author, etc...).
They would need to have an online library of these videos, with search capability to find the video rushes based on the set tags.
Has anyone already implemented something similar and would be willing to share experience ?
thanks a lot


Multimedia PDF viewer for iOS

I want to implement an iOS application which views PDF files. I have used vfr/Reader in some other applications before. But now i need to display multimedia supported PDF files on iOS which include videos, animations etc. My customer create these PDFs by using InDesign.
I made a research and can not found a proper iOS based framework to achieve this. There are really limited number of solutions like Adobe, FastPDFKit etc but they are so expensive and there is no "one time fee" option.
Do you have any open source suggestions or the ones with lower prices?
EDIT: Made a research for days and days but there is no solution. Is there any other tool to create interactive ebooks or magazines? May be HTML5 or something with editor itself???
I have used QLPreviewController before to open local PDF files and it works great and it not hard to implement-- and it supports multiple documents.
Heres a good tutorial that I followed:
I have not tested viewing videos or anything-- the PDFs I had were simple. But it is an Apple control and has all of the basic PDF viewing functions like pinch to zoom, but like I said my PDFs only had text but it is worth a shot to try.
After a long long research and discussions, unfortunately there is no free solution with these features. There are only paid solutions and Adobe Publishing Suite takes the head although it is one of the most expensive solutions

API for PDF Library

I need to build a small PDF library that will display many catalogs, the user will be able to view the document and go thru pages but he will not be able to download or share the documents in any way, somehow to work like Google Books (here an example).
I have in mind something like the Google Drive API or some kind of Scribd API, but I don't know if one of those will work, I would like to know if there are more options for these application or the mentioned before will do the job.
Edit: Forgot to mention, all this done in a web browser.
In principle all you need would be the ability to render pages from a PDF file into an image. Your application (you didn't mention where you want to build this) is then responsible for displaying the images, scrolling, moving from page to page etc...
If this is correct there are multiple possible libraries that can do this:
- ImageMagick can convert PDF to images (
- GhostScript has extensions for PDF and can convert PostScript or PDF into images and other formats (
- I'm sure there are many, many more...
There are also a number of commercial tools, for example those from Adobe (licensed through DataLogics, and callas software ( - I'm affiliated with this company)

How to remove duplicate pages from a PDF?

I have a pdf of an ebook which has many pages duplicated, and I would like to remove them.
There are many PDF toolkits that could do this. You don't say which language or framework, so it's hard to recommend one.
You could also use Adobe Acrobat if you don't want to do it programmatically.
Disclaimer: I work for Atalasoft
Our DotImage Document Imaging Toolkit has PDF page manipulation classes. Tutorial here:
It shows adding pages, but we also support removing (and reordering)

What is "Tagged PDF"?

Can someone please explain what a "Tagged PDF" is, and how it differs from regular, non-tagged PDF?
Will tagged PDFs contain special content, such as XML, Rich Media, Javascript, or the like?
Which TeX-toolchains generate Tagged PDFs?
Tagged PDF is a PDF file that contains meta-information around certain groups of PDF instructions inside a page content. This meta-information has many use cases: Text-extraction, content-reflow, document accessibility, geographic information in PDF containing maps, etc.
If you need to know more details about this topic I would recommend reading Chapter 10 - Document Interchange of Adobe PDF Reference version 1.7.
The main reason it is used is for accessibility. With the correct tags, a screen reader (for a blind person) can understand where headings fall, what is a table/footnote/graphic and so on. Also there is a feature called PDF Article Threading which is useful for magazine or newspaper layouts where an article is split across boxes/pages.

On-demand publishing api? is a "self-publishing" service.
It appears that they used to have an api, but it is no longer offered.
I was wondering if there are any similar services in which I could use a scripting language to generate book documents (pdf, xml, whatever), and programatically place individual orders for custom books.
There is probably not an API out there for auto-converting a non-ebook format to an ebook format.
I recently attended a discussion on publishing at a software development conference. There was much discussion regarding the process of generating/converting documents to PUB-format and other e-Book formats. Apparently, it's not as simple as clicking "convert." There is a lot of manual typesetting and tweaking that has to be done to get a PDF (or .DOC, or whatever) to look right as an e-book.