Cpanel image not displaying [closed] - cpanel

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have removed the old image in the cpanel and added a new image in to it.But still displaying the old image. I have checked the production version of the cpanel and in that folder it has the latest image.

Empty trash in cpanel File Manager


I've installed g++ to my computer, and after that I can't use my Visual Studio normally [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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Here is my source code:
I've tried to fix this, but I find that it isn't working. How can I get my Visual Studio to run as normal?

Reads a Txt file on a webserver on Raspbian (Linux) [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've a txt file working like a Database, and want to store that information on a webserver (a few people wants to access this data), someone have suggest about it ? Btw I'm using linux.
What's the problem? You can install any web server like nginx.

how to browse an image and store that image in the database using LINQ to SQL in ASP.NET and how to retrieve that image? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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how to browse an image using a browse button and store that image as an image type in the database using LINQ to SQL in ASP.NET and as same as how to retrieve that image from database?
There are many articles on doing exactly this. Here are some links:

Prestashop custom product fields [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to add some custom fields on my prestashop backend and, when filled, to show up in frontend. Here are some examples of what I want to implement:
And here is the frontpage:
Searched everywhere but no results. I just need an idea or an example. Thank you!

I would like the command to display the file disk location, and size of the recovery area? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am hoping this is a easy question to answer. Default recovery file disk location and the size set for your recovery area
Always include Oracle version and platform.
You should check v$flash_recovery_area_usage and v$recovery_file_dest
Hope that helps.