How to set up and my GitHub repo - ide

I am trying to set up my GitHub repo at to work with the IDE. I have followed the instructions at, but when I try to activate the remixd plugin, it indicates that I need to make sure the remixd is running, which it is.
According to the instructions, "remixd provides full read and write access to the given folder for any application that can access the TCP port 65520 on your localhost." Do I need to do something to add the 65520 port?
/Users/denisputnam/git/solidity>remixd -s /Users/denisputnam/git/solidity --remix-ide
[WARN] You may now only use IDE at to connect to that instance
[WARN] Any application that runs on your computer can potentially read from and write to all files in the directory.
[WARN] Symbolinc links are not forwarded to Remix IDE
setup notifications for /Users/denisputnam/git/solidity
Sun Jan 19 2020 14:20:02 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Remixd is listening on

This is what I did to solve the problem.
Make sure that you have the full developer version of installed. As a precaution, go to the app store and install it regardless. Follow the instructions.
The goal is to get the remixd installed, but it needs the Xcode developer installed to do that.
The following websites will have the instructions, but I condensed them below in the steps.
Talks about the gyp install and the xcode-select comands:
Talks about node-gyp and node-gyp-install:
Has the instruction for the online IDE locahost setup:
Has the dmg to install on MAC:
npm install -g node-gyp-install
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
xcodebuild -version
npm install -g remixd
install the dmg file.
remixd -s /Users/denisputnam/git/solidity --remix-ide package://a7df6d3c223593f3550b35e90d7b0b1f.mod
In step 5. you will set it up for the online web IDE. Once you get the installed, activate the remix plugin from the plugins list. When it tries to connect to your local file system, you will get something like:
Sun Jan 19 2020 15:49:17 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time) Connection from origin package://a7df6d3c223593f3550b35e90d7b0b1f.mod rejected.
Copy the "package://a7df6d3c223593f3550b35e90d7b0b1f.mod ".
Stop the remixd with Ctrl-C.
Then restart it with something like:
remixd -s /Users/denisputnam/git/solidity --remix-ide package://a7df6d3c223593f3550b35e90d7b0b1f.mod
Now the remixd will point to your local remix IDE rather than the online IDE.
So why do all this? So that you can create a repo in your own github account, clone it to your local file system, and then hookup your local remix IDE to use your local github repo. This will allow you to check in code to github.


Environment variables (zsh terminal) installed through npm on MacOS 12.4 Monterey - SOLVED

Dear Stackoverflow community. I recently switched from Windows to MacOS and am at a loss how to configure environment variables. Many of the previous questions asked here are about bash instead of zsh.
I am trying to install an npm package globally. For instance:
npm install -g vercel
or any other package, and use it in my Visual Studio Code terminal (also zsh). If I want to deploy code I have to use 'npx vercel deploy' every time. I want to be able to use "vercel deploy" but instead I get:
zsh: command not found: vercel
What I tried so far:
Installing the package in zsh and visual studio code terminals (didn't work)
Setting the path equal on both VS and terminal: export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
I learned that you need to add environment variabels to a .zshrc file. I don't seem to have a zshrc file. When I do:
sudo ~/.zshrc
Password: XXXXXX
sudo: /Users/vincent/.zshrc: command not found
I am getting another error.
I read in the zsh man file that you should use $HOME/.zshrc instead. Again I am getting the same errors:
vincent#Vincents-MacBook-Air-2 ~ % $HOME/.zshrc
zsh: permission denied: /Users/vincent/.zshrc
vincent#Vincents-MacBook-Air-2 ~ % sudo $HOME/.zshrc
sudo: /Users/vincent/.zshrc: command not found
Update 1:
#slebetman Thank you for your explanation. When I open the terminal I go to home via "cd $HOME" which puts me in in the home directory. However there is no way for me to create a .zshrc file in that directory. Neither via touch or vs code. I am getting the following error: "Unable to write file '/home/.zshrc' (Unknown (FileSystemError): Error: ENOTSUP: operation not supported on socket, open '/home/.zshrc')"
Update 2:
I did manage to find the .zshrc file in visual studio code under /etc. I hope this will work. I was able to overwrite the file with Sudo and add environment variables to it.
Add this to the file .zshrc file under /etc and force overwrite it:
export vercel=/Users/vincent/.npm-global/bin/vercel
Screenshots below for those who will try in the future:
Image with .zshrc file layout
Final remarks:
I don't understand how it is so difficult to add environment variables on Mac while everything else is so easy.
I have read many different questions on stackoverflow, and I can't seem to solve it. Also since I am a newbie I am not allowed to comment on there so I post here in the hope that anyone can help me :)
Note that when you do:
npx vercel deploy
Npm will execute vercel for you without installing it. It does that by temporarily downloading vercel. If you want to run vercel directly without using npx then simply don't use npx. Install it instead:
npm install -g vercel
The -g flag installs the module globally and if the module has a CLI it will be available globally as well (note that depending on your setup you may need admin/sudo privileges to use the -g flag). Now you can run vercel by simply typing:
vercel deploy
This works in all operating systems supported by node.js and npm. That means you can even do this in Windows. In fact I use npm to distribute my tools in a simple cross-platform way so I don't have to support multiple package managers like chocolatey (Windows), homebrew (Mac OS), deb (Debian based distros), rpm (Redhat based distros) etc. (npm does not require your software to be written in node.js - I have published packages on npm written in tcl and bash).

while installing cypress through command :npm install cypress --save-dev getting error as The Cypress App could not be downloaded

while installing cypress through command :npm install cypress --save-dev getting error as The Cypress App could not be downloaded.
Error :
Finishing Installation
The Cypress App could not be downloaded.
Does your workplace require a proxy to be used to access the Internet? If so, you must configure the HTTP_PROXY environment variable before downloading Cypress. Read more:
Otherwise, please check network connectivity and try again:
But please not I m not using any proxy and on my personal wifi.
plz suggest ,what can be done in this case.Thanks
It seems to be too many possible reasons for this issue in general but I managed to find a workaround to install Cypress from within a corporation with npm and without using sudo npm or turning off strict ssl.
The following worked for me per November 18th 2020 with Ubuntu 18.04 and npm 6.14.8:
I downloaded the zip file shown in
I installed cypress as shown in : CYPRESS_INSTALL_BINARY=~/Downloads/ npm install cypress --save-dev
I could now run npx cypress open to start the gui (which will also generate the cypress.json file)
Possible Reasons for this issue:
U might be running the project with a proxy setting.
One of the reason could be you are behind the firewall.that may prohibit your network? Please follow the guidelines in Proxy Configuration if so(
make sure you have right access to install the cypress.
if none of the above mentioned reasons try removing the biraries or node_modules and install again.

Building Autodesk Forge RCDB on Windows 10 fails with node-gyp errors

While attempting to get the Forge Responsive Connected Database to build. I am unable to build this application on my Windows 10 machine. I am unable to succesffuly run “npm install”. I get the following errors as listed below. I ended up trying to use a pre-configured “canvas” and it still didn’t let the node app run.
I have tried these solutions to no success:
> canvas#1.6.10 install D:\DEVELOPMENT\Autodesk\forge-rcdb.nodejs3\node_modules\canvas
> node-gyp rebuild
D:\DEVELOPMENT\Autodesk\forge-rcdb.nodejs3\node_modules\canvas>if not defined npm_config_node_gyp (node "C:\Users\steck\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v7.7.1\node_modules\npm\bin\node-gyp-bin\\..\..\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild ) else (node "node C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild )
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module 'D:\DEVELOPMENT\Autodesk\forge-rcdb.nodejs3\node_modules\canvas\node C:\Users\me\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:470:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:418:25)
at Module.runMain (module.js:605:10)
at run (bootstrap_node.js:425:7)
at startup (bootstrap_node.js:146:9)
at bootstrap_node.js:540:3
Here are the full installation and setup steps I tested on two different 2 different computers with Windows10 installed.
Node.js - used v.6.x and v8.x
Node.js global packages:
This tool will move and install npm into Windows' spectial folder %appdata%.
Installation steps:
Open Powershell as Administrator and execute Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope CurrentUser -Force.
Install tool by npm install --global --production npm-windows-upgrade
Execute cmd npm-windows-upgrade --npm-version 5.6.0 in the Powershell (note. you can choose any version what you want, e.g. 6.0.1)
This tool will install build tools required by the package node-gyp.
The installation will take some time to wait for the build tools to be downloaded and installed. If you might see a message Successfully installed Python 2.7 firstly, but you have to wait for the message Successfully installed Visual Studio Build Tools. shows up.
Open Powershell as Administrator and install tool by npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
This tool is required by the package node-canvas while running npm install.
Open Powershell normally(say current user) and install tool by npm install -g node-gyp
Visual Studio 2017 (link):
This might be optional, I just installed it with VS C++ features in my cases.
Chocolatey (link):
This tool will make your life easier to install dependencies for package node-canvas on Windows.
Open Powershell as Administrator and execute Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')).
After installing Chocolatey, install node-canvas dependencies by choco install -y python2 gtk-runtime microsoft-build-tools libjpeg-turbo (You might see a warning message visuallstudiotool-vs2017 installation failed and you can ignore it. In my cases, it didn't affect the result)
GTK with cairo library (link):
This tool the required dependency for package node-canvas.
Installation steps:
Download precompiled X64 GTK package here.
Unzip all contents into C:\GTK.
Mongochef (link):
This tool will make your life easier to restore dummy database of the forge-rcdb.
You can follow the instructions here to install MongoDB on your compture , or use MongoDB PaaS mlab instead.
Main Installations:
Download source codes of the forge-rcdb and unzip into somewhere you like. In my cases, I put it into my desktop.
Open Powershell normally(say current user) and change directory into the unzipped folder of the source code. For instance, execute cd Desktop\forge-rcdb-nodejs-master in the Powershell.
Run cmd npm install in the root of the source code folder. (You may see some error message while compiling the package node-canvas, but can see 'copied xxx.c', 'copied xxx.cpp', and so on in the same time, then you can ignore the errors. In my cases, it didn't be a problem to run forge-rcdb.)
Open config\development.config.js with your editor and change values of viewer section into:
viewer: {
viewer3D: '',
threeJS: '',
style: ''
Change the database section in the config\development.config.js with you MongoDB connection settings.
Restore dummy database data in the resources/db/dev or resources/db/prod via Mongochef's Import function.
Open Powershell normally(say current user) and set following environment variables:
Run the project
Change current directory of the Powershell into the source code folder of the forge-rcdb and type npm start
open http://localhost:3000 in your favorite browser.
Trouble Shooting
You might be not able to load any models in the browser. If you to test the functionality, please copy resources\models\prod\robot into resources\models\dev\robot. Afterward, navigate to http://localhost:3000/configurator in the web browser and mouse-click on Kinematics project, then you will see the model loaded on your screen.
If you see the response of http://localhost:3000/api/forge/user showing HTTP EORROR CODE 404 from the browser dev console, then you must have to check whether the CallBack URL of your Forge App used to host forge-rcdb in Forge Dev Protal is http://localhost:3000/api/forge/callback/oauth. (note. This config can be changed in config\development.config.js)
Afterward, you or your users must have to log into the website with Autodesk account to obtain 3 legged token from the Forge OAuth service to upload models in the gallery page.
If you get an empty array from the response of http://localhost:3000/api/models/configurator?limit=100&offset=0&search=, it means there is nothing in your MongoDB collection configurator.models. To fix this issue, you can import db content resources\db\dev\configurator.models.json into your MongoDB via Mongochef. (note. Please refer the step 3 of the configuration section)
If you cannot load any listed models from the web pages, it means there is not downloaded viewable bubbles in your resources\models\prod or resources\models\dev as well as your Forge OSS bucket. So, please check the urn value in your database whether you have those models in these positions previously mentioned.
If you found the main reason for item 3 of Trouble Shooting is that you didn't own models listed in the forge-rcdb, that's because these models are Autodesk's private models or uploaded by other users themselves before, that might not be shared to the public, unfortunately. To fix this issue, you have to change the example data of MongoDB Collections mentioned in step 3 of the configuration section to your own models.
Hope it helps.

Apache Cordova VS Community 2015 - Run Dependency Checker Fails

Apache Cordova Dependency Checker fails in VS Community 2015. It was previously working on this computer until I ran several VS and 3rd party tools updates. Here's what I've done to try to resolve the issue:
Installed VS / Apache Cordova (no error messages displayed) following article
Run Apache Cordova Dependency Checker but VS freezes with the error message - VS 2015 has stopped working, windows will try to restart the program.
I restarted VS and cleared Cordova cache, checked environment variables (all good), then tried Apache Cordova Dependency Checker with the same freeze result.
I tried to update Apache Cordova with the fix option (no error messages) but received the same freeze results.
I completely uninstalled Apache Cordova, 3rd party tools (following article, and VS community and then reinstalled them (no error messages) but received the same freeze results.
I installed Apache Cordova on another computer and the dependency checker phonegap app... worked. Unfortunately that's not a computer that I have access to.
What else can I do to resolve the Apache Cordova installation issue?
Thanks for any help,
Since my original post, I've had to resolve Visual Studio, Ionic, Cordova, Phonegap, plugin... environment issue several times. I've found the below works best:
Ensure platform matches plugin requirements, see platform in config.xml e.g. 6.1.1
Uninstall, reinstall latest jdk (adobe)
Clear MEF Cache - download the tool and follow instructions
Download/install latest node.js
Run the following from the command line:
Clear cache: Npm cache clean
Install latest npm: npm install -g npm
Uninstall cordova: Npm uninstall -g cordova
Reinstall cordova: Npm install –g cordova (note, this took 5+ tries to complete without errors. No other changes were made between runs. Not sure
why. Found others complaining about the same issue.)
Remove Android platform: Cordova platform remove android
Install Cordova platform add android#6.X.X (Note, as of 4/20/17 cordova and android compatibility issue. Build error - unable to find installed version of gradle. resolved by running (npm install -g cordova#6.4.0) and (cordova platform add android#6.1.2). Addt'l build errors, resolved by updating components in Android SDK Manager)
Uninstall/Reinstall plugins from the command line. For example:
cordova plugin remove phonegap-plugin-push
cordova plugin add phonegap-plugin-push variable SENDER_ID="YourID#"
npm install bower -g
Restart Visual Studio - Verify plugins were installed via config.xml
Install Ionic:
npm uninstall -g ionic
npm install -g ionic (note: to install specific version, npm install -g ionic#2.2.3)
$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic platform add android (note: redundant, already added above)
I recommend putting as much of this as possible in a batch file with a pause between commands. Verify each command was successful, if not press ctrl+break at the pause to term the batch file early. The batch file is an easy way to restore your environment when everything breaks again. Stuff happens!
I also started using a VM (oracle virtualbox) for my development environment. That way I can backup my environment before making changes and easily restore. Don't forget to upload to GIT on a daily basis. GIT and VMs are my lifesavers.
Cool NPM commands:
npm list (lists all installed packages)
npm prune (removes packages not depended on by your project according to your package.json)
npm outdated (tells you which installed packages are outdated with respect to what is current in the npm registry but allowable by the version definition in your package.json. Make sure all up-to-date)
Please feel free to add/make suggestions to the above list.

What network protocols does luarocks install use?

I am running on a redhat box, behind a corporate firewall. I'm guessing that some of the protocols are getting blocked, but I'm a relative neophyte to git, and this is my first time ever using luarocks. It looks to me like luarocks is trying to use https:// so there should be no firewall issues.... But the error messages imply a firewall problem.
Here's what I know:
I do know that this git command works fine on my machine. git is able to clone the repository locally, and I can build luarocks from source.
git clone
But, this command fails:
luarocks install cwrap
Here is the output from the command
Using switching to 'build' mode
Initialized empty Git repository in /tmp/luarocks_cwrap-scm-1-8589/cwrap/.git/[0:]: errno=Connection timed out
LuaRocks uses LuaSocket and LuaSec when available to do HTTP and HTTPS, but apart from that it just defers to external commands, such as git.
You can run luarocks with the --verbose flag and it will output every external command it calls. You can then check what is the git command line it is calling, and try it directly from the command line. This should help to diagnose if any flag is causing problems.
As a workaround, you can force git to use https with the following command:
git config --global url. git://