SSH not working in MacBook Pro 2019 Catalina - ssh

I have spent a few hours hunting for the problem here.
I have been working with Macs for years now and never had this problem, and have ssh into eC2 instances thousands of times.
I recently received at work a new MacBook Pro.
SSH runs as a service, meaning here it does not return any error that it is not found.
But no matter what server or EC2 instance I try to ssh into, as I have done a million times before I get a timeout.
Before you ask, I have looked all over for this problem. I have also looked for the normal ~/.ssh directory, which seems to be missing and therefore cannot find any config file.
The following is the Mac info:
Catalina 10.15.2
Model Name: MacBook Pro
Model Identifier: MacBookPro16,1
Processor Name: 8-Core Intel Core i9
Processor Speed: 2.3 GHz
Number of Processors: 1
Total Number of Cores: 8
L2 Cache (per Core): 256 KB
L3 Cache: 16 MB
Hyper-Threading Technology: Enabled
Memory: 16 GB
Boot ROM Version: 1037. (iBridge: 17.16.12551.0.0,0)
Serial Number (system): C02ZNMV5MD6N
Hardware UUID: 27B1EDF5-B1D2-5F86-BD12-D646F36D9D2D
Activation Lock Status: Enabled
ETA: Yes, from a Windows machine I can access the EC2 network. Yes, I have the correct PEM file. And yes, I have made sure security groups in AWS are correct. For some reason the normal ssh -i etc. picked up directly from AWS connect for the EC2 instance always times out.
Crazy question: does the ssh in Catalina demand another command, addition or some other parameter besides -i?
(I do not seem to be able to ping, telnet etc. either. So something seems to be preventing the OS from going out on ssh port 22.)
Does anyone know of or has had this problem and a fix for it? I am fairly sure it is some type of configuration in ssh or in the Network configurations.
It is driving me crazy. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!

New Macbook Pro owner/user here. Same issue, despite all configs being identical to my Windows 10 pc and Ubuntu 20 laptop.
For some reason, this doesn't work for me on my Macbook, but does work on Windows and Ubuntu.
ssh -i path-to-keyfile.pem user#ipaddress
But creating an SSH config file and adding my AWS keyfile to my keychain works:
open ~/.ssh/config if the config file exists, or touch ~/.ssh/config if not.
Edit this config file as follows:
Host *
AddKeysToAgent yes
UseKeychain yes
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Note: I don't know for sure, but I imagine only the 'AddKeysToAgent' and 'UseKeychain' parts are what's important. I'm using the 'IdentityFile' part for connecting to my git repos.
Save the config file and exit. Next, make sure your keyfile isn't too open, otherwise you won't be able to add it to your keychain:
chmod 600 path-to-keyfile.pem
Finally, add the keyfile to your keychain:
ssh-add -K path-to-keyfile.pem
Now on Mac, I'm able to ssh into my AWS instance without the -i flag:
ssh aws-username#aws-ipaddress
Hope this helps. I found the solution here:
PS - I'm also unable to sFTP into AWS using Filezilla on Mac, so I'm looking into this as well.
Update on Filezilla: A bit bizarre and I haven't figured out how to save my settings, but for now this answer works:


WSL2 Ubuntu 22.04 guest lagging when resolving domain name

I noticed latelty (probably after upgrading WSL kernel to that almost every terminal command involved in domain resolution is dalayed for about 5 sec. The same behaviour is shared by ssh, telnet, ping, wget, curl, etc. What is interesting is the fact that dig and nslookup are free from that issue. The delay at resolving is easily visible with verbose versions of wget or ssh. it looks like below.
SSH example
WGET example
I must add that previously I disabled automatic resolv.conf generation with /etc/wsl.conf
I already tried changing several values for nameserver in resolv.conf (,,, etc.), redirecting the DNS queries to my local dnsmasq and as a last resolve I also disabled IPv6 for Ubuntu guest with /etc/sysctl.conf
net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6 = 1
net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6 = 1
None of those seem to help. Do you have any suggestions?

Connecting erlang observer to remote machine via public IP

I have a machine in production running an elixir application (no access to iex, only to erl) and I am tasked with running an analysis on why we are consuming so much CPU. The idea here would be to launch observer, check the processes tab and see the processes with the most reductions.
How am I connecting?
To connect I am following a tutorial from a blog: 1
Their instructions are as follows:
launch the app in the production machine with a cookie and a name
from local run: ssh user#public_ip "epmd -names" to get the name of the app and the port used
from local create a ssh tunnel to the remote machine: ssh -L 4369:user#public_ip:4369 -L 42877:user#public_ip:42877 user#public_ip (4369 is the epmd port by default, 42877 is the port of the app)
from local connect to the remote machine using the node's name: erl -name "user#app_name" -setcookie "mah_cookie" -hidden -run observer
And now in theory I should be able to use observer on the machine. Instead however I am greeted with the following error:
Protocol ‘inet_tcp’: register/listen error: epmd_close
So, after scouring the dark side of internet, I decided to use sudo journalctl -f to check all the logs of the machine and I found this:
channel 3: open failed: administratively prohibited: open failed
my_app_name sshd[8917]: error: connect_to flame#99.999.99.999: unknown host (Name or service not known)
my_app_name CRON[9985]: pam_unix(cron:session): session closed for user flame
erlang -name: my_app_name
machine user: flame
machine public ip: 99.999.99.999 (obviously not real)
so it tells me, unknown host ?? I am confused since 99.999.99.999 is the public IP of the machine itself!
What am I doing wrong?
I read that in older versions of erlang I can’t monitor a machine with observer if they are in different networks (which is the case, because I want to monitor this machine from my localhost) but I didn’t find any information regarding this in modern days.
If this is in fact impossible, what alternatives do I have?
After 3 days of non-stop searching, I finally found something that works.
To summarize I am putting it here everything I did.
All steps in local machine:
get the ports from the remote server:
> ssh remote-user#remote-ip "epmd -names"
epmd: up and running on port 4369 with data:
name super_duper_app at port 43175
create a ssh tunel with the ports:
ssh remote-user#remote-ip -L4369:localhost:4369 -L43175:localhost:43175
On another terminal in your local machine, run a iex terminal with the cookie the app in your remote server is using. Then connect to it and start observer:
iex --name observer# --cookie super_duper_cookie
Node.connect :"super_duper_app#"
> true
With observer started, select the machine from the Nodes menu.
Possible setbacks
If you have tried this and it didn't work there are a few things you can check for:
Check if the EPMD port on your local machine is free, if not, kill the process using it and free it.
Check your ssh tunneling keys and configurations for permissions. As #Roberto Aloi pointed out this link can be useful:

Syncing folder with Windows guest in Vagrant and using with IIS

I'm running a Windows 2012 R2 eval box (mwrock/Windows2012R2) on Mac OS Sierra host.
I'm trying to setup IIS to run a web site from the synced folder, but I keep getting an HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error.
After researching, I found out that it seems to be related to permissions. I tried every possible combination of permissions, granting to Users, IIS_IUSRS, vagrant, etc., changing the app pool user, etc., nothing got it working.
Then I figured I could just use rsync. So I tried to change my Vagrantfile to use type: rsync, and then got an error saying rsync was not found in the PATH.
No problem, I installed rsync using chocolatey and tried again. This time, I got an SSH error: Error: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host. I figured there probably wasn't anything setup for SSH on Windows guest, so I found this post on setting up OpenSSH .
I followed the instructions and tried again. rsync still wouldn't work, but now there's no error, it just stalls. I tested just doing a regular SSH to the windows guest and that works fine. However, while doing plain old ssh works, doing vagrant ssh does not.
I get the following error after entering password: ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 2222: incomplete message. Meanwhile, doing ssh vagrant# -p 2222 works fine. So running out of ideas at this point.
Anybody manage to get this working with a setup similar to mine?

docker-machine create --driver generic kills ssh on google compute engine

Hi I am still learning docker's wonderful magical world. I use docker on linux with docker-machine I already added 2 already existing Linux servers with the docker-machine create and successfully run my containers on them. Now I try to do the same with an already existing google compute engine based machine which has Linux too. I use the command:
docker-machine create --driver generic --generic-ip-address ipaddress --generic- ssh-key path_To_Key --generic-ssh-user user_Name machine_Name
And I get an error:
Error creating machine: Error checking the host: Error checking and/or
regenerating the certs: There was an error validating certificates for
host "X.X.X.X:2376": dial tcp X.X.X.X:2376: i/o timeout You can
attempt to regenerate them using 'docker-machine regenerate-certs
Then the docker-machine does not know it's ip But I seems to give it a command trought docker-machine ssh
Altough I am not able to log in with ssh anywhere else and I must stop/remove the created machine and restart it.
Anyone has a similar problem?
According to generic driver's page at docker docs, try to edit --generic-ip-address=ip_address with equal sign.

Vagrant ssh forward_agent without entering vagrant user password repeadley

I currently use Vagrant and Chef to provision a VM and setup my PHP based project. This includes running composer install which essentially does a git clone of a number of private repositories.
After setting up ssh agent forwarding as outlined in the docs and the answers here: How to use ssh agent forwarding with "vagrant ssh"? I have successfully got it working.
The problem I'm having is when ever I boot a VM, provision a VM or SSH into a VM I'm now asked for vagrants default password, see examples below:
==> web: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
web: SSH address:
web: SSH username: vagrant
web: SSH auth method: private key
Text will be echoed in the clear. Please install the HighLine or Termios libraries to suppress echoed text.
vagrant#'s password:
Example 2
➜ vagrant git:(master) ✗ vagrant ssh
vagrant#'s password:
This is pretty inconvenient as I work across a number of projects, including destroying and creating some a number of times a day (Chef test kitchen). Is there anyway to automatically use my public key as well so I don't need to continually enter a password?
I ran into a similar issue recently after creating a new Vagrant box from scratch. The problem turned out to be old entries in ~/.ssh/known_hosts (on OS X).
Try the following (assumes OS X or linux):
ssh into your Vagrant machine
type ip addr or ifconfig or the like (depending on your OS)
take note of the IP addresses listed, including
on your host machine, run ssh-keygen -R {vm-ip-address} (make sure to include and []) for the addresses in step 3
confirm the relevant entries have been removed from ~/.ssh/known_hosts
vagrant reload
vagrant ssh
Alternatively, you can just delete/move/rename the ~/.ssh/known_hosts file, though this will require reconfirming authenticity again for multiple machines you've already ssh'd to.
I hope that helps.