Duplicate pageItem from one layer to another in illustrator without offset - adobe-illustrator

I'm copying items from a layer in one illustrator document into a new layer in a new illustrator document. It all works fine except that the items do not 'paste' into the same location in the new illustrator document. They are in a different position on the artboard to the original. Could anyone tell me how to resolve this, I've had a good look around but can't find anything.
Many thanks
var targetLayer = newDoc.layers.add()
for (var k = 0; k < layerName.pageItems.length; k++) {
var newItem = layerName.pageItems[k].duplicate(targetLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND)

This seems to work:
for (var k = 0; k < layerName.pageItems.length; k++) {
var pos = layerName.pageItems[k].position
var newItem = layerName.pageItems[k].duplicate(targetLayer, ElementPlacement.PLACEATEND)
newItem.position = pos


EPPlus - How to set data type of a column to General

In my ASP.NET Core 1.1 app I'm using EPPlus.Core to export data to Excel. Some columns exported have mostly numbers but rarely a text (e.g. N/A). These columns in generated Excel are showing (as expected) a green triangle on the top left corner of their cells. I want to get rid of those warnings.
Question: What's a good way of getting rid of those triangles when Excel is generated? I tried setting the format of these columns to text as follows but it did not work. I guess we need to set the format of these columns to General but I can't figure out how:
workSheet.Cells["D1:P1"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "General";
Per a user's request, the code looks similar to following.
Error at inner loop for (var j = 4; j < testlist[i].Count(); j++){...}: MyViewModel does not contain a definition of Count()
Error at line if (testlist[i][j] is string){...}: cannot apply indexing with [] to an extension of type MyViewModel
var testlist = (qry to load a MyViewModel).ToList();
using (ExcelPackage pkg= new ExcelPackage())
var ws = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("TestWorkSheet");
ws.Cells[1, 1].LoadFromCollection(rc_excel, true);
//I'm starting from 2nd row and 5th column
for (var i = 1; i < testlist.Count; i++)
for (var j = 4; j < testlist[i].Count(); j++)
if (testlist[i][j] is string)

Pdf Merge issue in itextsharp - PDF looks distorted after Merge

I have a simple scenario where I extract pages from a PDF document (or split the document in two parts, if you will) and merge the parts back to a new document, with an option to add new pages in between.
However, in one particular case the resulting document differs from the original one in that couple of pages (in this case pages 4 and 5) look distorted in comparison to the source document.
How can I circumvent the distortion of the pages? The reproduction code below has been tested with iTextSharp versions and (latest at the moment).
You can find the input-File i used here.
void Main()
var pathPrefix = #"C:\temp"; // TODO change
var inputDocPath = #"input.pdf";
var part1 = ExtractPages(Path.Combine(pathPrefix, inputDocPath), 1, 2);
var outputPath1 = Path.Combine(pathPrefix, "part1.pdf");
File.WriteAllBytes(outputPath1, part1);
var part2 = ExtractPages(Path.Combine(pathPrefix, inputDocPath), 3);
var outputPath2 = Path.Combine(pathPrefix, "part2.pdf");
File.WriteAllBytes(outputPath2, part2);
var merged = Merge(new[] {
var mergedPath = Path.Combine(pathPrefix, "output.pdf");
File.WriteAllBytes(mergedPath, merged);
//Page sizes:
// input: 8,26x11,68; 8,26x11,69; 8,26x11,69; 8,26x11,69; 8,26x11,69; 8,26x11,68; 8,26x11,68
// output: 8,26x11,68; 8,26x11,69; 8,26x11,69; 8,26x11,69; 8,26x11,69; 8,26x11,68; 8,26x11,68
public static byte[] Merge(string[] documentPaths)
byte[] mergedDocument;
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (Document document = new Document())
PdfSmartCopy pdfSmartCopy = new PdfSmartCopy(document, memoryStream);
foreach (var docPath in documentPaths)
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(docPath);
var numberOfPages = reader.NumberOfPages;
for (int page = 0; page < numberOfPages;)
PdfImportedPage pdfImportedPage = pdfSmartCopy.GetImportedPage(reader, ++page);
mergedDocument = memoryStream.ToArray();
return mergedDocument;
public static byte[] ExtractPages(string pdfDocument, int startPage, int? endPage = null)
var reader = new PdfReader(pdfDocument);
var numberOfPages = reader.NumberOfPages;
var endPageResolved = endPage.HasValue ? endPage.Value : numberOfPages;
if (startPage > numberOfPages || endPageResolved > numberOfPages)
string.Format("Error: page indices ({0}, {1}) out of bounds. Document has {2} pages.",
startPage, endPageResolved, numberOfPages).Dump();
byte[] outputDocument;
using (var doc = new Document()) // NOTE use reader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(startPage) ?
using (var msOut = new MemoryStream())
var pdfCopyProvider = new PdfCopy(doc, msOut);
for (var i = startPage; i <= endPageResolved; i++)
var page = pdfCopyProvider.GetImportedPage(reader, i);
outputDocument = msOut.ToArray();
return outputDocument;
I could reproduce the issue using your code and your test file with iTextSharp 5.5.6. Actually, though, the images are not merely distorted, they have been replaced by other ones! Inspecting the result PDF internally, one observes:
Originally page 3 through 5 each had their own respective Resource dictionary containing different entries than the ones of each other.
After split up, as pages 1 through 3 of part2.pdf, they still had different Resource dictionaries.
In the final merged result, though, page 3 through 5 all refer to the same Resource dictionary object, a copy of the resources of the original page 3!
(As page 3 contains images with the same names as the images on pages 4 and 5, this results in page 3 images being shown on pages 4 and 5.)
Somehow PdfSmartCopy seems to outsmart itself here, using PdfCopy instead creates the expected result.
I assume PdfSmartCopy falsely considers those source dictionaries identical, probably some hash collision without actual equality check.
It might be of interest to note that an equivalent test using Java and iText, SmartMerging.java, does not show the same issue, its result is as expected.
Thus, this looks like an issue of the iTextSharp port or .Net in general.

Export specific columns of JTable to PDF

I want to print my JTable content into a PDF file,
I managed to do that except that now I want to exclude the second column and print the other ones, any helpful guidlines please?
for (int rows = 0; rows < jTable1.getRowCount(); rows++) {
for (int cols = 0; cols < jTable1.getColumnCount(); cols++) {
PdfPCell cell1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(jTable1.getModel().getValueAt(rows,cols).toString(),cellFont));
float[] columnWidths = new float[] {10f,1f,13f,35f,15f,25f,20f,15f,13f,
I managed to solve the problem by just putting 0f as the column width of the column that I want to hide !

link coming twice while exporting to pdf using itextsharp

my asp boundfield:
<asp:BoundField DataField = "SiteUrl" HtmlEncode="false" HeaderText = "Team Site URL" SortExpression = "SiteUrl" ></asp:BoundField>
My itextsharpcode
for (int i = 0; i < dtUIExport.Rows.Count; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < dtUIExport.Columns.Count; j++)
if (j == 1)
{ continue; }
string cellText = Server.HtmlDecode(dtUIExport.Rows[i][j].ToString());
// cellText = Server.HtmlDecode((domainGridview.Rows[i][j].FindControl("link") as HyperLink).NavigateUrl);
// string cellText = Server.HtmlDecode((domainGridview.Rows[i].Cells[j].FindControl("hyperLinkId") as HyperLink).NavigateUrl);
iTextSharp.text.Font font = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 10, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL);
font.Color = new BaseColor(domainGridview.RowStyle.ForeColor);
iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell cell = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell(new Phrase(12, cellText, font));
domainGridview is the grid name. However I am manipulating the pdf using data table.
The hyperlink is coming in this way
How to rip the addtional link?
Edit: i have added the screenshot of pdf file
Your initial question didn't get an answer because it is rather misleading. You claim link coming twice, but that's not true. From the point of view, the link is shown as HTML syntax:
This is the HTML definition of a single link that is stored in the cellText parameter.
You are adding this content to a PdfPCell as if it were a simple string. It shouldn't surprise you that iText renders this string as-is. It would be a serious bug if iText didn't show:
If you want the HTML to be rendered, for instance like this: http://stackoverflow.com, you need to parse the HTML into iText objects (e.g. the <a>-tag will result in a Chunk object with an anchor).
Parsing HTML for use in a PdfPCell is explained in the following question: How to add a rich Textbox (HTML) to a table cell?
When you have http://stackoverflow.com, you are talking about HTML, not just ordinary text. There's a big difference.
I wrote this code for achiveing my result. Thanks Bruno for your answer
for (int j = 0; j < dtUIExport.Columns.Count; j++)
if (j == 1)
{ continue; }
if (j == 2)
String cellTextLink = Server.HtmlDecode(dtUIExport.Rows[i][j].ToString());
cellTextLink = Regex.Replace(cellTextLink, #"<[^>]*>", String.Empty);
iTextSharp.text.Font fontLink = new iTextSharp.text.Font(bf, 10, iTextSharp.text.Font.NORMAL);
fontLink.Color = new BaseColor(domainGridview.RowStyle.ForeColor);
iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell cellLink = new iTextSharp.text.pdf.PdfPCell(new Phrase(12, cellTextLink, fontLink));

iText - add a portion of one PDF to another

I have two PDFs. One is the main PDF and the other has an image that I need to insert into the first. Also in the second PDF, after inserting that image, I need to concatenate the remainder of the second PDF.
The solution was to superimpose the PDF page with the image onto the main PDF. Then concatenate the rest of it. "design_section" is the PDF with the image in it. This code will do:
PdfReader confirmation_section = new PdfReader(SOURCE);
PdfReader design_section = new PdfReader(SOURCE2);
PdfStamper stamper = new PdfStamper(confirmation_section, new FileOutputStream(RESULT));
PdfImportedPage page = stamper.getImportedPage(design_section, 1);
int c = confirmation_section.getNumberOfPages();
PdfContentByte background;
for (int i = 1; i <= c; i++) {
background = stamper.getUnderContent(i);
if(i == c)
background.addTemplate(page, 0, 0);
int d = design_section.getNumberOfPages();
if(d > 1) {
for(int f = 2; f <= d; f++) {
stamper.insertPage(c + f, confirmation_section.getPageSize(1));
page = stamper.getImportedPage(design_section, f);
stamper.getOverContent(c + f - 1).addTemplate(page, 0, 0);
System.out.println("here we are in the loop c + f is: " + (c + f));
Pointed suggestion for iText -- how about renaming "addTemplate()" to "addPage()"???. iText is the most cryptic lib I have used and that includes regexp
Thanks for the follow up. I did read that many, many times ))) well, honestly, at least 6 times. I know it is just an excerpt and I am sure that there is more valuable information in the book, but with that said, I did not find what I was looking for. Where in that text does it discuss, compare and differentiate PdfCopy PDFStamper and PDFReader/Writer in the context of, for example, adding pages from one PDF to another?