Request URI too long on spartacus services - spartacus-storefront

I've been trying to make use of service.getNavigation() method, but apparently the Request URI is too long which causes this error:
Request-URI Too Long
The requested URL's length exceeds the capacity limit for this server.
Is there a spartacus config that can resolve this issue?
Or is this supposed to be handled in the cloud (ccv2) config?

Not sure which service are you talking about specifically and what data are you passing there. For starters, please read this:
Additionally it would benefit everyone if you could say something about the service you're using and the data you are trying to pass/get.

The navigation component is firing a request for all componentIds. If you have a navigation with a lot of (root?) elements, the maximum length of HTTP GET request might be too long for the given client or server.
The initial implementation of loading components was actually done by a POST request, but the impression was that we would not need to support requests with so many components. I guess we were wrong.
Luckily, the legacy POST based request is still in the code base, it's OccCmsComponentAdapter.findComponentsByIdsLegacy.
The easiest way for you to use this code, is to provide a CustomOccCmsComponentAdapter, that extends from OccCmsComponentAdapter. Then you can override the findComponentsByIds method and simply call the super.findComponentsByIdsLegacy and pass in a copy of the arguments.
A more cleaner way would be to override the CmsComponentConnector and directly delegate the load to the adapter.findComponentsByIdsLegacy. I would not start here, as it's more complicated. Do a POC with the first suggested approach.


RESTDataSource - How to know if response comes from get request or cache

I need to get some data from a REST API in my GraphQL API. For that I'm extending RESTDataSource from apollo-datasource-rest.
From what I understood, RESTDataSource caches automatically requests but I'd like to verify if it is indeed cached. Is there a way to know if my request is getting its data from the cache or if it's hitting the REST API?
I noticed that the first request takes some time, but the following ones are way faster and also, the didReceiveResponse method is not called everytime I make a query. Is it because the data is loaded from the cache?
I'm using apollo-server-express.
Thanks for your help!
You can time the requests like following:
console.time('restdatasource get req')
console.timeEnd('restdatasource get req')
Now, if the time is under 100-150 milliseconds, that should be a request coming from the cache.
You can monitor the console, under the network tab. You will be able to see what endpoints the application is calling. If it uses cached data, there will be no new request to your endpoint logged
If you are trying to verify this locally, one good option is to setup a local proxy so that you can see all the network calls being made. (no network call meaning the call was read from cache) Then you can simply configure your app using this apollo documentation to forward all outgoing calls through a proxy like mitmproxy.

How do I design a REST call that is just a data transformation?

I am designing my first REST API.
Suppose I have a (SOAP) web service that takes MyData1 and returns MyData2.
It is a pure function with no side effects, for example:
MyData2 myData2 = transform(MyData myData);
transform() does not change the state of the server. My question is, what REST call do I use? MyData can be large, so I will need to put it in the body of the request, so POST seems required. However, POST seems to be used only to change the server state and not return anything, which transform() is not doing. So POST might not be correct? Is there a specific REST technique to use for pure functions that take and return something, or should I just use POST, unload the response body, and not worry about it?
I think POST is the way to go here, because of the sheer fact that you need to pass data in the body. The GET method is used when you need to retrieve information (in the form of an entity), identified by the Request-URI. In short, that means that when processing a GET request, a server is only required to examine the Request-URI and Host header field, and nothing else.
See the pertinent section of the HTTP specification for details.
It is okay to use POST
POST serves many useful purposes in HTTP, including the general purpose of “this action isn’t worth standardizing.”
It's not a great answer, but it's the right answer. The real issue here is that HTTP, which is a protocol for the transfer of documents over a network, isn't a great fit for document transformation.
If you imagine this idea on the web, how would it work? well, you'd click of a bunch of links to get to some web form, and that web form would allow you to specify the source data (including perhaps attaching a file), and then submitting the form would send everything to the server, and you'd get the transformed representation back as the response.
But - because of the payload, you would end up using POST, which means that general purpose components wouldn't have the data available to tell them that the request was safe.
You could look into the WebDav specifications to see if SEARCH or REPORT is a satisfactory fit -- every time I've looked into them for myself I've decided against using them (no, I don't want an HTTP file server).

How to force dispatcher cache urls with get parameters

As I understood after reading these links:
How to find out what does dispatcher cache?
The Dispatcher always requests the document directly from the AEM instance in the following cases:
If the HTTP method is not GET. Other common methods are POST for form data and HEAD for the HTTP header.
If the request URI contains a question mark "?". This usually indicates a dynamic page, such as a search result, which does not need to be cached.
The file extension is missing. The web server needs the extension to determine the document type (the MIME-type).
The authentication header is set (this can be configured)
But I want to cache url with parameters.
If I once request myUrl/?p1=1&p2=2&p3=3
then next request to myUrl/?p1=1&p2=2&p3=3 must be served from dispatcher cache, but myUrl/?p1=1&p2=2&p3=3&newParam=newValue should served by CQ for the first time and from dispatcher cache for subsequent requests.
I think the config /ignoreUrlParams is what you are looking for. It can be used to white list the query parameters which are used to determine whether a page is cached / delivered from cache or not.
Check for details.
It's not possible to cache the requests that contain query string. Such calls are considered dynamic therefore it should not be expected to cache them.
On the other hand, if you are certain that such request should be cached cause your application/feature is query driven you can work on it this way.
Add Apache rewrite rule that will move the query string of given parameter to selector
(optional) Add a CQ filter that will recognize the selector and move it back to query string
The selector can be constructed in a way: key_value but that puts some constraints on what could be passed here.
You can do this with Apache rewrites BUT it would not be ideal practice. You'll be breaking the pattern that AEM uses.
Instead, use selectors and extensions. E.g. instead of, use:
Most things you will need to do that would ever get cached will work this way just fine. If you give me more details about your requirements and what you are trying to achieve, I can help you perfect the solution.

RESTful way of getting a resource, but creating it if it doesn't exist yet

For a RESTful API that I'm creating, I need to have some functionality that get's a resource, but if it doesn't exist, creates it and then returns it. I don't think this should be the default behaviour of a GET request. I could enable this functionality on a certain parameter I give to the GET request, but it seems a little bit dirty.
The main point is that I want to do only one request for this, as these requests are gonna be done from mobile devices that potentially have a slow internet connection, so I want to limit the requests that need to be done as much as possible.
I'm not sure if this fits in the RESTful world, but if it doesn't, it will disappoint me, because it will mean I have to make a little hack on the REST idea.
Does anyone know of a RESTful way of doing this, or otherwise, a beatiful way that doesn't conflict with the REST idea?
Does the client need to provide any information as part of the creation? If so then you really need to separate out GET and POSTas otherwise you need to send that information with each GET and that will be very ugly.
If instead you are sending a GET without any additional information then there's no reason why the backend can't create the resource if it doesn't already exist prior to returning it. Depending on the amount of time it takes to create the resource you might want to think about going asynchronous and using 202 as per other answers, but that then means that your client has to handle (yet) another response code so it might be better off just waiting for the resource to be finalised and returned.
very simple:
Request: HEAD, examine response code: either 404 or 200. If you need the body, use GET.
It not available, perform a PUT or POST, the server should respond with 204 and the Location header with the URL of the newly created resource.

Does Dojo framework support grouping/bunching of same type of commands to avoid multiple request to server?

I know, we can do grouping of same kind of Ajax requests to server.
But just wanted to know if Dojo supports this or let us know if this feature doesn't depend upon Dojo framework or jquery...
Depending on the type of request you do, and how response headers are set, some kinds of AJAX requests can be cached by the browser itself, just like it would cache a normal webpage.
Outside of the browser caching stuff, I don't know of any framework that does caching at the request level like that. So, if you need a request to not be repeated the only way to be sure is to not issue the request in the first place.
In Dojo's case, for example, it is quite common to issue AJAX requests via something like dojo/store/JsonRest instead of doing them by hand. In this case it is quite easy to use something like a dojo/store/Cache to add a cacheing layer in front of the JsonRest store.