Populating disjoint ranges with google sheets API - google-sheets-api

Unfortunately, no one replied to my post, so I am reposting.
Right now, I have data in the form
user: {user: 'fdafa', week1: '1', week2: '2'}
and for all users it's like that
In my spreadsheet (through google sheets API), I want to get the data to display with the users as the very first column, then there's a column for total score (which comes as the sum of the cells where I want the week scores to go), and then there's the week scores. In other words, I need the data to fill the sheet, with a column between the user and scores for the total score to go.
Unfortunately disjoint ranges don't work (from what I've heard, but I haven't actually tested it), so could someone help me with this?


How to bypass default parameter to include a range or better SQL?

EDITED (AGAIN): added tables and two screenshots (one of Google Sheets Chart and another showing mutliple issues in DS) to help demonstrate what I am seeing.
Short Version: I have created a parameter to help me score trending topics based on the date range filter. However, I want to be able to show a range of dates' worth of data, not just a specific date's worth of data. In theory, I could make the parameter a checklist with a huge range, but that doesn't seem efficient or sustainable down the road.
Disclaimer: I am about a week into SQL and Data Studio.
Long Version: We are tracking trends over time from a specific customer data set. I'd like to make it so that when a user adjusts the time range, various topics’ " score " depends on the end date. For instance, every time the topic "Recession" is brought up, it is given a score. That score is weighted based on when it was said. I was using 365 as the highest possible score so that anything over a year is null. So if "Recession" is referenced twice, once a week ago and once today, the avg score for recession is 361.5, but if a reference is made to the topic "Talent Management" twice today, then it would have a score of 365, and so forth across a growing list of 50+ topics pertaining to 50+ specific communities we are tracking the topics across.
Here is an example:
talent mgt
talent mgt
This score would then affect the bubble size on a chart where the Y-axis is the count of unique groups referencing the topics, and an x-axis based on the range of average scores.
The goal is to be able to see which topics are the most common across groups, which ones are emerging trends, and which ones are dated trends by having a range slider. That way users (colleagues in other departments) can play with the date range "see" the bubbles moving in location and size.
example of static chart in google sheets
I could then also use the same data and fields to measure the percentage of topics being discussed across groups based on the weighted averages against a time range.
In Goolge Sheets I can do this with an xLookUp to a tab that has a column of 0-365 and then next to it a column of 365-0 (on a tab called 'scales') and then a cell on a sheet that you can put any date as the point in time, and it affects all the scores, tables, charts, etc. (I used. =xlookup((point_in_time - entry_date), 'scales'!A:A, 'scales'!B:B, "0")
In the data studios custom SQL I used:
DATE(_entry_dates_) between
parse_date('%Y%m%d', #DS_START_DATE) and
parse_date('%Y%m%d', #DS_END_DATE)
#pit_date_diff = date_diff(
parse_date('%Y%m%d', #ds_end_date),
Then I created a field that is time_score of:
I have been googling and youtubing like crazy and think I either have to come up with a way to override the #pit_date_diff default value OR I need to use a CASE WHEN in the custom query where each time the date_diff is 1 then 365, and so on, but when I try that I get all sorts of errors.
I would like below to include all topics averaged based on all entry dates, not just those that correlate with the inputted parameter field.
currently, I can only show specific entry dates due to the parameter
I appreciate any and all help. I am a week into using data studio and am going cross-eyed Googling and YouTubing things. There is likely a better logical path to accomplish all this. Hoping for a holiday miracle.
Thanks in advance.
It turns out this was much easier than I realized... I added an AS syntax to create a column and then created a field that created the same metrics that I had in the Google Sheets:
(date_diff(parse_date('%Y%m%d', #ds_end_date), _entry_dates_,day)) AS q_time_diff
Then the score field is: (avg(q_time_diff)-365)*(-1)
In case that helps any others in the future... ¯\(ツ)/¯
Happy Holidays!

Grand totals row not summing in Google Data Studio

Well, I'm absolute newbie in Google Data Studio, but for any reason, my grand totals rows is not working.
I'm learning to use this tool, and I made an easy table with just countries and sessions.
Piece of Cake. Now I just want to add a total row where it sums all sessions. That's all. I activated option Show Summary Row but it shows nothing.
Thing's I've done and not worked:
Update and refresh
Changed time period and tried different dates just in case.
Delete and create again full table.
Checked connection. I get data and the data is right, I just cannot sum it.
Changed size and format of table, just in case it where a problems or margins or font color.
And I know it can be done, because different sources. I've read this question here:
Grand Total is wrong in Google Data Studio
But it did not help. In that question, a user posted an image in the comments:
As you can see, he managed to get what I'm trying to do.
So I must be doing something wrong, and I do not why.
UPDATE 2: If I apply a filter, I get no totals. You can see my config in the right side of image.
Can anybody give me a clue of how to make a grand totals row in Google Data Studio?
Sounds like a bug. It should be a case of selecting that tick box. Strangely, I looked at an existing table I have with totals and when I unticked the box and then ticked again, the totals didn't reappear and disappeared off another table on the page (like your example). They did reappear eventually with some refreshing of the data and page but seems like there's something wrong with them.
I don't think this is a bug I think it part of the design.
I actually just discovered the reason this is happening at least for me, it doesn't actually sum the values in the table, the grand total summary of a table is a sum of whatever the metric being used is not the actual rows shown in the chart. so if you have a dimension (like age / gender) where there is data thresholding applied internally by google but are using a metric such as users you will see the grand total from the metric value without the thresholding applied from the dimension.
Proof below
You can see the grand total for column 2 is not 953.6 its 453.6 and if i look at a non threshold dimension (country)
you can see where the 953.6 comes from since the data source supplied to the table uses 80% of all users 1192 * .8 give me 953.6 which is what the grand total is displaying. Conclusion, the only way this number could be possible is if, when using a threshold dimension for a table with metric there will be a discrepancy since the grand total value is not coming from the table values but rather from metric source data, which will not have the tables dimension applied for some odd reason.

Bulk data filters in Tableau

Our organization is in e-commerce and users are looking to change a filter everyday with a different list of items, and none of the users will have their own license, just read-only access. The data is connected through Google Big Query, is there a way to have this bulk filter upload capability without the License owners having to touch the filter each time?
Product ID is the filter
Monday: they have a list of 10,000 ID's they want to check sales for
Tuesday: They have a new list of 4,000 different ID's they want to check sales for.
Without clicking each ID each time, is there a way to just upload a list, csv, google sheet etc.
We thought users can upload a list of Product ids to Google sheets which can map to a BigQuery table. We can use it to join with the sales table and get the relevant data. However this becomes unmanageable when we have more than 1 user as users might step on to others data.
Any suggestions/recommendations are welcome. Our team is pretty new to Tableau as such. Let me know if any additional details are needed.
Have you tried changing the filter type to "Multi Values (custom list)" and then having the report user paste their list into the filter? See below:

Find All 'Rental' that dont have 'Bookings' within a given DateRange

What im trying to do, is allow people to input a date range, and find all 'Rentals' places that have open days between the provided date range from the user.
My Rentals have a has_many association with "bookings" which contain a start and end date.
What would be the best possible way to get every rental article that has a day that is open within that range.
I can find all the Rentals that have Bookings that dont overlap with the given time, but that doesnt account for each day. So if there was a booking from 7 Sept to 10 Sept, and the User entered the range 5 Sept to 9 Sept, that record would simply not be included, but in theory there is the 5th-7th open.
My Possible Solution
Im still thinking this problem through, so i have not started coding. But what i was going to do, is find all the Rentals that DONT have bookings that overlap with the provided Date Range, store those in a variable(because these are correct results, because it means not a single day overlaps).
Then i will find all the Rentals that have bookings that DO overlap with the provided Date Range. I will then loop through those bookings, and within that, loop through the Range of Dates provided by the user(DateRange.Each) and check if each single day is within that bookings date ranges, as soon as a single day results in a false value(meaning at least one day doesnt overlap) it will end the loop and add the associated "rental" article to the articles collected early with no overlaps at all.
The only issue i have with this solution, is i feel it might not be very optimized or run well, im not sure. At the worst case, i would have hundreds of "rentals' and im not sure how many different "Bookings". I dont think something like this could be done in a single SQL query could it ?
Sample data
Rentals Model
name: string
has_many Bookings
Bookings Model
rental_id: integer
start_date: Date
end_date: Date
The user inputs a DateRange, i want all Rentals that have open days(none taken by a 'Booking' in the range provided.
I have been thinking, and i think the best solution is using postgres db, which allows for arrays. Ill then store all the dates of the booking, in the array, instead of storing the range.
Postgres supports checking if all the values in an given array is present in an array in the DB. So i could check if the array of 'wanted days' is 'contained' by a DB array, if it is, it means none of the days are free.

Bloomberg Security Lookup - Best way to lookup by symbol and exchange/country

What is the best way to lookup symbols based upon country or exchange? Example if I want to query for the March 2016 Ten Year Treasury Note I pass in 'TYH6 Comdty'. What if I want to designate the country or exchange in the query? Is that possible?
I'm trying to match position records from our clearing firm to calculate P&L with data from the Bloomberg API. I'm not sure if it's going to be a viable solution based upon clearing symbols and matching them to Bloomberg symbols for derivatives. I can match on Maturity(YYYYMM) but I'm not sure the product code will match up.
Request request = refDataService.CreateRequest("ReferenceDataRequest");
Element securities = request.GetElement("securities");
securities.AppendValue("TYH6 Comdty");
If I want to be able to filter the request by exchange or country, is that possible?