Analysis frame centering for scipy.signal.stft (and matplotlib plotting discrepancy) - matplotlib

I'm doing some experiments with Scipy's STFT, and would like to confirm that I'm understanding things correctly.
The following code generates the image I would expect, but labeled with the wrong time values:
from math import ceil, log
from import read
from scipy.signal import stft
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# read a 2s, 440 Hz test tone, padded with 0.5s of silence on either end
fs, x = read('a440_2s_padded.wav')
nperseg = 44100
# pick an FFT size that's the smallest power of 2 >= the window size
nfft = pow(2, ceil(log(nperseg, 2)))
# N.B. no overlap between windows
f, t, Zxx = stft(x, fs, 'blackman', nperseg=nperseg, noverlap=0, nfft=nfft, boundary='zeros')
# crop the display to relevant bins
minBin, maxBin = 600, 700
# plot it
plt.pcolormesh(t, f[minBin:maxBin], np.abs(Zxx[minBin:maxBin]), vmin=None, vmax=None)
plt.title('STFT Magnitude')
plt.ylabel('Frequency [Hz]')
plt.xlabel('Time [sec]')
matplotlib STFT output
As noted in the code, I'm analyzing a 2s, 440 Hz test tone, padded with 0.5s of silence on either end, but in the image, the signal starts at 1s and lasts until 3s. For small nperseg values, this discrepancy doesn't make much difference, but for large values and musical data, the difference can be substantial, as it determines whether the STFT is centering its frames within beats (the desired behavior), or on beats (undesired, because then it's smearing data from two consecutive beats).
Am I misunderstanding something about the STFT analysis settings? Thanks for any insight.


numpy - find all pixels near a set of pixels

I have a PIL.Image object input of mode '1' (a black & white bitmap) and I would like to determine, for every pixel in the image, whether it's within n pixels (Euclidean distance - n may be around 100 or so) of any of the white pixels.
The motivation is: input represents every pixel that is different between two other images, and I would like to create a highlight region around all those differences to show clearly where the differences occur.
So far I haven't been able to find a fast algorithm for this - the following code works, but the convolution is very slow because the kernel argument is larger than the convolution can apparently handle efficiently:
from scipy import ndimage
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
n = 100
y, x = np.ogrid[:2*n, :2*n]
kernel = (x-n)**2 + (y-n)**2 <= n**2
img ='input.png')
result = ndimage.convolve(np.array(img), kernel) != 0
Example input input.png:
Desired output result.png (there are also some undesired artifacts here that I assume come from over/underflow):
Even with these small images, the computation takes 30 seconds or so.
Can someone recommend a better procedure to compute this? Thanks.
ndimage.convolve use a very inefficient algorithm to perform the convolution certainly running in O(n m kn km) where (n,m) is the shape of the image and (kn, km) is the shape of the kernel. You can use an FFT to do that much more efficiently in O(n m log(n m)) time. Hopefully, scipy provide such a function. Here is an example of usage:
import scipy.signal
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
n = 100
y, x = np.ogrid[:2*n, :2*n]
kernel = (x-n)**2 + (y-n)**2 <= n**2
img ='input.png')
result = scipy.signal.fftconvolve(img, kernel, mode='same') >= 1.0
This is >500 times faster on my machine and this also fix the artefacts. Here is the result:

Estimation of t-distribution by mean of samples does not work

I am trying to create a t-distribution by taking the mean of many samples from a normal distribution (and then estimating the shape with kernel density estimation).
For some reason, I am getting pretty different results when I compare what I get with a proper t-distribution. I don't understand what is going wrong, so I think I am confused about something.
Here is the code:
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn
inner_sample_size = 10
X = np.arange(-3, 3, 0.01)
results = [
for _ in range(10000)
estimation = gaussian_kde(results)
plt.plot(X, estimation.evaluate(X))
t_samples = np.random.standard_t(inner_sample_size, 10000)
t_estimator = gaussian_kde(t_samples)
plt.plot(X, t_estimator.evaluate(X))
plt.ylabel("Probability density")
And here is the plot I get:
Where the orange line is numpy's own t-distribution, and the blue line is the one estimated by sampling.
Your assumption that the mean of Standard Normals has T distribution is incorrect. In fact, the mean of Standard Normals has Normal Distribution, which explains the shape of your blue graph. To generate one random variable T from a T distribution with k degrees of freedom, you first generate k+1 independent Standard Normals Z_i, i=0,...,k. You then compute
T = Z_0 / sqrt( sum(Z_i^2, i=1 to k)/k ).
The sum of squared Standard Normals sum(Z_i^2, i=1 to k) has Chi-Squared Distribution with k degrees of freedom, so if there is a pre-canned method to generate this, you should use it, since it's likely more efficient.

Seaborn heatmap to .pdf incredibly slow. Is this normal?

Trying to save some experimental data to file I noticed that when trying to save NxN sized heatmaps the execution would never complete. Investigating further it appears to be due to the .pdf extension. If I use, for example, .png it's extremely fast.
Minimum reproducible example:
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sbn
THE_FIGURE = plt.figure(figsize=(8.27, 6), dpi=300)
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
sbn.heatmap(np.random.uniform(1, 20, (N, N)), ax=ax)
THE_FIGURE.savefig('image.pdf', bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
This slowdown becomes noticeable even when N = 100.
N=1000 isn't even happening.
Is this normal? and how can I fix it
It makes sense that for larger grids saving the pdf takes longer than saving the png. This can be seen in the following graph, where time for saving the pdf and png as a function of the number of tiles along one axis (N) is shown (solid lines). We can also look at the filesize of pdf and png, where some similar behaviour is oberved (dashed lines).
Find here the code for reproduction. Running this on my computer takes ~1:10 minutes.
import matplotlib.pylab as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns
import time
import os
def f(N, form = "pdf"):
t0= time.time()
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.27, 6), dpi=300)
ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1)
sns.heatmap(np.random.uniform(1, 20, (N, N)), ax=ax)
fig.savefig('image.'+form, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0.1)
t1 = time.time()
s = os.path.getsize('image.'+form)
return t1-t0,s
ns = [5,10,15,20,25,30] + range(40,210, 20)
pdf = []
png = []
for i,n in enumerate(ns):
pdf.append(f(n, form="pdf"))
png.append(f(n, form="png"))
#print i, n
pdf = np.array(pdf);png = np.array(png)
plt.plot(ns, pdf[:,0], label="pdf")
plt.plot(ns, png[:,0], label="png")
plt.ylabel("time [s]")
ax2 = plt.gca().twinx()
ax2.plot(ns, pdf[:,1]/1000., label="pdf (filesize)", ls="--")
ax2.plot(ns, png[:,1]/1000., label="png (filesize)", ls="--")
ax2.set_ylabel("filesize [kByte]")
plt.gcf().legend(ncol=2, loc="upper left", bbox_to_anchor=(0.125,0.98))
Also the reason seems intuitive. Png is a bitmap format, it saves the image as pixels. Pdf is a vector format, it saves the image as vector shapes.
While the png needs to store always the same amount of pixels (~2000x1500 in this case), it will take longer to save png for small N (here up to N=30 or NxN = 900). But the more tiles there are in the figure, the more shapes need to be stored in the pdf, hence it will eventually take longer to save many tiles in pdf format. We assume that the time it takes to save the pdf file is roughly proportionally to the amount of tiles to store. This suggests to have a quadratic relationship of time with N, time ~ N**2. Fitting a quadratic polynomial to the data and evaluating the polynomial at t=1000 gives
fit = np.polyfit(ns, pdf[:,0], 2)
print( np.poly1d(fit)(1000) )
gives 340 seconds, which is 5:40 minutes. This is the estimated time it takes to save the 1000x1000 matrix.
Note: All data here is produced on an Intel i5 3.5GHz windows computer running python 2.7 and matplotlib 2.1. Using a different computer will of course change the timings.

Cubic spline interpolation drops out halfway

I am trying to make a cubic spline interpolation and for some reason, the interpolation drops off in the middle of it. It's very mysterious and I can't find any mention of similar occurrences anywhere online.
This is for my dissertation so I have excluded some labels etc. to keep it obscure intentionally, but all the relevant code is as follows. For context, this is an astronomy related plot.
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
W = np.array([0.435,0.606,0.814,1.05,1.25,1.40,1.60])
sum_all = np.array([sum435,sum606,sum814,sum105,sum125,sum140,sum160])
sum_can = np.array([sumc435,sumc606,sumc814,sumc105,sumc125,sumc140,sumc160])
fall = CubicSpline(W,sum_all)
fcan = CubicSpline(W,sum_can)
plt.ylabel("Flux S$_v$ [erg s$^-$$^1$ cm$^-$$^2$ Hz$^-$$^1$]")
plt.xlabel("Wavelength [n$\lambda$]")
The plot that I get from that comes out like this, with a clear gap in the interpolation:
And in case you are wondering, these are the values in the sum_all and sum_can arrays (I assume it doesn't matter, but just in case you want the numbers to plot it yourself):
[ 3.87282732e+32 8.79993191e+32 1.74866333e+33 1.59946687e+33
9.08556547e+33 6.70458731e+33 9.84832359e+33]
[ 2.98381061e+28 1.26194810e+28 3.30328780e+28 2.90254609e+29
3.65117723e+29 3.46256846e+29 3.64483736e+29]
The gap happens between [0.606,1.26194810e+28] and [0.814,3.30328780e+28]. If I change the intervals from 0.001 to something higher, it's obvious that the plot doesn't actually break off but merely dips below 0 on the y-axis (but the plot is continuous). So why does it do that? Surely that's not a correct interpolation? Just looking with our eyes, that's clearly not a well-interpolated connection between those two points.
Any tips or comments would be extremely appreciated. Thank you so much in advance!
The reason for the breakdown can be better observed on a linear scale.
We see that the spline actually passes below 0, which is undefined on a log scale.
So I would suggest to first take the logarithm of the data, perform the spline interpolation on the logarithmically scaled data, and then scale back by the 10th power.
from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
W = np.array([0.435,0.606,0.814,1.05,1.25,1.40,1.60])
sum_all = np.array([ 3.87282732e+32, 8.79993191e+32, 1.74866333e+33, 1.59946687e+33,
9.08556547e+33, 6.70458731e+33, 9.84832359e+33])
sum_can = np.array([ 2.98381061e+28, 1.26194810e+28, 3.30328780e+28, 2.90254609e+29,
3.65117723e+29, 3.46256846e+29, 3.64483736e+29])
fall = CubicSpline(W,np.log10(sum_all))
fcan = CubicSpline(W,np.log10(sum_can))
plt.ylabel("Flux S$_v$ [erg s$^-$$^1$ cm$^-$$^2$ Hz$^-$$^1$]")
plt.xlabel("Wavelength [n$\lambda$]")

How to change pyplot.specgram x and y axis scaling?

I have never worked with audio signals before and little do I know about signal processing. Nevertheless, I need to represent and audio signal using pyplot.specgram function from matplotlib library. Here is how I do it.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as wavfile
rate, frames ="song.wav")
The result I am getting is this nice spectrogram below:
When I look at x-axis and y-axis which I suppose are frequency and time domains I can't get my head around the fact that frequency is scaled from 0 to 1.0 and time from 0 to 80k.
What is the intuition behind it and, what's more important, how to represent it in a human friendly format such that frequency is 0 to 100k and time is in sec?
As others have pointed out, you need to specify the sample rate, else you get a normalised frequency (between 0 and 1) and sample index (0 to 80k). Fortunately this is as simple as:
plt.specgram(frames, Fs=rate)
To expand on Nukolas answer and combining my Changing plot scale by a factor in matplotlib
matplotlib intelligent axis labels for timedelta
we can not only get kHz on the frequency axis, but also minutes and seconds on the time axis.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as wavfile
cmap = plt.get_cmap('viridis') # this may fail on older versions of matplotlib
vmin = -40 # hide anything below -40 dB
cmap.set_under(color='k', alpha=None)
rate, frames ="song.wav")
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
pxx, freq, t, cax = ax.specgram(frames[:, 0], # first channel
Fs=rate, # to get frequency axis in Hz
cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin)
cbar = fig.colorbar(cax)
cbar.set_label('Intensity dB')
# Prettify
import matplotlib
import datetime
ax.set_xlabel('time h:mm:ss')
ax.set_ylabel('frequency kHz')
scale = 1e3 # KHz
ticks = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '{0:g}'.format(x/scale))
def timeTicks(x, pos):
d = datetime.timedelta(seconds=x)
return str(d)
formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FuncFormatter(timeTicks)
Firstly, a spectrogram is a representation of the spectral content of a signal as a function of time - this is a frequency-domain representation of the time-domain waveform (e.g. a sine wave, your file "song.wav" or some other arbitrary wave - that is, amplitude as a function of time).
The frequency values (y-axis, Hertz) are wholly dependant on the sampling frequency of your waveform ("song.wav") and will range from "0" to "sampling frequency / 2", with the upper limit being the "nyquist frequency" or "folding frequency" ( The matplotlib specgram function will automatically determine the sampling frequency of the input waveform if it is not otherwise specified, which is defined as 1 / dt, with dt being the time interval between discrete samples of the waveform. You can can pass the option Fs='sampling rate' to the specgram function to manually define what it is. It will be easier for you to get your head around what is going on if you figure out and pass these variables to the specgram function yourself
The time values (x-axis, seconds) are purely dependent on the length of your "song.wav". You may notice some whitespace or padding if you use a large window length to calculate each spectra slice (think- the individual spectra which are arranged vertically and tiled horizontally to create the spectrogram image)
To make the axes more intuitive in the plot, use x- and y-axes labels and you can also scale the axes values (i.e. change the units) using a method similar to this
Take home message - try to be a bit more verbose with your code: see below for my example.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
# generate a 5Hz sine wave
fs = 50
t = np.arange(0, 5, 1.0/fs)
f0 = 5
phi = np.pi/2
A = 1
x = A * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f0 * t +phi)
nfft = 25
# plot x-t, time-domain, i.e. source waveform
plt.plot(t, x)
# plot power(f)-t, frequency-domain, i.e. spectrogram
# call specgram function, setting Fs (sampling frequency)
# and nfft (number of waveform samples, defining a time window,
# for which to compute the spectra)
plt.specgram(x, Fs=fs, NFFT=nfft, noverlap=5, detrend='mean', mode='psd')