Is there a API for Simple-Wikipedia [closed] - wikipedia-api

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I am looking for the API for Simple-Wikipedia. Is the Wikipedia API PyPI is the same one I need? I am a bit confused

Yes, the API should work with this library as well, as long as it supports all Wikipedia versions. The "language code" you should use for simple Wikipedia would be simple, instead of, e.g., en for the english Wikipedia.
You can find a list of supported wikis, as per the documentation of the API, here. The column "Wiki" is the information you need to pass as the language code.
Example (based on the documentation):
import wikipediaapi
wiki_wiki = wikipediaapi.Wikipedia('simple')
page_py ='Programming_language')


Incomplete Frege Documentation [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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The javadocs at seem to be missing quite a bit (namely, no frege.prelude package), and does not seem very up to date. Might there be a good documentation for Frege hidden in plain sight somewhere?
What you have seen is the API doc of the runtime classes, which is really minimal since the typical Frege user will not work with those.
Thomas correctly pointed to the library documentation.
In addition, there is "Hoogle" support for Frege: where you can search the API.
All is linked from the Frege home page.
Hope that helps.

nepali-english language translator api [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for a language translator API for my project. I don't want to use the Google Translate API.
Can anyone suggest another? An open source translator would be better.
you can use Bing (Microsoft) machine translation engine.But it is almost the same as Or, you can make your own english-nepali machine tanslation system (engines), e.g.use this:
But, it will costs yo a lot of effort and time (question is whether it is worth of it).
Here is some discussion what options do you have if looking for some language translator for not-so-common language:
(hopefully you will be able to display it)

Programming/web development dictionary with API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
Improve this question is what I'm looking for, but it doesn't offer an API. Are there similar services which offer APIs?
DuckDuckGo has an open API which is quite flexible: take a look at Using their "define" syntax, it's possible to get back word definitions. For example,
...would get you back a definition for "ostensibly" in JSON format.
The WordNik API ( is also pretty good for word definitions.

Is there a documentation for jquery.couch.js? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Is there a documentation for jquery.couch.js, the standard JavaScript API that ships with CouchDB?
In many blog posts and tutorial this API is used and to some degree explained how to use it. But is there some always up-to-date documentation?
Google is your friend.
Here is another documentation for jquery.couch.js plugin
Here you can find a lot of methods :

Summary/reference documentation on Scala standard library types [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Details on the packages/types is in the Scala API documentation on But that's organised by class and I (as a Scala neophyte) find it difficult to locate the exact data type I need and work out what operation are supported on what (especially in the huge and powerful scala.collections.* tree).
Is there an online or dead-tree resource that either presents this reference information more usably, or guides the reader through the library?
Alternatively, maybe I just need to be informed how to use the existing Scala API doc website more effectively.
Any advice on effective use of the standard Scala library gratefully received!
For the collections in particular, there's a very good overview available here:
Written by Martin Odersky himself :)