Google Colab: edit two lines at the same time - google-colaboratory

In my local jupyter-notebook i can edit mutliple lines of code at the same time: simply press ctrl + click at the respective lines. In google Colab that does not seem to work. Is this feature available somehow?
I work with Firefox on a Ubuntu 16.04.

It's available. Instead of Ctrl + Click, please use
Alt + Click for Windows
Option + Click for MacOS
To select all occurrences of the current selection, please use
Ctrl + Shift + L for Windows
Command + Shift + L for MacOS

(In Linux - Chromium, at least)
I managed to do block select but only on contiguous lines, not multi-cursor unfortunately.
Shift+Alt + Up/Down to select multiple lines.
Now you can release Alt and use Left/Right to move to the sides. Whatever you do now will affect the whole block.
And, if you select one or more lines with Shift (doesn't need to be the whole content, this affects all the lines with cursor), and then release Shift and press Alt+Up/Down, you will move those lines altogether up/down
By Rainer Glüge: On Linux+Firefox:
Block-Select: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+Cursor Keys.
Multi-Cursor: Alt+Click
Multi-Select: Select one occurence, then Ctrl+Shift+L

Simplest way:
You can just press Shift+Ctrl+Up/Down keys.
(Tried with Ubuntu + Google Chrome).
Shift+Alt also works, but I find Shift+Ctrl easier.


Snowflake - How to Multi Line Comment

Is there a shortcut for multi line commenting out? A.k.a. commenting blocks of SQL at a time via a shortcut or menu option?
You have to highlight the rows you want to comment out and then press Cmd (Mac) or Crtl (Windows) + /
See here:
I don't think there's something like multi-line comment in snowflake. Even on the community page: page there's just the shortcut for a single line comment while having the whole thing highlighted, which is:
Press CMD + / (Mac) or CTRL + / (Windows) again. The comments are removed from the highlighted lines.

Selecting several lines in Intellij using keyboard shortcuts

How can I select several lines in Intellij using keyboard shortcuts?
I found out that I can do it with
ctrl + shift + right/left
But I have to press this buttons several times to select whole line.
What is more the selection starts from current caret position, so if it's not the beginning/end (depending of using left or right arrow) of the line, the whole first line is not selected.
What I usually do is to hit the Home key, and then either:
Shift+End to select until the end of the current line, or
Shift+Down to select until the next line, and then keep pressing Shift+Down to select multiple lines.
Also, IntelliJ IDEA supports the "Extend Selection" and "Shrink Selection" commands, for which the default key bindings are Ctrl+Alt+Left and Ctrl+Alt+Right.
These allow you to select entire blocks of code rather than word by word. You may still need to press the keys multiple times, but way fewer times than when selecting on a word by word basis.

What is the Stata 11 do-file editor shortcut for selecting a command line?

A task I use multiple times a minute is to select command lines from my do-files and execute them.
The shortcut for this function in previous versions of Stata was Ctrl+Shift+Up/Down arrow. I used to use Stata 10 and now that I've upgraded to Stata 11, the keystroke sequence described in the previous sentence does nothing. I'm limited to Ctrl+Shift+Left/Right arrows, which is painstakingly slow.
Go to the start of the line (with the Home key) and then Shift+Up/Down.
The comment by Roberto Ferrer
I automate the selecting of line and exectuting the command with the following autohotkey script.:
^+Enter::Send {Control down}l{Control up}{pause}^d{down}{Home}
Above is assigned to Ctrl + Shift + Enter, but it could be any keyboard combination. I usually use Ctrl + Ö or Ctrl + Ä since I use a scandinavian keyboard.
Same code as above but assigned to Ctrl + Ö:
^ö::Send {Control down}l{Control up}{pause}^d{down}{Home}
If you prefer having the cursor at the end of the next line after executing, replace {Home} with {End}

What is the shortcut to find next occurrence of a word in IntelliJ IDEA?

In Eclipse the keyboard shortcut to find next occurrence of a word in a file was Ctrl + k . It finds the occurrence of the selected word in a file one by one in a loop. What is the equivalent keyboard shortcut for IntelliJ IDEA? If not can we configure it some how?
First you'll have to highlight a symbol by pressing Ctrl+Shift+F7.
Then you just press F3 or Shift+F3 no navigate between the highlighted symbols.
When done you press Esc to exit the highlight searching.
It is all described on Highlightning Usages in IntelliJ Web Help.
Add selection for the next occurrence on Linux Alt+J
Finding Word at Caret: Ctrl+F3.
On Mac it's Command + G, but you can check what works for your OS by looking at Edit -> Find -> Find Next....
AFAIK you have to select the word in the search bar first.. So, Command + F and then Command + G to go to the next occurrence.
In Android Studio 1.4, apparently Mac OS default keyboard shortcuts for element next occurrence (vars, methods, etc) are
NEXT/FWD: Command+G
PREVIOUS: Shift+Command+G
I did try all the answers w/out success, and finally I looked it up in Prefs->Key Bindings
There are also hotkeys for navigating next/previous highlighted usages.
Several years ago they were Alt+Wheel down and Alt+Wheel up. Today they are not set by default.
You can find them in Keymap preferences with highlighted element usage search phrase.
Please consider using the Multiple Selections for this:
Select the term you want to lookup;
Use Alt+J / Shift+Alt+J (or Ctrl+G / Shift+Ctrl+G for Mac OS X) to select other occurrences.
It will work the same as Shift+F3, but it will select every next occurrences. I found this way much more conveniant, as you can choose to edit all the matching string or just move the cursor to edit the last selected one (←/→).
The Multiple Selections feature is available since IntelliJ IDEA 13.1 RC, and compete with Atom or Sublime Text similar feature.
I could not get any of IntelliJ's native options for Find Next/Previous to behave like in Eclipse. Find Word at Caret comes close, but it only allows you to slurp and find the next word, not previous.
I wrote an IntelliJ plugin to reproduce the exact behavior as in Eclipse. You can find it here:
you can set shortcuts same as in eclipse by setting keymap value as eclipse.
Steps in intellij:
Go to setting in file
search for keymap
In the dropdown section set Eclipse
Now all your shortcuts are same as in eclipse.
For MAC:
First you'll have to highlight a symbol by pressing Command+Shift+F7.
Then for next occurrence Command+G or Command+Shift+G
On my Mac it is:
ctrl-l to find next occurrence
ctrl-shift-l to find previous occurrence
IntelliJ Keyboard Shortcuts
On Ubuntu:
Next occurrence of selected word: F3
To expand the question slightly, the method to display the next occurrence of a search term in the Find In Path pane, is to steer to it using the up/down arrows and then hit Enter.
Start by looking for all occurrence of the key (control + g)
Then use ( shift + command + g ) to find previous occurrence and ( command + g ) to find next occurrence.
For those who use IdeaVim plugin, there is another option.
Add these entries into .ideavimrc:
map <C-j> <Action>(GotoNextElementUnderCaretUsage)
map <C-k> <Action>(GotoPrevElementUnderCaretUsage)
This maps the navigation to the next/previous element under caret using ctrl+j/ctrl+k. Of course you can map it to something else, but this suggestion follows the standard navigation keys in vim.

IntelliJ navigate to next and previous highlighted variable

In IntelliJ 10.5 I have "Highlight usages of element at caret" enabled. When a variable/method/etc is selected, is there a way to move to the next and previous occurrence? I'm looking for the equivalent of Control-K in Eclipse.
Edit: Shortcut to navigate between highlighted usages simply moves to the next text occurrence, which is different than moving to the next occurrence of the variable/method/etc. If I have the variable foo selected, I want to navigate to the next occurrence of foo and not any piece of text called "foo" (including "foo" in comments, method names, etc).
Also, pressing F3 seems to be buggy. When I press F3, it sometimes searches using the previous searched text and not the currently highlighted text.
F3 or shift+F3
ctrl+c, ctrl+f, enter or up and down arrows
Added this in case people don't look at your edit.
It's not currently possible, see my question: Shortcut to navigate between highlighted usages.
I even created an issue IDEA-70523 addressing this feature, please vote for it if you can't live without it like me :-).
Install Identifier Highlighter Reloaded and use Alt + Shift + Up/Down (can be redefined in Keymap settings) :)
After you give it a shot and notice the 'hey, the highlight stays there after I move my cursor out of it' annoyance, consider upvoting this issue :)
In the Mac OS, you can navigate to next highlighted usage by press control + option + up/down arrow.
Vote this request up for make them implement the feature.
I found something thay may more suite your needs : alt + mouse-wheel up/down.
It goes to previous / next occurrence of identifier under caret.
Shortcut name is "Go to next highlighted element usage".
I usually do the following:
Highlight the word
Cmd + F (it will highlight all the matches in file)
Cmd + G (next match)
Cmd + Shift + G (previous match)
I could not get any of IntelliJ's native options for Find Next/Previous to behave like in Eclipse. Find Word at Caret comes close, but it only allows you to slurp and find the next word, not previous.
Identifier Highlighter Reloaded also does not behave like Eclipse.
I wrote an IntelliJ plugin to reproduce the exact behavior as in Eclipse. You can find it here:
Look for next occurrence # Keymap
^G = "select" the variable that you want to search for
[shift]⌘G = [previous]next occurrence of selected variable
All credits to #Igor Wojda for his comment in the accepted answer.
(AFAIK, limiting search scope to only variable/method is not possible)
For text based match and quick jump:
Simply place the cursor over the desired word to be searched
Press Ctrl+F3
For further down/up search, simply use
F3/Shift+F3 respectively
in Intellij shortcut for this action, it's not defined.
but you can define it like this:
Ctrl+ Alt + S
search " highlighted usage"
then you can set a shortcut for that.
Ctrl+Alt+Up and Ctrl+Alt+Down navigates to the next and previous usages of a highlighted variable in IntelliJ.
I use this functionality of navigating to the next usage of a variable in a file by hot in Visual Studio all the time (Ctrl+Shift+Up and Ctrl+Shift+Down) and was looking for the equivalent in IntelliJ