.NET Core Audit Logging - api

I want to implement audit logging in my .NET Core application.
Something like
[HttpPost, Auditing]
public dynamic SomeApiAction()
// API code here
The Attribute should be able to intercept the API call before and after execution in order to log.
Is there any such mechanism available in .net core as a part of the framework? I don't want to use any third-party component.
Please advise.

You can try Audit.WebApi library which is part of Audit.NET framework. It provides a configurable infrastructure to log interactions with your Asp.NET Core Web API.
For example using attributes:
using Audit.WebApi;
public class UsersController : ApiController
[AuditApi(IncludeHeaders = true)]
public IHttpActionResult Post()

You can use CustomActionFilter for it like
public class CustomDemoActionFilter : Attribute, IActionFilter
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
var controller = context.Controller as Controller;
if (controller == null) return;
var controllerName = context.RouteData.Values["controller"];
var actionName = context.RouteData.Values["action"];
var message = String.Format("{0} controller:{1} action:{2}", "onactionexecuting", controllerName, actionName);
var CurrentUrl = "/" + controllerName + "/" + actionName;
bool IsExists = false;
if (IsExists)
//do your conditional coding here.
//context.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary { { "controller", "Home" }, { "action", "Index" } });
//else your error page
context.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(new RouteValueDictionary { { "controller", "Home" }, { "action", "Error" } });
public void OnActionExecuted(ActionExecutedContext context)
and just use this customactionfilter as attribute over your action method like
public IActionResult Registration()
//your code here


How to handle authorization error after migrated from ASP.NET Core 2.1 to .NET 6?

I have migrated my project from asp.net core 2.1 to .NET 6, and now I am facing an error with
context.Resource as AuthorizationFilterContext which is return NULL.
I have implemented a custom Policy-based Authentication using AuthorizationFilterContext, It seems that.NET 6 do not support AuthorizationFilterContext Please help me how to modify the below code from asp.net core 2.1 to .NET6. thank you.
Here is the error message in this line var mvcContext = context.Resource as AuthorizationFilterContext;
mvcContext == NULL
Here is the Implemention Code of AuthorizationHandler and AuthorizationHandlerContext
public class HasAccessRequirment : IAuthorizationRequirement { }
public class HasAccessHandler : AuthorizationHandler<HasAccessRequirment>
public readonly HoshmandDBContext _context;
public HasAccessHandler(HoshmandDBContext context)
_context = context;
protected override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, HasAccessRequirment requirement)
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<Task>() != null);
List<int?> userGroupIds = new List<int?>();
// receive the function informations
var mvcContext = context.Resource as AuthorizationFilterContext;
if ((mvcContext != null) && !context.User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
mvcContext.Result = new RedirectToActionResult("UserLogin", "Logins", null);
return Task.FromResult(Type.Missing);
if (!(mvcContext?.ActionDescriptor is ControllerActionDescriptor descriptor))
return Task.FromResult(Type.Missing);
var currntActionAddress = descriptor.ControllerName + "/" + descriptor.ActionName;
// finding all information about controller and method from Tables
// check user has access to current action which is being called
//allActionInfo = ListAcctionsFromDatabase;
//bool isPostBack = allActionInfo.FirstOrDefault(a => a.action == currntActionAddress)?.IsMenu ?? true;
bool isPostBack = false;
if (!isPostBack)
mvcContext.Result = new RedirectToActionResult("AccessDenied", descriptor.ControllerName, null);
return Task.CompletedTask;
mvcContext.Result = new RedirectToActionResult("AccessDeniedView", descriptor.ControllerName, null);
return Task.CompletedTask;
Here is my Program.cs Code:
builder.Services.AddAuthorization(options =>
options.AddPolicy("HasAccess", policy => policy.AddRequirements(new HasAccessRequirment()));
builder.Services.AddTransient<IAuthorizationHandler, HasAccessHandler>();
Here is the Controller Code:
[Authorize(policy: "HasAccess")]
public class HomeController : BaseController
There are some changes since .net core 3 about AuthorizationFilterContext:
A. MVC is no longer add AuthorizeFilter to ActionDescriptor and ResourceInvoker won’t call AuthorizeAsync().
B. It will add Filter as metadata to endpoint. Also, in .net 5 it changed the context.Resource as the type of DefaultHttpContext.
So here is the new method:
public class MyAuthorizationPolicyHandler : AuthorizationHandler<OperationAuthorizationRequirement>
public MyAuthorizationPolicyHandler()
protected async override Task HandleRequirementAsync(AuthorizationHandlerContext context, OperationAuthorizationRequirement requirement)
var result = false;
if (context.Resource is Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.DefaultHttpContext httpContext)
var endPoint = httpContext.GetEndpoint();
if (endPoint != null)
var attributeClaims = endPoint.Metadata.OfType<MyAuthorizeAttribute>()
//TODO: Add your logic here
if (result)
Please refer to this discussion: "context.Resource as AuthorizationFilterContext" returning null in ASP.NET Core 3.0

Controller and Action from Global Error Handler

I'm migrating an web api from .Net to .NetCore.
We had a custom ExceptionFilterAttribute to handle errors in a centralized way. Something like this:
public class HandleCustomErrorAttribute : ExceptionFilterAttribute
public override void OnException(HttpActionExecutedContext filterContext)
// Error handling routine
With some search, I managed to create something similar on .Net Core
public static class ExceptionMiddlewareExtensions
public static void ConfigureExceptionHandler(this IApplicationBuilder app)
app.UseExceptionHandler(appError =>
appError.Run(async context =>
context.Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";
var contextFeature = context.Features.Get<IExceptionHandlerFeature>();
if (contextFeature != null)
//logger.LogError($"Something went wrong: {contextFeature.Error}");
await context.Response.WriteAsync(new ErrorDetails()
StatusCode = context.Response.StatusCode,
Message = "Internal Server Error."
I need to find a way to access these 3 info that where avaiable in .Net in .Net Core version:
Is it possible ?
For a complete solution with registering ExceptionFilter and get request path, you could try like
public class ExceptinoFilter : IExceptionFilter
public void OnException(ExceptionContext context)
string controllerName = context.RouteData.Values["controller"].ToString();
string actionName = context.RouteData.Values["action"].ToString();
var request = context.HttpContext.Request;
var requestUrl = request.Scheme + "://" + request.Host + request.Path;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddControllersWithViews(options => {
options.Filters.Add(new ExceptinoFilter());

Modelbinding an optional array of a custom model bound type

I'm stuck with binding an optional array in an ASP.NET Core Controller. The array contains elements of a custom type. Single elements of this type are bound with a custom model binder and validated in it.
Sample repo here: https://github.com/MarcusKohnert/OptionalArrayModelBinding
I get only two tests out of three working in the sample test project:
public class TestOptionalArrayCustomModelBinder
private readonly TestServer server;
private readonly HttpClient client;
public TestOptionalArrayCustomModelBinder()
server = new TestServer(new WebHostBuilder().UseStartup<Startup>());
client = server.CreateClient();
public async Task SuccessWithoutProvidingIds()
var response = await client.GetAsync("/api/values");
Assert.Equal(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
public async Task SuccessWithValidIds()
var response = await client.GetAsync("/api/values?ids=aaa001&ids=bbb002");
Assert.Equal(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK, response.StatusCode);
public async Task FailureWithOneInvalidId()
var response = await client.GetAsync("/api/values?ids=xaaa001&ids=bbb002");
Assert.Equal(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response.StatusCode);
public class ValuesController : Controller
public IActionResult Get(CustomIdentifier[] ids)
if (this.ModelState.IsValid == false) return this.BadRequest();
return this.Ok(ids);
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddMvc(options =>
options.ModelBinderProviders.Insert(0, new CutomIdentifierModelBinderProvider());
//options.ModelBinderProviders.Add(new CutomIdentifierModelBinderProvider());
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
public class CutomIdentifierModelBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider
public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
//if (context.Metadata.ModelType.IsArray && context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(CustomIdentifier[]))
// return new ArrayModelBinder<CustomIdentifier>(new CustomIdentifierModelBinder());
if (context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(CustomIdentifier))
return new BinderTypeModelBinder(typeof(CustomIdentifierModelBinder));
return null;
public class CustomIdentifierModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var attemptedValue = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName).ToString();
var parseResult = CustomIdentifier.TryParse(attemptedValue);
if (parseResult.Failed)
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Failed();
bindingContext.ModelState.AddModelError(bindingContext.ModelName, parseResult.Message.Message);
bindingContext.Model = parseResult.Value;
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(parseResult.Value);
return Task.CompletedTask;
The MVC default ArrayModelBinder of T binds optional arrays correctly and sets ModelState.IsValid to true. If I use my own CustomIdentifierModelBinder however ModelState.IsValid will be false. Empty arrays are not recognized as valid.
How can I solve this problem? Thanks in advance.
You are very close. Just customize behavior of built-in ArrayModelBinder for the case of missing parameter. If extracted value is an empty string just fill the model with an empty array. In all other cases you could call usual ArrayModelBinder.
Here is a working sample that passes all your 3 tests:
public class CutomIdentifierModelBinderProvider : IModelBinderProvider
public IModelBinder GetBinder(ModelBinderProviderContext context)
if (context.Metadata.ModelType.IsArray && context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(CustomIdentifier[]))
return new CustomArrayModelBinder<CustomIdentifier>(new CustomIdentifierModelBinder());
return null;
public class CustomArrayModelBinder<T> : IModelBinder
private readonly ArrayModelBinder<T> innerModelBinder;
public CustomArrayModelBinder(IModelBinder elemeBinder)
innerModelBinder = new ArrayModelBinder<T>(elemeBinder);
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var attemptedValue = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName).ToString();
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(attemptedValue))
bindingContext.Model = new T[0];
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Success(bindingContext.Model);
return Task.CompletedTask;
return innerModelBinder.BindModelAsync(bindingContext);
The solution is the following code change, reflected in this commit:
I've found the solution by inspecting MVC's source code again.
You'll need to check the valueProviderResult for None. If it's none then there is no parameter given and the ModelBinder binds correctly.
var valueProviderResult = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName);
if (valueProviderResult == ValueProviderResult.None)
And also you register the provided ArrayModelBinder of T with your custom ModelBinder:
if (context.Metadata.ModelType.IsArray && context.Metadata.ModelType == typeof(CustomIdentifier[]))
return new ArrayModelBinder<CustomIdentifier>(new CustomIdentifierModelBinder());

Wiring up validation in MediatR and ASP.NET Core using autofac

I've just started to use MediatR in an asp.net core project and am struggling to wire up validation ...
Here's my controller:
public class PersonController : Controller
IMediator mediator;
public PersonController(IMediator mediator)
this.mediator = mediator;
public async Task<ActionResult> Post([FromBody]CreatePerson model)
var success = await mediator.Send(model);
if (success)
return Ok();
return BadRequest();
... and the CreatePerson command, validation (via FluentValidation) and request handler:
public class CreatePerson : IRequest<bool>
public string Title { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string Surname { get; set; }
public class CreatePersonValidator : AbstractValidator<CreatePerson>
public CreatePersonValidator()
RuleFor(m => m.FirstName).NotEmpty().Length(1, 50);
RuleFor(m => m.Surname).NotEmpty().Length(3, 50);
public class CreatePersonHandler : IRequestHandler<CreatePerson, bool>
public CreatePersonHandler()
public bool Handle(CreatePerson message)
// do some stuff
return true;
I have this generic validation handler:
public class ValidatorHandler<TRequest, TResponse> : IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse> where TRequest : IRequest<TResponse>
private readonly IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse> inner;
private readonly IValidator<TRequest>[] validators;
public ValidatorHandler(IRequestHandler<TRequest, TResponse> inner, IValidator<TRequest>[] validators)
this.inner = inner;
this.validators = validators;
public TResponse Handle(TRequest message)
var context = new ValidationContext(message);
var failures = validators
.Select(v => v.Validate(context))
.SelectMany(result => result.Errors)
.Where(f => f != null)
if (failures.Any())
throw new ValidationException(failures);
return inner.Handle(message);
... but I'm struggling to wire the validation up correctly in Startup.ConfigureServices using autofac:
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
// Add framework services.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
builder.Register<SingleInstanceFactory>(ctx =>
var c = ctx.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return t => c.Resolve(t);
builder.Register<MultiInstanceFactory>(ctx =>
var c = ctx.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return t => (IEnumerable<object>)c.Resolve(typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(t));
builder.RegisterGenericDecorator(typeof(ValidatorHandler<,>), typeof(IRequestHandler<,>), "Validator").InstancePerLifetimeScope();
var container = builder.Build();
return container.Resolve<IServiceProvider>();
When I run the app and POST /api/person
"title": "Mr",
"firstName": "Paul",
"surname": ""
I get a 200.
CreatePersonHandler.Handle() was called but CreatePersonValidator() is never called.
Am i missing something in Startup.ConfigureServices()?
I suggest that you read the official documentation on how to wire up decorators in Autofac.
Decorators use named services to resolve the decorated services.
For example, in your piece of code:
you're instructing Autofac to use ValidationHandler<,> as a decorator to IRequestHandler<,> services that have been registered with the Validator name, which is probably not what you want.
Here's how you could get it working:
// Register the request handlers as named services
// Register the decorators on top of your request handlers
fromKey: "BaseImplementation").InstancePerLifetimeScope();
I find specifying the name of the fromKey parameter helps in understanding how decorators work with Autofac.

Using MVC 4 & WebAPI, how do I redirect to an alternate service endpoint from within a custom filter?

Thanks for looking.
This is a trivial task when using a normal (not WebAPI) action filter as I can just alter the filterContext.Result property like so:
filterContext.Result = new RedirectToRouteResult(
new RouteValueDictionary { { "controller", "Home" }, {"action", "Index" } });
Unfortunately, I have to use HttpActionContext for WebAPI, so I can not access filterContext.Result.
So what should I do in place of that? I have the filter set up and it does execute at the appropriate time, I just don't know how to make it prevent execution of the requested service endpoint and instead point to a different one.
Here is my controller:
public class ProductController : ApiController
#region Public
public List<DAL.Product.CategoryModel> ProductCategories(GenericTokenModel req)
return HelperMethods.Cacheable(BLL.Product.GetProductCategories, "AllCategories");
public string Error() //This is the endpoint I would like to reach from the filter!
return "Not Authorized";
#endregion Public
#region Models
public class GenericTokenModel
public string Token { get; set; }
#endregion Models
Here is my filter:
using System.Web.Http.Controllers;
using ActionFilterAttribute = System.Web.Http.Filters.ActionFilterAttribute;
namespace Web.Filters
public class VerifyTokenAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext filterContext)
dynamic test = filterContext.ActionArguments["req"];
if (test.Token != "foo")
//How do I redirect from here??
Any help is appreciated.
The answer in my case was simply to change the Response property of the filterContext rather than to redirect to a different endpoint. This achieved the desired result.
Here is the revised filter:
public class VerifyTokenAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext filterContext)
dynamic test = filterContext.ActionArguments["req"];
if (test.Token != "foo")
filterContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized);