Snowflake: Worksheet1 was not saved because saving would overwrite new changes on the server - sql

I received an prompt from snowflake reading
*Worksheet1 was not saved because saving would overwrite new changes on the server. Please decide what to do next:
It provides two options,
a) Overwrite Changes
b) Save to new worksheet.
Q: What changes to the server? is there a way to see that? Is this just regarding Worksheets?
Q: What is the safest option, New Worksheet?

I would go with new worksheet, however if you ever loose a worksheet there is a really cool feature that shows all historical worksheets associated with the account/role you are logged into here:
Click on the drop arrow next to the furthest to the right worksheet > Select "Open Worksheet"
All of the worksheets that were closed can be opened again.


Is there a way to copy an entire Spreadsheet with only values and no formulas/links (Google Sheets)?

The issue I am facing is trying to automate my weekly occurrence of coping an entire Spreadsheet to make a copy of it. Each week I need to hit "File --> Make a copy --> share with same people" and after doing so on the copy I need to hit "Allow Access" multiple times for each table that requires access, if I do not do this, there is no data displayed.
So I am wondering if there is a way to create a copy of a Spreadsheet where the copy contains entirely plain text and no formulas or links that way all the data can be read as soon as a copy is made.
This could be a separate question, but if anyone also knows how to automate hitting the "allow access" button for multiple tables in the copy that would also be helpful.
*To give an idea of the layout, essentially I have a main Spreadsheet (the one I make a copy of) that references data from other Spreadsheets (that are linked to google forms), and then I make a copy of the main Spreadsheet, and in making this copy is where I am required to hit the access button for each table.
You can do this with Apps Script.
Code Example:
function duplicateSpreadsheet() {
const idOfSheetToCopy = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
var file = DriveApp.getFileById(ifOfSheetToCopy).next()
const newFile = file.makeCopy()
SpreadsheetApp.openById(newFile.getId()).getSheets().forEach(function(sheet) {
Code Rundown:
Define Template Sheet ID
Make a copy of the sheet using DriveApp
Get the ID of the newly created sheet and open it with SpreadsheetApp
Loop through all sheets in the new copy and replace all cell values for the cell's display value
Instead of pasting with "Ctrl+V" use "Ctrl+Shift+V" for pasting without formatting. This will ignore things like links, font, and font size.
Not sure about the allow access button.

Importing data into a master worksheet

I have a doubt about my program to the VBA/EXCEL
I made a file called "MASTER WORKSHEET" with various data from a client, my goal is: To create a VBA to open any file in Excel and that I import chosen cells to fill out all data of the "MASTER WORKSHEET", for example, all excel file I open with the button "IMPORT DATA", it will automatically capture only those cells that I choose, but my program it captures but is with configuration problems on VALUE or NUMBER.
If your question is simply "how do I copy a cell from one place to another", an example would be:
Workbooks("Input Workbook").Worksheets("Input Worksheet").Range("J1").Copy(Workbooks("Master Workbook").Worksheets("Master Worksheet").Range("A4"))
If you just want to copy the value, without the formula and formatting, you could use
Workbooks("Master Workbook").Worksheets("Master Worksheet").Range("A4").Value = Workbooks("Input Workbook").Worksheets("Input Worksheet").Range("J1").Value
Obviously, the workbook, sheet, and range names need to be changed to your particular situation.

Sheet.Activate changes sheet but continues to edit data on previous sheet

I have a dialog box with a couple of buttons that launch macros to activate and change to different sheets.
The problem I am having is after I click the button, the macro activates the new sheet and I see it. But when I go to delete data, add data or try to delete a row "Nothing happens" the data on the screen is still there. If I go back to the previous sheet, the cells and rows that I had intended to delete were deleted in that sheet. It is very wierd and never seen anything like that. It appears that my macro code is note doing enough to actually change to the new sheet. I do not have this problem if I click a different sheet tab to change to it. Or if I click the dialog button to go to the new sheet and quickly do a ctrl-pgDown and Ctrl-PgUp to change from another tab and back that seems to fix the problem.
This is the code in my macro I am using to try to change to the desired tab.
Private Sub Report1Button_Click()
On Error GoTo Handler
If StayOpenBox.Value = False Then
Unload MainMenu
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Sheet 'Report1' not found or renamed"
End Sub
Thanks for any help or suggestions
Here is code that I use to call the dialog box. I have a shape on the other sheet that is assigned to this macro to open dialog box
Sub ShowMainMenu()
With UserForm1
End With
End Sub
Also there is no further code to make edits to the new sheet. My Button click simply switches to the other sheet and when I attempt to make edits manually, they are actually done on the previous sheet which is not the one I am currently looking at. So anything I do, Bold text, delete text, delete row, etc, is not done on the current sheet I am looking at, but when I return to the previous sheet the changes where made there. Im on Excel 2013, I have reproduced this problem in 2 separate files, but I will try on a different computer and older version of excel. Screenshot of my situation is below.
I ran this xlsm file on a 2nd computer with Xls 2007 and was not having the problem. So I ran the macro on a 3rd computer that also has Excel 2013 and it is experiencing the same problem. So it is not computer specific and seems to be a problem in XLS 2013 but not in XLS 2007. I will try to find a computer with Excel 2010 to test as well, but something about this code is causing a problem in 2013 but not in older versions of excel.
When you run VBA code, it will default to using the ActiveSheet if you don't define the Sheet. When you have objects/methods that you want performed on a specific sheet, you should always specify! You can do that one of two ways:
or you can pass the Sheet name to a variable and use that for shorter code
Dim Report1 As Worksheet
Set Report1 = Sheets("Report1")
Try changing the sequence of lines in your code. I had a similar situation and it turned out that I inserted the "delete sheet" code in between the commands that were copying data from sheet1 to sheet2. When I put the deletion lines (commands) after I finished copying sheets everything started to work correctly. Many commands activate one sheet while performing and this immediately disactivates another sheet. So if you used "ActiveSheet" sommand somewhere it may be incorrectly understood - the command may be executed not on the sheet you meant.
Just use the full address for the range you are trying to manipulate, for example instead of:
Sheets("mySheet").Range("A1:A10").Cut Destination:=Sheets("myOtherSheet").Range("A1:B10")
I just had the same problem, also with Excel 2013. So even if the thread is over 9 month inactive, I want to share my solution in case somebody gets here through a Google search.
The solution was really simple. Call the userform with: vbModeless

Bind a cell in one Excel sheet to a cell in another

Say I had two Excel sheets (ONE.xlsx & TWO.xlsx). Would it be possible to have a certain cell in ONE to be changed at the same time as a certain cell in TWO?
For example:
B2 in ONE is equal to "Tuesday". Is there a way to make D10 in TWO also equal to "Tuesday" without having to go into TWO and manually changing it.
The more I think about this problem the more I think that it's not likley to work. The only way I can think of it working is by connecting them both up to the same database somehow. Thought I'd try you guys before I give up try something else.
Thanks in advance!
I've found a solution that works very well.
Open both the workbooks.
In the source workbook, copy the cell(s) that you wish to link.
In the destination workbook, right click and select "Paste Link".
The cells in the destination workbook should now be linked so that when changes are made to the source workbook the changes are also made in the destination workbook.
Sure, open both workbooks.
put = in workbook 2 minimize and find the sheet/cell in workbook one
select it.
close workbook 2 and save.
change the value in workbook 1
open workbook to (enable the security to look at workbook 1)
see the updated value.

Copy and paste between workbooks

This is a question and may or may not be achievable but any recommendation is much appreciated.
Is it possible to have one workbook (wrkbookA) open that has all the data and vba code in it. Click button to open/navigate to a directory and select another workbook (wrkbookB). wrkbookB is opened, select a column, that column is copied and pasted into wrkbookA in column A and wrkbookB is closed.
I know this can be achieved using a constant column from wrkbookB but the data is in differnet columns in each workbook in wrkbookB.
I have also looked at column headings and doing the copy that way but it is not an option as there are different columns with similar heading/words.
Thanks everyone.
Since you don't have any way of knowing which Column will need to be selected from workbook B, you're going to need user interaction. that being the case, why not write a sub that will do the following:
Have user select workbook B to open
Place a button in Workbook B attached to code in Workbook A
User then, in Workbook B, selects the column they want copied and push the button which copies that column to Workbook A and closes Workbook B without saving changes.
Sample Code Idea:
Workbooks.Open ...
ActiveSheet.Buttons.Add(427.5, 12.75, 104.25, 36).OnAction = "WorkBookA!MoveColumn"