Blazor: Detect when component is shown in the screen -

Let's say I have a blazor component that uses a lot of resources to create an animation, it doesn't make sense to keep rendering it if the user scroll past the component (i.e. the component not visible in the screen). Is there a way to detect this using Blazor?
I am aware that I can rely on Intersection Observer API with JS, but I am looking for something in Blazor/C#.


Is there a way to overlay react-navigation headers from within a screen?

Wondering if there's a simple way to overlay react-navigation's Stack and MaterialTopTabNavigator components within individual screens. I need to overlay both when displaying components such as loading overlays and dialog/prompt components.
I understand I could define these components within the same root file as the navigation, however this means I have to track the state of the dialog within redux or some other shared state, which I would prefer to avoid in an effort to be more declarative/functional.
Can't find any good solutions, and I'm combing through react-navigation's source code, but if someone else has already solved this it would save me a lot of time. Thanks!
Edit: I also don't want to use react-native's modal or react-native-modal. Would like to implement a custom component myself.

How can I replace Context Api and redux in wix/react-native-navigation

We use wix/react-native-navigation and tried to use Context API from react.We need all the screenshots to receive data and when changing in one place, there is a change in all places.The api context is not suitable, it makes a context for each screen, that is, when changed in 1 screen, the data will not be rerender in another. I would also not like to use Redux since editors are not signed in all screenshots, and it’s too difficult to forward props.
Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this problem?
This seems to be a case for the model view controller pattern.
Each screen would be a view in this pattern. You need to trigger a rerender when the data changes. You can define functions in the react context (model) and then reference it in your lifecycle methods (controller) of your different views.

Component Preloading before opening it

This is a conceptional question, in this case a component is a screen, if that makes sense
Is there a good solution for fluently preloading a component? What I mean by that is perhaps calling a portion of a component, before opening up the view
an example of this is say, snapchat stories, when greyed out on press will simply load. The second press then opens up the view. Essentially allows you to preload before then navigation to the view
Is this a Redux task? Does anyone have an example?
Seems like some concepts are mangled in your mind. What you are trying to achieve is not to preload components, rather run logic before drawing anything on the screen OR preloading some media. Therefore, what you need to do is not to preload anything, but to seperate your logic from your view (let's say video data from showing video itself), retrieve / prepare data (download video for example) and after it is ready show your component.
Also, if what you are trying to preload is just media, you should checkout react-preload.

React Native Navigation Problems

I am new to React Native and want to be able to make my code where the user clicks on text and it takes them from an initial page and am very confused as to how I am supposed to do this and where to put what. Am I supposed to have separate files for separate pages? Thanks!
The Navigator or NavigatorIOS components are what you're looking for. Basically, your text elements need to be wrapped in an element like TouchableHighlight that has an onPress handler that utilizes the navigator.push() to navigate. Or you could jThis tutorial does a pretty good job describing how Navigation works on a basic level within React Native apps.
As to separate files for separate pages - it's not necessary, but as you develop your own custom components and your apps become more complicated, having them in separate files helps with keeping you

How to implement an animated component with a fixed layout in react native

I would like to know how to implement a component that has a fixed layout, but frequently updates its display.
Suppose it is an element that needs to be tied to some in app state like a stop watch timer:
If the timer is running then the hundredths of seconds should be ticking on every frame. But in react native my instinct is to make that a <Text>00:12.36</Text> element.
Obviously calling render() is wrong. Is creating a native module the only option for this? Or is there some mechanism to drive frequent display changes within pure js? Are there best practices in this case?
Checkout setNativeProps it allows directly set text (and other properties of elements). Here're docs
You will be able to set text of <Text> component as
this._textInput.setNativeProps({text: '00:12:36'});