There was an error compiling the function - vba

When i try to execute this function PROD_TYPE: IIf([PROD_CAT]="OTHER";"OTHER";Mid([PROD_CAT];5)) I get compilation error message. I have tried to check if there was any missing reference i could uncheck but i found non. the MID function seems to be the problem. because when i try to create a dummy query using MID function, it threw the same error message at me.

Access control sources do not accept semicolons when providing parameters, you need to use commas as you can see below:


Kotlin "variable expected" error when doing assignment to Array element

I'm writing the following nested function where dfsVisit uses the arrays "numCaminos" and "colores" declared in the outer function
However the kotlin compiler is giving me a "variable expected" error on the assignments in lines 31 and 34 specifically, this error doesn't show up on any of the other Array assignments within the nested dfsVisit function. I tried de-nesting the functions and passing the arrays as arguments of dfsVisit but the problem persisted on those 2 assignments specifically. Why could this be happening?
I'm running the Kotlin compiler in Manjaro Linux through the repository package
Note: Sorry for using a picture instead of a code block, the post editor was giving me some formatting issues.
Just remove !! from the left side of the assignment. It doesn't really make sense there.

VB error: Overload resolution failed because no accessible accepts this number of arguements

I can't seem to get past this error that appears with this code block:
My.Computer.Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce", True).SetValue("cmd /C")
The full error is as follows:
BC30516 Visual Basic AND VB.NET Overload resolution failed because no accessible accepts this number of arguments.
Looked all over for solutions and none seem to exist or work.
Any help would be appreciated.
OpenSubKey returns a Registry​Key and SetValue needs at least 2 parameters. You are only passing one. There are good example in the documentation.

Talend - NullPointer in BigDecimal.add()

I'm having an error on my Job when I do adding of BigDecimal on my tMap.
this is my code.
all of my variables are BigDecimal.
my error is 'NullPointerException'.
I already checked data on my Database and all have values. I also checked Nullable on my tMap.
Thank You.
This error is happening because you are calling uninitialized variables.
Maybe you are writing this sentence inside the Var box in the tMap?
If not, are you able to output all the Var.varN BigDecimals independently without errors?

VBScript to VB error

I have been rewriting some of my old VBscript code to VB code.I am almost done with everything but I get an error at one place.
VB Script
Session("FirstName") = Request.Cookies("FirstName").Item
Session.Add("FirstName", Request.Cookies("FirstName").Item)
and the error is
BC30455: Argument not specified for parameter 'key' of 'Public Default Property Item(key As String) As String'.
Can anybody tell me how to correct this error or atleast what does the error mean?
Thanks in advance.
Session.Add("FirstName", Request.Cookies("FirstName"))
should work , when you use .Item it is expecting a key for Item such as:
Session.Add("FirstName", Request.Cookies("FirstName").Item("ItemKey"))

How do I inspect Vim variables?

In .vimrc, there are several lines that look like:
let g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType="<c-x><c-o>"
How do I inspect them inside Vim? Something to this effect:
:echom &g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType
But that command results in an error:
E113: Unknown option: SuperTabDefaultCompletionType
E15: Invalid expression: &g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType
How do I inspect these kinds of variables in Vim? Some plugins set some defaults which I need to inspect.
:echo g:SuperTabDefaultCompletionType
works fine. It gives an error if the variable isn't defined.
Like lucapette wrote you can use :echo g:foo to inspect a variable. You can also use :let to see all defined variables and their values.
See if this helps: Should give you some insight on how vim variables work, and you can check out chapter 20 as well if you have any difficulties inspecting them due to scope issues.