CSV file matadata validation (comparing with existing SQl Table) - sql

I have a requirement of validating CSV file before loading into staged-folder, and later have to load into sql table.
I need to validate metadata (the structure of the file must be same as target sql table)
No. of columns should be equal to the target sql table
order of columns should be same as target sql table
Data types of columns (no text values should exist in numeric field of csv file)
looking for some easy and efficient way achieve this.
Thanks for help

A Python program and module that does most of what you're looking for is chkcsv.py: https://pypi.org/project/chkcsv/. It can be used to verify that a CSV file contains a specified set of columns and that the data type of each column conforms to the specification. It does not, however, verify that the order of columns in the CSV file is the same as the order in the database table. Instead of loading the CSV file directly into the target table, you can load it into a staging table and then move it from there into the target table--this two-step process eliminates column order dependence.
Disclaimer: I wrote chkcsv.py
Edit 2020-01-26: I just added an option that allows you to specify that the column order should be checked also.


Azure Data Factory copy data from XML to SQL Synapse pool

I've created a SQL Dedicated pool table in Synapse, and now trying to copy data from multiple XML files to this database
I've mapped all fields from the XML file that I need to each specific column in the destination table, but the following error is blocking the copy data activity:
Message=Column count in target table does not match column count specified in input. If BCP command, ensure format file column count matches destination table. If SSIS data import, check column mappings are consistent with target.,Source=.Net SqlClient Data Provider,SqlErrorNumber=107098,Class=16,ErrorCode=-2146232060,State=1,Errors=[{Class=16,Number=107098,State=1,Message=Column count in target table does not match column count specified in input. If BCP command, ensure format file column count matches destination table. If SSIS data import, check column mappings are consistent with target.,},],'
Any idea what I am doing wrong?
This is because the count of column in the XML files and Synapse is not equal. You need to check the count of your XML files and make them be same as the count of your sink's column.

Export autodetect schema

I am trying to create a table from a CSV using the schema autodetect option. It fails because some rows / columns have values that do not conform to the auto detected type. I would like to change the type for those columns to STRING.
Is there a way to export the autodetected schema so I can update it and use it to load. The CSV has 30+ columns and I would like to avoid having to manually generate a schema file for all the columns.
This question is not a duplicate of this. The latter is a solution to the case where the table already exists. In this question there is no existing table whose schema can be exported.

Using SSIS Package, How to validate the source records for duplicate before inserting?

SQL Server 2012: using a SSIS package, how to validate the source records for duplicate before inserting?
Our source file is a .csv. We are facing duplicate records loaded in the staging table.
At present , we are following manual process of loading data.
How to validate the source file data against the destination table before loading and load only the valid records? Possibility of loading duplicate records not only because of the source file having duplicate records in it but also reloading the same file to the staging table.
We are not Truncate the staging table. We are keeping records as is.
Second question : How to pick the name of the source file and pass it in the loading ? Possibly having a derived column as "FileName" which will get loaded along with raw data to the staging table.
The typical load pattern I use in this case is:
Prepare a staging table that matches the source file
In SSIS run a SQL Task with TRUNCATE StagingTable; (which clears it out)
Then, run a data flow task that loads the entire data file into the staging table
Lastly, merge the staging table into the final table.
I prefer to do this last step in a SQL Task also:
FROM StagingTable SRC
SELECT * FROM FinalTable TGT WHERE TGT.PrimaryKey=SRC.PrimaryKey
If you prefer a graphical UI, and you don't mind the extra network traffic, and slower processing time, you can do the same type of merge operation using lookups. You can even use the SCD component but I strongly discourage it's use.
Whether you do it in T-SQL or the UI, you need a key that can be used to uniquely identify the records (referred to as PrimaryKey in my example). If you don't have this key, there is no way to 'deduplicate'
Note in this example you have a 'real' staging table whose only purpose is to get the data file into the database. Then you have a final table that contains the final consistent result
Also note that this pattern only adds new rows - it will not update existing rows if they change in the data file.
Given your exact scenario (of loading the same file again), I would first check if the data is even loaded to the staging table. If you do that, you don't have to worry about checking the duplicates at record level.
How are you setting the connection to the file? Most of the data loads I have dealt with, I designed for-each-loop-container where the file name/path would be populated in a user variable. As you said, you could just use a derived column transform to add a new column which gets the value from a variable. If you don't have the file name in a user variable, you could use expression task in the control flow to populate it.
To cover your exact requirement, I would use the above step to populate the file name in the table. You could even normalize to a different table instead of storing long file name for every data record. Once you have all the file names in the database, you could just have an "Execute SQL" at the beginning to see if that file name is already in the database.
Two years back I have faced the same problem with importing TSV files.
I tried many other solutions but best I could design is C# code script for such validation at its best.
What I did as a solution
Create one C# DataTable object in memory with Primary Key constraints,
DataColumn[] keyColumn = new DataColumn[30];
keyColumn[intJ] = dtFilterdPK.Columns["Column name"];
Then try to add one by one row from your CSV to this DataTables.
Whenever your data will get Duplication based on Primary Key will have an error
Handle this error code in (TRY)..CATCH block and make this duplication error as per your logging requirement.
Avoid those error records importing in DataTable object.
Atlast import your CSV file into your table as BulkImport
using (SqlBulkCopy bulkCopy = new SqlBulkCopy(myConnection))
bulkCopy.DestinationTableName = "Your DB Table Name"; //Assign table name
bulkCopy.WriteToServer(dtToBeImport); //Write into Actual table.
Hope this will help you.

Import csv to impala

So for my previous homework, we were asked to import a csv file with no columns names to impala, where we explicitly give the name and type of each column while creating the table. However, now we have a csv file but with column names given, in this case, do we still need to write down the name and type of it even it is provided in the data?
Yes, you still have to create an external table and define the column names and types. But you have to pass the following option right at the end of the create table statement
tblproperties ("skip.header.line.count"="1");
-- Once the table property is set, queries skip the specified number of lines
-- at the beginning of each text data file. Therefore, all the files in the table
-- should follow the same convention for header lines.

Hive Extended table

When we create using
Create external table employee (name string,salary float) row format delimited fields terminated by ',' location /emp
In /emp directory there are 2 emp files.
so when we run select * from employee, it get the data from both the file ad display.
What will be happen when there will be others file also having different kind of record which column is not matching with the employee table , so it will try to load all the files when we run "select * from employee"?
1.Can we specify the specific file name which we want to load?
2.Can we create other table also with the same location?
It will load all the files in emp directory even it doesn’t match with table.
for your first question. you can use Regex serde.if your data matches to regex.then it loads to the table.
regex for access log in hive serde
other options:I am pointing some links.these links has some ways.
when creating an external table in hive can I point the location to specific files in a direcotry?
for your second question: yes we can create other tables also with the same location.
Here are your answers
1. If the data in the file dosent match with table format, hive doesnt throw an error. It tries to read the data as best as it could. If data for some columns are missing it will put NULL for them.
No we cannot specify the file name for any table to read data. Hive will consider all the files under the table directory.
Yes, we can create other tables with the same location.