I want to disabled an Export Button when the data not available in the grid.
Your grid should have a store set up that loads data?
You could listen on your store for data changes.
listeners: {
datachanged: function(store, eOpts) {
//localize your button
let yourButtonInToolbar, //Get Button (e.g. via ComponentQuery)
boolean = store.getData().getCount() === 0;
In this event the store should already have set the data if changes occured.
I did a boolean depending on the Output of the getCountmethod inside the result of the getData method on the store.
With this boolean I use the setDisabled method on the localized button in your toolbar.
I hope this helps.
I am trying to trigger an onClick event when click on next or previous buttons in data tables. I checked the IDs of the buttons and they are auto generated. couldn't use those IDs. Is this possible ?
You have a page.dt event, fired each time the paging is updated :
table.on('page.dt', function() {
var info = table.page.info();
console.log('Showing page: '+info.page+' of '+info.pages);
If you want to target click on the previous / next buttons you can easily do that. To my experience dataTables seems to "eat" the click event simply by updating the view immediately - but you can stay upfront in the chain by listening on the mousedown event instead :
$('.dataTables_wrapper').on('mousedown', '.previous', function() {
console.log('previous clicked')
$('.dataTables_wrapper').on('mousedown', '.next', function() {
console.log('next clicked')
You need to use a delegated event handler because the dataTable controls is recreated each time the dataTable is redrawn. .dataTables_wrapper, .next and .previous is common for all dataTables.
demo -> http://jsfiddle.net/6jpbyvd4/
I read somewhere, the DOM is updated every time an event occurs and there is changes in data which are bound to DOM. So I wished to learn more about it. I tried the code below but the DOM is not updated when data in textarea changes but its updated whenever I click or press tab key.
var app = {
controller: function () {
var self = this;
this.model = {};
this.model.errors = [];
this.break_data = function (value) {
self.model.errors = value.split(' ');
view: function (ctrl) {
return m('.content', [
m('textarea', {onchange: m.withAttr('value', ctrl.break_data)}),
ctrl.model.errors.map(function (error) {
return m('.error', error);
m.mount(document.getElementById('app'), app);
I even tried m.startComputaion(), m.stopComputation() and m.redraw() non of them works.
The redrawing timing is described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/30728976/70894
As for your example, the problem is not Mithril but the event. You need to use oninput instead of onchange to look for immediate changes. As the Mozilla docs for the "change" event states:
The change event is fired for input, select, and textarea
elements when a change to the element's value is committed by the
user. Unlike the input event, the change event is not necessarily
fired for each change to an element's value.
Here's a fiddle with your code that uses oninput: http://jsfiddle.net/ciscoheat/LuLcra77/
Note that you don't need m.redraw in the event handler anymore now when the correct event is used, since Mithril redraws automatically after every event defined in a call to m().
I am using swanify's Titanium Navigation Controller https://github.com/swanify/Titanium-Navigation-Controller for my app deployed in Android device.
i am trying to pass data that i have selected from a table row here back to the previous page and populate a text field there.
Anyone has any ideas how to do it? i am looking into using events but it doesnt seem to be working for me.
thank you. :)
Here is what I have done in this situation, It makes use of the eventing aspects of JavaScript and Titanium, the general principle is to have your own custom events, fire them on a control, and listen elsewhere.
First lets say we have a file named NextWindow.js that is a CommonJS module encapsulating a window and a tableview, everytime the a row is clicked we capture that event, then fire our own custom event on the window:
function NextWindow() {
var self = Ti.UI.createWindow();
var tableView = Ti.UI.createTableView();
// Other initialization
tableView.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
// You may have to use e.rowData.title depending on how you created the table view
var rowTitle = e.row.title;
// Now fire a custom event on the window whenever a row is selected
// send the title through as data
self.fireEvent('table_row_selected', {title : rowTitle});
return self;
module.exports = NextWindow;
When you create a NextWindow to push onto the navigation stack, add a listener for a custom event to it, this is inside of the previous window with the text box:
var NextWindow = require('NextWindow');
var nextWindow = new NextWindow();
nextWindow.addEventListener('table_row_selected', function(e) {
// Do what you want here with the passed back data
var title = e.title;
some_label.text = title;
// Open the next window on the NavigationController stack
Now were listening for a custom event attached to the nextWindow. Say you have a TableView in your nextWindow, listen for the TableView click, and fire the custom event:
I'm using a dijit DropDownButton with an application I'm developing. As you know, if you click on the button once, a menu appears. Click again and it disappears. I can't seem to find this in the API documentation but is there a property I can read to tell me whether or not my DropDownButton is currently open or closed?
I'm trying to use a dojo.connect listener on the DropDownButton's OnClick event in order to perform another task, but only if the DropDownButton is clicked "closed."
I had a similar problem. I couldn't find such a property either, so I ended up adding a custom property dropDownIsOpen and overriding openDropDown() and closeDropDown() to update its value, like this:
myButton.dropDownIsOpen = false;
myButton.openDropDown = function () {
this.dropDownIsOpen = true;
this.inherited("openDropDown", arguments);
myButton.closeDropDown = function () {
this.dropDownIsOpen = false;
this.inherited("closeDropDown", arguments);
You may track it through its CSS classes. When the DropDown is open, the underlying DOM node that gets the focus (property focusNode) receives an additional class, dijitHasDropDownOpen. So, for your situation:
// assuming "d" is a dijit.DropDownButton
dojo.connect(d, 'onClick', function() {
if (dojo.hasClass(d.focusNode, 'dijitHasDropDownOpen') === false) {
performAnotherTask(); // this fires only if the menu is closed.
This example is for dojo 1.6.2, since you didn't specify your version. It can, of course, be converted easily for other versions.
This is how I create the dropdown menu with checkboxes using dijit.
var menu = new dijit.Menu({
id : 'layerMenu'
dojo.forEach(layerList, function(layer) {
menu.addChild(new dijit.CheckedMenuItem({
label : layer.title,
id : layer.title.replace(" ",""),
checked : layer.visible,
onChange : function(evt) {
if (layer.layer.featureCollection) {
//turn off all the layers in the feature collection even
//though only the main layer is listed in the layer list
dojo.forEach(layer.layer.featureCollection.layers, function(layer) {
} else {
var button = new dijit.form.DropDownButton({
label : i18n.tools.layers.label,
id : "layerBtn",
iconClass : "esriLayerIcon",
title : i18n.tools.layers.title,
dropDown : menu
I can access the individual dijit.CheckedMenuItem at runtime when the onChange event fired because I know their id. Since dijit does not has a RadioButton for MenuItem, is there a way I can change the checked status in runtime. Using "this.Id" and "evt", I can know which one is being check/uncheck by the user. Technically I can try to uncheck the other checked items if necessary to simulate the radio button behavior.
Can someone tell me how I can check/uncheck dijit.CheckedMenuItem in runtime? What properties and functions I need to call?
You should be able to just set checked to false on the other CheckedMenuItem widgets
To uncheck any given checkedMenuItem.