Im trying to import a swift class into my Obj C project. Everything is working but im trying to convert this Swift Closure statement to OBJ C. I believe it would be a Block in obj c but i just cant seem to get it, any help would be greatly appreciated !
Swift Declaration:
public var otpEnteredString :((String)->())?
Swift Use in View Controller:
ObjectName.otpEnteredString = { pin in
NSLog("The entered pin is %#",pin);
in Obj C im trying to do
[ObjectName otpEnteredString:^(NSString *pin){
NSLog(#"The entered pin is %#",pin);
but i get the standard "No visible interface declares the selector ..
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
i can see the declaration in xcode but im not entirely sure how to translate that to obj c
Try this:
ObjectName.otpEnteredString = ^(NSString *pin){
NSLog(#"The entered pin is %#",pin);
Or this:
[ObjectName setOtpEnteredString:^(NSString *pin){
NSLog(#"The entered pin is %#",pin);
Change to
public var optEnteredString : ((String) -> ())?
I'm trying to build an Objective-C block in Swift 2 in order to add it to an NSArray like so :
typealias CompletionBlock = () -> Void
let aBlock:CompletionBlock = {
print("Hello world!")
let nsArray = NSMutableArray()
nsArray.addObject(aBlock) // Error
I know it will work just fine with a Swift array, but I need an NSArray here for compatibility with existing Objective-C code. And if I use a swift array the compiler will refuse to cast it to an NSArray because it won't be a [AnyObject] (it will be a [Any]).
The problem here is that a swift closure is not an object contrary to Objective-C blocks which are objects behind the scene (they are instances of NSBlock which is a subclass of NSObject)
So my question is : How do a create an Objective-C block in swift ? I've tried using #convention (block) in the typealias but it doesn't work.
EDIT : As of Swift 3, this is completely unnecessary (and doesn't even work). Adding closures to Objective-C arrays works out of the box in Swift 3. The answer below is valid for Swift 2 only.
I know this is a duplicate but I will still post a refactored answer from swift-closure-as-anyobject and cast-closures-blocks in case anyone lands on this one first.
The solution is to use the unsafeBitCast function to convert the Swift closure to an Objective-C compatible object before adding it to an NSArray and back before using it in Swift.
// The `#convention(block)` is important here in order to get
// Objective-C like memory management
typealias CompletionBlock = #convention(block) () -> Void
let aBlock:CompletionBlock = {
print("Hello world!")
let nsArray = NSMutableArray()
let blockObject = unsafeBitCast(aBlock, AnyObject.self)
let closureObject = nsArray[0]
let closure = unsafeBitCast(closureObject, CompletionBlock.self)
I'm porting a Swift 1.2 framework to 2.0. After fixing the 3 million compiler errors courtesy of the new Swift 2.0 error handling scheme, I was finally able to link my test app (written in Objective C) to use the updated framework.
Xcode version 7.0 beta 3 (7A121l)
However, I ran into a problem. Some Swift functions are no longer generated into the automatically generated Objective C header (MyFramework-Swift.h) used by the Objective C test app.
Here is an example of a function that is not exposed: (My actual framework function returned an enum, but I tried to simplify to illustrate the problem more clearly).
public func calculateImportantValueDangerously() throws -> Int
return 42
Note that other functions like the following actually do get exposed as expected (and can be called):
public func doSomething()
public func doSomethingDangerous() throws
public func calculateMeaninglessValue() -> Int
return -1
Here's the Objective C side:
MyClass *newInstance = [[MyClass alloc] init];
[newInstance doSomething];
NSError *error = nil;
[newInstance doSomethingDangerousAndReturnError:&error];
long meaninglessValue = [newInstance calculateMeaninglessValue];
NSLog(#"%ld", meaninglessValue);
long importantValue = [newInstance calculateImportantValueDangerouslyAndReturnError:&error]; <-COMPILE ERROR
NSLog(#"%ld", importantValue);
From watching this video, I had expected that it should "just work":
...but it seems like we can't currently use functions that both throw and return a value.
Is this a bug, or not implemented feature? My apologies if I missed something in the release notes somewhere.
Any advice appreciated.
It is not possible.
If you annotate your method with #objc you will see the problem.
Throwing method cannot be marked #objc because it returns a value of
type 'Int'; return 'Void' or a type that bridges to an Objective-C
You can return only objects, primitives are not supported.
Although the selected answer is correct; you can't return an Int for a throwing function, I wanted to note an alternate solution since Apple has this same issue for a function in the CoreData framework:
func countForFetchRequest(request: NSFetchRequest, error: NSErrorPointer) -> Int
Note that in this case Apple is not using the throws pattern and instead reverting to the classic NSError out parameter mechanism.
I have a class in Obj-C, it can only be initialized by calling +new, and -init is not supported:
#interface SetupMainController : UIViewController
+(SetupMainController *)new;
-(id)init __attribute__((unavailable("Must use +new")));
I am trying to run the following equivalent obj-c code in swift:
SetupMainController *setupController = [SetupMainController new];
[self presentViewController:setupController animated:YES completion:nil];
like so:
let sc : SparkSetupMainController =
let sc :
let sc : SparkSetupMainController()
(which obviously tries to call -init which is prohibited)
all fails,
getting "expected member name following '.'" error.
I found answers like this or this or apple docs but none give a straight answer how to do that simple task in Swift.
Help appriciated
If you change newin your Objective-C class to:
Then suddenly all works:
var s: SetupMainController = SetupMainController.mynew()
Don't know why you cannot override +new. Maybe it's because is a class method?
EDIT: To add more mystery to this question, if you look up new in Apple's doc is defined in Swift using:
class func `new`() -> Self!
Do the backticks mean something like "this is reserved"?
EDIT 2: Looks like new doesn't work at all with Swift
This code does not compile:
let j =
var s =
new is a reserved keyword in Swift, so to call +new() you need to add the back ticks:
let string = NSString.`new`()
Kudos to this answer
So I need to do this simple line of code in my game. It is currently in swift and I am trying to convert it to Objective-C and I got stuck as in Objective C there is no
I am wondering how can I go ahead and do this as it is vital for my game.
Here's the code in swift
if fruitNode.frame.contains(location!) {
touchPoint = location!
touching = true
If anybody can help me to respond that will be highly appreciated!
In Objective C you could do this using SKNode method:
if ([fruitNode containsPoint:location])
// do this
or if you needed to use CGRect for some reason :
if (CGRectContainsPoint(fruitNode.frame, location))
// do this
definitely check out the Apple reference for CGRectContainsPoint -
I'm running into a strange issue that involves simple inheritance in Swift. I might be doing something totally stupid so if anyone has any advice.. thanks in advance!
I am using the latest XCode 6 GM version 6A313.
Here are the 2 Swift classes that's made Objective-C backward compatible.
public class ObjectA : NSObject {
var testProp: String!
init(testProp: String) {
self.testProp = testProp
public class ObjectB : ObjectA {
var testPropB: String!
init(testProp: String, testPropB: String) {
self.testPropB = testPropB
super.init(testProp: testProp)
I then initialize and use the object in Objective-C code.
ObjectB *objectB = [[ObjectB alloc] initWithTestProp: #"TestProp" testPropB: #"TestPropB"];
// This executes correctly and has the correct value
NSLog(#"%#", objectB.testPropB);
// I then pass this newly constructed object to another class that's written in Swift
AnotherClass *anotherClass = [[AnotherClass alloc] init];
[anotherClass someMethod:objectB];
Here is the Swift class where when I attempt to access the inherited property, I get an EXC_BAD_ACCESS code 1.
public class AnotherClass : NSObject {
public func someMethod(objectB: ObjectB) {
// This executes and assigns correctly
let prop = objectB.testProp
// This errors out with EXC_BAD_ACCESS error code 1
// In the debugger, objectB.testPropB actually seem to have the correct value
let propB = objectB.testPropB
var testProp: String!
There is no reason for this to be an implicitly unwrapped optional. You always initialize it in init. If possible, it should be:
let testProp: String
If it must be mutable after assignment, then it should be:
var testProp: String
Fixing this will probably cause the compiler to shout at you where you're doing something wrong (possibly not in the code you've posted here). With a !, it is legal to fail to initialize this value (you'll just crash later). Without a !, the compiler will better verify that you do initialize this value.
This line:
ObjectB *objectB = [[ObjectB alloc] initWithTestProp: #"TestProp", testPropB: #"TestPropB"];
is not correct ObjC (there's an extra comma). I'll assume that it's a typo. I don't think that can result in a legal C comma-operator that would cause the wrong initializer to run. But maybe... it's at least worth checking if you actually do have a comma in there. (I'm pretty sure testPropB:#"..." isn't a legal expression, so this is a little far-fetched, but it would match your symptom).
So, I ended up creating a dummy project to test my theory in a more controlled environment. The fix is basically to ensure that ObjectA and ObjectB are in 2 separate Swift files. When they are in the same Swift file, the error occurs.
Here is the sample code for anyone interested.
I'm not sure why this is but for everyone out there, I guess limit your files to one class if you are using inheritance...