associate model data pointer with NSWindow - objective-c

I have a MacOS appkit app with a LOT of different NSWindows (hundreds), and they are each created from storyboards.
Many of these NSWindows have container views with complex embedded view/view controller hierarchies.
During initialization, it's necessary to know the model object associated with any given NSWindow, so its subviews and controls can be properly initialized. Since any NSController can know its NSView, and any NSView can know its NSWindow, it would be nice for that information to stored with the NSWindow.
It would be great to set a "representedObject" for the NSWindow, but unlike NSViewController, it doesn't really have one.
Is the only real solution to create a simple custom class (derived from a small base class) for each and every NSWindow storyboard object, so NSViews & NSViewControllers down the view hierarchy can get to my model data (pointer)?
A CLARIFICATION: very few of my NSWindow objects in our hundreds of storyboards have custom classes or code derived from NSWindow. So while a Category is definitely helpful for adding an API to classes to ACCESS the model data associated with the NSWindow, it's not helpful in creating a property or instance variable and initializing it in all those NSWindow storyboards.
Our app does not use NSDocument, which would provide a facility for associating NSWindow objects with a document/model architecture. So our goal has been to allow each and every NSController and NSView to get access to the appropriate singular document model object required to initialize the view's controls.
I've been warned by Apple engineering gurus that I cannot depend on the order in which views and subviews are created and initialized. That makes passing data down into complex storyboard embedded subviews tricky and error-prone.
But -- with all UI on the main thread, it is not possible for a single application on MacOS to create, initialize, and display one storyboard AND have another storyboard initialization & display interrupt that process (at least not our user-invoked application storyboards). So the simple solution is... have a temporarily set application-level global with the desired document model pointer. That, and a stack-based lock count to insure that the above assumptions are never violated. Terrible design. Efficient solution.
No one needs to remind me WHY this is not good. But if there's a better solution it has escaped my testing. I found that even viewDidLoad and viewWillAppear can't be trusted to have a solid pointer back to its NSWindow...

Without knowing your application structure; you will need a mechanism to assign the model pointer to each individual window. This will necessitate adding some code somewhere. An NSWindow subclass does seem appropriate.
In the AppKit MVC pattern, model data usually fits between the view and the view controller. Attempting to associate the model with the window is fighting against this pattern to some extent.
That being said; the Objective C runtime does allow you to add custom properties to existing classes using categories. This is achieved using Associative References. The relevant functions are:
This article has a good rundown of the benefits and downsides of that approach.


How does user input fit into Apple's MVC pattern?

I'm a little confused about input processing in regards to Apple's MVC pattern. According to Apple, your objects should be divided into model objects (which handle the data), view objects (which display stuff), and controllers (which bind the two and also process events and input). However, many of Apple's native UIKit views — UIScrollView, UIControl objects, etc. — do all the input processing themselves, possibly letting their controllers know about it via delegates and data sources. This really confuses me. In my mind, the sturdiness of the MVC triad depends on both the model and view being fairly dumb (and thus easily swappable). When all the OS-level event complexity is centralized in the controller, you have a very nice separation of concerns. On the other hand, adding input processing to the view seems to turn it into a sort of controller of its own.
Am I missing something here? What's the correct way to think about this?
User Input is part of the View in the MVC pattern. They directly interact with the user and provide their data, either on request or through delegation, to a Controller, which might then use that input to affect changes to the Model.
"Dumb" and "easily swappable" are not necessarily the same thing.
Buttons contain a lot of functionality that we don't want to rewrite in every single controller: tinting of the image to indicate highlighting, allowing for cancellation if the tap strays a certain distance before touch-up, etc. Scroll views contain a lot of physics.
In other words, "which display stuff" is a mischaracterisation of view objects. UIView -- the base class -- just provides event data, but subclasses provide higher-level data such as "the button was tapped" or "the scroll view decelerated to a stop".
One thing to think about is your perspective.
When most of us code, our Model is a data object (maybe backed by files or databases, etc), our View is a UIView (possibly setup/configured in Interface Builder) and our Controller is the UIViewController.
What if you weren't coding an app though? What if your world was a UITableView? You can still have a basic MVC separation. Your Model is represented by the UITableViewDataSource protocol, your View still a UIView with it's setups and configurations and your Controller is the UITableViewDelegate protocol. All the pieces there and even separated, the separation is just different than when using a UIViewController. You can see a practical example of the separation a data change. When you the data in the data source protocol nothing happens. You have to call a reloadData method on Controller bit for the table to realize data was changed.
The smaller the item, the harder it will be to see the MVC pattern. A "button" would be a lot harder to use if it was broken into 3 different objects, but you can use MVC patterning inside a single object to create well encapsulated. A UIButton has it's Model in the form of a both public and private properties, a View (UIView still) and a Controller which is bunch of code that accepts events and makes modifications to the View and/or Model as appropriate.

Obj-C Pattern & Object Memory footprints

In this particular cocoa project I have properties for a set of views and there respective subviews being parsed from an xml file.
Only one view in the set is active at a time and the views may change frequently.
Would it be best to
A.) Initialize the view objects with the parsed properties and store a reference to them in an Array to be used when necessary.
b.) Initialize an NSObject with the parsed properties which can in turn create it's respective view upon demand via a factory.
The logic behind this is that the NSViews not being used (majority) could be deallocated by ARC when needed as they would not have a persistent reference.
This begs another question.
Is all of this done in the background anyways (Since NSView is an NSObject subclass) when an NSView is referenced but not being displayed?
You are describing implementing your own version of xibs. I'm going to say, the "best" answer is reconsider your design decision. There is probably a better and easier way to achieve your desired result.
The memory difference between an array of NSObjects describing all the properties and subviews of a NSView versus an array of NSViews is nominal.
The most memory efficient way is to lazily deserialize the single view through a NSWindowController or NSViewController.

Registering all view controllers for NSNotifications

I have a custom graphic that is to be displayed to a user when an event occurs. The graphic needs to be displayed on whichever viewController is currently being displayed to the user.
The way i have programmed it so far is by adding to ALL viewcontrtollers:
1) the .h file for the custom graphic class
2) an observer for the NSNotification event that is raised
3) the method which actually draws the graphic.
This doesnt feel like a very efficient way of doing things and i was wondering if anyone has a better way of doing things?
To me it sounds like you've done it in a fairly sane way. The only other way I can think is to just add the graphic to the window which would then overlay on the current view controller and you'd only need to have one object listening for the notification. You could use the app delegate for instance. But then you would have to worry about rotation of the screen yourself when adding the graphic over the top.
What you are doing is correct .. The only thing you can improve is to mauve the drawing graphics part to the custom graphic class.. (if you are not already doing so...
just Make a UIViewController variable as a member variable to the graphics class..and then set it up to the current view displaying..after you receive the notifications..and the class will itself draw the code based on the ViewController you set it up to
The reason it doesn't feel efficient is that you're duplicating a lot of code. That's more work at the outset, and it creates a maintenance headache. You should be taking advantage of the inheritance that's built into object oriented languages, including Objective-C.
If you want all your view controllers to share some behavior, then implement that behavior in a common superclass. Derive all your other view controllers from that superclass, and they'll all automatically get the desired behavior. Your superclass's initializer can take care of registering the view controller for the notification(s) that you care about, and -dealloc can unregister it. This way, you don't have to clutter up each view controller with the same repeated code, and if you want to change the code you only have to do it in one place.

Best location for data and logic for possibly shared iPhone/iPad app

I'm coding my first app in XCode 4.2 supporting iOS 4.x through the current releases. To support iOS 4.0, I'm not using Storyboard feature and also using unsafe_unretained for weak references. I have AppDelegate files (.h and .m) along with several view controllers with UITabBarController. In my first view controller, in the -viewDidLoad method, I initialize two NSDictionaries and also start a timer with 1 sec interval. In the selector method, I have to pickup a random number between 0 and 7 to pick a corresponding value in both the dictionaries. The dictionaries are used only in the first view controller and not anywhere.
My first question is
where do I load those two dictionaries - in the AppDelegate -didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method or in the first view controller's -viewDidLoad method?
I also wanted to support iPad. If that's the case, do I create a common class library to support iPhone/iPod/iPad?. If that is the recommended way, can I move the common functionality to the AppDelegate .m file instead?
Please advise.
You can move your common data and business logic into a separate set of model classes outside of the UI layers and appdelegates. This is one of the main benefits of the MVC pattern - by separating and making a clear distinction, it's easy to have separate view layers (one for phone and one for iPad).
That means all the data (dictionaries), logic with your random numbers and timers would be encapsulated and shared. That also allows you to cleanly unit test the majority model and logic programmatically. It also means you can make substantial changes to your algorithms and minimize the code churn.
When the timer goes off it can either post a notification or you can have a delegate pattern where it does a call back.
Related Post: Delegates vs. events in Cocoa Touch
If you do a shared model, one option is to use a singleton pattern where you access the model like:
[MyModel sharedInstance];
You should keep your code and data together if possible, which means that if you only access the dictionaries in your view controller then you should initialize them in the view controller's viewDidLoad.
I recommend keeping stuff out of the app delegate if possible or else you'll end up with a weird monster class that does too much stuff for which it shouldn't be responsible. If necessary, create one or more classes that manage common data (for example using the singleton pattern).
Whether you can/should use a common file for both iPhone and iPad depends on a number of factors. The main factor is: how different are the UIs? If they are very similar then use one class for both. You can also create a base class with common functionality and sub classes for iPhone and iPad which implement the necessary differences.

When do I need to subclass UIViewController and when can I just instantiate it?

I am learning iOS programming through the Big Nerd Ranch guide by Hillegass and Conway. I’m writing an app of my own as I go through the book, and one of the questions that has been bugging me is exactly when I need to subclass UIViewController (and its ilk) and when I can just instantiate it.
For example, my app consists of generic building blocks: the interface is tabbed, and the tabs lead to a UITableView, a UINavigationController that creates UITableViews, and so on. Following the book’s instructions, I have subclassed UITableViewController to create the table views. However, in creating the UITabBarController that contains all of my app’s content, it seems sufficient to instantiate a UITabBarController and then add a bunch of views to it. (All of this is done in the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method of my app delegate. Since most of my app consists of simple combinations of basic UI parts, I’m trying to do build the UI programmatically whenever possible.)
I get the impression that what I should be doing is creating a subclass of UIViewController (or UITableViewController or whatever) for every interface in my project. This seems weird to me, since most of these classes would only ever be instantiated once. Am I just misunderstanding how OO should be used in this case? (I have a good amount of programming experience but relatively little has been with OOP.) Should I be creating a subclass for each and every screen that the user will see?
Should I be creating a subclass for each and every screen that the user will see?
If each view requires different logic, yes.
Don't shy away from creating new classes for conceptually separate things. Programmers coming from non-OOP to OOP might feel that a file with only a small amount of code is a waste. Suppress this feeling. Classes are cheap, and help enormously to organise your thinking.
So you have two types of UIViewControllers in iOS. "Container" viewControllers and "Content" viewcontrollers. Both are subclasses of UIViewController but have very different purposes.
The Container type is what the UINavigationController and UITabController are. They are rarely subclassed and typically used as is (in fact, I believe Apple doesn't allow the subclassing of UINavigationController at all). These "Containers" take care of moving "Content" view controller around for you. They do not have much content of their own, beyond adding things like a tab bar or a navigation bar.
The "Content" view controller are the ones you create most of the time. You will rarely be able to use a UIViewController as is, because it will not have any functionality. That is why you subclass them. These are meant to represent a single "screenful" of content. So in effect, every "screen" the user sees should be controlled by a UIViewController subclass.
The UITableViewController is simply a specialized sublass of UIViewController that already contains some methods for managing tables.
The way the UIKit framework was designed was for you to use subclasses of UIViewController to display content and to use out-of-the-box "Container" controllers to facilitate the management of your UIViewController subclasses.
You need a subclass of UIViewController if you want to do any of the following (not an exhaustive list, but some examples)
customize the view hierarchy when the view hierarchy is loaded (in
provide some behaviour as the view controller's views become visible
(or not) (in viewWillAppear:, viewDidAppear:, viewWillDisappear:,
clean up after yourself as needed in viewDidUnload
create outlets to views in the hierarchy so you can adjust them as
needed in the above lifecycle methods
My reasoning behind subclassing UIViewController, and other classes is that:
Almost always you must initialize variables and assign values to the instances of classes. You add subviews and set their frames, define actions for the UIViewController instance, etc. If this UIViewController instance is directly from the base class, its initialization should be done outside of it. If this initialization is required at different places for multiple times, you may have to deal with repeated initialization process.
So, you've compiled these processes into a method, making it reusable from wherever this UIViewController instance is used. But where do you want to put it? Don't you think it's much better to put it inside the subclass of UIViewController? Also, you don't even have to come up with specific name for this initialization method. Just override the default -(id)init from the super class.
Though you may think it's suffice to use UIViewController without subclassing it for now, as your project grows, it will be challenged to deal with reusability issues. Take some time to look at your codes. Check if there is too much repetition for such as initializing an object, or assigning values to it. If you are doing same things with an instance of a class in multiple places, compile them into a method to be reused. And as number of such methods grow, you will find the need to use subclass which will contain these relevant methods for the instance.
No matter the size of your project, using classes to distinguish different objects is important. Almost always, the basic essential classification is done by the framework, making it unnecessary to introduce new concept for a class. However, this doesn't mean the framework also knows how your project and its objects can be classified into. By using subclass, you can utilize every benefit the development framework can provide and still keeping the objects in your project to be as unique as possible, based on the purpose you've designed for them.
Well about the UITabBarController you are right. There is no reason for you to subclass anything if the default behavior is sufficient. However once you need to do some custom things you will need to subclass it..
Also, why are you trying to build the GUI programmatically? For the learning curve? There is no real reason not to use InterfaceBuilder, it saves you a lot of time.
You should subclass the UITableViewController in order to get your data in the view, that is how the MVC model works. The default implementation does not offer anything in order to get your data in the view, I don't think they will ever do that in order to make sure that nothing is wasted, their 'connection' to the model object might be different from the one you want and you would end up writing an adapter if your model object is not compatible.
I hope this will help you out a bit.
And merry x-mas.