Is there a way to know when the replaceState function of vuex store is called? - vue.js

I'm using vuex-presistedstate in my project. In the source code on github the plugin calls store.replaceState to hydrate store from storage. Is there a way to know when the store hydrates?

The vuex-presistedstate plugin has a configuration option called rehydrated that allows you to pass a function that will be called immediately after replaceState. If you only care about calls to replaceState from that plugin then that should fit your needs nicely.
I don't believe the store itself provides a 'hook' for when replaceState is called. The method replaceState is implemented here:
As you can see from the code it doesn't do much. Even subscribers registered using subscribe aren't called. However, you could potentially use watch to register a watcher on a specific property within the state and use that to detect when the state is replaced:
Of course you'd need to be careful to structure things so that only the calls to replaceState trigger the watcher, which may get fiddly.
A further alternative would be to patch/override the replaceState method. Replace it with your own method that calls out to the original, giving you a hook point for any extra functionality you might need.
I've attempted to demonstrate all of the above in the example below:
// Can't use localStorage in an SO snippet...
const fakeStorage = {
vuex: `{"flag": {}, "number": ${Math.random()}}`
const storage = {
getItem (key) {
return fakeStorage[key]
setItem (key, value) {
fakeStorage[key] = value
removeItem (key) {
delete fakeStorage[key]
// Override replaceState with our own version
class StoreOverride extends Vuex.Store {
replaceState (...args) {
console.log('replaceState called')
const store = new StoreOverride({
state: {
flag: {},
number: 0
plugins: [
rehydrated () {
console.log('rehydrated called')
store.subscribe(() => {
console.log('store.subscribe called (will not happen for replaceState)')
}) => state.flag, () => {
console.log(' called')
console.log('creating Vue instance')
new Vue({
el: '#app',
methods: {
onReplace () {
// The property 'number' is changed so we can see something happen
flag: {},
number: this.$store.state.number + 1
<script src=""></script>
Vue.config.devtools = false
Vue.config.productionTip = false
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
<button #click="onReplace">Replace</button>
<p>{{ $store.state.number }}</p>

You can try rewrite store.replaceState:
import store from './your/path/to/store'
// ...
store.replaceState = (fn => (...params) => {
console.log('do something before replaceState called')
fn.apply(store, params)
console.log('do something after replaceState called')
In this way, you can watch not only replaceState but any methods on store instance if you want.


Sendbird - Nuxt -Vuex - Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers [duplicate]

Why do I get this error:
Error [vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.
What does it mean?
It happens when I try to type in the edit input file.
<li v-for="todo in todos">
<input type="checkbox" :checked="todo.done" v-on:change="toggle(todo)">
<span :class="{ done: todo.done }">{{ todo.text }}</span>
<button class="destroy" v-on:click="remove(todo)">delete</button>
<input class="edit" type="text" v-model="todo.text" v-todo-focus="todo == editedTodo" #blur="doneEdit(todo)" #keyup.enter="doneEdit(todo)" #keyup.esc="cancelEdit(todo)">
<li><input placeholder="What needs to be done?" autofocus v-model="todo" v-on:keyup.enter="add"></li>
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex'
export default {
data () {
return {
todo: '',
editedTodo: null
head () {
return {
title: this.$route.params.slug || 'all',
titleTemplate: 'Nuxt TodoMVC : %s todos'
fetch ({ store }) {
store.commit('todos/add', 'Hello World')
computed: {
todos () {
// console.log(this)
return this.$store.state.todos.list
methods: {
add (e) {
var value = this.todo && this.todo.trim()
if (value) {
this.$store.commit('todos/add', value)
this.todo = ''
toggle (todo) {
this.$store.commit('todos/toggle', todo)
remove (todo) {
this.$store.commit('todos/remove', todo)
doneEdit (todo) {
this.editedTodo = null
todo.text = todo.text.trim()
if (!todo.text) {
this.$store.commit('todos/remove', todo)
cancelEdit (todo) {
this.editedTodo = null
todo.text = this.beforeEditCache
directives: {
'todo-focus' (el, binding) {
if (binding.value) {
.done {
text-decoration: line-through;
export const state = () => ({
list: []
export const mutations = {
add (state, text) {
text: text,
done: false
remove (state, todo) {
state.list.splice(state.list.indexOf(todo), 1)
toggle (state, todo) {
todo.done = !todo.done
Any ideas how I can fix this?
It could be a bit tricky to use v-model on a piece of state that belongs to Vuex.
and you have used v-model on todo.text here:
<input class="edit" type="text" v-model="todo.text" v-todo-focus="todo == editedTodo" #blur="doneEdit(todo)" #keyup.enter="doneEdit(todo)" #keyup.esc="cancelEdit(todo)">
use :value to read value and v-on:input or v-on:change to execute a method that perform the mutation inside an explicit Vuex mutation handler
This issue is handled here:
Hello I have get the same problem and solve it with clone my object using one of the following:
{ ...obj} //spread syntax
Object.assign({}, obj)
For your code I think you need to replace this part
computed: {
todos () {
// console.log(this)
return this.$store.state.todos.list
With this
computed: {
todos () {
// console.log(this)
return {...this.$store.state.todos.list}
I don't make sure if this is the best way but hope this helpful for other people that have the same issue.
This error may come from the fact you shallow cloned an object.
Meaning that you've tried to copy an object but an object is not a primitive type (like String or Number), hence it's passed by reference and not value.
Here you think that you cloned one object into the other, while you are still referencing the older one. Since you're mutating the older one, you got this nice warning.
Here is a GIF from Vue3's documentation (still relevant in our case).
On the left, it's showing an object (mug) being not properly cloned >> passed by reference.
On the right, it's properly cloned >> passed by value. Mutating this one does not mutate the original
The proper way to manage this error is to use lodash, this is how to load it efficiently in Nuxt:
Install lodash-es, eg: yarn add lodash-es, this is an optimized tree-shakable lodash ES module
you may also need to transpile it in your nuxt.config.js with the following
build: {
transpile: ['lodash-es'],
load it into your .vue components like this
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash-es'
const properlyClonedObject = cloneDeep(myDeeplyNestedObject)
Few keys points:
lodash is recommended over JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object)) because it does handle some edge-cases
we only load small functions from lodash and not the whole library thanks to this setup, so there is no penalty in terms of performance
lodash has a lot of well battle-tested useful functions, which is heavily lacking in JS (no core library)
UPDATE: structuredClone is also native and quite performant if you're looking for a solution for a deep copy, bypassing the need for Lodash at all.
There is no headache if you can use lodash
computed: {
todo: (state) => _.cloneDeep(state.todo)
Just in case someone's still being troubled by this,
I got my code working by making a duplicate/clone of the store state.
In your case, try something like this...
computed: {
todos () {
return [ ...this.$store.state.todos.list ]
It's basically a spread operator which results in making a clone of the todos.list array. With that, you're not directly changing the values of your state, just don't forget commit so your mutations will be saved in the store.
export default new Vuex.Store({
strict: true
try to comment "strict"
If you are using Vuex Modules, you might bump into this error if your module's data property is an object, instead of a function that returns an object, and you are sharing this Module between more than one Store.
So instead of:
// In stores/YourModule.js
export default {
state: { name: 'Foo' },
Change it to:
// In stores/YourModule.js
export default {
state: () => {
return { name: 'Foo' };
This is actually documented here:
Sometimes we may need to create multiple instances of a module, for
Creating multiple stores that use the same module (e.g. To avoid
stateful singletons in the SSR (opens new window)when the
runInNewContext option is false or 'once'); Register the same module
multiple times in the same store. If we use a plain object to declare
the state of the module, then that state object will be shared by
reference and cause cross store/module state pollution when it's
This is actually the exact same problem with data inside Vue
components. So the solution is also the same - use a function for
declaring module state (supported in 2.3.0+):
If your data is an array with objects inside. Below snippet is the solution
const toyData = await this.$store.dispatch(
const msgList = => {
return { }
I had to add mutation and call it instead of setting directly.
someAction({state, rootState}) {
state.someValue = true;
mutations: {
setSomeValue(state, val) {
state.someValue = val;
someAction({state, commit, rootState}) {
commit('setSomeValue', true);
It is not your case but if someone is using typescript and is having the same problem, adding this: any as the first param in your method or somewhere else should fix the problem

How to generate computed props on the fly while accessing the Vue instance?

I was wondering if there is a way of creating computed props programatically, while still accessing the instance to achieve dynamic values
Something like that (this being undefined below)
export default {
computed: {
...createDynamicPropsWithTheContext(this), // helper function that returns an object
On this question, there is a solution given by Linus: looking like
computed: {
...mapPropsModels(['cool', 'but', 'static'])
This works fine but the main issue is that it's fully static. Is there a way to access the Vue instance to reach upon props for example?
More context
For testing purposes, my helper function is as simple as
export const createDynamicPropsWithTheContext = (listToConvert) => {
return listToConvert?.reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc[curr] = curr
return acc
}, {})
What I actually wish to pass down to this helper function (via this) are props that are matching a specific prefix aka starting with any of those is|can|has|show (I'm using a regex), that I do have access via this.$options.props in a classic parent/child state transfer.
The final idea of my question is mainly to avoid manually writing all the props manually like ...createDynamicPropsWithTheContext(['canSubmit', 'showModal', 'isClosed']) but have them populated programatically (this pattern will be required in a lot of components).
The props are passed like this
<my-component can-submit="false" show-modal="true" />
PS: it's can-submit and not :can-submit on purpose (while still being hacked into a falsy result right now!).
It's for the ease of use for the end user that will not need to remember to prefix with :, yeah I know...a lot of difficulty just for a semi-colon that could follow Vue's conventions.
You could use the setup() hook, which receives props as its first argument. Pass the props argument to createDynamicPropsWithTheContext, and spread the result in setup()'s return (like you had done previously in the computed option):
import { createDynamicPropsWithTheContext } from './props-utils'
export default {
setup(props) {
return {
If the whole thing is for avoiding using a :, then you might want to consider using a simple object (or array of objects) as data source. You could just iterate over a list and bind the data to the components generated. In this scenario the only : used are in the objects
const comps = [{
"can-submit": false,
"show-modal": true,
"something-else": false,
"can-submit": true,
"show-modal": true,
"something-else": false,
"can-submit": false,
"show-modal": true,
"something-else": true,
const CustomComponent = {
setup(props, { attrs }) {
return {
template: `
>{{ attrs }}</div>
const vm = Vue.createApp({
setup() {
return {
template: `
v-for="(item, i) in comps"
vm.component('CustomComponent', CustomComponent)
<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">{{ message }}</div>
Thanks to Vue's Discord Cathrine and skirtle folks, I achieved to get it working!
Here is the thread and here is the SFC example that helped me, especially this code
created () {
const magicIsShown = computed(() => this.isShown === true || this.isShown === 'true')
Object.defineProperty(this, 'magicIsShown', {
get () {
return magicIsShown.value
Using Object.defineProperty(this... is helping keeping the whole state reactive and the computed(() => can reference some other prop (which I am looking at in my case).
Using a JS object could be doable but I have to have it done from the template (it's a lower barrier to entry).
Still, here is the solution I came up with as a global mixin imported in every component.
// helper functions
const proceedIfStringlean = (propName) => /^(is|can|has|show)+.*/.test(propName)
const stringleanCase = (string) => 'stringlean' + string[0].toUpperCase() + string.slice(1)
const computeStringlean = (value) => {
if (typeof value == 'string') {
return value == 'true'
return value
// the actual mixin
const generateStringleans = {
created() {
for (const [key, _value] of Object.entries(this.$props)) {
if (proceedIfStringlean(key)) {
const stringleanComputed = computed(() => this[key])
Object.defineProperty(this, stringleanCase(key), {
get() {
return computeStringlean(stringleanComputed.value)
// do not write any `set()` here because this is just an overlay
This will scan every .vue component, get the passed props and if those are prefixed with either is|can|has|show, will create a duplicated counter-part with a prefix of stringlean + pass the initial prop into a method (computeStringlean in my case).
Works great, there is no devtools support as expected since we're wiring it directly in vanilla JS.

Use tableTop.js to return an array that can be used in Vue Components

I am attempting to build an array of objects from a spreadsheet using tableTop.js that can be passed into other functions and vue components. I have been unsuccessful in returning anything I can actually use. I found this post that got me close to what I am after however what it is returning is an array of arrays of objects with two undefined array items beginning with [ob: Observer]
If I log out data in the getLibrary() function I can see the correct array how I need to receive it in my component.
If I don't push the data into the gData array in libraryData I receive undefined in vue from the function. I have attempted promises, normal functions etc. but nothing seems to work. Very appreciative of any help anyone can provide thanks.
Image 1 is what I am logging out in library data that I am trying to receive in vue.
Image 2 is what I am getting in vue
// let gData = []
export default async function () {
let spreadSheet = 'url'
key: spreadSheet,
callback: (data, tabletop) => { return getLibraryData(data,m tabletop) },
simpleSheet: true
export function getLibraryData(data, tabletop) {
// gData.push(data);
///gData = data
// I just want to return the data here to be used in vue
return data;
import Vue from 'vue'
import libraryData from './partials/libraryData.js'
// Too be added into a vue-lodaer?
new Vue({
el: '#vhsLibrary',
template: '<vhsLibrary/>',
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
import { getLibraryData } from '../../js/partials/library_data';
export default {
data: () => {
return {
gData: null
mounted () {
this.gData = getLibraryData()
log('Get Library', getLibraryData())
There's a few issues here:
You use async, but you never await. In your case, we want to await the resolution or rejection of a Promise:
export default async function () {
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const spreadSheet = 'url'
key: spreadSheet,
callback: (data, tabletop) => { resolve({data, tabletop}) },
simpleSheet: true
There's no reason for the additional function because it has no gains. Let's look at Vue now.
First, your gData variable is initialized as null as opposed to []. Let's change that:
data () {
return {
gData: []
Next, let's update our mounted method. We can use the same async/await pattern here:
async mounted () {
const { data } = await getLibraryData()
this.gData = data
And now you can v-for="(row, index) in gData" to iterate it.
Here's a codepen for you, too

vuejs2: how can i destroy a watcher?

How can i destroy this watcher? I need it only one time in my child component, when my async data has loaded from the parent component.
export default {
watch: {
data: function(){
gregor ;)
If you construct a watcher dynamically by calling vm.$watch function, it returns a function that may be called at a later point in time to disable (remove) that particular watcher.
Don't put the watcher statically in the component, as in your code, but do something like:
created() {
var unwatch = this.$watch(....)
// now the watcher is watching and you can disable it
// by calling unwatch() somewhere else;
// you can store the unwatch function to a variable in the data
// or whatever suits you best
More thorough explanation may be found from here:
Here is an example:
export default {
data() {
return {
employee: {
teams: []
employeeTeamsWatcher: null,
created() {
this.employeeTeamsWatcher = this.$watch('employee.teams', (newVal, oldVal) => {
methods: {
setActiveTeamTabName() {
if (this.employee.teams.length) {
// once you got your desired condition satisfied then unwatch by calling:
If you are using vue2 using the composition-api plugin or vue3, you can use WatchStopHandle which is returned by watch e.g.:
const x = ref(0);
setInterval(() => {
}, 1000);
const unwatch = watch(
() => x.value,
() => {
// stop watch:
if (x.value > 3) unwatch();
For this kind of stuff, you can investigate the type declaration of the API, which is very helpful, just hover the mouse on it, and it will show you a hint about what you can do:

Vuex - Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers

Why do I get this error:
Error [vuex] Do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.
What does it mean?
It happens when I try to type in the edit input file.
<li v-for="todo in todos">
<input type="checkbox" :checked="todo.done" v-on:change="toggle(todo)">
<span :class="{ done: todo.done }">{{ todo.text }}</span>
<button class="destroy" v-on:click="remove(todo)">delete</button>
<input class="edit" type="text" v-model="todo.text" v-todo-focus="todo == editedTodo" #blur="doneEdit(todo)" #keyup.enter="doneEdit(todo)" #keyup.esc="cancelEdit(todo)">
<li><input placeholder="What needs to be done?" autofocus v-model="todo" v-on:keyup.enter="add"></li>
import { mapMutations } from 'vuex'
export default {
data () {
return {
todo: '',
editedTodo: null
head () {
return {
title: this.$route.params.slug || 'all',
titleTemplate: 'Nuxt TodoMVC : %s todos'
fetch ({ store }) {
store.commit('todos/add', 'Hello World')
computed: {
todos () {
// console.log(this)
return this.$store.state.todos.list
methods: {
add (e) {
var value = this.todo && this.todo.trim()
if (value) {
this.$store.commit('todos/add', value)
this.todo = ''
toggle (todo) {
this.$store.commit('todos/toggle', todo)
remove (todo) {
this.$store.commit('todos/remove', todo)
doneEdit (todo) {
this.editedTodo = null
todo.text = todo.text.trim()
if (!todo.text) {
this.$store.commit('todos/remove', todo)
cancelEdit (todo) {
this.editedTodo = null
todo.text = this.beforeEditCache
directives: {
'todo-focus' (el, binding) {
if (binding.value) {
.done {
text-decoration: line-through;
export const state = () => ({
list: []
export const mutations = {
add (state, text) {
text: text,
done: false
remove (state, todo) {
state.list.splice(state.list.indexOf(todo), 1)
toggle (state, todo) {
todo.done = !todo.done
Any ideas how I can fix this?
It could be a bit tricky to use v-model on a piece of state that belongs to Vuex.
and you have used v-model on todo.text here:
<input class="edit" type="text" v-model="todo.text" v-todo-focus="todo == editedTodo" #blur="doneEdit(todo)" #keyup.enter="doneEdit(todo)" #keyup.esc="cancelEdit(todo)">
use :value to read value and v-on:input or v-on:change to execute a method that perform the mutation inside an explicit Vuex mutation handler
This issue is handled here:
Hello I have get the same problem and solve it with clone my object using one of the following:
{ ...obj} //spread syntax
Object.assign({}, obj)
For your code I think you need to replace this part
computed: {
todos () {
// console.log(this)
return this.$store.state.todos.list
With this
computed: {
todos () {
// console.log(this)
return {...this.$store.state.todos.list}
I don't make sure if this is the best way but hope this helpful for other people that have the same issue.
This error may come from the fact you shallow cloned an object.
Meaning that you've tried to copy an object but an object is not a primitive type (like String or Number), hence it's passed by reference and not value.
Here you think that you cloned one object into the other, while you are still referencing the older one. Since you're mutating the older one, you got this nice warning.
Here is a GIF from Vue3's documentation (still relevant in our case).
On the left, it's showing an object (mug) being not properly cloned >> passed by reference.
On the right, it's properly cloned >> passed by value. Mutating this one does not mutate the original
The proper way to manage this error is to use lodash, this is how to load it efficiently in Nuxt:
Install lodash-es, eg: yarn add lodash-es, this is an optimized tree-shakable lodash ES module
you may also need to transpile it in your nuxt.config.js with the following
build: {
transpile: ['lodash-es'],
load it into your .vue components like this
import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash-es'
const properlyClonedObject = cloneDeep(myDeeplyNestedObject)
Few keys points:
lodash is recommended over JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(object)) because it does handle some edge-cases
we only load small functions from lodash and not the whole library thanks to this setup, so there is no penalty in terms of performance
lodash has a lot of well battle-tested useful functions, which is heavily lacking in JS (no core library)
UPDATE: structuredClone is also native and quite performant if you're looking for a solution for a deep copy, bypassing the need for Lodash at all.
There is no headache if you can use lodash
computed: {
todo: (state) => _.cloneDeep(state.todo)
Just in case someone's still being troubled by this,
I got my code working by making a duplicate/clone of the store state.
In your case, try something like this...
computed: {
todos () {
return [ ...this.$store.state.todos.list ]
It's basically a spread operator which results in making a clone of the todos.list array. With that, you're not directly changing the values of your state, just don't forget commit so your mutations will be saved in the store.
export default new Vuex.Store({
strict: true
try to comment "strict"
If you are using Vuex Modules, you might bump into this error if your module's data property is an object, instead of a function that returns an object, and you are sharing this Module between more than one Store.
So instead of:
// In stores/YourModule.js
export default {
state: { name: 'Foo' },
Change it to:
// In stores/YourModule.js
export default {
state: () => {
return { name: 'Foo' };
This is actually documented here:
Sometimes we may need to create multiple instances of a module, for
Creating multiple stores that use the same module (e.g. To avoid
stateful singletons in the SSR (opens new window)when the
runInNewContext option is false or 'once'); Register the same module
multiple times in the same store. If we use a plain object to declare
the state of the module, then that state object will be shared by
reference and cause cross store/module state pollution when it's
This is actually the exact same problem with data inside Vue
components. So the solution is also the same - use a function for
declaring module state (supported in 2.3.0+):
If your data is an array with objects inside. Below snippet is the solution
const toyData = await this.$store.dispatch(
const msgList = => {
return { }
I had to add mutation and call it instead of setting directly.
someAction({state, rootState}) {
state.someValue = true;
mutations: {
setSomeValue(state, val) {
state.someValue = val;
someAction({state, commit, rootState}) {
commit('setSomeValue', true);
It is not your case but if someone is using typescript and is having the same problem, adding this: any as the first param in your method or somewhere else should fix the problem