Getting data from the body in the authorization middleware -

I have a similar question as enter link description here: if I want to update an object (sent in the body of a PUT) which contains an id, how can I obtain this id in the middleware without sending this Id in the route data?
Example: Given the object:
myObject= new MyObject
id = 1,
string "blah blah blah"
a user who has update rights on MyObject with id = 3 and who has NO UPDATE RIGHTS on MyObject with id = 1 uses Postman to send a PUT with the route /api/values/3 and the body myObject. The authorization middleware will be fooled with the id = 3 and will let the user modify the wrong object.
Of course I could add in the updateMethod a check (if (myObjectId != ...) or I could remove the id from the MyObject, but both solutions seem too much effort for such an edge case. The most straightforward way would be to be able to validate the actual data in the middleware.
Any way to do it? Is there a better approach I have not considered? thanks!

I want to update an object (sent in the body of a PUT) which contains an id, how can I obtain this id in the middleware without sending this Id in the route data?
Achieve the above requirement in middleware/authorization filter, reading the posting data MyObject from request body is easy, but it does not support us write the modified MyObject data back to request body.
If possible, you can try to achieve it in action filter, like below.
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
if (context.HttpContext.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments(new Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.PathString("/api/values")))
var user = context.HttpContext.User;
//code logic here
//check if request from client contains id in route data
var routeData = context.HttpContext.Request.RouteValues;
//update value of MyObject Id property based on your requirement
object myObject;
if (context.ActionArguments.TryGetValue("myObject", out myObject))
MyObject _myobject = myObject as MyObject;
_myobject.Id = 3;


A confusing situation on my way to understand DDD

Thank you in advance for your help and attentation!
My project is dedicated only for learning purposes and I'm totally confused with DDD and have the following situation:
There is the ubiquitous language of my domain where I have users and documents. It says the following:
- A user can create a document. One of the main purpose of my project is to provide users an ability to create different documents. I mean that the documents cannot exist without the users. So,I think that the process of a document creation belongs to my domain.
- A user can send a document for approval. It's one more thing that belongs to the domain. An approval process is one of the most important part of the project. It has its steps that other users must confirm.
- A user can approve a step of approval process.
- A user can reject a step of approval process.
That's enough to understand and answer my question:
Is it normal that a User can contain such methods as: CreateDocument(params), SendDocumentForApproval(docId), ApproveApprovalStepOfDocument(stepId)?
I'm comfused with it because It looks in code a bit strange.
For example for the document creatation process we have something like that:
public async Task<bool> CreateDocumentCommandHandler(CreateDocumentCommand command)
//We have our injected repositories
User user = await _userRepository.UserOfId(command.UserId);
Document document = User.CreateDocoment(command.*[Params for the document]);
// It raises event before it makes a commit to the database
// It gets event from an entity. The entity keeps it as readonly collection.
// Here it raises DocumentCreatedEvent. This event contains logic which concerns
// creation some additional entities for the document and log actions.
await _documentRepository.UnitOfWork.SaveEntitiesAsync();
The approval process:
//The first try out to model this process:
public async Task<bool> SendDocumentForApprovalCommandHandler(SendDocumentForApprovalCommand command)
//We have our injected repositories
User user = await _userRepository.UserOfId(command.UserId);
//Here I have some problems.
//Is it okay that the method returns the document?
//The method that is placed inside the User has this logic:
//public Document SendDocumentForApproval(int docId)
// Document document = this.GetDocument(docId);
// //Inside this method ChangedStatusToApproving is created
// document.SetStatusToApproving();
// return document;
Document document = User.SendDocumentForApproval(command.DocId);
// It raises event before it makes a commit to the database
// It gets event from an entity. The entity keeps it as readonly collection.
// Here it raises ChangedStatusToApproving. This event contains logic which concerns
// creation some additional entities for the document and log actions.
await _documentRepository.UnitOfWork.SaveEntitiesAsync();
//Is it okay to do something like the command handler above?
//The second one:
public async Task<bool> SendDocumentForApprovalCommandHandler(SendDocumentForApprovalCommand command)
//We have our injected repositories
User user = await _userRepository.UserOfId(command.UserId);
//The same one as we have in the previous method.
//But here I don't want to put the logic about the changing status of the doucnent inside it.
Document document = User.SendDocumentForApproval(command.DocId);
//I see that it breaks the method above (SendDocumentForApproval)
//Now It doesn't mean anything for our domain, does it?
//It is only getter like User.GetDocument or we can even do it
//by using repository - documentRepository.DocumentOfId(docId)
await _documentRepository.UnitOfWork.SaveEntitiesAsync();
// So, I think the first one is better, isn't it? It follows the ubiquitous language.
//And here is the final question: Why can't I do it like this:
public async Task<bool> SendDocumentForApprovalCommandHandler(SendDocumentForApprovalCommand command)
//Here we don't want to use the userRepository. We don't need at all
//Here as a consequence we also don't need a user entity
//Everything what we need is:
Document document = _documentRepository.DocOfId(command.DocId);
await _documentRepository.UnitOfWork.SaveEntitiesAsync();
//I think that the last approach breaks the ubiquitous language and we're about to having an anemic model.
//But here we have only two queries to the database because we don't need a user.
//Which of the approaches is better? Why? How can I do it more correctly if I want to apply DDD?
I want to explain my thoughts in more details.
Let's have a look at the user. They manage documents. A Document cannot exist without the user. Does it mean that the User is an aggregate root through we need to create, update, delete its aggregates.
And the document is also an aggregate root due to it contains an apporval process. The ApprovalProcess cannot exist without the document.
Does it mean that I need to do something like this:
public async Task<bool> SendDocumentForApprovalCommandHandler(SendDocumentForApprovalCommand command)
Document document = _documentRepository.DocumentOfId(command.DocId);
_documentRepository.SaveChangesAsync();//Raise a domain event - SentDocumentForApprovalEvent
// Here we have a handler for the event SentDocumentForApprovalEvent
public async Task SentDocumentForApprovalEventHandler(SentDocumentForApprovalEvent sentDocumentForApprovalEvent)
//Now I want to create an approval process for the document
//Can I do the next thing:
ApprovalProcess process = new ApprovalProcess(sentDocumentForApprovalEvent.DocId);
_approvalProcessRepository.SaveEntitiesAsync();//Raise a domain event - InitiatedApprovalProcessEvent
//Or Should I create the approval process through Document?
//Looks terrible due to we need to call the repostiory amd
ApprovalProcess process = Document.InitiateApprovalProcess(sentDocumentForApprovalEvent.DocID);//Static method
// Here we have a handler for the event InitiatedApprovalProcessEvent
public async Task InitiatedApprovalProcesEventHandler(SentDocumentForApprovalEvent sentDocumentForApprovalEvent)
//The same question as we have with handler above.
//Should I create steps trough the approval process or just with the help of constructor of the step?
Thank you so much and sorry for my terrible English!
Best regards
Is it normal that a User can contain such methods as: CreateDocument(params), SendDocumentForApproval(docId), ApproveApprovalStepOfDocument(stepId)?
In most domain models, the method belongs with the entity that manages the state that is going to change.
Document document = User.SendDocumentForApproval(command.DocId);
The fact that your sample is updating the document repository here is a big hint that it is the document that is changing, and therefore we would normally expect to see SendDocumentForApproval as a method on the document.
(Yes, the code doesn't read like written or spoken English.)
When creating a new document... creation patterns are weird. Udi Dahan suggests that there should always be some entity in your domain model that is responsible for creating the other entities, but I'm not convinced that the result is actually easier to work with in the long term.
How can we model the approval business process
General answer: business processes are protocols, which is to say that you can normally model them as a state machine. Here's the state we are in right now, here is some new information from the outside world, compute the consequences.
(Often, the data model for a process will just look like a history of events; the domain model's job is to then take the new information and compute the right events to store in the history. You don't have to do it that way, but there are interesting possibilities available when you can).
You are headed in a right direction, User and Document both are aggregates as they are created in separate transactions. When it comes to who references whom, IDDD principle of scalability says that aggregates should refer aggregates only via their IDs.
I think sticking to the ubiquitious, language your code should look something like this
class User {
private UserId id;
private String name;
User(String name) { = new UserId(); = name;
Document createDocument(String name) {
Document document = new Document(name);
return document;
Document approve(Document document) {
return document;
class Document {
private DocumentId id;
private String name;
private UserId userId;
private Boolean isApproved;
Document(String name) { = new DocumentId(); = name;
void createdBy(UserId userId) {
this.userId = userId;
void approved() {
this.isApproved = true;
// User creation
User user = new User("Someone");;
//Document creation
User user = userRepository.find(new UserId("some-id"))
Document document = user.createDocument("important-document")
// Approval
User user = userRepository.find(new UserId("some-id"))
Document document = documentRepository.find(new DocumentId("some-id"))
document = user.approve(Document)
I would highly recommend reading Vaughn Vernon's three part aggregate design paper series better aggregete design

Auth0 Get userId in response payload?

When a user logins using the Auth0 lock on my client side, I get an idToken, but also an idTokenPayload which looks like this:
idTokenPayload = {
audience: "AUTH0CLIENTID",
exp: 1494190538,
iat: 1494154538,
Would it be possible to return the userId in Auth0's database instead of the username in the sub field?
The reason I want to do this is that I want to keep Auth0's db for users, and I have on my server-side some Profile, Post, Comment etc entities which have a userId column. Right now before each request on my entities I need to populate the user by doing an extra request: let id = Profile.find("... where username === auth0.sub").getId(); (pseudo-code of course).
With the C# lock sdk, you get back an Auth0User after the call to the LoginAsync method in the Auth0 client. Let's call this variable auth0User. If I look at auth0User.Profile, a JObject (it's a JSON object if you're not using C#), it contains a JSON array named "identities". My identities variable initialization looks like:
var identities = (JArray)auth0User.Profile["identities"];
This array contains all the identity providers associated with the user. If like me you haven't attached any other sign in besides Auth0, there will be just 1 entry here. Each object in this JSON array will contain a "provider" string and a "user_id" string. If the provider says "auth0" then it's from Auth0. Since I don't use FB or other account types I'm not exactly sure what they say. Here's my C# code to get the UserID:
var identities = (JArray)auth0User.Profile["identities"];
if (identities != null)
foreach (var identity in identities)
var provider = (string)identity["provider"];
if (string.Equals(provider, "auth0"))
UserID = (string)identity["user_id"];
I believe that this should all be provided standard without needing to add any rules or webhooks. This article should explain in more detail and also gives examples in javascript: auth0 normalized user profile

Parse cloud code issue accessing pointers in request

I am having an issue accessing some objects in cloud code.
I am trying to send a push to array of users everytime a message object is save on parse. Here is the beginning of my code :
// To send push whenever a message is sent
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("Message", function(request) {
// Our "Comment" class has a "text" key with the body of the comment itself
var messageText = request.object.get('text');
var messageUserFirstName = request.object.get('user').get('firstName');
var usersId = [];
var conversation = request.object.get('conversation').get('group1').get('users');
In my Message table, I have a pointer to the class Conversation, which has also a pointer to a class Group, which contains an array of Users pointers. It seems I cannot access this array with the following line:
var conversation = request.object.get('conversation').get('group1').get('users');
Am I doing something wrong?
Your 'user', 'conversation', and 'group1' objects will all need to be fetched before you can access their data.

Varying WCF Security Roles/Claims by Method Parameter

I have a class that implements IAuthorizationPolicy. I set up a custom Principal object based on the logged in user which has all of my base level roles (I have also done this using claims). Now I would like to change the roles that a particular principal has depending on a key value passed in as a message parameter.
The problem I am having is that the request message cannot be read in the authorization policy class because I don't have access to write the message back to the request context. I can copy and read the message in a ServiceAuthorizationManager derived class using an override of the CheckAccess method. However, I have to ensure that the GetAuthorizationPolicies method has already been called prior to doing that.
I am looking for suggestions on how I can vary the roles on a principal, based on whether or not the message contains a particular parameter. Basically, when the Evaluate method id called on the policy I want to do something like this:
string myObjectId = null;
if (!messageCopy.IsEmpty)
System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReader xdr = messageCopy.GetReaderAtBodyContents();
if (xdr.Read())
myObjectId = xdr.ReadContentAsString();
ClaimSet claims = (myObjectId != null) ?
MapClaims(identity, myObjectId) : MapClaims(identity);
DefaultPrincipal principal = new DefaultPrincipal(identity, claims);
After an entire day of attempted failures, I gave up on trying to read the message body and used an easier method, adding a SOAP message header. When calling the service I now perform the following:
using (new OperationContextScope((IContextChannel)myService)) {
MessageHeader.CreateHeader("objectId", "", "object value"));
myService.BeginMyOperation(parm, callback, state);
Then in my service authorization policy's Evaluate method I do this:
int index = OperationContext.Current.IncomingMessageHeaders.FindHeader(
"objectId", "");
string myObjectId = (index < 0) ? null :
ClaimSet claims = (myObjectId != null) ?
MapClaims(identity, myObjectId) : MapClaims(identity);
DefaultPrincipal principal = new DefaultPrincipal(identity, claims);
I run into the same situation while developing WebAPI security and I choosen the next approach:
Method that recieves argument creates AuthorizationContext where it passes the argument as Resource claim
My custom ClaimsAuthorizationManager then can get argument from AuthorizationContext.Resource and use it from authorization.

Doing some restapi in VB.Net and stuck on something

I doubt anyone has specific experience related to this particular task, but maybe you can spot my problem. I'm trying to make a call to lithium (forum software) to place a vote in their poll, and their docs show this:
Example URL:
Query Arguments:
poll.choice (required): - the choice to place the vote for. The choice is specified by a string of the form id/choice_id where choice_id is the id of the poll choice
Http Method:
So my code looks something like this:
Dim _Response As New XmlDocument
Dim RestApiRoot As String = ""
APIRequest = WebRequest.Create(RestApiRoot)
APIRequest.Method = "POST"
APIRequest.Headers.Add("poll.choice", HttpContext.Current.Server.UrlEncode("id/" & _choiceID.ToString))
APIResponse = APIRequest.GetResponse()
APIReader = New StreamReader(APIResponse.GetResponseStream())
I'm not able to successfully register a vote and they say it's because the poll.choice param is not appearing in the header, but if I step through debugging, I see it in the Header Keys/Items just fine.
Anyone have any clue what I might be doing wrong?
I do exactly this with RestSharp, an open source REST framework. It works great with the Lithium REST API.
You're code will look something like this using RestSharp:
You'll create a class to look like the response from the Lithium API, in this case "Response". It will look like this (sorry, you'll have to translate this to VB.NET):
public class LithiumResponse
public string status { get; set; }
public string value { get; set; }
public string message { get; set; }
Now RestSharp will use that to capture the result like this:
// create the request
var request = new RestRequest();
request.Verb = Method.POST;
request.BaseUrl = "";
// specify the action
request.Action = "restapi/vc/polls/id/6/votes/place";
// add the parameters
request.AddParameter("poll.choice", "id/" + _choiceID.ToString());
// now create a RestClient to execute the request,
// telling it to put the results in your "reponse" class
var client = new RestClient();
var lithiumresponse = client.Execute<LithiumResponse>(request);
// now you can check the status property of your class to
// see if it was successful
if (lithiumresponse.status == "success")
// you successfully placed a vote
I use RestSharp for a lot of interaction with the Lithium API and it makes it brain-dead simple. Pretty awesome library.