AMPPS for Mac, local vhosts now no longer working - apache

AMPPS 3.9 64-bit for Mac is working fine on MacOS 10.15.2.
I created some .local vhosts in /Applications/Ampps/Apache/conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf, and added the domains to /etc/hosts.
All was running well, I had about 5 different .local vhosts up and running fine.
On 1 .local website, after running WP Migrate DB Pro pulling a remote db down into the local site, every .local vhost has failed to load, producing ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT.
Restarting Apache has not resolved the issue.
I've double checked /etc/hosts/ & httpd-vhosts.conf and they both look fine.
I've tried Restore Config in the AMPPS control panel with no success. Rebooted with no success.
http://localhost/phpmyadmin opens fine.
Help and troubleshooting advice appreciated.

I found the local IP address had changed somehow, after running WP Migrate DB Pro.
Updating the hosts file with the new IP address has fixed the problem.



I am new here so let me know if i do something wrong :-)
I ran in a bit of trouble trying out Vagrant!
I installed a Vagrant Ubuntu:xenial64 box running apache2 and php 7.1 on it, it all runs smooth I can access it with ssh also in the browser by using the local ip ( but I also connected a local domain ( ) here I am getting a "ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED" error. I already try'd many fixed from many topic on the internet but none is working.
forwarded_port ( 80 > 8080 )
Added to /etc/host on Vagrant box
Added to windows host file
Looked at the firewall on the box ( disabled )
Made site in sites-available with the serverName and alias
Try'd other browsers
I am running all of this on a windows 10 machine. Does anyone has more tips for this problem?
Problem was resolved, the problem was the domain extension. .dev seems to be forced with a internal 307 redirect to https. This is wat broke it for me.

Disable SSL on localhost using MAMP

Month ago I've installed MAMP (not PRO) and I set SSL for localhost following this tutorial. It works perfectly by the way:
Today I removed MAMP and install it again, but I can't access localhost with http://localhost, it redirects to https:// and connection is not allowed.
The apache config is the default config.
How can I remove/disable the openSSL I set?
I tried solutions mentioned here without success
Wordpress always redirects to https after copying to localhost
But the only thing that worked was to change default MAMP ports under MAMP > Preferences
I ran into a similar issue. I set up a local host SSL environment for the one site as required to develop with the Facebook Api and instagram api.
When I went to update the site to a fresh directory with the newest version in production, it would fail because the SSL is not setup for the new directory yet. Redirecting me to https://www.localhost.
My solution was to backtrack using documentation on how to enable SSL on the site. What I found is this:
This is tested on MAMP Free version, possibly works on PRO but untested.
The instructions state:
Open /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/httpd.conf and uncomment Include /Applications/MAMP/conf/apache/extra/httpd-ssl.conf.
So I navigated to that directory, opened the httpd-ssl.conf file in my text editor and located the uncommented line, commented this line using "#" and save. Doing this resulted in disabling the ssl behavior and retains all my previous configuration.
When your ready to go back to SSL, uncomment that line and make sure you have reconfigured your ssl to the new directory(Github below explains how to configure for ssl). Here is the github I reference for the work. Good luck!
Line #3
I am using MAMP Free version and accidentally launched the PRO version.
It changed ports for the Free version too... So suddenly localhost and other virtual hosts changed to SSL.
Reseting ports in the Free Version with the button "Set Web & MySQL ports to 80 & 3306" worked for me.

Unable to connect to localhost Apache Ubuntu

I run xampp (apache) on Ubuntu 12.04. I've got localhost declared as ServerName localhost in httpd.conf. So far, I've not experienced problems with this but now, the browser Firefox is unable to connect to localhost. What could the problem be? Thanks.
OK. Found the answer and responding to myself in case it could be of interest to others; Actually, Apache server was not running. When I started xampp, it said Apache is already running but in fact wasn't due to the fact that the file logs/ was corrupt. I deleted this file and then restarted xampp. This time it did launch the apache server and everything is fine.

Local site not running under MAMP after Yosemite upgrade

I just upgraded to Yosemite and noticing problems with MAMP. I was running Piwik locally (port 7788) before the upgrade, and it worked perfectly. Now, however, when I start MAMP I just get a 500 Internal Server Error.
Some searching around suggested that one issue was that MAMP was using Port 8888 for Apache and 8889 for MySQL, whereas they should now be changed to Port 80 and 3306 respectively (the default ones for those apps). This didn't change anything for me though.
I also read it could be an issue around PHP and a suggestion was to go to \etc\apache2\httpd.conf and uncomment the line LoadModule php5_module libexec/apache2/, again this did nothing.
I don't know enough about Apache2/MySQL/PHP to trawl through them and figure anything out so I'm hoping someone here can suggest how I go about correcting this.
MAMP will use it's own version of Apache2 so you will need to change the settings/ uncomment the modules in that httpd.conf file.
/etc/apache2/ is the default server preinstalled on the machine, which is different to MAMP's
Try looking for it here: Applications ▸ MAMP ▸ conf ▸ apache

Apache Shutdown unexpectedly (nothing seems to work!)

I've tried just about everything (expect for re-installing xampp) everyone's suggested doing, but Apache just won't run anymore on my setup. It did for a few days, but stopped randomly. I changed nothing before it's demise.
Here's my setup (& some of what I've tried already):
I'm using xampp 1.8.3 (apache version: 2.4.9)
Nothing else is taking up Port 80 or 443 - I've checked multiple times!
I don't have Skype installed
IIS isn't installed (nor are any other server related systems)
I tried changing the ports via httpd.conf & restarting my computer
I tried changing the port settings via the Service Settings in xampp's control panel configuration
tried a previous system restore point (when it worked)
Not sure what to try next. Help?