vue create command: is webpack and loader configured automatically - vue.js

Is webpack configured automatically in the vue create hello-world generated project? Is any loader included by default? Like css-loader?

Yes, it is. you can run vue-cli-service inspect to check the webpack config. For more information Inspecting the Project's Webpack Config


How to package a Vue Single File component with Vite to load it via HTTPS?

I'm trying to create a compiled an packaged version of my Vue Single File component to distribute and dynamically load it via HTTP.
I found this article from Markus Oberlehner that uses Vue CLI v3 with the following command:
npx vue-cli-service build --target lib --formats umd-min --no-clean --dest server/components/MyComponent --name "MyComponent.[chunkhash]" server/components/MyComponent/MyComponent.vue
It seems to work fine, however, I would like to use Vite instead. Is that possible? Which is the equivalent command?
Author of the original article here.
I recommend you look into Module Federation. When I wrote the original article, it did not exist yet. Nowadays, I'd 100% go for Module Federation instead of rolling my own.
There is also a Vite plugin for it:

webpack.config.js and vue.config.js

I am new to vue and I started a project from scratch.
I needed to install vuetify. However, I realized that I do not have webpack.config.js and vue.config.js.
Do I need to install it using npm or can I just directly make these config files manually?
Can help me how do I add this config files?
If you created your app with the cli, until you want to add your custom config, you do not need to add those files.
If you need to add your custom configurations for webPack, you can manually create a vue.config.js and put there the setting for webPack, as explained in detail here.

Vue.js: To Get Environment Variables in js File

I have created .env file to set environment variables as shown below:
Inside which I have given below mentioned code.
I have written below code in my js file and executed npm install dotenv:
With the above code, I need to get in console. But instead I'm getting:
Just restart your server as newly created env variables are not available only after hot-reload you have to rebuild your application (restart your server). For reference you can look here
No need to install "dotenv" simply place .env file in the root of your project (at the same level of your package.json file) and Vue CLI will handle the reset. Side note; as of Vue CLI 3 only variables that start with VUE_APP_ will be loaded. make sure also to rerun npm run serve again to restart your server.
for more details: visit docs

Vue webpack environment variables configuration

I am new to vue in general and i am trying to configure some environment variables for some projects of mine so i can do some tests with cookies but apperently i ran the simple webpack configurations when creating these projects, therefore i dont have access to the config directory to edit said variables.
I created a vue.config.js file and used the following lines:
module.exports = {
publicPath: 'myAppName'
However if i run it on development mode, or simply use npm run serve my app runs at "http://localhost:8080/myAppName" instead of simply "myAppName".
How do i correctly configure my environment variables for my projects without having to start over from scratch? I am using vueCli 3 btw.
I tried following these examples but none have worked:
Using Environment Variables with Vue.js
I also have .env file and a .env.development file but i am not sure what to add to it.

Disable PWA plugin in Vue CLI 3

I'm having some issues with caching my files using the default service worker that comes with VueCLI 3. I would prefer to just use the default browser caching mechanism, but can't seem to disable the PWA plugin as its not in the vue.config.js file. Passing a blank object to the pwa option doesn't work either as the object is merged and not overwritten.
I resolved this by doing the following:
Removing the registerServiceWorker.js file
removing the import of registerServiceWorker.js from main.js.
removing the PWA plugin from the devDependencies in package.json.
Vue enabled a method to disable pwa for certain builds in version 4. Now you can add --skip-plugins pluginname during your build. This one worked for me just fine:
npx vue-cli-service build --skip-plugins pwa,workbox
There is an open but accepted proposal to add this to the core functionality:
Via command line:
npx vue-cli-service build --skip-plugins pwa,workbox
Via vue.config.js:
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: config => {