Blue border started showing around cell after iOS 13 update, how to get rid off it? - objective-c

I am going to try be precise about this problem.
I am fixing some old mail application written in objective c long time ago, and it worked pretty fine before this new iOS 13 update.
After that, it starts to show a blue border around body cell (where I have to type message).
I read about focus ring and it seems like same issue, but I was not quite sure because I did not see initialized it anywhere in my code.
Did anybody have a similar issue?
It looks like this

I found an answer:
you need to implement these lines in your application:
[self.wkWebView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:#"var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.innerHTML = '*:focus{ outline:none }'; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(style);"];


Control sequences displayed when using git layer

When I do SPC g s, I get something that looks like
^[[1mdiff src/^[[m
Pretty much every line has some ^[[ escape sequence.
I'm running inside iterm on mac. I've tried searching, but I haven't found anyone with the same problem. It seems like its trying to bold the text, but it can't. I don't know if this problem is because of spacemacs or because of iterm.
The problem was not with spacemacs or iterm, but actually with git. For ~/.gitconfig, under color, change ui = always to ui = auto.

GSAP after clear timeline reverse animation not working

I am facing an issue when I clear the timeline using timeline.clear() to move back all the elements to it's original position because of immediateRenderer = true, now issue I am facing is after clear timeline revert is not working.
Please suggest a proper solution that includes immediateRenderer to true with on complete of animation elements should reset to it's original position and revert should work after clear the timeline
I have also search into GSAP forum but not get any proper solution for this issue.
When you clear() a timeline, that literally deletes all of its child animations, so it'd make sense that if you try to revert by doing something like seek(0), it would have no effect (there are no child tweens to re-render at their staring values). It sounds like maybe you just shouldn't call clear() before reverting.
If your goal is to revert the changes that a tween or timeline made, you should be able to simply seek(0) to jump back to the starting time, and if you want to pause it there so that it doesn't continue playing just pause(0) like:
var tl = new TimelineLite();;
//then later...
Is that what you're looking for?
If not, it'd be super helpful if you could provide a reduced test case in codepen or jsfiddle so that we can see what's going on.
Also, were you saying that you posted in the GreenSock forums but you didn't receive an answer? We're usually very good about answering every question, typically in less than 24 hours. Let me know if there's something we missed.

Monogame (VB) .mgfx effect was built for a different platform

I am trying to impliment a guassian blur into my game and I keep getting this error when I try to import it into my project. Here is the code I used to define the effect:
Dim bytes As Byte() = File.ReadAllBytes("Content\Effects\effects.mgfxo")
Dim effect As Effect = New Effect(, bytes)
Somewhere in the code for the .fx file do I need to specify the platform before converting it to a .mgtx? Thanks!
After much confusion, I finally came upon my answer (somewhat). The issue lied in the code inside the .fx file. This code ran without crashing on my windows 10 PC:
PixelShader = compile ps_4_0_level_9_1 PS_GaussianBlur();
After I changed the code, I used the monogame pipeline tool to convert it to an xnb file and plopped it into my content/Effects folder. I then used this code to directly run it:
Dim effect As Effect = content.Load(Of Effect)("Effects\GaussianBlur")
With all that said and done, the Gaussian blur effect does not occur. Whenever I try to do this, the output texture2D is only a solid color (color depending on what was in the top left corner of the original image). If anyone knows how to fix it than id greatly appreciate it, although I will be setting up a new question for that and give more detail.

Input.GetAxis("Vertical") returns -1 by default in Unity 4.2

I had a code in Unity UnityScript, it was working in the morning, and I did not change anything.
Now I opened Unity again, it asked "do you want to update Unity?" , I say yes, now it is downloading UnitySetup-4.3.1.exe in Chrome. This may be relevant to the issue.
Anyway, now I ran my code, and noticed something unusual.
changed my code to this :
function Update()
it prints -1, although I'm not pressing anything, or none of my keys are stuck.
I tried restarting Unity. Changing my code back and forth, so it "rebuilds" (hopefully) the application. None of them worked. Maybe there is some other way to refresh the project ?
Has anyone faced an issue like this? Any ideas for a solution?
Thanks for any help !
I know this is super old question but the same issue faced me with Unity 5.3.3f1, just navigate to Edit -> Project Settings -> Inputs
You'll find 4 (Array Element) for both "Vertical" & "Horizontal" 2 each, delete the duplicate ones and you're good to go.
This is expected. As per the documentation here:
The value will be in the range -1...1 for keyboard and joystick input.
If the axis is setup to be delta mouse movement, the mouse delta is
multiplied by the axis sensitivity and the range is not -1...1.
Installing the latest version (4.3.1) and restarting Unity solved the issue..

Adding a new line in a textArea with Appcelerator Titanium for iPhone

I have tried both Titanium.UI.RETURNKEY_DEFAULT and Titanium.UI.RETURNKEY_NEXT,
but neither will add a new line in the text area. Titanium.UI.RETURNKEY_DEFAULT just closes the keyboard.
I see that there was a related bug report here -
It is marked as fixed, but doesn't seem to have been added to the release I'm working with.
Does anyone have a work around for this?
Try to add this property to your TextArea:
suppressReturn: false
I tested this with iPhone and can confirm that it works.