When does init block of object get called? - kotlin

I tried to know when the init block of object gets called in Kotlin using the below code, but I don't get any result in the console:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
object TestObj {
var count = 0
init {
fun howManyTimes() {

Dimitri's answer is correct for your problem, however the correct answer for your specific question is:
if it is a class instantiation, the init is executed before the constructor is called.
if it is an object, according to Kotlin documentation, it will be called whenever the (singleton) object is called first time, as static objects are lazy initialized.

You are not getting any output in console, because you are declaring function inside the init block, and not calling it.
Change TestObj code to:
object TestObj {
var count = 0
init {
fun howManyTimes() {

Above answer gives a clear explanation as to why you are not getting expected output, I would try to answer your question
When does init block of object get called?
From kotlin in action
The init keyword introduces an initializer block. Such blocks contain
initialization code that’s executed when the class is created, and are
intended to be used together with primary constructors. Because the
primary constructor has a constrained syntax, it can’t contain the
initialization code; that’s why you have initializer blocks. If you
want to, you can declare several initializer blocks in one class.


Is there an annotation that triggers a warning if an object is passed that captures enclosing ‘this’?

I have a Kotlin function with this signature:
fun registerDisposer(obj: Any, disposer: Closeable)
What the function does is attach disposer to a phantom reference and arrange it to be closed when obj is garbage-collected (i.e. when the phantom reference object is enqueued). The class of obj is supposed to call it something like this:
class Holder(private val res1: Closeable, private val res2: Closeable) {
init {
registerDisposer(this, object: Closeable {
private val res1 = this#Holder.res1
private val res2 = this#Holder.res2
override fun close() {
(Let’s ignore whether this is a good idea to rely on this with general Closeables; the actual resource in question is a pointer managed by native/JNI code – I am trying to follow Hans Boehm’s advice. But all of this is not particularly relevant for this question.)
I am worried that this design makes it too easy to inadvertently pass an object that captures this from the outer scope, creating a reference loop and preventing the object from being garbage-collected at all:
registerDisposer(this, Closeable {
Is there an annotation I can add to the disposer parameter that will trigger a warning in this situation?
As of this writing, the answer seems to be: probably not.
It turns out a registerDisposer function already exists as the register method of java.lang.ref.Cleaner, and it has no such annotation.
In Android, there is a similar annotation for android.os.AsyncTask, but that simply warns at any anonymous object having AsyncTask as its base class, whether it captures this or not. (This makes sense in Java, where anonymous classes always capture this, but not in Kotlin.)

What is the difference between init block and constructor in kotlin?

I have started learning Kotlin. I would like to know the difference between init block and constructor.
What is the difference between this and how we can use this to improve?
class Person constructor(var name: String, var age: Int) {
var profession: String = "test"
init {
The init block will execute immediately after the primary constructor. Initializer blocks effectively become part of the primary constructor.
The constructor is the secondary constructor. Delegation to the primary constructor happens as the first statement of a secondary constructor, so the code in all initializer blocks is executed before the secondary constructor body.
class Sample(private var s : String) {
init {
s += "B"
constructor(t: String, u: String) : this(t) {
this.s += u
Think you initialized the Sample class with
You will get a string response at variable s as "TBU".
Value "T" is assigned to s from the primary constructor of Sample class.
Then immediately the init block starts to execute; it will add "B" to the s variable.
Next it is the secondary constructor turn; now "U" is added to the s variable to become "TBU".
The primary constructor cannot contain any code.
the init{..} blocks allow adding code to the primary constructor.
A class in Kotlin class a primary constructor (the one after a class name) which does not contain code, it is only able to initialize properties (e.g. class X(var prop: String)).
The init{..} block in the place, where you can put more code that will run after properties are initialized:
initializer blocks are executed in the same order as they appear in the class body, interleaved with the property initializers
More about that is in https://kotlinlang.org/docs/reference/classes.html#constructors
Here is an example:
class X(var b: String) {
val a = print("a")
init {
constructor() : this("aaa") {
When called it prints abc. Thus the init{..} in invoked after primary constructor but before a secondary one.
As stated in the Kotlin docs:
The primary constructor cannot contain any code. Initialization code can be placed in initializer blocks, which are prefixed with the init keyword.
During an instance initialization, the initializer blocks are executed in the same order as they appear in the class body, interleaved with the property initializers: ...

Kotlin Init Block in Super class firing with null properties when inheriting from it

open class Super {
open var name : String = "Name1"
init {
println("INIT block fired with : $name")
name = name.toUpperCase()
class SubClass(newName : String) : Super() {
override var name : String = "Mr. $newName"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var obj = SubClass("John")
The above Kotlin code results in the following TypeCastException :
INIT block fired with : null
Exception in thread "main" kotlin.TypeCastException: null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String
at Super.<init>(index.kt:7)
at SubClass.<init>(index.kt:13)
at IndexKt.main(index.kt:21)
As my understanding goes while inheriting from a class in Kotlin, first the primary constructors and init blocks and secondary constructors of super classes are called with passed parameters. After which the subclass can override such properties with its own version.
Then why does the above code results in the exception as described ... What am I doing wrong ... Why does the init block in super class is fired with null ...??? At first my speculation was that the init block might get fired before the actual property initialization as it is executed as a part of primary constructor but initializing the name property in the primary constructor as below gives the same error and the IDE would have warned me if so.
open class Super(open var name : String = "Name1") {
init {
println("INIT block fired with : $name")
name = name.toUpperCase()
class SubClass(newName : String) : Super() {
override var name : String = "Mr. $newName"
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
var obj = SubClass("John")
Console :
INIT block fired with : null
Exception in thread "main" kotlin.TypeCastException: null cannot be cast to non-null type java.lang.String
at Super.<init>(index.kt:5)
at Super.<init>(index.kt:1)
at SubClass.<init>(index.kt:11)
at IndexKt.main(index.kt:19)
Am I doing something wrong here or is this a language bug...??? What can I do to avoid the error and to make the init blocks fire with the actual passed value and not null ... ??? Elaborate what is happening behind the scene. At this time I have several situations with classes like this in my actual codebase where I want to inherit from another classes, I want to maintain property names as they are...
Essentially, because you tell Kotlin that your subclass is going to be defining name now, it is not defined when the init block in Super is executed. You are deferring definition of that until the SubClass is initialized.
This behavior is documented on the Kotlin website under "Derived class initialization order":
During construction of a new instance of a derived class, the base class initialization is done as the first step (preceded only by evaluation of the arguments for the base class constructor) and thus happens before the initialization logic of the derived class is run.
It means that, by the time of the base class constructor execution, the properties declared or overridden in the derived class are not yet initialized. If any of those properties are used in the base class initialization logic (either directly or indirectly, through another overridden open member implementation), it may lead to incorrect behavior or a runtime failure. Designing a base class, you should therefore avoid using open members in the constructors, property initializers, and init blocks. [emphasis mine]
FWIW, this is similar to the reason that some Java code analysis tools will complain if you refer to non-final methods in a constructor. The way around this in Kotlin is to not refer to open properties in your init blocks in the superclass.
Have the same trouble, a disgusting issue with kotlin, when subclass constructor is ignored or initialized after super class calls internal method, this is not a safe thing, if not worst i found in kotlin.

Variables not initialized properly when initializing it in an overriden abstract function called from constructor or init block

I hit a problem with some Kotlin code and I found out it was related to calling a method that assigns some variables from an init block (or a secondary constructor for that matter, either reproduces the problem).
abstract class Shader(/*Input arguments omitted for the sake of an MCVE*/){
//Shader loading and attaching, not relevant
bindAttribs()//One of the abstract methods. In my actual program, this uses OpenGL to bind attributes
//GLSL program validation
getUniforms()//Same as the previous one: abstract method using GL calls to get uniforms. This gets locations so an integer is set (the problem)
abstract fun getUniforms();//This is the one causing problems
abstract fun bindAttribs();//This would to if primitives or non-lateinit vars are set
abstract class BoilerplateShader() : Shader(){
var loc_projectionMatrix: Int = 404//404 is an initial value. This can be anything though
var loc_transformationMatrix: Int = 404
var loc_viewMatrix: Int = 404
override fun getUniforms(){
//These would be grabbed by using glGetUniformLocations, but it's reproducable with static values as well
loc_projectionMatrix = 0
loc_transformationMatrix = 1
loc_viewMatrix = 2
println(loc_projectionMatrix.toString() + ", " + loc_transformationMatrix + ", " + loc_viewMatrix)
//debug method, only used to show the values
fun dump(){
println(loc_projectionMatrix.toString() + ", " + loc_transformationMatrix + ", " + loc_viewMatrix)
class TextureShader() : BoilerplateShader(){
override fun bindAttribs() {
//This doesn't cause a problem even though it's called from the init block, as nothing is assigned
//bindAttrib(0, "a_position");
//bindAttrib(1, "a_texCoord0");
//Other repetitive shaders, omitted for brevity
Then doing:
val tx = TextureShader()
0, 1, 2
404, 404, 404
The print statements are called in order from getUniforms to the dump call at the end. It's assigned fine in the getUniforms method, but when calling them just a few milliseconds later, they're suddenly set to the default value of (in this case) 404. This value can be anything though, but I use 404 because that's a value I know I won't use for testing in this particular MCVE.
I'm using a system that relies heavily on abstract classes, but calling some of these methods (getUniforms is extremely important) is a must. If I add an init block in either BoilerplateShader or TextureShader with a call to getUniforms, it works fine. Doing a workaround with an init function (not an init block) called after object creation:
fun init(){
works fine. But that would involve the created instance manually calls it:
val ts = TexturedShader();
which isn't an option. Writing the code that causes problems in Kotlin in Java works like expected (considerably shortened code, but still reproducable):
abstract class Shader{
public Shader(){
public abstract void getUniforms();
abstract class BoilerplateShader extends Shader{
int loc_projectionMatrix;//When this is initialized, it produces the same issue as Kotlin. But Java doesn't require the vars to be initialized when they're declared globally, so it doesn't cause a problem
public void getUniforms(){
loc_projectionMatrix = 1;
//and a dump method or any kind of basic print statement to print it after object creation
class TextureShader extends BoilerplateShader {
public TextureShader(){
and printing the value of the variable after initialization of both the variable and the class prints 0, as expected.
Trying to reproduce the same thing with an object produces the same result as with numbers when the var isn't lateinit. So this:
var test: String = ""
0, 1, 2, test
404, 404, 404,
The last line is exactly as printed: the value if test is set to an empty String by default, so it shows up as empty.
But if the var is declared as a lateinit var:
lateinit var test: String
it prints:
0, 1, 2, test
404, 404, 404, test
I can't declare primitives with lateinit. And since it's called outside a constructor, it either needs to be initialized or be declared as lateinit.
So, is it possible to initialize primitives from an overridden abstract method without creating a function to call it?
A comment suggested a factory method, but that's not going to work because of the abstraction. Since the attempted goal is to call the methods from the base class (Shader), and since abstract classes can't be initialized, factory methods won't work without creating a manual implementation in each class, which is overkill. And if the constructor is private to get it to work (avoid initialization outside factory methods), extending won't work (<init> is private in Shader).
So the constructors are forced to be public (whether the Shader class has a primary or secondary constructor, the child classes have to have a primary to initialize it) meaning the shaders can be created while bypassing the factory method. And, abstraction causes problems again, the factory method (having to be abstract) would be manually implemented in each child class, once again resulting in initialization and manually calling the init() method.
The question is still whether or not it's possible to make sure the non-lateinit and primitives are initialized when calling an abstract method from the constructor. Creating factory methods would be a perfect solution had there not been abstraction involved.
Note: The absolutely best idea is to avoid declaring objects/primitives in abstract functions called from the abstract class' constructor method, but there are cases where it's useful. Avoid it if possible.
The only workaround I found for this is using by lazy, since there are primitives involved and I can convert assignment to work in the blocks.
lateinit would have made it slightly easier, so creating object wrappers could of course be an option, but using by lazy works in my case.
Anyways, what's happening here is that the value assigned to the int in the constructor is later overridden by the fixed value. Pseudocode:
var x /* = 0 */
constructor() : super.constructor()//x is not initialized yet
overridden function();
abstract function()
overridden function() {
x = 4;
// The assignment if `= 0` takes place after the construction of the parent, setting x to 0 and overriding the value in the constructor
With lateinit, the problem is removed:
lateinit var x: Integer//x exists, but doesn't get a value. It's assigned later
constructor() : super.constructor()
overridden function()
abstract function()
overridden function(){
x = Integer(4);//using an object here since Kotlin doesn't support lateinit with primtives
//x, being lateinit and now initialized, doesn't get re-initialized by the declaration. x = 4 instead of 0, as in the first example
When I wrote the question, I thought Java worked differently. This was because I didn't initialize the variables there either (effectively, making them lateinit). When the class then is fully initialized, int x; doesn't get assigned a value. If it was declared as int x = 1234;, the same problem in Java occurs as here.
Now, the problem goes back to lateinit and primitives; primitives cannot be lateinit. A fairly basic solution is using a data class:
data class IntWrapper(var value: Int)
Since the value of data classes can be unpacked:
var (value) = intWrapperInstance//doing "var value = ..." sets value to the intWrapperInstance. With the parenthesis it works the same way as unpacking the values of a pair or triple, just with a single value.
Now, since there's an instance with an object (not a primitive), lateinit can be used. However, this isn't particularly efficient since it involves another object being created.
The only remaining option: by lazy.
Wherever it's possible to create initialization as a function, this is the best option. The code in the question was a simplified version of OpenGL shaders (more specifically, the locations for uniforms). Meaning this particular code is fairly easy to convert to a by lazy block:
val projectionMatrixLocation by lazy{
glGetUniformLocation(program, "projectionMatrix")
Depending on the case though, this might not be feasible. Especially since by lazy requires a val, which means it isn't possible to change it afterwards. This depends on the usage though, since it isn't a problem if it isn't going to change.

How do I initialize a final field in Kotlin?

Let's say I declared a final field with private final String s (Java) or val s (Kotlin). During initialization I want to initialize the field with the result of a call to a remote service. In Java I would be able to initialize it in the constructor (e.g. s = RemoteService.result()), but in Kotlin I can't figure out how to do that because as far as I can tell the field has to be initialized in the same line it's declared. What's the solution here?
You can set val value in init block:
class MyClass {
val s: String
init {
s = "value"
You can also initialize the value with by lazy the value will be initialized the first time it is referred. An example
val s by lazy { RemoteService.result() }
kotlin will guess the type of s from the return type of the expression.
You can use run:
class MyClazz {
val prop = run {
// do stuff
// do stuff again
123 // return expression
From the docs (emphasis is mine):
Besides calling run on a receiver object, you can use it as a non-extension function. Non-extension run lets you execute a block of several statements where an expression is required.
It has been possible to do it simply like this since the very first official stable release of Kotlin:
class MyClass {
val s = RemoteService.result()