SwiftUI can't run on the device(Alamofire) - alamofire

I use cocoapods to install alamofire in my project, it works fine in simulator. When I want to run my App on my iphone 6s(ios 13.3.1), it crashed and show the error message. My Xcode version is 11.3.1 (11C504). Is this issue appear due to latest swiftUI project? And is there some way to solve this issue? Please help. Thank you.
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire
Referenced from: /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B2A3A91-D290-45D7-BA8E-6243A782E25C/Fitness(SwiftUI).app/Fitness(SwiftUI)
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B2A3A91-D290-45D7-BA8E-6243A782E25C/Fitness(SwiftUI).app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire: code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B2A3A91-D290-45D7-BA8E-6243A782E25C/Fitness(SwiftUI).app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire'
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B2A3A91-D290-45D7-BA8E-6243A782E25C/Fitness(SwiftUI).app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire: stat() failed with errno=25
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B2A3A91-D290-45D7-BA8E-6243A782E25C/Fitness(SwiftUI).app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire: code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B2A3A91-D290-45D7-BA8E-6243A782E25C/Fitness(SwiftUI).app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire'
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B2A3A91-D290-45D7-BA8E-6243A782E25C/Fitness(SwiftUI).app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire: stat() failed with errno=1
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B2A3A91-D290-45D7-BA8E-6243A782E25C/Fitness(SwiftUI).app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire: code signature invalid for '/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B2A3A91-D290-45D7-BA8E-6243A782E25C/Fitness(SwiftUI).app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire'
/private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/9B2A3A91-D290-45D7-BA8E-6243A782E25C/Fitness(SwiftUI).app/Frameworks/Alamofire.framework/Alamofire: stat() failed with errno=1
Below is my Podfile:
# Uncomment the next line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '13.3.1'
target 'Fitness(SwiftUI)' do
# Comment the next line if you don't want to use dynamic frameworks
# Pods for Fitness(SwiftUI)
pod 'Alamofire'
pod 'SwiftyJSON', '~> 4.0'
pod 'AlamofireImage', '~> 3.5'

There is an open issue:
Seems to happen on ios 13.1.3 with non-developer Apple ID. Right now you can switch to developer Apple ID or remove use_frameworks! from pods (sadly that can make other dependencies throw error)

What fixed this issue in my case was to delete the Apple Development profile from my device and then let Xcode install it again when I ran the app on the device.
General > Device Management > Apple Development ... > tap on it then tap on Delete App. Then when you run again the app one your device the profile will be installed again and you'll be asked to Trust it again.
To be fair, I've also done a pods update.


React native run-ios fails. ios build fails. Android works. Xcode upgraded to 14 is only change

No code changes on my side. Xcode update happened and now the build fails. Android works just fine. here is the error I get:
The following build commands failed:
SwiftEmitModule normal x86_64 Emitting\ module\ for\ Stripe (in target 'Stripe' from project 'Pods')
SwiftCompile normal x86_64 Compiling\ AddPaymentMethodViewController.swift,\ AfterpayPriceBreakdownView.swift,\ Analytic.swift,\ Analytic+Payments.swift,\ APIRequest.swift,\ ApplePayHeaderView.swift,\ Async.swift,\ BackwardsCompatibleColors.swift,\ BillingAddressEditView.swift,\ BottomSheet3DS2ViewController.swift,\ BottomSheetViewController.swift,\ CardDetailsEditView.swift,\ CardScanningView.swift,\ CheckboxButton.swift,\ CheckboxElement.swift,\ ChoosePaymentOptionViewController.swift,\ CircularButton.swift,\ ConfirmButton.swift,\ ContainerView.swift,\ DefaultPaymentMethodStore.swift,\ DimmedView.swift,\ Dropd
"#stripe/stripe-react-native": "^0.1.4",
i saw some other folks got this error and it solved for them to update to ios 14.0. i did the same but does not seem to solve my issue. here is my podfile:
platform :ios, '14.0'
xcode version:
Version 14.0.1 (14A400)
Try upgrading stripe to 0.19.0 in package.json, then run "pod update Stripe" in the ios folder.

Deprecated API Usage Apple [duplicate]

Yesterday, I uploaded my App to TestFlight and after a while Apple sent me this warning:
ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage - Apple will stop accepting submissions of apps that use UIWebView APIs . See https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiwebview for more information.
The thing is that I don't use UIWebView in my app so I tried to update my pods but still the same thing.By the way this is my 3rd build on TestFlight and this is the first time apple sends me this. Any ideas?
These are my pods:
pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/Firestore'
pod 'Firebase/MLVision'
pod 'Firebase/MLVisionTextModel'
pod 'SVProgressHUD'
pod 'SPPermission/Camera'
pod 'SPPermission/PhotoLibrary'
pod 'Mantis'
pod 'SwiftKeychainWrapper'
pod 'SwiftyOnboard'
pod 'Fabric'
pod 'Crashlytics'
Update 2
Seems like I found the frameworks with the issue.
Binary file ./Pods/FirebaseMLCommon/Frameworks/FirebaseMLCommon.framework/FirebaseMLCommon matches
Binary file ./Pods/Crashlytics/iOS/Crashlytics.framework/Crashlytics matches
Binary file ./Pods/GoogleMobileVision/Detector/Frameworks/GoogleMobileVision.framework/GoogleMobileVision matches
So now do I have to wait for google to fix them and update my pods?
Check if you use in your code the UIWebView class; if yes replace your implementation with WKWebView, else need check your Pods.
Go with terminal into your project folder and execute the command:
grep -r "UIWebView" .
All matched pod must be updated.
Now I'm stuck because I found UIWebView into Google AdMob (version 7.49.0) and I'm waiting a new version from Google.
You can examine each of the frameworks in the archived app to see if any of them refer to UIWebView. From the command line, cd to the archived app, e.g.:
cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/<date>/myapp.xcarchive/Products/Applications/myapp.app
Once there, use the nm command to dump the symbols of your app and each of the app's frameworks:
nm myapp | grep UIWeb
for framework in Frameworks/*.framework; do
fname=$(basename $framework .framework)
echo $fname
nm $framework/$fname | grep UIWeb
This will at least tell you which framework is the culprit.
I will answer my own question as I have news about this email. Google told me that there are several tickets about this issue and they are going to resolve this as soon as possible.
Also today my app has been approved for the AppStore so it seems to be just a warning for the time being.
For project with cocoapods:
grep -r UIWebView Pods/
WKWebView is the replacement for UIWebView. If you don't have UIWebView usage in your code than by executing the below terminal command you can easily get to know that which library is still using UIWebView reference (don't miss the . (dot)).
From the command line, cd to the archived app, e.g
cd ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/<date>/myapp.xcarchive/Products/Applications/myapp.app
And then Run
grep -r UIWebView
OR call
grep -r UIWebView /Path/To/Project/*
This will give you Output for framework match
./<ANY>.framework/Headers/ANY.h:#define ANYUseUIWebView ANY_NAME_PASTE(ANY_PREFIX_NAME, ANYUseUIWebView)
Output for library match
Binary file ./<FRAMEWORK-NAME>.framework/<LIB-FILE>.a matches
Update these Libraries
pod update
also check out this Medium Article
brew install ripgrep
cd Pods
rg UIWebView
10:- using WKWebView instead of UIWebView.
166: to emulate the link detection behaviour of UIWebView.
28: * either UIWebView or SFSafariViewController depending on iOS
84: * Suitable for loading in a `UIWebView`, `WKWebView` or passing to Safari:
In order to find where you are using a UIWebView, Go to your project root in terminal
and use this command
grep -r -F "UIWebView" .
The '.' is very important.
It tells the system to search the string "UIWebView" in the current folder and subfolders.
This will search the cocoapods libraries also
I solved this issue by updating ionic webview plugin and adding preferences in config.
I followed following steps:
1.cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-ionic-webview
2.cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ionic-webview#latest
3.Added preferences in config file under ios platform :
<preference name="WKWebViewOnly" value="true" />
<feature name="CDVWKWebViewEngine">
<param name="ios-package" value="CDVWKWebViewEngine" />
<preference name="CordovaWebViewEngine" value="CDVWKWebViewEngine" />
After following these steps my app is submitted and later approved in review.
Use latest firebase version
Version 6.8.1 : Removed references to UIWebViewDelegate to comply with App Store Submission warning (#3722).
If you are building with Unity 3D, this is a know-issue (acknowledged in changelogs), it's currently fixed for version 2019.3 (being tested and backported).
Check the ticket here https://unity3d.com/unity/whats-new/2019.2.4
It was a long process, but I managed to solve the above mentioned issue. Let me walk you through the process and share my findings.
First things first, its not necessary what worked for me will work for you. You juts need to try every possible solution put out there.
I followed some of the solutions posted in various threads. (Linked below).
When I was on RN 0.59, I found these files comment mentioned here. Didn't work
I upgraded to RN 0.61, I didn't find these files. I tried uploading the app but still got the warning. Didn't work
I updated the following libraries to their latest versions. Didn't work
I tried this grep command mentioned here. There were certain libraries that showed up i.e react-native-fbsdk, react-native-google-sign, react-native-gesture-handler. So I upgraded all of them and uploaded the build but still got the warning. Didn't work
The last resort to update all the libraries, which i know was going to take a lot of time. So my first guess was to update 'react-native-firebase' to latest v6 version issue. But it had some issues with Notification not being on so I couldn't use it. Also they mentioned that their v.5.5.6 is clean and doesn't have any UIWebViewIssues given you update your iOS sdk to 6.12.+ More info here.
So this moved me to my second guess which in my case was 'react-native-ux-cam'. Luckily they updated their library to remove all the references of UIWebView. I updated to the lastest version and BOOM, the issue was solved. I submitted my app to Apple and no warnings so far. More info here Worked đŸ’„
Hope this helps someone.
On my ReactJS + Cordova project I uploaded an app to the app store and it was successful. Shortly after I received an email citing ITMS-90809: Deprecated API Usage. After hours (over days) of research and multiple failed uploads I connected with Apple using a paid developer token ($50); they responded basically saying "check your node modules folder" and refunded my token because they weren't going to assist me with this extremely ambiguous error.
Previous Attempts
Updated cordova to use the wkwebview-engine and wkwebviewxhrfix plugins
Using grep -r on archives, ios source, and entire project source, I found a LOT of notes but nothing that really helped.
updated all npm packages
cleaned and updated all cocoapod pods
Final Attempt
After removing all "extra" cordova plugins, npm packages, and pods I was left with a shell of an application but still facing the apple rejection. using grep -r again there was still a reference to "facebook" which lead me to an old copy of the FBSDK.
FBSDK had been manually added to target > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries. There was also an associated cordovaFacebook.m in target > Build Phases > Compile Sources. After removing these old, un-maintained files I was able to upload to itunes connect without at issue.
In my case, Firebase/Auth was using deprecated UIWebView API and the version I was using was an older one. So I just updated the Firebase/Auth pod using the command,
pod update 'Firebase/Auth'
Note: To figure out the frameworks which are using this api, just search "UIWebView" (cmd+shift+F)
FB Sdk above Version 7.16.1 have this issue. Actually it have no files in framework folder.
This error remove when you build it using FBSDK v7.16.1, but Appstore got rejected the app, because of depreciated api usage(UIWebView).
I resolve it by using FBSDK v7.19.2.
1) When you build the project for xcode it shows the mention error, shareKit not found. I resolve it by copy the facebookSDK folder from the framework folder of my previous build(with fbsdk v7.16.1), into the same location of the current xcode folder(frameworks/FacebookSDK....)
2) Then, open your xcode project, add files from location: Frameworks/FacebookSDK/Plugins/IOS/ (sharekit, corekit, loginkit) into Frameworks in Xcode.
3) Add "$(PROJECT_DIR)/Frameworks/FacebookSDK/Plugins/iOS" into Framework Search Paths into build settings at Xcode.
4) Open Project into Terminal: type "grep -r "UIWebView" ." , if this shows any match with UIWebView remove it by opening the file.
5) If it shows match in a binary file of FBSDKCoreKit. Open the file in TextEdit at MAC and Find and Replace all "UIWebView" to "WKWebView"
6) Save it and again add it into Frameworks at Xcode. Build and push to appstore.
100% Working Solution #ionic #wkwebview #webview
Here Webview is deprecated by Apple so replace with WKWebview.
Follow few simple steps for solve this issue:-
1.Open Terminal and go to project path
2.cordova plugin rm cordova-plugin-ionic-webview
3.cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-ionic-webview#latest
4.open config.xml file and put below code inside <platform name="ios"> section.
<preference name="WKWebViewOnly" value="true" />
<feature name="CDVWKWebViewEngine">
<param name="ios-package" value="CDVWKWebViewEngine" />
<preference name="CordovaWebViewEngine" value="CDVWKWebViewEngine" />
after following all this step again build using "ionic cordova build ios" command and submit it to again in appstore.
When you build an Ionic app, you can choose between Cordova or Capacitor to deploy a native mobile version. While more recent versions use WKWebView automatically, Cordova still uses UIWebView APIs outright or contain references to them (Capacitor has been updated to remove these references – see below).
Upon app submission, Apple searches the app’s code for the “UIWebView” string then generates a submission warning if found. Therefore, a future release of cordova-ios (the Cordova iOS library) will be required to ensure that all references to UIWebView APIs removed.
another thought. I don't know if it makes sense or is technically possible.
Move UIWebView to a plugin as well and make cordova-ios use this or some of the WKWebView plugins. cordova-ios just contains the code to load a webview. By default the next version should load the Apache WKWebViewEngine (Plugin installed by default on new apps, Migration instruction for old apps). Users who need UIWebView, the Ionic one, a fork or others can specify their own one like it is now.
That way no UIWebView would be in cordova-ios and it would still be flexible enough like today.
I faced the same for React native app. Check below things :
1) You are using react-native-webview module rather than importing it directly from react-native(community webview is deprecated as a lean core removal in v0.60 and will be removed in the next stable release). (check here)
2) Please also verify if you are using any third-party libraries which use webview is up to date, If not please ask the library maintainers to upgrade the react-native-webview.
3) you are good to go for the upload, Please add comments if anyone finds some more difficulties.
Check here the breaking changes in v0.60
Another way to get rid of this warning is:
start passing useWebKit={true}, that is to say, you are using WKWebView not UIWebView at all. Then you can do the following to solve the problem -- Deprecated API Usage.
Remove Libraries/RNCWebView.xcodeproj/RNCUIWebView.h、RNCUIWebView.m、RNCUIWebViewManager.h、RNCUIWebViewManager.m
Remove Libraries/React.xcodeproj/React/Views/RCTWebView.h、RCTWebView.m、RCTWebViewManager.h、RCTWebViewManager.m
Now I has already uploaded app.ipa to AppStore successfully without any permission warnings.
style={{flex: 1, backgroundColor: Colors.white}}
source={{uri: 'my http url'}}
If anyone helps I run pod update on terminal and then archive again. That works for me.
For me, scripts didn't help. I had to just manually go through each framework and look at release note, and update them.
I get rid out from this by following below steps-
Step 1:
Search “UIWebView” in xcode project directory
Step 2:
Right click (on RCTWebView.m) and select “Reveal In Project Navigator”
Step 3:
Scroll down and delete the following four files only:
1. RCTWebView.h
2. RCTWebView.m
3. RCTWebViewManager.h
4. RCTWebViewManager.m
Then clean the project & archive.
N.B: If you use 'react-native-community/react-native-webview' library then update with latest version otherwise it's done.
You should install this Cordova Plugin:
Then add <preference name="WKWebViewOnly" value="true" /> in your config.xml, under the iOS section.
Then increase the version and re-upload it.
To update WebView depreceated in ios
This solved my problem successfully
cd platforms/ios
grep -r UIWebView Pods/
Open Podfile and add/replace AFNetworking pod as
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 4.0'
Finally in terminal pod update
As per new Apple policies, the new/old apps that use UIWebView are no longer accepted. The best solution is to use WKWebView for improved security. The issue is there because of some deprecated old plugins like GoogleAd or GoogleVR SDK. If you want a quick solution then replace the UIWebView with WKWebView framework.
In Terminal, run this command in your iOS project folder:
grep -r "UIWebView"
Then you will find the list of all the files that use UIWebview. Update whatever files to use WKWebView (Or replaced them with WKWebView using gVim). If your pod libraries are showing that it has UIWebView. Update the pods files as well.
In my case, the unsupported plugin was GVR SDK and steps to resolve are:
Step1: Remove UIWebView:
Get vim for mac.
List item In Vim open {Path to your build folder} \Pods\GVRSDK\Libraries\libGVRSDK.a
Click ESC
Type ":"
Paste "%s/UIWebView/WKWebView/g"
Click enter
Step 2: Adding Frameworks to Your Xcode Project
Select the project file from the project navigator on the left side of the project window.
Select the target for where you want to add frameworks in the project settings editor.
Select the “Build Phases” tab, and click the small triangle next to “Link Binary With Libraries” to view all of the frameworks in your application.
To Add frameworks, click the “+” below the list of frameworks.
Select WebKit.framework

OSX app crashing: code signature invalid

I have an OSX app that I distribute outside the AppStore. Therefor I sign it with the according certificate (Developer ID Application Certificate).
The app itself is written in Freepascal (Lazarus) and has a dependency lib, written in C++, which I also sign. I also change the path of the lib to be relative to the app by using install_name_tool and prefixing the path with #loader_path. Works like a charm for me locally.
The app (as reported to me) works OK on OSX 10.11.6, but crashes on OSX 10.10.5, saying:
Library not loaded: #loader_path/libMyAPP.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/USER/Downloads/MyAPP.app/Contents/MacOS/MyAPP
Reason: no suitable image found. Did find:
/Users/Steve/Downloads/MyAPP.app/Contents/MacOS/libMyAPP.dylib: code signature invalid for '/Users/Steve/Downloads/MyAPP.app/Contents/MacOS/libMyAPP.dylib'
/Users/Steve/Downloads/MyAPP.app/Contents/MacOS/libMyAPP.dylib: code signature invalid for '/Users/Steve/Downloads/MyAPP.app/Contents/MacOS/libMyAPP.dylib'
Any pointers what might be going on? Is this really a code signing issue or something else? Thanks.
I have the same error with XCode 11/iPhone7 device and google firebase.
dyld: Library not loaded: #rpath/GTMSessionFetcher.framework/GTMSessionFetcher
Referenced from:
Frameworks/GTMSessionFetcher.framework/GTMSessionFetcher: code signature invalid for
GTMSessionFetcher: stat() failed with errno=1
try to remove pod and remove use_framework!
pod deintegrate
then remove use_framework!
# use_frameworks!
then install again
pod install

Type arguments cannot be applied to non-parameterized class BFTask in PFAnalytics and PFObject

I've updated my project to iOS 9, my podfile, and all necessary files, but it will not build. The source of my grief is in the following error message:
Type arguments cannot be applied to non-parameterized class 'BFTask'
This is the only error that shows, but it shows up multiple times in both PFAnalytics.h and probably more importantly PFObject.h.
Could someone tell me what this means and please suggest a solution? I hope I have provided enough information, but if not, let me know!
The code samples are as follows: In PFObject.h and PFAnalytics.h, everywhere there is the following:
the error is thrown. This is no code of mine, it is PFObject.h and PFAnalytics.h as stated before. Examples of the functions throwing the error in PFObject.h are below
- (BFTask PF_GENERIC(NSNumber *)*)saveInBackground;
- (BFTask PF_GENERIC(NSNumber *)*)saveEventually;
- (BFTask PF_GENERIC(NSNumber *)*)deleteInBackground;
+ (BFTask PF_GENERIC(NSNumber *)*)saveAllInBackground:(PF_NULLABLE NSArray *)objects;
+ (BFTask PF_GENERIC(NSNumber *)*)deleteAllInBackground:(PF_NULLABLE NSArray *)objects;
// .... etc
when clicking on the stop sign the suggestion is to delete PF_GENERIC(NSNumber *), resulting in a method like this
- (BFTask *)xxsomeMethod;
but that doesn't help as it just gets a lot messier
Update 02: The contents of my Podfile:
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
# platform :ios, '8.0'
target: 'BMR' do
pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.6'
pod 'ParseFacebookUtils', '~> 1.8'
pod 'Parse'
pod 'ParseUI', '~> 1.1'
pod 'FBSDKCoreKit', '~> 4.6'
pod 'FBSDKLoginKit', '~> 4.6'
pod 'JSQMessagesViewController', '~> 7.2'
pod 'IDMPhotoBrowser', '~> 1.7'
pod 'RNGridMenu', '~> 0.1'
pod 'APHorizontalMenu', '~> 1.3'
pod 'ASIHTTPRequest', '~> 1.8'
pod 'AutoScrollLabel', '~> 0.4'
pod 'CJAMacros', '~> 2.1'
pod 'CrittercismSDK', '~> 5.3'
Make sure that you don't have a duplicate version of the Bolts.framework.
If you are using both Parse SDK and Facebook SDK you will encounter a problem where Parse SDK contains an older version of Bolts (currently 1.1.5) and the FB SDK has the newest version of Bolts SDK (>= 1.2.2)
Once you remove an older version of the Bolt.framework that comes with Parse SDK you should be fine.
To check what version of Bolts.SDK you have simply go to the Bolts.framework file, right - click and choose "Get Info".
You have two Bolts.framework, old from FacebookSDK and new from Parse. So go to the FacebookSDK folder from where you added the FacebookSDK into the xcode and delete the Bolts.framework. Keep the new Bolts.framework and everything will be fine now.
If you still is not able to find the old Bolts.framework find the class file showing error and right click it and select show in finder and traceback the facebook folder from the finder and make sure it is in Facebook SDK folder and delete the Bolts.framework. Make sure you don't delete the new Bolts.framework you added from Parse SDK folder.
I had the same problem (spent a few hours investigating whats going on). I messed up old FacebookSDK framework with the one I installed via cocoapods
Check the following path ~/Documents/FacebookSDK to see if there are some outdated SDK
Remove any import of Facebook SDK #import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
Install it via cocoapods
pod 'FBSDKCoreKit'
pod 'FBSDKLoginKit'
pod 'FBSDKShareKit'
or add the new framework manually.

'JSONKit.h' not found when I run 'Test' of my Project in Xcode 5

I used CocoaPods to add JSONKit to project.
Now I want to create a unit test of a function in my project which uses JSONKit function.
When I hit ⌘U to run the test, I got this error message:
I am positive the project can compile can run without problem when I hit ⌘R ('Run')
What is the reason for the error message? How can I fix it?
I am using XCode 5.0.2
It is actually a Pod file setup problem.
I need to add the following as the first line in my podifle.
link_with ['Questions', 'QuestionsTests']
Then rerun pod install and reopen workspace in xcode.