Laravel query builder: is this command excused from SQL injections? - sql

Some time ago I've read here on Stackoverflow an accepted answer which was claiming that select("sql query") is excused from SQL injection, while select(raw("sql query")) isn't. In my case I have the following code:
$request; // Illuminate\Http\Request
FROM `some_table`
WHERE `some_col` = '$request->some_val'
Is that command excused from SQL injection? If yes, I can't understand how does query builder knows how to prepare the statement? :thinking:

For not permit sql injection You must be use this code
->select('SELECT * FROM `some_table` WHERE `some_col` = ?', [$request->some_val]);

You should use:
FROM `some_table`
WHERE `some_col` = ?
", [$request->some_val]);
to avoid SQL injection.
You can read:
Parameter binding provides protection against SQL injection.
on documentation page.
If you execute SQL queries as you shown in your question that you might suffer from SQL injection.

The Laravel query builder uses PDO parameter binding to protect your application against SQL injection attacks. There is no need to clean strings being passed as bindings.
You can refer to below links:
Laravel Eloquent: is SQL injection prevention done automatically?


How to avoid the sql injection in createNativeQuery? [duplicate]

I'm working with JPA. How could my application be SQL injection safe if I'm using a native sql query (not entity query)? I need to build the native sql query with the data submitted by a user from a html form.
If I use parameters in the native sql I can avoid SQL injection attacks, but my problem is that I can't be sure how many data fields are being submitted by the user.
You should use positional parameters binding:
String queryString = "select * from EMP e where = ?1";
Query query = em.createNativeQuery(queryString, Employee.class);
query.setParameter(1, "Mickey");
Please note that you should not use named parameters binding (:empName) in your query as JPA Spec says
Only positional parameter binding may be portably used for native queries.
This should secure you from SQL Injection attacks.

Textbox Value for where Clause

SELECT verlog.bearerid, detail.snum
FROM verlog
ON verlog.txnid = detail.txnid
WHERE verlog.bearerid ='"+ TextBox1.Text +"'
is this the right way to obtain the value of a text box and use it in a where clause?
By constructing the statement in this way you open yourself up to SQL injection attacks in which users may be able to run additional sql against your database.
You can protect against this by using parameterised sql. Then pass both the query and the parameters when executing.
SELECT verlog.bearerid, detail.snum
FROM verlog
ON verlog.txnid = detail.txnid
WHERE verlog.bearerid = #bearerid
Further details can be read here:
Alternatively you can use an ORM which will handle this for you.
I seggest not to write scripts as you mentioned; that would pave the way of injection. If not using any ORM technology such as Entity framework which in turn calls for its own security issues as well, always stick into parametric queries. Look at this link

What are "parameters" and how do they prevent SQL injections? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How does SQLParameter prevent SQL Injection?
(4 answers)
How does the SQL injection from the "Bobby Tables" XKCD comic work?
(13 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm very early on in learning SQL, but I've encountered the topic of SQL injections, and understand that parameters are probably the best way to prevent them. But I couldn't find any explanation of what they actually ARE.
So, for instance, in this code in ASP.NET (from w3schools):
txtUserId = getRequestString("UserId");
sql = "SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE CustomerId = #0";
command = new SqlCommand(sql);
What dos the "command.parameters.addwithvalue" actually do?
I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I couldn't find the answer to it - everywhere I look they just say "use parameters" but don't explain what that actually means...
actually you need to make prepared statement to stop sql injection , another thing is you need to escape the query or add slashed before single quotes in order to qvoid SQL Injection
Form w3schools
"Some web developers use a "blacklist" of words or characters to
search for in SQL input, to prevent SQL injection attacks.
This is not a very good idea. Many of these words (like delete or
drop) and characters (like semicolons and quotation marks), are used
in common language, and should be allowed in many types of input.
(In fact it should be perfectly legal to input an SQL statement in a
database field.)
The only proven way to protect a web site from SQL injection attacks,
is to use SQL parameters.
SQL parameters are values that are added to an SQL query at execution
time, in a controlled manner.
ASP.NET Razor Example
txtUserId = getRequestString("UserId"); txtSQL = "SELECT * FROM Users
WHERE UserId = #0"; db.Execute(txtSQL,txtUserId);
Note that parameters are represented in the SQL statement by a #
The SQL engine checks each parameter to ensure that it is correct for
its column and are treated literally, and not as part of the SQL to be
executed. Another Example txtNam = getRequestString("CustomerName");
txtAdd = getRequestString("Address"); txtCit =
getRequestString("City"); txtSQL = "INSERT INTO Customers
(CustomerName,Address,City) Values(#0,#1,#2)";

JPA Query - sql injection in positional parameters jpa native query

As I read in a lot of articles, when I use JPA/Hibernate query it is good to set parameters in my queries so SQL injection is avoided. Like:
select user from User user where = :name and user.surname = :surname
My problem is that in some cases I need to use native query when I create my query.
I will use my entity manager and createNativeQuery. But in this case the parameters will be positional. Like:
select * from users where user_name = ? and user_surname = ?
Then in my query I will use the method setParameter(1, "name") etc. So is this case "sql injection proof" like when in the parameterized query?
if you do not use string operations for building your query like
"SELECT foo FROM bar Where id="+myParameter+" more sql ..."
, then you will not have any vulnerabilities.
Currently (community correct me if I am wrong) no vulnerabilities exist within the latest PDO database abstraction layer.
However testing your queries for known and unknowns while sanitizing and filtering input will help eliminate the possibility of an injection in the event of a zero day exploit.
I currently use a combination of filtering input, charset expectations, stored procedures and strict requirements on their arguments prior to any and all dynamically created queries

PDO prepare statements: Do we need to escape?

public function receiveDomainNames($keyword)
$stmt = $this->_dbh->prepare("SELECT d.someField FROM domain d WHERE d.someField LIKE :keyword");
$someField = '%'.$keyword.'%';
Do we need to escape $keyword on this case?
On php manual we can read:
If an application exclusively uses prepared statements, the developer can
be sure that no SQL injection will
occur (however, if other portions of
the query are being built up with
unescaped input, SQL injection is
still possible).
Is this the case on your opinion, are, on this case, build up unescaped input (no prior treatment has been made to our $keyword parameter) ?
Thanks in advance,
Given the above SQL statement, I see no rational possibility of a SQL injection.
What the warning about "other parts" would be a SQL query like:
$binds = array(":id"=>$_GET['id']);
$myPDO->prepare("SELECT {$_GET['columns']} FROM {$_GET{['table']} WHERE id = :id");
$statement = $myPDO->execute($binds);
The example is a worst case/explicit example of what they mean, that naively someone might think since they're escaping the where argument, that everything is safe.
With your example above, there is no un-escaped input so you're safe.
If an application exclusively uses prepared statements, the developer
can be sure that no SQL injection will occur (however, if other
portions of the query are being built up with unescaped input, SQL
injection is still possible).
I'd figure variables you create shouldn't have to be escaped because you know what they're doing.
Only escape content gotten from the user, such as $_COOKIE, $_POST, $_GET and other parameters such as the URL.