Clarifications about some SQL Injection commands - sql

I'm struggling with a CTF(Capture The Flag) Web Challange on hackthebox, not being an expert in penetration testing I'm asking your help to explain me (with some comments) some commands used to reach the solution, expecially about the syntax and logic of the commands themselves. (A reference to the commands can be found here (click me), so you have the whole situation very clear).
I ask you to be very detailed, even on things that may seem trivial.
Leaving aside the base64 encoding (that I understand) I need to understand these commands and their related parameters (syntax and logic of the commands):
1th: {"ID":"1"}
2nd: {"ID": "1' or 1-- -"}
3rd: {"ID": "-1' union select * from (select 1)table1 JOIN (SELECT 2)table2 on 1=1-- -"}
About the 3rd command, I saw the same command but with an alteration of the table names, like this:
{"ID": "-1' union select * from (select 1)UT1 JOIN (SELECT 2)UT2 on 1=1-- -"}
What is the difference? Is the name given to the tables in the query irrelevant?
If you need further clarification or I haven't made myself clear, just tell it and I'll try to help you. Thank you in advance.

The stage of hacking is: recon, scanning, gaining access, maintaining access, and clearing tracks. Basically it's just obtain information, then do something with that information It seems that this SQL injection learning module is used to teach how to obtain information about the current system.
The basic of SQL injection is inserting SQL code/command/syntax. It's usually done in the WHERE clause (because webapp often have search feature, which is basically retrieving user input and inserting it on the where clause.
For example, the simplest vulnerability would be like this (assuming MySQL and PHP):
SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE mycolumn='$_GET[myparam]'
Payload is what you put inside the parameter (ex: myparam) to do SQL injection.
With such query, you can inject payload 1' OR 1=1 to test for SQL injection vulnerability.
1st payload
1st payload is used to check if there is an injection point (parameter that can be injected) or not.
If you change the parameter and there is a change on the output, then it means there is an injection point.
Otherwise there is no injection point
2nd payload
2nd payload is used to check if the target app have SQL injection vulnerability or not (would the app sanitize user's input or not).
If the app shows all output, then it means the app have SQL injection vulnerability. Explanation: because the query sent to RDBMS would become something like this
Before injection:
SELECT col1, col2, ... colN FROM mytable WHERE col1='myparam'
After injection:
SELECT col1, col2, ... colN FROM mytable WHERE col1='1' or 1-- -'
Please note that in MySQL, -- (minus-minus-space) is used to mark inline comment. So the actual query would be: SELECT col1, col2, ... colN FROM mytable WHERE col1='1' or 1
3rd payload
3rd payload is used to check how many column the query would SELECT. To understand this you have to understand subquery, join, and union (do a quick search, it's a very basic concept). The name or the table alias is not important (UT1 or UT2), it's just identifier so that it's not identical with current table alias.
If the query succeed (no error, the app display output), then it means the app query SELECTs 2 columns
If the query failed, then it means it's not 2 column, you can change the payload to check for 3 columns, 4 columns, etc...
Example for checking if SELECT statement have 3 columns:
-1' union select * from (select 1)UT1 JOIN (SELECT 2)UT2 on 1=1 JOIN (SELECT 3)UT3 on 1=1 -- -
Tips: when learning about SQL injection, it's far easier to just type (or copy-paste) the payload to your SQL console (use virtual machine or sandbox if the query is considered dangerous).
Edit 1:
basic explanation of subquery and union
Subquery: It's basically putting a query inside another query. Subqueries may be inserted in SELECT clause, FROM clause, and WHERE clause.
Example of subquery in FROM clause:
select * from (select 'hello','world','foo','bar')x;
Example of subquery in WHERE clause:
select * from tblsample t1 where t1.price>(select avg(t2.price) from tblsample t2);
Union: concatenating select output, example:
| id | name | address | tele |
| 1 | Rupert | Somewhere | 022 |
| 2 | John | Doe | 022 |
| id | name | address | tele |
| 1 | AAAAAA | DDDDDDDDD | 022 |
| 2 | BBBB | CCC | 022 |
select * from tbl1 union select * from tbl2
| id | name | address | tele |
| 1 | Rupert | Somewhere | 022 |
| 2 | John | Doe | 022 |
| 1 | AAAAAA | DDDDDDDDD | 022 |
| 2 | BBBB | CCC | 022 |
Edit 2:
further explanation on 3rd payload
In mysql, you can make a 'literal table' by selecting a value. Here is an example:
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT 1;
| 1 |
| 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT 1,2;
| 1 | 2 |
| 1 | 2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT 1 firstcol, 2 secondcol;
| firstcol | secondcol |
| 1 | 2 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
The purpose of making this 'literal table' is to check how many column the SELECT statement that we inject have. For example:
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT 1 firstcol, 2 secondcol UNION SELECT 3 thirdcol, 4 fourthcol;
| firstcol | secondcol |
| 1 | 2 |
| 3 | 4 |
2 rows in set (0.07 sec)
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT 1 firstcol, 2 secondcol UNION SELECT 3 thirdcol, 4 fourthcol, 5 fifthcol;
ERROR 1222 (21000): The used SELECT statements have a different number of columns
As shown above, when UNION is used on two select statement with different number of column, it'll throw an error. Therefore, you can get how many column a SELECT statement when it DOESN'T throw an error.
So, why don't we just use SELECT 1, 2 to generate a 'literal table' with 2 column? That's because the application's firewall block the usage of comma. Therefore we must go the roundabout way and make 2 columned 'literal table' with JOIN query SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1)UT1 JOIN (SELECT 2)UT2 ON 1=1
MariaDB [(none)]> SELECT * FROM (SELECT 1)UT1 JOIN (SELECT 2)UT2 ON 1=1;
| 1 | 2 |
| 1 | 2 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)
Additional note: MariaDB is the 'free version' of MySQL (since MySQL was sold and made proprietary). MariaDB maintain more or less the same syntax and command as MySQL.


Snowflake returns 'invalid query block' error when using `=ANY()` subquery operator

I'm trying to filter a table with a list of strings as a parameter, but as I want to make the parameter optional (in Python sql user case) I can't use IN operator.
With postgresql I was able to build the query like this:
FROM table1
WHERE (id = ANY(ARRAY[%(param_id)s]::INT[]) OR %(param_id)s IS NULL)
Then in Python one could choose to pass a list of param_id or just None, which will return all results from table1. E.g.
pandas.read_sql(query, con=con, params={param_id: [id_list or None]})
However I couldn't do the same with snowflake because even the following query fails:
FROM table1
WHERE id = ANY(param_id)
Does Snowflake not have ANY operator? Because it is in their doc.
If the parameter is a single string literal 1,2,3 then it first needs to be parsed to multiple rows SPLIT_TO_TABLE
FROM table1
WHERE id IN (SELECT s.value
FROM TABLE (SPLIT_TO_TABLE(%(param_id)s, ',')) AS s);
Agree with #Yuya. This is not very clear in documentation. As per doc -
"IN is shorthand for = ANY, and is subject to the same restrictions as ANY subqueries."
However, it does not work this way - IN works with a IN list where as ANY only works with subquery.
Example -
select * from values (1,2),(2,3),(4,5);
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 |
IN works fine with list of literals -
select * from values (1,2),(2,3),(4,5) where column1 in (1,2);
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 |
Below gives error (though as per doc IN and = ANY are same) -
select * from values (1,2),(2,3),(4,5) where column1 = ANY (1,2);
002076 (42601): SQL compilation error:
Invalid query block: (.
Using subquery ANY runs fine -
select * from values (1,2),(2,3),(4,5) where column1 = ANY (select column1 from values (1),(2));
| 1 | 2 |
| 2 | 3 |
Would it not make more sense for both snowflake and postgresql to have two functions/store procedures that have one/two parameters.
Then the one with the “default” just dose not asked this fake question (is in/any some none) and is simpler. Albeit it you question is interesting.

Recursive self join over file data

I know there are many questions about recursive self joins, but they're mostly in a hierarchical data structure as follows:
ID | Value | Parent id
But I was wondering if there was a way to do this in a specific case that I have where I don't necessarily have a parent id. My data will look like this when I initially load the file.
ID | Line |
1 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,...
2 | *,record,abc,efg,hij,...
3 | ,,1,x,y,z,...
4 | ,,2,q,r,s,...
5 | 3,Formula,5,6,7,8,...
6 | *,record,lmn,opq,rst,...
7 | ,,1,t,u,v,...
8 | ,,2,l,m,n,...
Essentially, its a CSV file where each row in the table is a line in the file. Lines 1 and 5 identify an object header and lines 3, 4, 7, and 8 identify the rows belonging to the object. The object header lines can have only 40 attributes which is why the object is broken up across multiple sections in the CSV file.
What I'd like to do is take the table, separate out the record # column, and join it with itself multiple times so it achieves something like this:
ID | Line |
1 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,...
2 | *,record,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst
3 | ,,1,x,y,z,t,u,v,...
4 | ,,2,q,r,s,l,m,n,...
I know its probably possible, I'm just not sure where to start. My initial idea was to create a view that separates out the first and second columns in a view, and use the view as a way of joining in a repeated fashion on those two columns. However, I have some problems:
I don't know how many sections will occur in the file for the same
The file can contain other objects as well so joining on the first two columns would be problematic if you have something like
ID | Line |
1 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,...
2 | *,record,abc,efg,hij,...
3 | ,,1,x,y,z,...
4 | ,,2,q,r,s,...
5 | 3,Formula,5,6,7,8,...
6 | *,record,lmn,opq,rst,...
7 | ,,1,t,u,v,...
8 | ,,2,l,m,n,...
9 | ,4,Data,1,2,3,4,...
10 | *,record,lmn,opq,rst,...
11 | ,,1,t,u,v,...
In the above case, my plan could join rows from the Data object in row 9 with the first rows of the Formula object by matching the record value of 1.
I know this is somewhat confusing. I tried doing this with C# a while back, but I had to basically write a recursive decent parser to parse the specific file format and it simply took to long because I had to get it in the database afterwards and it was too much for entity framework. It was taking hours just to convert one file since these files are excessively large.
Either way, #Nolan Shang has the closest result to what I want. The only difference is this (sorry for the bad formatting):
| ID | header | x | value
| 1 | 3,Formula, | ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |3,Formula,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |
| 2 | ,, | ,1,x,y,z,t,u,v | ,1,x,y,z,t,u,v |
| 3 | ,, | ,2,q,r,s,l,m,n | ,2,q,r,s,l,m,n |
| 4 | *,record, | ,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst |*,record,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst |
| 5 | ,4, | ,Data,1,2,3,4 |,4,Data,1,2,3,4 |
| 6 | *,record, | ,lmn,opq,rst | ,lmn,opq,rst |
| 7 | ,, | ,1,t,u,v | ,1,t,u,v |
I agree that it would be better to export this to a scripting language and do it there. This will be a lot of work in TSQL.
You've intimated that there are other possible scenarios you haven't shown, so I obviously can't give a comprehensive solution. I'm guessing this isn't something you need to do quickly on a repeated basis. More of a one-time transformation, so performance isn't an issue.
One approach would be to do a LEFT JOIN to a hard-coded table of the possible identifying sub-strings like:
Looks like it pretty much has to be human-selected and hard-coded because I can't find a reliable pattern that can be used to SELECT only these sub-strings.
Then you SELECT from this artificially-created table (or derived table, or CTE) and LEFT JOIN to your actual table with a LIKE to get all the rows that use each of these values as their starting substring, strip out the starting characters to get the rest of the string, and use the STUFF..FOR XML trick to build the desired Line.
How you get the ID column depends on what you want, for instance in your second example, I don't know what ID you want for the ,4,Data,... line. Do you want 5 because that's the next number in the results, or do you want 9 because that's the ID of the first occurrance of that sub-string? Code accordingly. If you want 5 it's a ROW_NUMBER(). If you want 9, you can add an ID column to the artificial table you created at the start of this approach.
BTW, there's really nothing recursive about what you need done, so if you're still thinking in those terms, now would be a good time to stop. This is more of a "Group Concatenation" problem.
Here is a sample, but has some different with you need.
It is because I use the value the second comma as group header, so the ,,1 and ,,2 will be treated as same group, if you can use a parent id to indicated a group will be better
DECLARE #testdata TABLE(ID int,Line varchar(8000))
INSERT INTO #testdata
SELECT 1,'3,Formula,1,2,3,4,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 2,'*,record,abc,efg,hij,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 3,',,1,x,y,z,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 4,',,2,q,r,s,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 5,'3,Formula,5,6,7,8,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 6,'*,record,lmn,opq,rst,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 7,',,1,t,u,v,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 8,',,2,l,m,n,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 9,',4,Data,1,2,3,4,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 10,'*,record,lmn,opq,rst,...' UNION ALL
SELECT 11,',,1,t,u,v,...'
SELECT *,REPLACE(SUBSTRING(t.Line,LEN(c.header)+1,LEN(t.Line)),',...','') AS data
FROM #testdata AS t
CROSS APPLY(VALUES(LEFT(t.Line,CHARINDEX(',',t.Line, CHARINDEX(',',t.Line)+1 )))) c(header)
SELECT MIN(ID) AS ID,t.header,c.x,t.header+STUFF(c.x,1,1,'') AS value
OUTER APPLY(SELECT ',' FROM t AS tb WHERE tb.header=t.header FOR XML PATH('') ) c(x)
GROUP BY t.header,c.x
| ID | header | x | value |
| 1 | 3,Formula, | ,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 | 3,Formula,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 |
| 3 | ,, | ,1,x,y,z,2,q,r,s,1,t,u,v,2,l,m,n,1,t,u,v | ,,1,x,y,z,2,q,r,s,1,t,u,v,2,l,m,n,1,t,u,v |
| 2 | *,record, | ,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst,lmn,opq,rst | *,record,abc,efg,hij,lmn,opq,rst,lmn,opq,rst |
| 9 | ,4, | ,Data,1,2,3,4 | ,4,Data,1,2,3,4 |

Possible Oracle-Bug with SubQueries and Group Functions

can anybody explain me why the following Query returns two Rows and not only one?
FROM (SELECT 'ASDF' c1, MAX (SUM (1)) c2
GROUP BY dummy
SELECT 'JKLÖ' c1, 1 c2
WHERE c1 != 'ASDF';
--another Version with the same wrong result:
FROM (SELECT 1 c1, MAX (SUM (1)) c2
GROUP BY dummy
SELECT 2 c1, 1 c2
WHERE c1 != 1;
Is it correct that Oracle delivers two rows? In my opinion the Row with c1 = ASDF should not be in the result.
Here is a Screenshot of the result from the first query:
I have tested it on the following Versions, always with the same result:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
No this is not a bug. Aggregate functions are the reason why you see this unexpected result. Here is how it works. SUM() function as well as MAX() function will return NULL(producing 1 row) if there is no rows returned by the query. When your query is executed optimizer applies predicate pushing transformation and your original query becomes(will not post the entire trace, only transformed query):
SELECT "from$_subquery$_001"."C1" "C1",
"from$_subquery$_001"."C2" "C2"
(SELECT 'ASDF' "C1",MAX(SUM(1)) "C2"
WHERE 'ASDF'<>'ASDF' [1]-- predicate pushed into the view
1 "C2"
WHERE 'JKLÖ'<>'ASDF')) "from$_subquery$_001"
[1] Because of predicate pushing your fist sub-query returns no rows and when an aggregate function(except count and few others), MAX or SUM or even both as in this case used on empty result set NULL will be returned - 1 row + 1 row return by the second sub-query thus producing 2 rows result set you are looking at.
Here is simple demonstration:
create table empty_table (c1 varchar2(1));
select 'aa' literal, nvl(max(c1), 'NULL') as res
from empty_table
------- ----
1 row selected.
It definitely looks like a bug.
I don't really know how to read explain plans, but here it is. It seems to me the predicate has been pushed to only one of the UNION members and it has been transformed into "NULL IS NOT NULL" which is totally weird.
Note that the strings could be changed to 'a' and 'b' (so we don't use special characters), UNION and UNION ALL produce the same bug, and the bug seems to be triggered by the MAX(SUM(1)) in the first branch; simply replacing that with NULL or anything else that's "simple", or even with SUM(1) (without the MAX) causes the query to work correctly.
ADDED: Strangely, if I change MAX(SUM(1)) to either MAX(1) or SUM(1), or if I simply change it to the literal number 1, the query works correctly - but the Explain Plan still shows the same weird predicate, "NULL IS NOT NULL". So, it seems the problem is that the predicate is not pushed to both branches of the union, not the predicate transformation. (And even that doesn't explain why c2 appears as NULL in the extra row in the result set.) MORE ADDED (see Comments below) - as it turns out, the predicate IS pushed to both branches of the UNION, and this is exactly what causes the problem (as Nicholas explains in his answer).
Plan hash value: 1682090214
| Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time |
| 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 2 | 32 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 1 | VIEW | | 2 | 32 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 2 | UNION-ALL | | | | | |
| 3 | SORT AGGREGATE | | 1 | 2 | | |
| 4 | HASH GROUP BY | | 1 | 2 | | |
|* 5 | FILTER | | | | | |
| 6 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| DUAL | 1 | 2 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
| 7 | FAST DUAL | | 1 | | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 |
Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
5 - filter(NULL IS NOT NULL)
A much simpler example results in the same error:
SELECT 'ASDF' c1, MAX (SUM (1)) c2
FROM DUAL where 'ASDF' <> 'ASDF'
GROUP BY dummy
I must confess that I am totally confused. Why doesn't the filter eliminate the record, thereby eliminating any result set?

SQL Server: Use a column to save order of the record

I'm facing a database that keeps the ORDERING in columns of the table.
It's like:
Id Name Description Category OrderByName OrderByDescription OrderByCategory
1 Aaaa bbbb cccc 1 2 3
2 BBbbb Aaaaa bbbb 2 1 2
3 cccc cccc aaaaa 3 3 1
So, when the user want's to order by name, the SQL goes with an ORDER BY OrderByName.
I think this doesn't make any sense, since that's why Index are for and i tried to find any explanation for that but haven't found. Is this faster than using indexes? Is there any scenario where this is really useful?
It can make sense for many reasons but mainly when you don't want to follow the "natural order" given by the ORDER BY clause.
This is a scenario where this can be useful :
SQL Fiddle
MS SQL Server 2008 Schema Setup:
([Id] int, [Name] varchar(15), [OrderByName] int)
([Id], [Name], [OrderByName])
(1, 'Del Torro', 2 ),
(2, 'Delson', 1),
(3, 'Delugi', 3)
Query 1:
FROM Table1
| 1 | Del Torro | 2 |
| 2 | Delson | 1 |
| 3 | Delugi | 3 |
Query 2:
FROM Table1
ORDER BY OrderByName
| 2 | Delson | 1 |
| 1 | Del Torro | 2 |
| 3 | Delugi | 3 |
I think it makes little sense for two reasons:
Who is going to maintain this set of values in the table? You need to update them every time any row is added, updated, or deleted. You can do this with triggers, or horribly buggy and unreliable constraints using user-defined functions. But why? The information that seems to be in those columns is already there. It's redundant because you can get that order by ordering by the actual column.
You still have to use massive conditionals or dynamic SQL to tell the application how to order the results, since you can't say ORDER BY #column_name.
Now, I'm basing my assumptions on the fact that the ordering columns still reflect the alphabetical order in the relevant columns. It could be useful if there is some customization possible, e.g. if you wanted all Smiths listed first, and then all Morts, and then everyone else. But I don't see any evidence of this in the question or the data.
This could be useful if the ordering was customizable - that is, if users did not want to see the list in alphabetical order, but rather in some custom order.
An index on the int columns would be smaller than an index on the column that holds the actual text, but I don't see that there is any real benefit to this in most cases.

SELECT TOP 1 ...Some stuff... ORDER BY DES gives different result

SELECT TOP 1 Col1,col2
FROM table ... JOIN table2
...Some stuff...
gives different result. compared to
SELECT Col1,col2
FROM table ... JOIN table2
...Some stuff...
2nd query gives me some rows , When I want the Top 1 of this result I write the 1st query with TOP 1 clause. These both give different results.
why is this behavior different
This isn't very clear, but I guess you mean the row returned by the first query isn't the same as the first row returned by the second query. This could be because your order by has duplicate values in it.
Say, for example, you had a table called Test
| Seq | Name |
| 1 | A |
| 1 | B |
| 2 | C |
If you did Select * From Test Order By Seq, either of these is valid
| Seq | Name |
| 1 | A |
| 1 | B |
| 2 | C |
| Seq | Name |
| 1 | B |
| 1 | A |
| 2 | C |
With the top, you could get either row.
Having the top 1 clause could mean the query optimizer uses a completely different approach to generate the results.
I'm going to assume that you're working in SQL Server, so Laurence's answer is probably accurate. But for completeness, this also depends on what database technology you are using.
Typically, index-based databases, like SQL Server, will return results that are sorted by the index, depending on how the execution plan is created. But not all databases utilize indices.
Netezza, for example, keeps track of where data lives in the system without the concept of an index (Netezza's system architecture is quite a bit different). As a result, selecting the 1st record of a query will result in a random record from the result set floating to the top. Executing the same query multiple times will likely result in a different order each time.
If you have a requirement to order data, then it is in your best interest to enforce the ordering yourself instead of relying on the arbitrary ordering that the database will use when creating its execution plan. This will make your results more predictable.
Your 1st query will get one table's top row and compare with another table with condition. So it will return different values compare to normal join.