Queue or other methods to handle tick data? - redis

In our electronic trading system, we need to do calculation based on tick data from 100+ contracts.
Tick data of contracts is not received in one message. One message only include tick data for one contract. Timestamp of contracts are slightly different (sometimes big diff, but let's ignore this case).
eg: (first column is timestamp. Second is contract name)
below 2 data has 1ms diff
10:34:03.235,10002007,510050C2006A03500 ,0.0546
10:34:03.236,10001909,510050C2003A02750 ,0.3888
below 2 data has 3ms diff
10:34:03.594,10002154,510300C2003M03700 ,0.4985
10:34:03.597,10002118,510300C2001M03700 ,0.4514
Only those with price change will have data. So I can't count contract number to know if I have received all data for this tick.
But on the other hand, we don't want to wait till we receive all data for the tick, because sometimes data could be late for long time, we will want to exclude them.
Low latency is required. So I think we will define a window - say 50 ms - and start to calculate based on whatever data we received in past 50ms.
What will be the best way to handle such use case?
Originally I want to use redis stream to maintain a small queue, that whenever a contract's data is received, I will push it to redis stream. But I couldn't figure out what's the best way to pull data as soon as specific time (say 50ms) passed.
I am thinking about maybe I should use some other technicals?
Any suggestions are appreciated.

Use XRANGE myStream - + COUNT 1 to get the first entry.
Use XREVRANGE myStream + - COUNT 1 to get the last entry.
XINFO STREAM myStream also brings first and last entry, but the docs say it is O(log N).
Assuming you are using a timestamp as ID, or as a field, then you can compute the time difference.
If you are using Redis Streams auto-ID (XADD myStream * ...), the first part of the ID is the UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.
Assuming the above, you can do the check atomically with a Lua script:
EVAL "local first = redis.call('XRANGE', KEYS[1], '-', '+', 'COUNT', '1') local firstTime = {} if next(first) == nil then return redis.error_reply('Stream is empty or key doesn`t exist') end for str in string.gmatch(first[1][1], '([^-]+)') do table.insert(firstTime, tonumber(str)) end local last = redis.call('XREVRANGE', KEYS[1], '+', '-', 'COUNT', '1') local lastTime = {} for str in string.gmatch(last[1][1], '([^-]+)') do table.insert(lastTime, tonumber(str)) end local ms = lastTime[1] - firstTime[1] if ms >= tonumber(ARGV[1]) then return redis.call('XRANGE', KEYS[1], '-', '+') else return redis.error_reply('Only '..ms..' ms') end" 1 myStream 50
The arguments are numKeys(1 here) streamKey timeInMs(50 here): 1 myStream 50.
Here a friendly view of the Lua script:
local first = redis.call('XRANGE', KEYS[1], '-', '+', 'COUNT', '1')
local firstTime = {}
if next(first) == nil then
return redis.error_reply('Stream is empty or key doesn`t exist')
for str in string.gmatch(first[1][1], '([^-]+)') do
table.insert(firstTime, tonumber(str))
local last = redis.call('XREVRANGE', KEYS[1], '+', '-', 'COUNT', '1')
local lastTime = {}
for str in string.gmatch(last[1][1], '([^-]+)') do
table.insert(lastTime, tonumber(str))
local ms = lastTime[1] - firstTime[1]
if ms >= tonumber(ARGV[1]) then
return redis.call('XRANGE', KEYS[1], '-', '+')
return redis.error_reply('Only '..ms..' ms')
It returns:
(error) Stream is empty or key doesn`t exist
(error) Only 34 ms if we don't have the required time elapsed
The actual list of entries if the required time between first and last message has elapsed.
Make sure to check Introduction to Redis Streams to get familiar with Redis Streams, and EVAL command to learn about Lua scripts.


Lua code to check and print whether a number is even or odd

I am unable to figure out a practice question which is asking to create a lua file to check whether a number is even or odd by using redis queries as well.
The code that I have written in lua file is like
local myval = 94
if (myval % 2 == 0 ) then
Now as a part of the statement the question is asking like below
Declare a local variable with name myval and assign 94 to it. maintain
key value as number.
I am unable to understand the second part of this statement. How should I set the key value along with the local variable declaraion in lua file.
maintain key value as number.
Can you please help me to understand this? what needs to be done here?
finally, my code will look like this, which will set the key-value depends on the myval number.
local myval = 94
if (myval % 2 == 0 ) then
redis.call(‘set’, KEYS[1], ARGV[1])
redis.call(‘set’, KEYS[1], ARGV[1])
Hard to tell what you're trying to accomplish without more details.
This should retrieve odd or even value stored in the 94th position.
Might need to flip ARGV numbers; haven't seen what's in database, or expected output.
local myval = 94
if ( myval %2 == 0 ) then -- even
print( redis .call( ‘get’, KEYS[myval], ARGV[1] ) )
print( redis .call( ‘get’, KEYS[myval], ARGV[2] ) )

How to Xtrim (trim redis stream) in the safe way

Redis Xtrim is to keep a number of records and remove the older ones.
suppose I am having 100 records, I want to keep the newest 10 ones. (suppose java/scala API)
redis = new Jedis(...)
redis.xlen("mystream") // returns 100
// new records arrive stream at here
redis.xtrim("mystream", 10)
however, new records arrive between the execution of xlen and xtrim. So for example now there are 105 records, it will keep 95 - 105, however I want to keep start from 90. So it also trim 90 - 95, which is bad.
Any ideas?
Option 1:
If you always want to keep only the 10 newest ones, use:
XADD mystream MAXLEN 10 * field value ...
By moving trimming to the addition, you keep it always at 10. You can forget about separate logic to trim.
In Jedis,
xadd(String key, StreamEntryID id, Map<String,String> hash, long maxLen, boolean approximateLength)
Option 2:
Optimistic, use a transaction.
WATCH mystream
XLEN mystream
XTRIM mystream MAXLEN 10
Here, if the stream has been modified, the transaction will fail, EXEC returns null, you then retry.
Jedis transaction example
Option 3:
Use a Lua Script to adjust your XTRIM target number. With this, you can execute the XLEN, do your logic to decide on the trimming you want, and then do XTRIM, all Redis-server-side, atomically, so no chance for your stream changing in-between.
Here some eval examples with Jedis.
A Lua Script like the following should do the trick: atomically evaluate the current number of myStreams entries and then call XTRIM accordingly.
EVAL "local streamLen = redis.call('XLEN', KEYS[1]) \n if streamLen >= tonumber(ARGV[1]) then \n return redis.call('XTRIM', KEYS[1], 'MAXLEN', streamLen - tonumber(ARGV[1])) \n else return redis.error_reply(KEYS[1]..' has less than '..ARGV[1]..' items') end" 1 myStream 90
Let's take a look at the Lua script:
local streamLen = redis.call('XLEN', KEYS[1])
if streamLen >= tonumber(ARGV[1]) then
return redis.call('XTRIM', KEYS[1], 'MAXLEN', streamLen - tonumber(ARGV[1]))
return redis.error_reply(KEYS[1]..' has less than '..ARGV[1]..' items')
I posted more detail on a separate question on How to delete or remove a given number of entries from a Redis stream?

Get random item from sorted set in Redis

I was needed to implement set of items with individual expiration, so I used zsetwith score of expiration timestamp.
Now I want to get random item from range of not expired items, or at least from all items in set.
How can I do it?
Can I get min and max rank of range and random rank in between of it via LUA scripting?
Redis version: 5.0.2
I solve this via following script:
-- KEYS[1] - set key
-- ARGV[1] - seed timestamp
local count = redis.call('ZCARD', KEYS[1])
if count ~= 0 then
local rank = math.random(0, count - 1)
local range = redis.call('ZRANGE', KEYS[1], rank, rank)
return range[1]
return ''
And because I search among all items I do sanitization from expired items every n seconds.
Can change:
ARGV[1] -> os.time()

How do I represent this data using Redis?

I want to be able to store data such as "store x is open between 9am and 5pm on Monday but it's only open during 9am and 12pm on Saturday"
What's the best way to store this using redis?
I would later like to query it using something like this. Show me all stores that are open on Saturday at 10:30am
In Redis, like most if not all other NoSQL databases, you want to store your data in the manner that's most suitable for answering the query. There are quite a few ways you can represent this data and answer the query, choosing between them requires knowledge about the other access patterns that you need to support.
However, in the context of this specific question alone, the simplest way of doing that IMO is to use two Sorted Sets per for each day of the week. Assuming that stores are open continuously and at most once each day (i.e. no siestas), the members of these Sorted Sets should be the store ids and the scores their opening hours - the first Sort Set's scores will denote the time that the store opens whereas the second's the time it closes. For example:
ZADD monday:open 9 store:x
ZADD monday:close 17 store:x
ZADD saturday:open 9 store:x
ZADD saturday:close 12 store:x
Once you have all the Sorted Sets in place, answering the query requires two calls to ZRANGEBYSCORE and intersecting the results. The snippet below demonstrates how to do it using Lua since doing using server scripts will be more efficient than moving the entire thing to the client in most cases.
Note: an alternative approach to doing the intersect in Lua is actually storing the temporary results in Redis' Sets and calling SINTER.
-- helper function to make a "set" out of a table
local function makeset(t)
local r = {}
for _, v in ipairs(t) do r[v] = true end
-- get opening and closing hours for a given day
local ot = redis.call('ZRANGEBYSCORE', KEYS[1], '-inf', ARGV[1])
local ct = redis.call('ZRANGEBYSCORE', KEYS[2], '(' .. ARGV[1], '+inf')
-- convert to sets and choose the smaller set as s1
local s1 = {}
local s2 = {}
if #ot < #ct then
s1 = makeset(ot)
s2 = makeset(ct)
s1 = makeset(ct)
s2 = makeset(ot)
-- intersect s1 and s2
local t = {}
for k in pairs(s1) do
t[k] = s2[k]
-- prepare a response table
local r = {}
for k in pairs(t) do
r[#r+1] = k
Run this script by passing to it the two keys and the hour, like so:
redis-cli --eval storehours.lua saturday:open saturday:close , 10.5

Redis: Sum of SCORES in Sorted Set

What's the best way to get the sum of SCORES in a Redis sorted set?
The only option I think is iterating the sorted set and computing the sum client side.
Available since Redis v2.6 is the most awesome ability to execute Lua scripts on the Redis server. This renders the challenge of summing up a Sorted Set's scores to trivial:
local sum=0
local z=redis.call('ZRANGE', KEYS[1], 0, -1, 'WITHSCORES')
for i=2, #z, 2 do
return sum
Runtime example:
~$ redis-cli zadd z 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e
(integer) 5
~$ redis-cli eval "local sum=0 local z=redis.call('ZRANGE', KEYS[1], 0, -1, 'WITHSCORES') for i=2, #z, 2 do sum=sum+z[i] end return sum" 1 z
(integer) 15
If the sets are small, and you don't need killer performance, I would just iterate (zrange/zrangebyscore) and sum the values client side.
If, on the other hand, you are talking about many thousands - millions of items, you can always keep a reference set with running totals for each user and increment/decrement them as the gifts are sent.
So when you do your ZINCR 123:gifts 1 "3|345", you could do a seperate ZINCR command, which could be something like this:
ZINCR received-gifts 1 <user_id>
Then, to get the # of gifts received for a given user, you just need to run a ZSCORE:
ZSCORE received-gifts <user_id>
Here is a little lua script that maintains the zset score total as you go, in a counter with key postfixed with '.ss'. You can use it instead of ZADD.
local delta = 0
for i=1,#ARGV,2 do
local oldScore = redis.call('zscore', KEYS[1], ARGV[i+1])
if oldScore == false then
oldScore = 0
delta = delta - oldScore + ARGV[i]
local val = redis.call('zadd', KEYS[1], unpack(ARGV))
redis.call('INCRBY', KEYS[1]..'.ss', delta)