SQL (Omnisci) get common and uncommon values of a column - sql

I'm using Omnisci to join two tables and I need the following:
Table 1:
poly_id | num_competitors
1 | 1
2 | 1
3 | 5
Table 2:
poly_id | num_stores
1 | 1
5 | 3
7 | 5
What I want:
poly_id | num_competitors | num_stores
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 0
3 | 5 | 0
5 | 0 | 3
7 | 0 | 5
I know in normal SQL you can do it with FULL JOIN or even with UNION, but Omnisci does not support any of these functions yet (it does support JOIN and LEFT JOIN though).

I've found a way to solve it. It's by creating a new empty table. Insert into it Table 1 and Table 2 and then make a group by on poly id in order to merge rows that have both num_competitors and num_stores.
CREATE TABLE competitors_stores ( poly_id integer, num_stores integer, num_competitors integer);
INSERT INTO competitors_stores ( SELECT poly_id, 0, num_competitors from competitors_geo)
INSERT INTO competitors_stores ( SELECT poly_id, num_stores, 0 from telepi_stores_geo)
CREATE TABLE num_competitors_stores AS (select poly_id, SUM(num_stores) AS num_stores, SUM(num_competitors) as num_competitors from competitors_stores group by poly_id);
DROP TABLE telepi_competitors_stores;
Anyway, I'm still open to hearing alternatives since I feel like this is not the best way to solve it.


SQL - Delete duplicate columns error [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to delete duplicate rows in SQL Server?
(26 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
I have the following table (TBL_VIDEO) with duplicate column entries in "TIMESTAMP", and I want to remove them only if the "CAMERA" number matches.
1 | 5 | HAPPY | 1
2 | 10 | SAD | 1
3 | 10 | SAD | 1
4 | 5 | HAPPY | 2
5 | 15 | ANGRY | 2
6 | 15 | HAPPY | 2
1 | 5 | HAPPY | 1
2 | 10 | SAD | 1
4 | 5 | HAPPY | 2
5 | 15 | ANGRY | 2
I have attempted this statement but the columns wouldn't delete accordingly. I appreciate all the help to produce a correct SQL statement. Thanks in advance!
delete y
from TBL_VIDEO y
where exists (select 1 from TBL_VIDEO y2 where y.TIMESTAMP = y2.TIMESTAMP and y2.CAMERA < y.CAMERA);
([ANALYSIS_ID] int, [TIMESTAMP] int, [EMOTION] varchar(5))
(1, 5, 'HAPPY'),
(2, 10, 'SAD'),
(3, 10, 'SAD'),
(4, 15, 'HAPPY'),
(5, 15, 'ANGRY')
with cte as (select *, row_number() over (partition by emotion order by [ANALYSIS_ID] ) as rn from Table12)
delete from cte
where rn>1
select * from Table12
2 10 SAD
5 15 ANGRY
You have two questions:
what is wrong with my code
is there a better way to delete the duplicate column entries
For the second question, it's a dup.
For the first question, please refer https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sql/t-sql/statements/delete-transact-sql?view=sql-server-2017. (Press F1 on delete). Correct syntax is
delete y
from Table12 y
where exists (
Generic SQL command as below. you can put you column name/ condition and table name.
SELECT ROW_NUMBER()over(partition by column1 order by column2)a,* FROM TABLENAME
where a>1
from TBL_VIDEO y
where y.CAMERA < (select y2.CAMERA
from TBL_VIDEO y2 where

Comparing different columns in SQL for each row

after some transformation I have a result from a cross join (from table a and b) where I want to do some analysis on. The table for this looks like this:
| id | 10_1 | 10_2 | 11_1 | 11_2 | id | 10_1 | 10_2 | 11_1 | 11_2 |
| 111 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 222 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
| 111 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 333 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| 111 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 444 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
| 112 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 222 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
The ids in the first column are different from the ids in the sixth column.
In a row are always two different IDs that are matched with each other. The other columns always have either 0 or 1 as a value.
I am now trying to find out how many values(meaning both have "1" in 10_1, 10_2 etc) two IDs have on average in common, but I don't really know how to do so.
I was trying something like this as a start:
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN a.10_1 = 1 AND b.10_1 = 1 then 1 end)
But this would obviously only count how often two ids have 10_1 in common. I could make something like this for example for different columns:
SELECT SUM(CASE WHEN (a.10_1 = 1 AND b.10_1 = 1)
OR (a.10_2 = 1 AND b.10_1 = 1) OR [...] then 1 end)
To count in general how often two IDs have one thing in common, but this would of course also count if they have two or more things in common. Plus, I would also like to know how often two IDS have two things, three things etc in common.
One "problem" in my case is also that I have like ~30 columns I want to look at, so I can hardly write down for each case every possible combination.
Does anyone know how I can approach my problem in a better way?
Thanks in advance.
A possible result could look like this:
| in_common | count |
| 0 | 100 |
| 1 | 500 |
| 2 | 1500 |
| 3 | 5000 |
| 4 | 3000 |
With the codes as column names, you're going to have to write some code that explicitly references each column name. To keep that to a minimum, you could write those references in a single union statement that normalizes the data, such as:
select id, '10_1' where "10_1" = 1
select id, '10_2' where "10_2" = 1
select id, '11_1' where "11_1" = 1
select id, '11_2' where "11_2" = 1;
This needs to be modified to include whatever additional columns you need to link up different IDs. For the purpose of this illustration, I assume the following data model
create table p (
id integer not null primary key,
sex character(1) not null,
age integer not null
create table t1 (
id integer not null,
code character varying(4) not null,
constraint pk_t1 primary key (id, code)
Though your data evidently does not currently resemble this structure, normalizing your data into a form like this would allow you to apply the following solution to summarize your data in the desired form.
count(*) as count
from (
count(*) as in_common
from (
a.id as a_id, a.code,
b.id as b_id, b.code
(select p.*, t1.code
from p left join t1 on p.id=t1.id
) as a
inner join (select p.*, t1.code
from p left join t1 on p.id=t1.id
) as b on b.sex <> a.sex and b.age between a.age-10 and a.age+10
a.id < b.id
and a.code = b.code
) as c
group by
a_id, b_id
) as summ
group by
The proposed solution requires first to take one step back from the cross-join table, as the identical column names are super annoying. Instead, we take the ids from the two tables and put them in a temporary table. The following query gets the result wanted in the question. It assumes table_a and table_b from the question are the same and called tbl, but this assumption is not needed and tbl can be replaced by table_a and table_b in the two sub-SELECT queries. It looks complicated and uses the JSON trick to flatten the columns, but it works here:
WITH idtable AS (
SELECT a.id as id_1, b.id as id_2 FROM
-- put cross join of table a and table b here
SELECT in_common,
(SELECT idtable.*,
WHEN meltedR.value::text=meltedL.value::text THEN 1
END) AS in_common
FROM idtable
(SELECT tbl.id,
FROM tbl, -- change here to table_a
json_each(row_to_json(tbl)) b -- and here too
WHERE KEY<>'id' ) meltedL ON (idtable.id_1 = meltedL.id)
(SELECT tbl.id,
FROM tbl, -- change here to table_b
json_each(row_to_json(tbl)) b -- and here too
WHERE KEY<>'id' ) meltedR ON (idtable.id_2 = meltedR.id
AND meltedL.key = meltedR.key)
GROUP BY idtable.id_1,
idtable.id_2) tt
GROUP BY in_common ORDER BY in_common;
The output here looks like this:
in_common | count
2 | 2
3 | 1
4 | 1
(3 rows)

SQL: Add values to STDEVP calculation

I have the following table.
Key | Count | Amount
----| ----- | ------
1 | 2 | 10
1 | 2 | 15
2 | 5 | 1
2 | 5 | 2
2 | 5 | 3
2 | 5 | 50
2 | 5 | 20
3 | 3 | 5
3 | 3 | 4
3 | 3 | 5
Sorry I couldn't figure out who to make the above a table.
I'm running this on SQL Server Management Studio 2012.
I'd like the stdevp return of the amount columns but if the number of records is less than some value 'x' (there will never be more than x records for a given key), then I want to add zeros to account for the remainder.
For example, if 'x' is 6:
for key 1, I need stdevp(10,5,0,0,0,0)
for key 2, I need stdevp(1,2,3,50,20,0)
for key 3, I need stdevp(5,4,5,0,0,0)
I just need to be able to add zeros to the calculation. I could insert records to my table, but that seems rather tedious.
This seems complicated -- padding data for each key. Here is one approach:
with xs as (
select 0 as val, 1 as n
union all
select 0, n + 1
from xs
where xs.n < 6
select k.key, stdevp(coalesce(t.amount, 0))
from xs cross join
(select distinct key from t) k left join
(select t.*, row_number() over (partition by key order by key) as seqnum
from t
) t
on t.key = k.key and t.seqnum = xs.n
group by k.key;
The idea is that the cross join generates 6 rows for each key. Then the left join brings in available rows, up to the maximum.

Why IN operator return distinct selection when passing duplicate value (value1 , value1 ....)

Using SQL Server 2008
Why does the IN operator return distinct values when selecting duplicate values?
Table #temp
x | 1 | 2 | 3
1 | first 1 | first 2 | first 3
2 | Second 1 | second 2 | second 3
When I execute this query
SELECT * FROM #temp WHERE x IN (1,1)
it will return
x | 1 | 2 | 3
1 | first 1 | first 2 | first 3
How can I make it so it returns this instead:
x | 1 | 2 | 3
1 | first 1 | first 2 | first 3
1 | first 1 | first 2 | first 3
What is the alternative of IN in this case?
If you want to return duplicates, then you need to phrase the query as a join. The in is simply testing a condition on each row. Whether the condition is met once or twice doesn't matter -- the row either stays in or gets filtered out.
with xes as (
select 1 as x union all
select 1 as x
FROM #temp t join
on t.x = xes.x;
If you have a subquery, then it is even simpler:
select *
from #temp t join
(<subquery>) s
on t.x = s.x
This would be a "normal" use of a join.

Help with optimising SQL query

Hi i need some help with this problem.
I am working web application and for database i am using sqlite. Can someone help me with one query from databse which must be optimized == fast =)
I have table x:
1 | 1 | 2
2 | 1 | 3
3 | 1 | 8
4 | 1 | 12
5 | 2 | 13
6 | 2 | 5
7 | 2 | 3
8 | 3 | 5
9 | 3 | 8
10| 3 | 2
ID_DISH is id of different dishes, ID_INGREDIENT is ingredient which dish is made of:
so in my case dish with id 1 is made with ingredients with ids 2,3
In this table a have more then 15000 rows and my question is:
i need query which will fetch rows where i can find ids of dishes ordered by count of ingreedients ASC which i haven added to my algoritem.
examle: foo(2,4)
will rows in this order:
ID_DISH | count(stillMissing)
10 | 2
1 | 3
Dish with id 10 has ingredients with id 2 and 4 and hasn't got 2 more, then is
My query is:
(SELECT COUNT(*) as c FROM dishIngredient as t1
WHERE t1.ID_ingredient NOT IN (2,4)
AND t1.ID_dish = t2.ID_dish
GROUP BY ID_dish) as c
FROM dishIngredient as t2
WHERE t2.ID_ingredient IN (2,4)
GROUP BY t2.ID_dish
works,but it is slow....
select ID_DISH, sum(ID_INGREDIENT not in (2, 4)) stillMissing
from x
group by ID_DISH
having stillMissing != count(*)
order by stillMissing
this is the solution, my previous query work 5 - 20s this work about 80ms
This is from memory, as I don't know the SQL dialect of sqlite.
FROM dishIngredient as T1 LEFT JOIN dishIngredient as T2