Can't run two .sql in a single .bat file - sql

I have a scheduled task with a .bat file that downloads some files from a web server every day by the morning then process the data and UPDATES a database. Then it triggers another .bat file to SELECT data and EXPORT to a .xls file.
The second .bat file is like this:
set a=%date:/=-%
del /q F:\file_path\file1_%a%.xls
del /q F:\file_path\file2_%a%.xls
echo %time%_%date%
cd /D D:\oracle\product\10.2.0\db_1\BIN
sqlplus usrname/psswd#ORCL #F:\select_path\select1.sql
timeout /t 30 /nobreak > nul
ren F:\file_path\file1.xls file1_%a%.xls
sqlplus usrname/psswd#ORCL #F:\select_path\select2.sql
timeout /t 30 /nobreak > nul
ren F:\file_path\file2.xls file2_%a%.xls
cd /D F:\KMB-SP\TI\Scripts\script_select
::Command to send file1 and file2 via e-mail.
But when I arrive at the office and check the progress, only the first .xls is done. So I have to run the second .bat manually and it runs perfectly.
What could be causing this?
I put the timeout between the two SELECTs because, in the past, the code was stopping after the INSERT and didn't trigger the second .bat . My colleague said it could be execution exception. Puting a timeout would give time to end the INSERT properly.
Before, it used to make both SELECTs and then rename both files. Doing so, sometimes it worked, sometimes not, then I tried to change the order: select1, rename1, select2, rename2.
As we download files everyday, we concatenate the data on a single file called DT-date. The first code goes like this:
rem The data is downloaded and the files are organized in their files
if exist F:\path\DT-date (
timeout /t 300 /nobreak > nul
) else (exit)
As #William Robertson said, I tried echo exit right after the first SELECT, but again, it only extracted the first file and not the second one.

As #WilliamRobertson suggested, writing echo exit | before the sqlplus commands solved the problem.


how to set the output of a command to a variable in batch file

im having difficulties trying to set the output of the hostname command as a variable. what I want to do is to have the text file that is outputted to have the name of the computer so computer1.txt, computer2.txt etc, but i want to do it without making a temp file for example
set HNAME =`hostname`
this is what i have currently but the script i am using is being run on several computers at the same and i believe that the temp file that i create is causing issues with the names of the .txt files.
hostname >> hostname.txt
set /p HNAME=<hostname.txt
echo hello > %HNAME%.txt
You have to use the for command, something like this:
for /f "usebackq" %i in ( `somecommand` ) do set envar=%i
It's very painful. for /? at the command line for more information.

connect to sqlplus only once without writing to a file in a loop

I have a requirement for which I need to write a ksh script that reads command line parameters into arrays and creates DML statements to insert records into an oracle database. I've created a script as below to achieve this. However, the user invoking the script doesn't have permission to write into the directory where the script has to run. So, is there a way we can fire multiple inserts on the database without connecting to sqlplus multiple times within the loop and at the same time, NOT create temp sql file as below? Any ideas are highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
while (( i<$src_tbl_cnt ))
echo "insert into temp_table values ('${src_tbl_arr[$i]}', ${ins_row_arr[$i]}, ${rej_row_arr[$i]});" >> temp_scrpt.sql
(( i+=1 ))
echo "commit; disc; quit" >> temp_scrpt.sql
sqlplus user/pass#db # temp_scrpt.sql
Just use the /tmp directory.
The /tmp directory is guaranteed to be present on any unix-family server. It is there precisely for needs like this. Definitely do something like add the current process ID in the file name so that multiple users don't step on each other. So the total name is something like /tmp/temp_$PID_scrpt.sql or the like.
When done, be sure to also delete that file--say, in a line right after the sqlplus call. Thus be sure to store the file name in a variable and delete what's in that variable.
It should go without saying, but in a well run shop: 1) The admins should have put more than enough space in /tmp, 2) All the users in the community should not be deleting other's files in /tmp or overloading it so it runs out of space. 3) The admins should setup a job that deletes files from /tmp after a certain age so that if your script fails before it deletes the temporary file, it won't be there forever.
So really, this answer is more about /tmp and managing it effectively--but that really is what you need. Using temporary files is a powerful technique, so your design is good. And the reality that users often won't have rights in a directory is common, so /tmp is your answer.
Instead of creating a temporary file you can directly pipe the output of an input generating block into sqlplus, in your shell script.
echo 'set auto off;'
for ((i=0; i<100; i++)); do
echo "insert into itest(i) values ($i);"
# echo 'rollback;' # for testing
echo 'commit;'
} | sqlplus -S juser/secret#db > /dev/null
This works with Ksh 93 and Bash (perhaps even with Ksh 88 modulo the (( expression syntax).
The corresponding DDL statement for the test table:
create table itest ( i number(36) ) ;
PS: Btw, even when creating a temporary file is preferred - redirecting the output is way more efficient than doing an append-style redirect for each line, e.g.:
{ for ((i=0; i<100; i++)); do echo "line $i"; done; echo end; } > foo.tmp
the below piece of code will keep connecting to SQLplus multiple times or it will connect only once ?
echo 'set auto off;'
for ((i=0; i<100; i++)); do
echo "insert into itest(i) values ($i);"
echo 'rollback;' # for testing
echo 'commit;'
} | sqlplus -S juser/secret#db > /dev/null

Script to run a program against contents of a text file

Script to run a program against contents of a text file. But needs to run against next line in the test file everytime it runs. So using a counter to proceed to next line of text file when i run it the second time. I guess i need to grab each line depending on the count and use it as a variable in the final command. So something like below.
#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set Counter=1
for /f %%x in (somefile) do (
set "Line_!Counter!=%%x"
set /a Counter+=1
start /AFFINITY (textfile line x) [.exe]
Text file consists of hex numbers for cpus
Not sure how to better explain what i need.
Basically i need to point a process at different combinations of cpus each time a user launches the app.
So user1 goes to cpu0 and cpu1, user2 to cpu2 and cpu3 and so on.

Identify running instances of a batch file

These are not working for me.
Any help to definitelly corret the four examples below ?
The EXAMPLE01 just echoes "continue", even if I have three CMD.exe opened.
---------- EXAMPLE 01 ------------
#echo off
wmic process where name="cmd.exe" | find "cmd.exe" /c
SET ERRORLEVEL=value if "%value%" GTR 1 (
ECHO This batch is not first
ECHO quitting ...
if "%value%" LSS 2 ECHO continue
I am getting the "unexpected i error" message in the EXAMPLE 02!
----------- EXAMPLE 02 -------
#echo off
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=2" %i IN (`tasklist ^| findstr /r /b "cmd.exe"`)
DO taskkill /pid %%i
I am getting the "is first" message in the EXAMPLE 03, even with three CMD.exe opened!
----------- EXAMPLE 03 -------
#echo off
wmic process where name="cmd.exe" | find "cmd.exe" /c
if "%errorlevel%" LEQ 1 echo CMD is first
if "%errorlevel%" GTR 1 echo CMD is already running
It is also possible that I will not have access to the Wmic command at work, so, another possibility is found in the EXAMPLE 04 ... but to no avail.
----------- EXAMPLE 04 -------
#echo off
Tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq cmd.exe" 2>NUL | find /I /N "cmd.exe">NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%"==0 do (goto Use) else (goto Cont)
ECHO Only one instance running
echo Application running already. Close this window
Kind regards,
wmz identified a number of errors in the OP's code, and also has an excellent suggestion to use a lock file for concurrency control.
Below is a robust batch solution that uses a lock file to prevent multiple instances of the batch file from running at the same time. It uses a temporary lock file for the concurrency control. The mere presence of the lock file does NOT stop the script from running. The script will only fail if another process has an exclusive lock on the lock file. This is important in case the script should crash or be killed without deleting the lock file. The next process to run the script will still succeed because the file is no longer locked.
This script assumes the script is installed on a local drive. It allows only one instance for the entire machine. There are lots of variations to control the amount of concurrency allowed. For example, incorporating the %USERNAME% into the lock file name would allow one instance per user in a network environment. Incorporating %COMPUTERNAME% in the name would allow one instance per machine in a network environment.
#echo off
:: save parameters to variables here as needed
set "param1=%~1"
:: etc.
:: Redirect an unused file handle for an entire code block to a lock file.
:: The batch file will maintain a lock on the file until the code block
:: ends or until the process is killed. The main code is called from
:: within the block. The first process to run this script will succeed.
:: Subsequent attempts will fail as long as the original is still running.
set "started="
9>"%~f0.lock" (
set "started=1"
call :start
if defined started (
del "%~f0.lock" >nul 2>nul
) else (
echo Process aborted: "%~f0" is already running
exit /b
:: The main program appears below
:: All this script does is PAUSE so we can see what happens if
:: the script is run multiple times simultaneously.
exit /b
The error message "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process." can be suppressed by redirecting stderr output to nul in an outer block.
2>nul (
9>"%~f0.lock" (
set "started=1"
call :start
The problem with the above is that all error messages for the main program will also be suppressed. That can be fixed by 1st saving the current definition of stderr to another unused file handle, and then adding yet another inner block that redirects stderr back to the saved file handle.
8>&2 2>nul (
9>"%~f0.lock" (
2>&8 (
set "started=1"
call :start
You do not set value anywhere. Even if you did it would not work as variables are expanded on parse. You would need to use delayed expansion if you need to both set and test variable against what was set. Quotes on comparison are not required (see 3). help set will show you info delayed expansion.
%i should be %%i. DO taskkill /pid %%i must be on same line as rest of for command. You also use findstr in regex mode, which means it will search for cmd[any character]exe
You use string (lexical) comparison: "1" leq 1 is true (as "4" leq 1 also is...). Use errorlevel 1 which is equivalent to errorlevel equal or greater than 1. help if shows syntax
Same as 3 plus do in do (goto Use) should be removed. %errorlevel%==0 would work, but it's normally advised to use errorlevel number.
How to check if there is only 1 cmd running:
#echo off
for /f %%i in ('Tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq cmd.exe" 2^>NUL' ^| find /I /c "cmd.exe"') do (
if %%i leq 2 (echo only one instance) else (echo More than one instance)
Note: it's just an example. I do not recommend this as a real method of concurrency control. I would rather use lock file for that.

Version configuration from SQL

How would you create an installation setup that runs against multiple schemas taking into consideration the latest version of the database updates? Ideally: update a single file with a new version number, then send the DBAs an archive containing everything needed to perform the database update.
Here is the directory structure:
| install.sql
| install.bat
| README.txt
| install.sql
The following code (sanitized and trimmed for brevity and security) is in install.sql:
ACCEPT schemaUsername
ACCEPT schemaPassword
CONNECT &&schemaUsername/&&schemaPassword#&&tns
The following code is in install.bat:
#echo off
sqlplus /nolog #install.sql
There are several schemas, not all of which need updates each time. Those that do not need updates will not have directories created.
What I would like to do is create two files:
These two (hand-crafted) files would be used by install.sql to determine which version of scripts to run.
For example:
What I really would like to know is how would you read those text files from install.sql to run the corresponding install scripts? (Without PL/SQL; other Oracle-specific conventions are acceptable.)
All ideas welcome; many thanks in advance.
Here is a solution.
#echo off
REM *************************************************************************
REM This script performs a database upgrade for the application suite.
REM *************************************************************************
setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
REM *************************************************************************
REM Read the version from the file.
REM *************************************************************************
set /p VERSION=<version.txt
set SCHEMAS=%DB%\schema-order.txt
REM *************************************************************************
REM Each line in the schema-order.txt file contains the name of a schema.
REM Blank lines are ignored.
REM *************************************************************************
for /f "tokens=* delims= " %%a in (%SCHEMAS%) do (
if not "%%a" == "" sqlplus /nolog #install.sql %VERSION% %%a
Primary install.sql
ACCEPT schemaUsername CHAR DEFAULT &2 PROMPT 'Schema Owner [&2]: '
ACCEPT schemaPassword CHAR PROMPT 'Password: ' HIDE
PROMPT Verifying Database Connection
CONNECT &&schemaUsername/&&schemaPassword#&&tns
DEFINE INSTALL_PATH = DB_&1&&ds^&2&&ds
This uses a batch file to parse the files, then passes the parameters to the SQL script on the command-line.
Secondary install.sql
Each line in the file executed by the first installation script can then use the INSTALL_PATH variable to reference a file containing actual SQL to run. This secondary script is responsible for running the individual SQL files that actually exact a change in the database.
This solution could be modified to automatically run all files in a specific order through clever use of sorting and naming of directories (i.e., the SQL files listed in a table directory run before the SQL files in a view directory).