How to migrate Navision Microsoft Dynamics report to SQL - sql

I have access to the Navision SQL Server database and the corresponding Microsoft Dynamics NAV interface.
I want to migrate the 'Aged Acc. Receivable DII' report. Once I select the report and go to Tools > Designer I can see the 'DataItem' list, and when I select any of those and press F9 I see the C/AL Editor as per below.
Selecting another 'Data Item' provides another code. My initial question would be, which code from the 'Data Item' refers to the 'Preview' button in the 'Aged Accounts Receivable - IRES' window?
From the code I understand there are 3 tables joined (Customer, Cust_ Ledger Entry and Detailed Cust_ Ledg_ Entry) but I can not manage to output the same result that in the report produced in the interface. I'm guessing this is a generic report. Is there a query that could be used to generate the same output? Or documentation that would explain how the report is created?

Oh man, i don’t know where to start. MS seems to finally buried Navision 5 along with it’s documentation on msdn. But it is still should be possible for you to open local documentation with F1. Just make sure you are pressing it while your input cursor is on the code. This will open developer’s docu. You will not find there any explanations about how data is structured for output, but you will be able to find how things works.
Back to your questions. You need all the code you see in triggers. And might happen you will need code from the layout that you have not yet discovered. Preview and print buttons doing the same except for the global variable CurrReport.Preview is set to true.
To see if there is any other code open View-Sections, select any section and F9. Code will also be different per section.
The form you are asking is called RequestForm, hence the menu called View-Request page. F9 on the page and any elements on it.
Also, see the button that is third from the right on toolbar on your screen. That is Properties. Many things have properties. For example DataItem’s properties will tell you have child and parent are linked.
If you can open report in the designer then you probably have a developer’s license uploaded to database. Where is the developer then?) It should also allow you to export objects to text file. The you will be able to read every last bit of the code. When window with dataitems is active (for previously mentioned commands as well) press File-Export and select text format. Fob will produce binary output, not useful for you.


Visio shape (Gantt Bar) not updating with automation

I'm trying to automate the updating of some GANTT bars with a button setting the beginning date at 2w before now and ending date at 10w after now.
Problem is that it actually work and changes the data for the shape but doesn't update the visual. When I right click on the shape, open the parameters modification, select then unselect any parameter and validate, it actually update the visual, without any modification.
Do someone have an idea why this happen ?
I haven't found anywhere the same problem on internet except on a topic 19 yo with no response.
I'm using
Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Shape.ItemFromID(myID).CellsSRC(visSectionUser, 1, visUserValue).FormulaU = "NOW() -14ed"
Application.ActiveWindow.Page.Shape.ItemFromID(myID).CellsSRC(visSectionUser, 2, visUserValue).FormulaU = "NOW() + 10ew"
also tried with FormulaForce.
Thanks for any help
Gantt chart diagrams are controlled by an addin that is built-in to Visio. This addin controls most aspects of the diagram and Microsoft don't publish details of its internals. Looking at the Actions cells you can see that the Edit Date command performs action:
This might do all kinds of things internally.
Good luck.

VBA: How to edit Attribute inside a Procedure?

I recently discovered that is possible to use Attribute [ProcedureName].VB_*, inside procedures.
What I found
But this code is not shown inside VBA Editor.
Same code in VBA Editor (left) and exported .cls in Notepad (right)
When Attribute is written inside VBA Editor, it's marked red
Attributes added manually in the VBA Editor
The question
Is there more elegant way how to maintain these Attributes than export class module, edit them outside and import them back (facepalm needed)?
Also I haven't found official documentation for these Attributes (on
Thank you!
PS: As always I hitted something interesting and related just after Question had been sent. A step-by-step example on Microsoft Docs site suggests to do it by Export-Edit-Import method :(
The process for getting Rubberduck to apply annotations requires a few steps.
Execute a Rubberduck refresh. If the code does not compile cleanly then Rubberduck will show a 'Parse Error'. In this case you need to sort out your code first. This can be an issues if you are applying Rubberduck to an existing code base. If not then learn to compile and rubberduck.Refresh early and regularly (i.e. after every complete edit)
If Rubberduck parses successfully you then need to look at Rubberduck.Code Inspections. To take action about an inspection result select the individual result and right click. This will provide a list of actions that can be applied by Rubberduck.

JIRA: How to get search box to remember project code?

I use the search in JIRA about 50 times a day and every time it forgets what I just entered. Is there any way to tell it to remember the last search or the project code. (By project code I mean the first few letters of bug code such as "AAQT-").
That prefix is known as the project key.
(Also, what version of JIRA are you using? There are some UI differences between Cloud and most Server instances so my following advice might not make sense.)
There isn't a way to pre-define the project key in the quick search box since most JIRA instances have multiple projects, and pre-defining it for just one project doesn't make sense.
However, your browser should be able to remember previous values entered. You would have to overwrite the numerical portion that follows the key, though.
Do you mean save your search as your favourite filter? If so then you can follow these steps :
Click on "Issues" dropdown then choose "Search for issues"
Click on "New filter" button on the top-left area
Type your query
Click on "Save as" button on the above of query field
Give any search name, then it will be save under "Favourite Filters" section

How to hide an unused field in TFS

Is there a way to hide a field in TFS2015? We just needed to hide an unused field since it doesn't server us purpose anymore but we don't want to delete it.
If you just mean you don't want to see the filed in your workitem.
You could delete the control in layout page (Need TFS Power Tools installed).
After this your teams won't be able to see the field in work item page any more.
However this filed still could be used/filtered in work item query. If the hide in your question means this. Unfortunately, no this function for now. You may have to delete the filed instead.

In Enterprise Architect, can I export the structured specification of an element's scenario into a report?

For each model element, there is the option in EA 10 to create internal requirements, constraints and scenarios. All of them end up in reports if you use the pre-defined Basic Template.
However, if you select "structured specification" instead of the default "description" text field for a scenario, then I end up with the steps of the structured specification being ignored in the report output.
How can I have them included in reports?
It sounds like you need to create your own reporting template. This may seem a bit daunting first time out and the template editor is pretty ornery, but luckily you can use an existing template as a starting point.
Hit F8 to bring up the Generate Documentation dialog, then select the Templates tab. Click New, specify a name and select a template you like to be copied. Don't bother with a template group, and leave the fragment checkbox unchecked.
In the editor, scroll down about halfway (assuming you selected to copy the Basic template) and locate the yellow scenario > tag.
Now in the checkbox tree on the left, scroll down do Package - Element - Scenario. Note that Scenario is checked, but Structured Scenarios is not. Check it.
In the editor, note the new structured scenarios > tag. Remove the right-click-to-insert text, then right-click and select Insert Field, then State etc.
It's more than a little fiddly, but if the Basic template is good enough to begin with you should be able to add the structured scenarios with a minimum of effort.
For more information, see the help file under Reporting - RTF Documents. Note that the individual fields aren't listed in the help file, you need to open up the template editor to see what specific information you can extract to your report.