Unexpected TableLayoutPanel Behavour - vb.net

Hi having some issues with some nested tablelayoutpanels in a custom control
I have a tablelayoutpanel in a tablelayoutpanel in a tablelayoutpanel Crazy i know but it keeps it uniform and ordered
The custom control consists of 2 tablelayoutpanels that is placed in a table layout panel on a form and in a preview area of my main form.
Having them set at design time works fine but dynamically adding / removing the topmost ones with 1 row 2 columns into the one below it that has 1 column and x rows only Seems to break the autosizing behavior I'm chasing.
So I want the cells & rows to resize automatically based on the contents in this case labels but still remain in a neat ordered layout
There's no docking anywhere in the hierarchy of controls just anchors here and there
Here's my code to add the tablelayoutpanels below
Private Sub AddControl(ByRef Counter As Counter)
Dim Gpanel As New TableLayoutPanel
Dim tlabel As New Label
Dim clabel As New Label
Dim pad As Integer = Counter.Cpad
TLPanel.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink
Gpanel.AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink
Gpanel.AutoSize = True
Gpanel.GrowStyle = TableLayoutPanelGrowStyle.AddRows
Gpanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
Gpanel.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Inset
TLPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
Gpanel.Dock = DockStyle.None
Gpanel.Padding = New Padding(0)
Gpanel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Top Or AnchorStyles.Left
Gpanel.BackColor = Color.Transparent
Gpanel.RowCount = 1
Gpanel.ColumnCount = 2
Gpanel.RowStyles.Add(New RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize))
Gpanel.ColumnStyles.Add(New ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize))
Gpanel.ColumnStyles.Add(New ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize))
tlabel.Dock = DockStyle.None
clabel.Dock = DockStyle.None
tlabel.Text = Counter.Clabel
clabel.Text = Counter.Ccount.ToString
tlabel.Padding = New Padding(pad)
clabel.Padding = New Padding(pad)
tlabel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
clabel.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
tlabel.ForeColor = Color.FromName(Counter.Clcolor)
clabel.ForeColor = Color.FromName(Counter.Ccolor)
Dim fontstyle As New FontStyle
fontstyle = Counter.ClfontStyle
tlabel.Font = New Font(Counter.Clfont, Counter.Clfontsize, fontstyle)
fontstyle = Counter.CcfontStyle
clabel.Font = New Font(Counter.Ccfont, Counter.Ccfontsize, fontstyle)
Gpanel.Controls.Add(tlabel, 0, 0)
Gpanel.Controls.Add(clabel, 1, 0)
TLPanel.Controls.Add(Gpanel, 0, Counter.ID)
TLPanel.RowCount += 1
TLPanel.RowStyles.Add(New RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize))
Dim Styles As TableLayoutRowStyleCollection = TLPanel.RowStyles
Dim Cstyles As TableLayoutColumnStyleCollection = Gpanel.ColumnStyles
Gpanel.RowStyles.Item(0) = New RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)
TLPanel.ColumnStyles.Item(0) = New ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)
For i = 0 To Cstyles.Count - 1
Cstyles.Item(i) = New ColumnStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)
For i = 0 To Styles.Count - 1
Styles.Item(i) = New RowStyle(SizeType.AutoSize)
TLPanel.CellBorderStyle = TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle.Inset
AutoSize = True
AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink
End Sub


Panel control stuck on visible=false

Im using vb2008 express edition.
I have a form with panel control set to visible=false( i add it for copy it properties).
I tried to add panels dynamically but when i do it, i cant see it on the form.
I even set code line for panel.visble=true but when i run the watch window it stuck on visible =false
Sub addPlayer(ByVal p As Form2.player)
' Timer1.Enabled = False
Dim gap As Integer = 20
Dim pan123 As New Panel
Dim nick As New Label, colorFrame As New Label
pan123.Size = New Size(100, 100)
pan123.BackColor = Color.AliceBlue
pan123.ForeColor = Color.Aquamarine
pan123.Location = New Point(200, 200)
'pan.Size = Panel1.Size
'pan.Location = Panel1.Location
'pan.Top = Panel1.Top + Panel1.Height * playersNum + gap * playersNum
nick.Text = p.nick
nick.Size = Label2.Size
nick.Location = Label2.Location
nick.Font = Label2.Font
nick.AutoSize = True
colorFrame.AutoSize = False
colorFrame.Size = Label3.Size
colorFrame.Location = Label3.Location
colorFrame.BackColor = p.colorP
pan123.Visible = True
'nick.Visible = True
playersNum = playersNum + 1
End Sub

VB.NET Forms Panel repeated grids height Sizing

I'm more of website developer with C# and having difficulty with VB.Net forms with VB.NET. Please review the screenshot. Parts blue color bar is header label in Panel. After that, there are some labels and then there is a Grid (LocationGrd). There are two rows, and I'm repeating the labels and location grid. How do I reduce the gap between the top and bottom boxes, there is too much gap between the first and second control boxes. Any clue?
For Index = 0 To Core.POParts.Count - 1
PartTypeDT = App.GetPartTypeForPart(Core.POParts(Index).PartNum, Core.POParts(Index).ProjectCodeOrSalesOrderID, Core.POParts(Index).IsProject)
'// Part Number
Core.PartNumLblArray.Add(GetLabel(PartNumLbl_Const, Index))
Core.PartNumTxtArray.Add(GetText(PartNumTxt_Const, Index, Core.POParts(Index).PartNum, Core.POParts(Index).PartID, MyBackColor))
Private Function GetLocationsGrd(Index As Integer) As DataGridView
Dim MyGrd As New DataGridView
Dim MyLocationCol As New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewComboBoxColumn()
Dim MyQuantityCol As New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewTextBoxColumn()
MyLocationCol.FillWeight = LocationCol.FillWeight
MyLocationCol.HeaderText = "Location"
MyLocationCol.Name = "LocationCol_" & Index
MyQuantityCol.DefaultCellStyle = QuantityCol.DefaultCellStyle
MyQuantityCol.FillWeight = QuantityCol.FillWeight
MyQuantityCol.HeaderText = "Quantity"
MyQuantityCol.Name = "QuantityCol_" & Index
With MyGrd
.AllowUserToDeleteRows = False
.AutoSizeColumnsMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill
.ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize
.Columns.AddRange(New System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewColumn() {MyLocationCol, MyQuantityCol})
.ContextMenuStrip = Me.ALContextMenuStrip
.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(LocationsGrd.Left, (Index * 200) + LocationsGrd.Top)
.Name = LcationsGrd_Const & Index
.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(LocationsGrd.Width, LocationsGrd.Height)
End With
Return MyGrd
End Function

Size of labels in a TableLayoutPanel

I've been stuck in this for two hours now. I googled for the answer a lot, and still can't figure out what's wrong with my program.
I have a TableLayoutPanel1 in a form2. This is the code in which I create labels, a list and then add all of those labels to the TableLayOutPanel1:
Public Class Form2
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lbl0, lbl1, lbl11, lbl2, lbl22, lbl3, lbl33, lbl4, lbl44, lbl5, lbl55, lbl6, lbl66, lbl7, lbl77 As New Label
lbl0.Text = "ACCESORIOS"
lbl0.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("MS Reference Sans Serif", 15.75, FontStyle.Bold)
lbl0.Location = New Point(110, 12)
lbl0.AutoSize = True
lbl1.Text = "Té 180°"
lbl11.Text = Te180
lbl2.Text = "Té 90° Empalme - Codo Triple"
If Global1 <> 0 Then
lbl22.Text = 0
lbl22.Text = Global2 - 1
End If
lbl3.Text = "Soporte 90° T/T"
lbl33.Text = SoporteTT90
lbl4.Text = "Base para tubo de 1 1/2 - 3 agujeros"
lbl44.Text = Int(lbl11.Text) + Int(lbl22.Text) + (lbl33.Text)
lbl5.Text = "Base para tubo de 1 1/2 - 1 agujero"
lbl55.Text = 2
lbl6.Text = "Tapas para base de tubo de 1 1/2"
lbl66.Text = lbl44.Text
lbl7.Text = "Tornillos y Tarugos 5 x 50 y N°8 Ladrillo Hueco"
lbl7.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("MS Reference Sans Serif", 15.75, FontStyle.Bold)
lbl77.Text = (Int(lbl44.Text) + Int(lbl55.Text)) * 3
Dim labellist As New List(Of Label)()
Dim h = 0
For i = 0 To 1
For j = 0 To 6
Dim etiqueta As New Label
etiqueta.Text = labellist(h).Text
TableLayoutPanel1.Controls.Add(etiqueta, i, j)
h = h + 1
End Sub
End Class
The problem is that the the full label doesn't appear in the table.[enter image description here][1]
I have tried Autosizing the labels, the tablelayout. Nothing works. It's like there's an invisible line that doesn't let the text of the label get past a line in the table. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
The layout in form2. enter image description here
What happens when I make the font in the TLP 5pts. The whole label appears in two lines. enter image description here
Mainly, you create all those labels, store them in a list. Then all you use them for is to set the text on another new label you create to add to the controls collection.
Here is a shorter, simpler way to do all that with no extra list, and just one scratch label variable for the TLP set:
Dim texts = {"Te 180", "Te 90 - blah blah blah", "Soprte 90 T/T",
"Torillas y salsa", "Torillas y salsa y guacamole"}
Dim lbl As Label
For n As Int32 = 0 To texts.Length - 1
lbl = New Label
lbl.Text = texts(n)
' more important than autozise, probably:
lbl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
' debug: to see the border for tweaking
lbl.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle
' add the one you created to the controls collection
tlp1.Controls.Add(lbl, 0, n)

VB.net Adding Picturebox with Label and Scrollbar dynamically

So basically what I wish to accomplish is that I set total of Pictureboxes to add and each picturebox has its own according label and if we reach 6 images we allow the scrollbar to go down.
As you can see pictures are added accordingly with label.
How can I do this in code?
Currently I got something like this:
' Total PictureBoxes/Labels to Generate
Dim wTotalPictures = 1
' Original PictureBox Starting Point
Dim wOriginalLocation = New System.Drawing.Point(40, 54)
' Assigned Label Title
Dim wImageTitle As String = "PictureTitle"
Dim wNewImage As New PictureBox
Dim wImageSize = New Size(122, 173)
With wNewImage
.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
.Image = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\Jason\Pictures\newImage.jpg")
.Location = wOriginalLocation
.Size = wImageSize
End With
So any help would be greatly appreciated!
I've now managed to change it into this, this works way better but still not 100% automatic like I want it.
' Total PictureBoxes/Labels to Generate
Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim wTotalPictures = 5
' Original PictureBox Starting Point
Dim wOriginalLocation = New System.Drawing.Point(40, 54)
' Assigned Label Title
Dim wImageTitle As String = "PictureTitle"
Dim wImageSize = New Size(122, 173)
Dim wNewLocation As Integer = 0
Do Until i = wTotalPictures
' Setup
Dim wNewImage(i) As PictureBox
wNewImage(i) = New PictureBox
' Execute
wNewImage(i).SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
wNewImage(i).Image = Image.FromFile("C:\Users\Jason\Pictures\newImage.jpg")
wNewImage(i).Size = wImageSize
If wNewLocation < 480 Then
wNewImage(i).Location = New System.Drawing.Point(40 + wNewLocation, 54)
ElseIf wNewLocation = 480 Then
wNewImage(i).Location = New System.Drawing.Point(40, 258)
wNewLocation = 0
End If
' Add to Form
wNewLocation = wNewLocation + 160
i += 1
Please help, thanks!

multiple DatagridView Rendering Vb.net

I'm able to add multiple datagridview 1 after another on panel.
by adding code of SysDragon from the same forum
Dim AllDataGrids As List(Of My_custom_DGV)
Dim lastCtrl As Control
AllDataGrids = New List(Of My_custom_DGV)
For j As Int32 = 0 To 3
Dim aDataGridView As New My_custom_DGV()
aDataGridView.for_date = ""
aDataGridView._count = week_count
aDataGridView.Dock = DockStyle.Top
aDataGridView.Dock = DockStyle.Right
aDataGridView.Dock = DockStyle.Left
aDataGridView.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
Next j
For i As Integer = 1 To 3
Dim dgv As My_custom_DGV = AllDataGrids(i)
' Dim dgv As DataGridView = AllDataGrids(i)
If dataGrid_Panel.Controls.Count.Equals(0) Then
dgv.Top = DataGridView1.Height + 20
lastCtrl = dataGrid_Panel.Controls(dataGrid_Panel.Controls.Count - 1)
dgv.Top = lastCtrl.Top + lastCtrl.Height + 5
End If
the problem is that when i scroll in between them then it is looking very bad(i.e. as i scroll,it is repeating the the image on panel again and again). does it render the view again when i Scroll,and may be calling the paint method of datagridview repeatedly. if yes then what is the solution?