How to do Mongoose Queries in Keystonejs 5 - keystonejs

Have im new to keystonejs 5 and this new graphql thing with the latest version.
In previous Keystone 4 i was able to retrieve data by using something like this .list('users')
In this new version im really confused on how we can do simple mongoose queries.
If anyone can guide me on how to query like old keystone versions.
Thank you

You can do it like this
User.adapter.find({ isModerator: true })


how to get data from backend in nuxt 3 without using composition api

I hope you are fine. I want to send a get request in nuxt3 without using composition api but I don't know how to do that. I will thank anyone who give me a piece of guidance.
async getPosters(){
const results = await this.$axios.get('posters')
this.posters =
Write your code as you were used too with just Options API, nothing have changed on that matter.
You can totally use Options API while using Vue3/Nuxt3. They may have some small changes but nothing too major for a simple task of querying a backend.
It looks like this is more of an issue with trying to load Axios rather than it is with the composition API. Nuxt 3 makes Axios a redundant module.
Since Fetch is the go-to considered method of requesting data in Nuxt3, have you tried changing the method of your request? It means having to load one less module for your project, and will make it a lot easier to transition between SSR and Static in the future. If not, it might be worth using the previous version of Nuxt.
Here's the documentation: in Nuxt 3.

Implement web push in laravel

I m trying to implement web push notification in my laravel application and I have setup web push for laravel by follow along the tutorial from the tutorial below
but there are still some question that I am not understand
Why we need the push_subscription in database ? It seems like I not even used it elsewhere ?
laravel notification not working ( if i did like this )
$users = User::whereIn('id', $vendor_user_ids)->get();
Notification::send($users, new WebChatPushNotification($chat));
but it work if I use Notification::send(User::all(), new WebChatPushNotification($chat));
since both of them are also a collection of user model, but why the latest one work.
and is there any other tutorial that can explain about web push more better that are recommended ?
Oh ya, for your information, I am using Laravel 8 and laravel-notification-channels/webpush package
Thanks in advance!
Finnally, I managed to solve it by myself.
the package itself will need to query the user's endpoint from the table when we try to notify the user.
Notification wont show because my $users is null, so nobody will be notify. such a silly mistakes, sorry for trying to ask such silly question here.

Laravel 5.4 - rename id and password fields

I have one doubt, I'm new at Laravel 5.4 and I've been developing an login for an application, the tables ApiUsuarios have the fields usu_id, usu_nick and usu_password.
My surprise comes when I've been able to add a new user, but not to login, and only way that I can solve this was renaming my usu_id > id and the usu_password to password.
Is there any other solution?
Here is my project in github
In the branch development.
Thanks in advance.

ObjCMongoDB db.collection.find()

I want to implement complex queries on mongoDB in my iOS app. I’m using ObjCMongoDB and it’s working perfectly. I’m able to implement the count query on the database, please see the following code
commandDict = #{#"count": #"logs",#"query":#{#"detector":#"kaspersky"}};
commandDictdata = [dbConn runCommandWithDictionary:commandDict onDatabaseName:#"logdb" error:&error];
I’m trying to implement db.collection.find() but having troubles. Can anyone explain me how to do this.
-runCommandWithDictionary can't be used to perform the equivalent of db.collection.find().
You have to use MongoKeyedPredicate. At present the library doesn't have a way to pass a dictionary to mongo_find.
I'm the author of the library. A pull request would be welcome.

Meteor: Integration with Mongoose?

I noticed you guys are planning on adding more ORM features into your platform, but in the meantime, is there an easy way to extend your Collections with Mongoose Collections?
You should be able to add:
npm install mongoose
To "admin/"
You can then create a new package and require mongoose, within that you can assign the method to: Meteor.mongoose too and connect to the MONGO_URL (This is Meteors database) for this command. Take a look round the other packages if you need some help.
I did the sample work in this branch:
This is 100% untested as I'm on a windows machine at the moment but it should open up:
Meteor.mongoose and just normal mongoose for the standard use as explained here but already connected:
an issue with mongoose is that it won't work on the client. So you'll lose much of the benefit of using Meteor.
Take a look at Collections2 it offers validation and structure.
Good luck!