I wanna to put all controls of a determinated form in a panel. No problem so far, however the elements added to the panel are resized. Suppose that the panel is 800x600 in size and the module containing the controls that I want to add to the panel is the same size, i.e. 800x600. The controls are automatically resized despite the fact that autosize is disabled both on the panel and in the module itself. I wrote a function that switch controls of a form to another.
Sub SwitchPanel(ByVal FormToShow As Form)
FormToShow.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
FormToShow.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(0, 0)
FormToShow.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
FormToShow.TopLevel = False
FormToShow.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
FormToShow.AutoSize = False
End Sub
Thanks! Sorry for my bad english.
I have on my screen design Panel1(left half), and panel2 through 10(right half), the panels on the right half are named based on data from a database.
I need to be able to click on a button in panel1 and when I do so, I need to set visibility to false for the current panel on the right half and set visibility to true that is referenced from the button click. I know that I can do the following but I think this is just way too much overhead and there has to be a better solution than this:
For Each control In Me.Controls.OfType(Of Panel)
If control.visible = true Then
control.visible = false
Panel that the visibility that needs to be set to false was dynamically created so it can not just be accessed by just name, otherwise that would solve my issue easily.
I seen this bit of code elsewhere and it would make my life easier, however not sure how to implement it dynamically when the panels are created, since the name of the panels are unknown at creation.
This bit of code to be able to reference the panels directly.
Dim machinePanel As Panel = DirectCast(Me.Controls.Item("pnl" & strMTB & strMachineID), Panel)
I'm not sure what you mean but "is referenced from the button click", so I'll assume that the text of the button refers to the panel name.
Create a method that handles the visibility
Private Sub SetPanelVisibility(button As Button)
'panel that the button is in
Dim leftPanel = CType(button.Parent, Panel)
'get right panels and ignore left
Dim rightpanels = Me.Controls.OfType(Of Panel).Where(Function(x) x.Name <> leftPanel.Name)
'set visibility of each panel.
For Each panel In rightpanels
panel.Visible = panel.Name = button.Text
End Sub
To call the method just pass the button in on the click event. e.g.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
End Sub
How to create multiple button controls with a for loop without getting the controls overlapped and without using location property in Vb.Net.
I have created 'n' number of vb controls dynamically but the created controls are getting overlapped to each other. When I use location property to each controls all the controls are getting displayed as per the location value.
The real problem is, I'm using a panel of width 300 and height 300, under that I need to display the dynamically created controls. I have figured it out which is tedious work and does take a lot of time. My idea is to find the panel width and height then need to check whether the new control which is getting created has ample of space to fit inside the panel.
I need to know few things,
1) How to display the controls dynamically using for loop without getting overlapped over each other and without using location property.
2) I need the container or the panel to grow as per the number of controls which gets created dynamically.
3) Accessing each controls which got displayed using an ID or educate or explain me any better idea.
I created a new WinForms project and added a Button to the top of the form. I added a FlowLayoutPanel under that and made it narrow enough to fit a single Button widthwise. I set the AutoSize property of the FLP to True and the FlowDirection to TopDown. I then added this code:
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Create the new Button.
Dim btn As New Button
'Add it to the FLP
'Get the position of the bottom, left of the Button relative to the form.
Dim pt = PointToClient(btn.PointToScreen(New Point(0, btn.Height)))
'Resize the form to provide clearance below the new Button.
ClientSize = New Size(ClientSize.Width, pt.Y + 10)
End Sub
I then ran the project and started clicking the Button I added. As expected, each click added a new Button to the FLP in a vertical column and the form resized to fit. In order to access such controls in code, you can simply index the Controls collection of the FLP.
try this helps you.
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
'Do Something
'Do Something else
End If
For i As Integer = 0 To 10 Step 1
Dim b15 As New Button
b15.Text = "Test3"
b15.ID = "a" & i
AddHandler b15.Click, AddressOf updateFunc
End Sub
I have a panel and button.
A form with some text-box.
Trying to display form inside my panel. code that i have written is....
Private Sub Btn_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Btn.Click
Dim f As New form()
f.TopLevel = False
f.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
f.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
f.Visible = True
End Sub
in another page, i have written.....
Dim f As New add_customer()
f.TopLevel = False
f.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal
f.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None
f.Visible = True
Form displays inside panel. Button inside that form works well, Combo-box works well, Check-box works well, all most everything works well, but text-box isn't working.
Tried that form to open outside panel. All is fine. But inside panel it doesn't work.
All the letters and text-box become transparent.
Main form
After Customer button clicked
After add customer button clicked
When pages run solely....
Help needed.
I have found the solution.
When the TransparencyKey property is assigned a Color, the areas of the form that have the same BackColor will be displayed transparently. Any mouse actions, such as the click of the mouse, that are performed on the transparent areas of the form will be transferred to the windows below the transparent area. For example, if the client region of a form is made transparent, clicking the mouse on that area would send the event notification of the click to any window that is below it. If the color assigned to the TransparencyKey property is the same as any controls on the form, they also will be displayed transparently.
I was unaware of this property of Transparency.
I Have changed background colour and all is good now.
Thanks Visual Vincent for your fast reply.....
This link is useful.
I have a 1080p touchscreen application. When a modal pops up, i want to emphasize that by darkening the main form.
Right now i use a second form, the size of the main form, that is black and has 50% opacity. Whenever a modal needs to appear, i open the opaque form, and then open the desired modal.
I feel this is a bit devious for my purpose. Its also not asshole-proof that when the user alt tabs, the forms will glitch out of sequence.
Is there a better way to achieve the darkening effect. Perhaps by darkening the main form from within itself?
Solved it myself by doing the following:
Place a hidden picturebox with dock:fill on the main form,
Take a screenshot of the current screen and darken it
assign the image to the picturebox and make it visible
open the modal in a new win
when the modal is dismissed
hide the picturebox
It really stupid that VB.net doesn't have this function built into it. Here's what you do to get around it:
Make a new form and call it Shade. I'm going to assume your main form is called frmMain. For the sake of clarity, lets assume the form you're launching is called dlgX.
Add the following lines in the Load event of dlgX (that's the sub with dlgX.Load or Me.Load or MyBase.Load):
Shade.Opacity = 0.001
Shade.Location = frmMain.Location ' Form location will only update if the form is visible.
Shade.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None 'This gets rid of the windows Titlebar and window border.
Shade.Size = frmMain.Size
Shade.BackColor = Color.Black
Shade.Opacity = 0.5
Shade.Show() ' Form size will only update the next time you show it.
Shade.TopMost = True ' Puts Shade over main form
Me.TopMost = True ' Puts current form over shade
Under all events that dismiss the form dlgX (OK.click, Cancel.click, etc), add the following lines:
Or you can even make your own sub that handles all events where the form is closed:
Private Sub DispelShades(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosed
End Sub
This is way simpler than the PictureBox scenario and you don't have to mess with layering issues and having to ensure that the PictureBox renders on top of everything (for example, tabs really do not like having things rendered above them and they will not let you render a picture box above them). Rendering a black semi transparent form above your main form gets around all these headaches.
If you have multiple forms to shade, just make a Shad1, Shade2, Shade3 etc.
This is pretty obvious but it's worth stating: if you're shading the main form, you'll also want to make it unclickable by opening dlgX via dlgX.ShowDialog and not dlgX.Show
Here is some code, very similar to the method in Thomas's answer. Note to use the Darkness property in a Try...Finally block, to make sure you never leave the form in the dark state.
Public Class Form1
Private _PB As PictureBox
Public WriteOnly Property Darkness
If value Then
Dim Bmp = New Bitmap(Bounds.Size.Width, Bounds.Size.Height)
Me.DrawToBitmap(Bmp, New Rectangle(Point.Empty, Bounds.Size))
Using g = Graphics.FromImage(Bmp)
Dim Brush As New SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(125, Color.Black))
g.FillRectangle(Brush, New Rectangle(Point.Empty, Bmp.Size))
End Using
_PB = New PictureBox
_PB.Size = Bounds.Size
_PB.Location = Bounds.Location - PointToScreen(Point.Empty)
_PB.Image = Bmp
If _PB IsNot Nothing Then
End If
End If
End Set
End Property
Private Sub btnDialog_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnDialog.Click
Darkness = True
MsgBox("Modal dialog")
Darkness = False
End Try
End Sub
End Class
I have a container (a panel) which can contain multiple Form controls.
(Form.TopLevel = False)
When the user moves the Forms around I would like to display scrollbars when a form is out of the panel bounds.
When I register the Form.Move event, I can set the AutoScrollPosition. This works unless the user uses the scrollbars.
The problem is that the form.move event is also fired when the scrollbars are used. The result is that the scrollbars don't work. (And I have currently no idea how to find out whether the form has been moved by the mouse or by the scrollbar)
So the question is: How can I make the scrollbars of the panel appear/work when a form (or multiple) forms of the panel exceed the boundaries? I think there must be a simpler way than to handle the move event..
The panel is placed inside a Infragistics DockableControlPane. (Managed by an UltraDockManager)
(So there are multiple panels which contain at least one form per panel)
The reason is that the "panels" should appear as tabs, can be moved around using the DockManager and display their "sub" forms (Which also can be moved around on their panel).
Any idea would be great
It looks like the LocationChanged event could be used. Example with only one form:
Protected Overrides Sub OnLoad(e As EventArgs)
Dim f As New Form
f.TopLevel = False
AddHandler f.LocationChanged, AddressOf Form_LocationChanged
Call Form_LocationChanged(f, EventArgs.Empty)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_LocationChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
With DirectCast(sender, Form)
Panel1.AutoScrollMinSize = New Size(.Bounds.Right, .Bounds.Bottom)
End With
End Sub
Using an MDI form seems to be more appropriate though for something like this.