IDE shows condition always false [closed] - ide

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Closed 10 months ago.
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I have this code.
enum EnumA {
EnumB propertyC;
enum EnumB {
int propertyX;
EnumA(EnumB c) {
this.propertyC = c;
public class {
main(...) {
EnumA.VALUE_X.propertyC.propertyX = 1;
EnumA.VALUE_Y.propertyC.propertyX = 2;
if(EnumA.VALUE_X.propertyC.propertyX == EnumA.VALUE_Y.propertyC.propertyX) {
(Any statement)
So the problem is that my IDE shows that the condition is always false. But when I run the project the statement get executed (condition is true) why?

Since enum values are static VALUE_X and VALUE_Y are using the same instance of VALUE_J and have in turn the same value for propertyX.
You are setting it to 1 and right afterwards to 2.
You can check this by logging/printing out the information of both before, between and after the assignments. It should be 0, 1 and 2 respectively.
The reason for your IDE to state it's always false most likely is, that a simple check of the variables shows, they are different.


Solidity - "DeclarationError: Identifier not found or not unique"? [closed]

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Closed 8 months ago.
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contracts/simplestorage1.sol:7:20: DeclarationError: Identifier not found or not unique.
function store(unit256 _favoriteNumber) public {
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
contract SimpleStorage1 {
uint256 favoriteNumber;
function store(unit256 _favoriteNumber) public {
favoriteNumber = _favoriteNumber;
There is a typo in your code Please see the function argument you have typed unit instead of uint. Correct code is like
function store(uint256 _favoriteNumber) public {
favoriteNumber = _favoriteNumber;

Whenever I pass the value of a string list I'm getting an error [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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fun sayHello(greet:String,itemsToGreet:List<String>){
itemsToGreet.forEach { itemsToGreet ->
println("$greet, $itemsToGreet")
fun main() {
val interestingThings = listOf("kotlin","program","comic")
sayHello(greet="hi", interestingThings)
A couple of problems:
You can't mix named and positional arguments in a method call. This results in a compilation error.
While not explicitly wrong, the fact that you're shadowing the itemsToGreet variable in your lambda expression is a code smell.
This fixes both:
fun sayHello(greet:String,itemsToGreet:List<String>) {
itemsToGreet.forEach { item -> // new variable name
println("$greet, $item")
fun main() {
val interestingThings = listOf("kotlin", "program", "comic")
sayHello("hi", interestingThings) // positional arguments
sayHello(greet="hi", itemsToGreet=interestingThings) // named arguments

How to get the list of files dragged and dropped onto an application binary file on Mac OS X? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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On OS X, a common way of running an application on some files is to drop them on the application bundle in Finder. I need to get the list of those files.
I tried to get them from command arguments (like in Windows), but the command line contains only the program path.
How can I get this list using Qt 5.2 or the Cocoa framework?
To accept files being opened with your application, you need to accept the openFile call for your application delegate, e.g.
- (BOOL)application:(NSApplication *)theApplication openFile:(NSString *)filename
NSLog(#"%#", filename);
return YES;
Now if you want to accept dragged files onto a window, you have to implement the NSDraggingDestination protocol, there are several answers here about dealing with that API.
Now for Qt, you need to implement the event handler, and deal with the QEvent::FileOpen event, who's parameter is a QFileOpenEvent e.g.
class MyApp : public QApplication
bool event(QEvent *);
MyApp::event(QEvent *event)
switch (event->type()) {
case QEvent::FileOpen: {
QFileOpenEvent *evt = static_cast<QFileOpenEvent *>(event));
// Do something with event->file() - the file that was opened
return true;
return QApplication::event(event);

How to run method with parameters in objective-c? [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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How do I create a method in objective-c where I can run the method with different parameters each time. For example I want to be able to do something like this:
int thisMethod (int thisInt; NSString *thisString) {
int anotherInt = thisInt+2;
self.thisLabel.stringValue = thisString;
return 0;
So in this code, I want to run thisMethod with two parameters that can be used in the method.
thisMethod(10; #"String");
Do I need to use a structure like this:
- (int) thisMethod:(id)sender{
//code here
If so, how do I use the parameters?
- (int)thisMethodWithInt:(int)thisInt andString:(NSString *)thisString {
int anotherInt = thisInt+2;
self.thisLabel.stringValue = thisString;
return 0;
Calling the Method then would look like this:
[self thisMethodWithInt:3 andString:#"My Super String"];
What you are describing is a c function and not a objective-c one..
You would have to pass the label object too, because self has no meaning in a C function. In Objective-C it's a hidden parameter that is passed to every method, but in a C function you have to pass it yourself (and use commas, instead of semicolons):
int thisMethod (int thisInt, NSString *thisString, id object) {
int anotherInt = thisInt+2;
object.thisLabel.stringValue = thisString;
return 0;
You probably have to explicitly set the type though, instead of using id, or the compiler will complain.
Again, use commas to separate arguments:
thisMethod(10, #"String", self); [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a windchill service from which I'm capturing the revision event.I'm using the API VersionControlServiceEvent.NEW_VERSION
But this event is capturing both checkout and revision event.I need to capture only the revise event.How to modify this to capture revise event alone or Is there any other API to do that.I need some help
Starting from my previous answer (here), you just need to test the status of the target object :
public class VersionEventListenerAdapter extends ServiceEventListenerAdapter {
public VersionEventListenerAdapter(String serviceId) {
public void notifyVetoableEvent(Object event) throws WTException, WTPropertyVetoException {
if (!(event instanceof KeyedEvent)) {
Object target = ((KeyedEvent) event).getEventTarget();
Object eventType = ((KeyedEvent) event).getEventType();
if (eventType.equals(VersionControlServiceEvent.NEW_VERSION))
//Check if the object is checkedOut
if (target instanceof Workable && WorkInProgressHelper.isCheckedOut((Workable)target) {
/** Call your business code here
example : yourMethod(target);