filter on pandas array - pandas

I'm doing this kind of code to find if a value belongs to the array a inside a dataframe:
Solution 1
df = pd.DataFrame([{'a':[1,2,3], 'b':4},{'a':[5,6], 'b':7},])
df = df.explode('a')
df[df['a'] == 1]
will give the output:
a b
0 1 4
This can go worst if there are repetitions:
df = pd.DataFrame([{'a':[1,2,1,3], 'b':4},{'a':[5,6], 'b':7},])
df = df.explode('a')
df[df['a'] == 1]
will give the output:
a b
0 1 4
0 1 4
Solution 2
Another solution could go like:
df = pd.DataFrame([{'a':[1,2,1,3], 'b':4},{'a':[5,6], 'b':7},])
df = df[df['a'].map(lambda row: 1 in row)]
That Lambda can't go fast if the Dataframe is Big.
As a first goal, I want all the lines where the value 1 belongs to a:
without using Python, since it is slow
with high performance
avoiding memory issues
So I'm trying to understand what may I do with the arrays inside Pandas. Is there some documentation on how to use this type efficiently?

IIUC, you are trying to do:
a b
0 1 4
0 2 4
0 3 4

Nothing is wrong. This is normal behavior of pandas.explode().
To check whether a value belongs to values in a you may use this:
if x in df.a.explode()
where x is what you test for.

I think you can convert arrays to scalars with DataFrame constructor and then test value with DataFrame.eq and DataFrame.any:
df = df[pd.DataFrame(df['a'].tolist()).eq(1).any(axis=1)]
print (df)
a b
0 [1, 2, 1, 3] 4
print (pd.DataFrame(df['a'].tolist()))
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 1.0 3.0
1 5 6 NaN NaN
print (pd.DataFrame(df['a'].tolist()).eq(1))
0 1 2 3
0 True False True False
1 False False False False
So I'm trying to understand what may I do with the arrays inside Pandas. Is there some documentation on how to use this type efficiently?
I think working with lists in pandas is not good idea.


ValueError: could not convert string to float: '1.598.248'

how do i convert a number dataframe column in millions to double or float
0 1.598.248
1 1.323.373
2 1.628.781
3 1.551.707
4 1.790.930
5 1.877.985
6 1.484.103
0 15982480.0
1 13233730.0
2 16287810.0
3 15517070.0
4 17909300.0
5 18779850.0
6 14841030.0
You will need to remove the full stops. You can use pandas replace method then convert it into a float:
df['col'] = df['col'].replace('\.', '', regex=True).astype('float')
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'A': ['1.1.1', '2.1.2', '3.1.3', '4.1.4']})
>>> df
0 1.1.1
1 2.1.2
2 3.1.3
3 4.1.4
>>> df['col'] = df['col'].replace('\.', '', regex=True).astype('float')
>>> df['A']
0 111.0
1 212.0
2 313.0
3 414.0
>>> df['A'].dtype
I'm assuming that because you have two full stops that the data is of type string. However, this should work even if you have some integers or floats in that column as well.
0 1.598.248
1 1.323.373
2 1.628.781
3 1.551.707
4 1.790.930
5 1.877.985
6 1.484.103
With the df above, you can try below code, with 3 steps: (1) change column type to string, (2) do string replace character, (3) change column type to float
col = 'my_col_name'
df[col] = df[col].astype('str')
df[col] = df[col].str.replace('.','')
df[col] = df[col].astype('float')
Please note the above will result in a warning: FutureWarning: The default value of regex will change from True to False in a future version. In addition, single character regular expressions will *not* be treated as literal strings when regex=True.
So you could use below code with regex=True, also, I've combined in 1 line:
df[col] = df[col].astype('str').str.replace('.','', regex=True).astype('float')
0 15982480.0
1 13233730.0
2 16287810.0
3 15517070.0
4 17909300.0
5 18779850.0
6 14841030.0

Comparing string values from sequential rows in pandas series

I am trying to count common string values in sequential rows of a panda series using a user defined function and to write an output into a new column. I figured out individual steps, but when I put them together, I get a wrong result. Could you please tell me the best way to do this? I am a very beginner Pythonista!
My pandas df is:
df = pd.DataFrame({"Code": ['d7e', '8e0d', 'ft1', '176', 'trk', 'tr71']})
My string comparison loop is:
for i in y:
if b not in x:
the right result for these particular strings is 2
Note, when I do def func(x,y): something happens to s counter and it doesn't produce the right result. I think I need to reset it to 0 every time the loop runs.
Then, I use df.shift to specify the position of y and x in a series:
x = df["Code"]
y = df["Code"].shift(periods=-1, axis=0)
And finally, I use df.apply() method to run the function:
df["R1SB"] = df.apply(func, axis=0)
and I get None values in my new column "R1SB"
My correct output would be:
"Code" "R1SB"
0 d7e None
1 8e0d 2
2 ft1 0
3 176 1
4 trk 0
5 tr71 2
Thank you for your help!
df['R1SB'] = df.assign(temp=df.Code.shift(1)).apply(
lambda x: np.NAN
if pd.isna(x['temp'])
else sum(i in str(x['temp']) for i in str(x['Code'])),
Code R1SB
0 d7e NaN
1 8e0d 2.0
2 ft1 0.0
3 176 1.0
4 trk 0.0
5 tr71 2.0

Division between two numbers in a Dataframe

I am trying to calculate a percent change between 2 numbers in one column when a signal from another column is triggered.
The trigger can be found with np.where() but what I am having trouble with is the percent change. .pct_change does not work because if you .pct_change(-5) you get 16.03/20.35 and I want the number the opposite way 20.35/16.03. See table below. I have tried returning the array from the index in the np.where and adding it to an .iloc from the 'Close' column but it says I can't use that array to get an .iloc position. Can anyone help me solve this problem. Thank you.
IdxNum | Close | Signal (1s)
0 21.45 0
1 21.41 0
2 21.52 0
3 21.71 0
4 20.8 0
5 20.35 0
6 20.44 0
7 16.99 0
8 17.02 0
9 16.69 0
10 16.03 1<< 26.9% <<< 20.35/16.03-1 (df.Close[5]/df.Close[10]-1)
11 15.67 0
12 15.6 0
You can try this code block:
#Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({'IdxNum':range(13),
'Signal':[0] * 13})
#Create a function that calculates the reqd diff
def cal_diff(row):
signal_index = int(row['IdxNum'])
row['diff'] = df.Close[signal_index-5]/df.Close[signal_index]-1
return row
#Create a column and apply that difference
df['diff'] = 0
df = df.apply(lambda x:cal_diff(x),axis=1)
In case you don't have IdxNum column, you can use the index to calculate difference
#Create DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame({
'Signal':[0] * 13})
#Calculate the reqd difference
df['diff'] = 0
signal_index = df[df['Signal']==1].index[0]
df.ix[signal_index,'diff'] = df.Close[signal_index-5]/df.Close[signal_index]-1

How to turn Pandas' DataFrame.groupby() result into MultiIndex

Suppose I have a set of measurements that were obtained by varying two parameters, knob_b and knob_2 (in practice there are a lot more):
data = np.empty((6,3), dtype=np.float)
data[:,0] = [3,4,5,3,4,5]
data[:,1] = [1,1,1,2,2,2]
data[:,2] = np.random.random(6)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=['knob_1', 'knob_2', 'signal'])
i.e., df is
knob_1 knob_2 signal
0 3 1 0.076571
1 4 1 0.488965
2 5 1 0.506059
3 3 2 0.415414
4 4 2 0.771212
5 5 2 0.502188
Now, considering each parameter on its own, I want to find the minimum value that was measured for each setting of this parameter (ignoring the settings of all other parameters). The pedestrian way of doing this is:
new_index = []
new_data = []
for param in df.columns:
if param == 'signal':
group = df.groupby(param)['signal'].min()
for (k,v) in group.items():
new_index.append((param, k))
new_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(new_index,
names=('parameter', 'value'))
df2 = pd.Series(index=new_index, data=new_data)
resulting df2 being:
parameter value
knob_1 3 0.495674
4 0.277030
5 0.398806
knob_2 1 0.485933
2 0.277030
dtype: float64
Is there a better way to do this, in particular to get rid of the inner loop?
It seems to me that the result of the df.groupby operation already has everything I need - if only there was a way to somehow create a MultiIndex from it without going through the list of tuples.
Use the keys argument of pd.concat():
keys=['knob_1', 'knob_2'],
names=['parameter', 'value'])

How to improve the speed of groupby/transform?

I want to implement the groupmax function, which finds the max value within each group, and assign it back to the rows within each group. It seems groupby(name).transform(max) is what I need. E.g.
In [1]: print df
name value
0 0 0.363030
1 0 0.324828
2 0 0.499279
3 1 0.799836
4 1 0.886653
5 1 0.335056
In [2]: print df.groupby('name').transform(max)
0 0.499279
1 0.499279
2 0.499279
3 0.886653
4 0.886653
5 0.886653
However this approach is very slow when the size of the data frame becomes large and there are many small groups. E.g. the following code will hang there forever
df = pd.DataFrame({'name' : repeat([str(x) for x in range(0, 1000000)], 2), 'value' : rand(2000000)})
print df.groupby('name').transform(max)
I wonder if there is any fast solutions for this problem?
Thanks a lot!
You could try something like
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'name': np.repeat(list(map(str,range(10**6))), 2), 'value': np.random.rand(2*10**6)})
>>> %timeit df.groupby("name").max().loc[].reset_index(drop=True)
1 loops, best of 3: 2.12 s per loop
Still not great, but better.